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  • -I'm nervous, 'cause now... I feel like Jeremiah like might actually put up a fight here. -I'm confident.

    - 我好緊張,因為... 我覺得 Jeremiah 的實力不容小覷。 - 我很有信心。

  • Yes, let's go! I have one point now, baby! I'm back in the game.

    耶,太棒了!我得一分了。 我狀態整個回勇。

  • [React channel: Guess That Song.]

    [React 頻道:猜歌大挑戰]

  • So, today we have a challenge for you.


  • -All right, I'm ready for this. -This sounds good.

    - 來吧!我準備好了。- 聽起來很有意思。

  • We're gonna play you some music and whoever can guess the song title and the movie it's from gets a point.


  • -And movie? -What?

    - 還要說出電影名稱?- 什麼?

  • -I'm good at soundtracks. -That's different. I hope it's Disney stuff, 'cause I'm really good with Disney.

    - 電影配樂我如數家珍!- 那不一樣。 我希望是猜迪士尼的電影主題曲,因為我很熟悉迪士尼的電影。

  • So am I.


  • So, we're gonna make this a little bit more magical because you'll be guessing Disney songs.


  • -Oh, oh! we got this! -Oh, oh, oh! Oh yay, I've watched all of the princess movies and like, tons of Disney movies.

    - 喔!喔!我們勝券在握!- 喔!喔!喔!噢耶! 我看遍了公主電影和迪士尼電影。

  • -My great grandfather wrote the opening speech to Disneyland... so, my blood is with Disney. -Well.

    - 我爺爺寫過迪士尼樂園的開幕致詞,本人就是迪士尼的血脈。- 好呦。

  • So, we're gonna start off by playing you just one second of the song. If neither of you know the answer, we'll play you another second and give you another chance to guess. We'll keep playing until you've heard 15 seconds of the song, at which point you guess or you give up.

    我們會播放一秒的片段給你們聽。如果你們兩個人都不知道答案,我們會再播一秒給你們猜第二次。 歌曲最多播放 15 秒,到 15 秒時你們要嘛猜歌,要嘛放棄。

  • If you guess wrong at any point, your opponent gets a chance to answer and you can buzz in when you think you know the answer.


  • Okay, I'm excited. I've had a pretty good like winning streak on this show, so I'm like... I can't lose. No. -I'm about to break it though, I'm about to break it.

    - 好,我好興奮。我在這節目連贏好多次了,所以我... 我不能輸... 不行。 - 我會打破你的連勝紀錄。

  • Here's the first second of your first song.


  • ♪♪ -The Lion King.

    ♪♪- 《獅子王》。

  • -Oh, and the title? -Of the song.

    - 喔,歌名呢?- 歌曲的名稱。

  • "Nants' ingonya... ?" I don't know.

    「Nants' ingonya...」?我不知道。

  • - "The Circle of Life", (The) Lion King? Ay... who know(s)? -Urgh, that's right.

    - 《獅子王》的「生生不息」。- 啊!答對了。

  • ♪♪


  • -It's the opening theme to (The) Lion King. "(The) Circle of Life." There we go. -♪It's the circle of life

    - 這是《獅子王》的片頭曲。「生生不息」。 沒錯吧。- ♪It's the circle of life♪

  • ♪♪


  • -Uh, "(The) Circle of Life", (The) Lion King. -Oh, shoot. Okay, I didn't... For a second, I didn't associate it as like "(The) Circle of Life". I was like, "It's the one song that goes 'Nants' ingonya... ' "

    - 呃,《獅子王》的「生生不息」。- 不! 好吧,我想不起來是「生生不息」。 我以為這首歌的名字是「Nants' ingonya...」。

  • ♪♪


  • -No! -"The Circle of Life" by uh... from The Lion King. No! That was so close.

    - 不!-《獅子王》的「生生不息」。- 就差那一步。

  • Wow, that's intimidating. I gotta step up my game.

    - 這個遊戲真令人緊張。我得加把勁。

  • ♪♪


  • -Oh, I know it, I know this. -"I'll Make a Man Out of You", Mulan. Yes.

    - 喔!我知道!我知道這首歌。- 《花木蘭》的「男子漢」。 耶!猜對了。

  • ♪♪


  • -"[I'll] Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan. -Oh, I really should have gotten that.

    - 《花木蘭》的「男子漢」。- 我應該要答對的。

  • -"I'll Make a Man Out of You", Mulan. Yes! -I knew as soon as you touched the buzzer.

