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Microbiology lab safety orientation.
After completing this video, you should be able to one,
demonstrate proper primary and secondary containment
procedures, and two, explain the procedures involved in dealing
with a laboratory emergency.
Primary containment.
Primary containment concerns the protection of personnel
and the laboratory environment from exposure
to infectious microbes.
Proper microbiological techniques,
such as the safe transport and disposal of cultures
along with the correct use of personal safety equipment,
such as gloves and safety goggles
go a long way toward accomplishing the goal
of primary containment.
Secondary containment.
Secondary containment deals with protecting
the outside environment from exposure
to infectious organisms.
It depends principally on the design of the laboratory
and the availability of equipment, as well,
laboratory workers should maintain the lab's safety
features, such as keeping a closed door closed
or leaving an exhaust fan on.
Prior to the lab.
Dress appropriately for the lab--
no open toed shoes or sandals, and avoid clothing
with baggy sleeves that could catch fire
or hinder your movement.
Know the location of the eyewash, safety shower,
fire extinguisher, and first aid kit.
Take a moment to learn their operation.
During the lab.
Always wear a lab coat, gloves, and safety goggles
while working in the lab.
The lab coat should only be used during lab
and should remain in the lab.
Even discounting potential biohazards,
a lab coat will protect your clothing.
There is a reason many of the chemicals you will be
working with are called stains.
Wash your hands prior to beginning the lab
and just before leaving as well.
Tie back any long hair, it is both a source of contamination
and a fire hazard.
Disinfect your benchtop with a disinfectant
prior to beginning work and just before leaving the laboratory.
Disposal of contaminated materials.
Dispose of plastic petri dishes, swabs, disposable gloves,
inoculating tools, and similar non-reusable items
in the biohazard container.
Reusable supplies such as culture test tubes and glass
pipettes should have all labels removed
before being placed in a rack or container designated
for autoclaving.
Used microscope slides should be placed
in a container for autoclaving or soaked
in a disinfectant solution for a minimum of 30 minutes
before being discarded.
The international biohazard symbol on the containers
not only marks the contents for autoclaving prior to disposal,
but also cautions anyone in the room
as to the possibly hazardous nature of the items
inside the containers.
And remember, do not overfill the container,
and never force objects into the container.
Safety considerations.
If you are pregnant or if you feel
you shouldn't be in the lab because of health concerns,
candidly discuss with your instructor.
If your skin is exposed to microorganisms
as a result of a spill, immediately
wash with antiseptic.
In the event of a spill, notify your instructor and your lab
partners immediately.
Broken glass and bacterial cultures
are a hazardous combination.
With your instructor's approval, cover the spill
with paper towels and saturate the towels with disinfectant.
After 15 to 20 minutes, carefully wipe up the spill
and discard the paper towels in the biohazard container
for autoclaving.
Discard the broken glass in the sharps container.