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These days, it seems like everyone is making money on the side.
Your brother drives for Uber, your mother rents out your old room on Airbnb, your sister sells candles that smell like your grandma, and your grandma is running a quilting blog.
哥哥在開優步,媽媽在 AirBnB 把你的房間租出去,妹妹賣聞起來像阿嬤的香氛蠟燭,而阿嬤則在經營一個縫被子部落格。
Almost 44 million Americans are reported as having a "side hustle."
將近 4,400 萬美國人有副業。
Most people start them for one of two reasons.
One: they want to make more income.
Or two: they want to start carving a path out of their current job.
A side-hustle can definitely help you achieve these goals, but not without proper research and planning.
So here are five things you need to know to make sure that your side-hustle won't be hustling you.
[Two Cents]
Number one: do market research.
This is Jenny.
這是 Jenny。
Jenny wants to quit her job and work for herself selling sweaters for hedgehogs.
Jenny 想要辭職,然後自己創業來賣給刺蝟的毛衣。
After all, she's a member of the 20,000-strong Facebook group Hedgehogs 4 Lyfe.
畢竟她可是 20,000 人大型臉書社團-刺蝟教的成員。
If just 10 percent of those people bought a 30 USD sweater, that's 60,000 USD!
只要 10% 的成員買她 30 美元 (約 900 台幣) 的毛衣,就有 60,000 美元 (約 180 萬台幣) 了!
That's a nice dream, but before she starts knitting, it's time for a reality check.
Are there people out there who are currently making money at a venture like this?
According to one study, 85 percent of side-gig workers make less than 500 bucks a month.
一個研究指出,85% 的副業一個月賺不到 500 美元 (約 15,000 台幣)。
AirBnB has the highest average profit of 924 USD a month.
AirBnB 平均賺最多,一個月約 924 美元 (約 27,500 台幣)。
Uber comes in 4th at 364 USD a month and Etsy, where Jenny's hedgehog sweaters will probably end up, is number seven at a measly 151 USD a month.
Uber 排在第四,一個月平均 364 美元 (約 10,800 台幣),而 Esty (也就是 Jenny 的刺蝟毛衣所在的類別) 排在第七,一個月平均只有 151 美元 (約 4,500 台幣)。
Maybe Jenny should sell a more established product—like supplements or makeup—with one of those network marketing companies.
或許 Jenny 應該和網路銷售公司合作賣既有的產品,像是營養補充品、化妝品。
After all, she's got Facebook friends who are always looking for new recruits.
If you're considering joining up with a network marketing company, be extra cautious.
According to a government study, only 1 percent of network marketing participants actually turn a profit.
根據政府研究,只有 1% 的網路銷售員真的賺到錢。
By law, these companies have to share some of their financial data with you, like average income.
Before diving into any new venture, you should seek out every piece of information you can get your hands on that will give you some idea of how much you can realistically expect to make.
Number two: track your costs.
This is Tim.
這是 Tim。
Tim found out that the going price of used textbooks almost doubles around the beginning of the school year.
Tim 發現二手教科書的價格在學年剛開始會幾乎翻倍。
So, he figures if he sinks his savings of 8,000 USD into a metric ton of Intro to Biology, he can sell them on Amazon in September and double his money!
因此他想,如果他花 8,000 美元 (約 24 萬台幣) 的儲蓄買進一堆生物學概論,這樣 9 月時他就能亞馬遜上賣出這些書,翻倍他的投資。
Not so fast, Tim.
Just because you're not making a product doesn't mean you won't have costs.
Tim will need somewhere to keep all those books for the next 6 months, which means renting a storage space.
將來六個月,Tim 將會需要一個地方來存放這些書,這表示他得租個倉庫。
Each book will have to be mailed to the buyer, which means 400 individual packing and shipping fee, and online retailers like Amazon take a cut of every sale you make.
還得郵寄每個書給買家,這代表 400 個包裹與郵寄費,況且像亞馬遜的網路銷售商還會再抽成。
Congratulations, Tim! You're still making a profit, but when you calculate how much time you're spending listing, selling, packaging, driving from the storage space to the post office, how much are you really making per hour?
