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Have you tried to learn the modern forehand and have found some difficulty
in executing some of these technical elements. Well today's video I'm going to
show you the most common problems with a modern forehand at the recreational level.
So what you see from some professional players it's a unit turn that's quite large.
So some players for example Djokovic they will turn and the non-dominant hand will
stay on the racket past the middle of the body. It will go towards the back
shoulder. Now if you're a recreational player and you try to adapt this type of
turn, what I've found is that most recreational players will not be able to
come out of a turn that's this large and they'll end up making contact with the
ball with the dominant shoulder behind.
Now the professional players use this extra big turn to their advantage. Even
though they're turning this much they still sync the stroke properly and end
up making contact with their dominant shoulder in front. But what I recommend
to the recreational level players is not to allow the non-dominant hand to go
past the middle of the body. So we take this baseline as the middle of the body.
Do not allow your non-dominant hand to go past this point. If it does go past
this point as you're turning you might not be able to come out of this turn. So
this is where you should stop when the non-dominant hand reaches the middle of
the body, this is where you separate the non heading hand from the hitting hand.
And what will happen as a result of that you will be able to quite easily come
out of this turn and make contact with the dominant shoulder in front.
Now some professional players like Nadal and Federer will straighten their arm
once the racket starts to drop and this is called a straight arm forehand. And
recreational players try to copy this and the only problem with trying to copy
a straight arm forehand is that the vast majority of tennis players worldwide
plays the forehand with a bent arm. And this is true at the recreational level,
at the junior level, or even at the professional level. And what happens to
players that play with a bent arm forehand at contact is that no matter
how hard they try to straighten the arm back here they will go into a bend
once they make contact anyway.
And you have to realize that when the ball meets the strings that part of the
stroke is over in milliseconds so players are actually not aware how
they're making contact whether they're bent at contact or straight at contact.
Now they might be able to feel the straightening of the arm back here and
they might be even able to feel the straightening on the arm in the finish
here. But in this area of the stroke that's happening super fast you are not going
to be able to feel whether you're completely straight or bent at the
moment of contact. So whether you play your forehand with a bent arm or a
straight arm it really doesn't matter and this part comes down to genetic
predispositions. Very few players will have a straight arm from day one. So they
don't think about it they might even not be aware that they play of the forehand
with a straight arm and they perform this naturally. And now most other
players will play the forehand with a bent arm. This is also true because of
genetic predispositions. So if you play with the forehand with a bent arm
there's absolutely no reason for you to try to straighten the arm because what's
going to happen most likely no matter how hard you try to straighten the arm
in the preparation phase it will go back into a bend anyway.
Every forehand has a wrist lag. Now this is true for forehands even with wooden
rackets. So players back in those days will still have the wrist lag behind the
rest of the body. Now on the modern forehand the wrist lag is more prominent
because most ATP players will close the strings as they drop the racket and now
once the wrist lag is initiated the racket will flip into this position right here.
So some players see this movement and now they try to recreate it. The big
problem with this is that high-level players are not consciously executing
this action. This is simply a result of the torso rotation of the body and swing
acceleration. So if you are consciously trying to make a wrist lag you're gonna
do what I call a fake wrist lag and you will only be able to do so by slowing
your stroke down. So what's going to happen you're gonna have to come into
this position and then freeze the racket like this and then as you go forward you
consciously have to flip the racquet back. Now if somebody tries to do a fake
wrist lag this is very easy to see and you will see you're slowing down the
stroke in this crucial phase and it looks like that person has a hitch in
their strokes. However, if you watch high level players you will not be able to
see the wrist lag because it's inside the stroke. It's beautifully flowing in
and out of that movement and it's happening at such a speed that it looks natural.
So do not try to consciously execute the wrist lag forget about it and let it
happen naturally. A wrist lag is a result of the proper rotation of the
torso and stroke acceleration. So if you accelerate your stroke correctly you
will end up with a wrist lag and you will never be conscious that it's taking place.
And finally the vast majority of ATP players will have a vertical swing path
at contact. So in other words the tip of the racket will point towards the
side and it will vertically go over the ball this way. And this is often
interpreted as a movement of the wrist. So some recreational players will try to
roll the wrist in this fashion. They will simply roll over the ball this way and
what happens if you do an isolated movement of the wrist at contact you
will only be able to do so by slowing your stroke down and you will therefore
lose power and you will also lose control. What you have to realize is that
all professional players and this includes Nadal have a passive wrist at
contact. In other words when Nadal hits his forehand you can check this out
in super slow motion footage the wrist is passive in this moment. So he will hit
the ball here and then as the racket is going up the wrist is not moving. Now it
gets activated around here when he hits this spot around the shoulder then he
starts flicking the wrist and start going like this but the crucial moment
of contact the wrist is passive.
And the reason why the wrist is not actively rolling over the ball is
because we would not be able to generate a lot of power with a small fragile
piece of the human body such as the wrist. In addition to that if you make an
isolated movement of the wrist at contact you will also lose control and
many recreational players who do this type of flicking of the wrist start
spraying the ball they also start framing the ball. They start hitting the
edges of the frame. And also what happens if you're consciously thinking about
using the wrist at contact you will start slowing the stroke down way prior
to contact and the stroke will abruptly be shortened. So it looks something like
this if I try to use my wrist I will roll it here and the stroke will end
somewhere around here.
So what you have to do instead is not think about the wrist at all. Usually
what happens if you don't think of the wrist at all the body will not allow you
to hurt it. So if you think of the finish instead, you think about finishing really
strong. Naturally the wrist will be in place as you finish across the body like this.
Now I have another video that's titled how to perform the kinetic chain on the
forehand and this video is great because it discusses the two ubiquitous
technical elements on the forehand. In other words, two things that every single
high-level player does. So it's crucial that you learn these two technical
elements if you want to have a high level forehand.