恭喜 Tim,你還是會賺,但算算你花了多少時間上架商品、銷售、包裝、載貨到郵局,最後你一小時只賺了多少?
Essentially, Tim is the sole investor in his own company, and no smart investor would put a single dollar into a new venture without seeing a honest list of expected costs and revenues.
基本來說,Tim 是他公司的唯一投資者,而沒有任何聰明的投資者會投資一個新公司,除非它有清楚的預期收支表。
If you want your side hustle to be a real business, you've got to treat it like one.
Which brings us to number three: use a separate bank account.
Kendra wanted to make some extra money so she started driving for Lyft on weekends.
Kendra 想要一些額外收入,所以她週末開始開 Lyft。
After six months, she had more cash in her pocket and decided she liked it more than her day job.
But since all the costs and earnings were mixed up with her personal finances, she can't tell whether it's a good idea to go full-time.
If Kendra had started a separate bank account for her rideshare income, and paid for expenses like gas, maintenance and car insurance strictly from that account, she'd have a much clearer idea of how profitable her side-hustle really is.
如果 Kendra 有為副業開一個帳號,並且用它來支付生活花費,如汽油、車子維修與保險等,她就能明確知道這個副業究竟賺多少。
You don't need anything fancy.
Just open a separate account in your individual name at the place you're currently banking.
It's a simple way to keep track of your new income, and will make your life way easier come tax time.
Speaking of which, number four: set aside taxes—now.
After a year, Kendra's made enough money to put a down payment on a new car.
一年後,Kendra 賺夠了錢可以付新車的頭款。
There's just one problem.
This is the most consistently nasty surprise we see sneaking up on side-hustlers.
They've been making money from a new business but haven't put anything aside for when the government comes knocking.
We can't stress it enough: Do not make this painful mistake!
If it's your first year as a side-hustler and you don't know how much you'll have to pay in taxes, start by setting aside 25 percent of every dollar you earn for Uncle Sam.
如果這是創業首年,而你不知道要撥出多少錢給稅金,就先撥出 25% 的收入吧!
[Consult a local accountant to find out how much you should be setting aside in your area!]
After your first year of business, you will be required to pay an estimate of your taxes on a quarterly basis.
Just go to this website to set up an online account directly with the IRS.
Believe it or not, they actually make it pretty easy to pay them.
Number five: jump with a parachute.
Jenny's hedgehog sweater company is really taking off thanks to an endorsement in Erinaceidae Aficionado.
Jenny 的刺蝟毛衣生意開始起飛了,多虧了刺蝟雜誌的介紹。
But is it safe to quit her job at the widget factory?
Before she leaps out of that plane, she needs to make sure her parachute is big enough.
First off: Does your side-hustle profit equal at least half of what you make at your day job?
If Jenny makes 3,300 USD a month at Widgets, Inc. and her side-hustle is making a profit of 2,000 USD a month, she's probably in a safe position to give her two weeks notice.
如果 Jenny 一個月在機械工廠薪水為 3,300 美元 (約 99,000 台幣),而她副業一個月賺 2,000 美元 (約 6 萬台幣),那她或許就可以考慮把副業轉正。
Second: Does she have three months worth of expenses saved up for emergencies?
82 percent of small businesses fold because of cash flow problems.
82% 的小企業因現金流問題而倒閉。
And if the market for hedgehog sweaters temporarily dips, Jenny will need those funds to stay afloat until it goes back up again.
且如果刺蝟毛衣的市場暫時下跌,Jenny 也會需要一些資金來支撐自己,直到下一次市場復甦。
If that means she has to keep her day job for a little while longer… well, that's better than having to ask for it back!
This might seem like a lot of work and planning for something that was supposed to be "on the side," but it's essential that before you invest your time and money into a new venture, you understand what you're getting into.
It's not uncommon for people, once they find out what's actually involved in starting a side business, to decide they like their day job more.
That's why your side hustle should be something you genuinely like to do.
After all, extra money only has value if it's contributing to your overall happiness.
And that's our two cents!