    - 《花木蘭》的「男子漢」。耶! - 你一按下按鈕我就知道答案了。

  • -Really? -Exactly, I knew exactly what it was.

    -真的嗎?- 我知道是哪一首歌。

  • ♪♪


  • -What? That could have been anything. -No, no, no. I knew that one, um... "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan.

    - 什麼?! 這可以是任何一首歌的開頭。 - 不不不, 我知道答案。《花木蘭》的「男子漢」。

  • Well, there goes my self-confidence for this episode, 'cause what the heck?


  • -I'm nervous, because now... I feel like Jeremiah like, might actually put up a fight here. -I'm confident.

    - 我好緊張,因為... 我覺得 Jeremiah 的實力不容小覷。 - 我很有信心。

  • All you got

    ♪All you got♪

  • -What? I've never heard of that before. -Uh...

    - 什麼?我第一次聽見這首曲子。- 呃...

  • All you got

    ♪All you got♪

  • -What the [bleep]? -Can we have more seconds?

    - 搞什麼?[嗶] - 可以再多聽幾秒嗎?

  • Yeah, can we? I... I agree.

    - 可以嗎?我贊同再多聽幾秒。

  • All you got

    ♪All you got ♪

  • -Who? -I think it is "Bare Necessities" from The Jungle Book.

    - 什麼?- 我覺得是《森林王子》的「Bare Necessities」。

  • -Oh... I would have never gotten that. I don't know the intro to that song. -Oh my God. It just sounded like... it sounded a little bit old.

    - 喔... 我根本猜不到那首歌,我不知道那首歌的前奏 。 - 天啊!這首歌只是有點年代久遠。

  • All you got

    ♪All you got♪

  • "Bare Necessities," uh, (The)Jungle Book.

    《森林王子》的,呃,「Bare Necessities」。

  • -Really? Oh, shoot. -I recognized Baloo's voice the second after it ended.

    - 答對了嗎?不。 - 音樂結束我馬上就認出那是巴魯的聲音。

  • Here's your next second.


  • All you gotta do is

    ♪All you gotta do is♪

  • -Wait. -Oh, wait, I like that's so familiar. I don't know the song title, but I think it's from Aladdin.

    - 等等!- 稍等一下,聽起來很熟悉。 我不確定歌名,但我覺得是《阿拉丁》裡面的歌曲。

  • All you gotta do is

    ♪All you gotta do is♪

  • I got this. I think I got this. If I don't say the right thing right now, I'm gonna feel like the biggest idiot in the world. Is this "Bare Necessities" from The Jungle Book? Yes, let's go! I have one point now, baby! I'm back in the game.

    - 我知道了。我覺得我的答案是對的。如果我答錯,我就是世界上最蠢的笨蛋。是《森林王子》的「Bare Necessities」嗎? 耶,太棒了!我得一分了。 我狀態整個回勇。

  • All you gotta do is

    ♪All you gotta do is♪

  • -That doesn't do anything. That's no lyrics. -Urgh, that was nothing more.

    - 這根本沒什麼指標性可言,連歌詞都沒有!- 沒有更進一步的提示。

  • All you gotta do is... look for the

    ♪All you gotta do is... look for the♪

  • Oh, oh. "Bare Necessities" um, from The Jungle Book? Yes!

    - 喔!喔!是森林王子的「Bare Necessities」嗎? 勝利!

  • -It might just be all, winner takes all. Oh my god. -What can I say? I know my Disney.

    - 他有可能會答對所有歌曲並獲得勝利。天啊!- 我能說什麼呢? 我太了解迪士尼了。

  • Look at this stuff

    ♪Look at this stuff♪

  • -No. [bleep ] -Okay, I know it's from The Little Mermaid. "A Whole New World" [sic] by The Little Mermaid?

    不 [嗶]。我知道這是《小美人魚》的歌曲。 小美人魚的「嶄新的世界」?

  • -It is, I'm assuming, is it "Under the Sea" by (The) Little Mermaid? -Ha, no! Under the Sea is the big...

    - 我猜是小美人魚的「Under the Sea」? - 哈!這一定是錯的!「Under the Sea」是...

  • I know, that's the only one I could remember from The Little Mermaid.


  • Look at this stuff

    ♪Look at this stuff♪

  • -Ariel's... -Oh my God, you're so fast.

    - 愛麗兒的... - 天啊,你也太快了吧!

  • -No, no, no, I don't know the name of the song, though. "Part of that World" [sic] by The Little Mermaid? "Part of that World?" No! No! Come on. -Oh, okay, yes, yes, yes!

    不,我記不起歌名!《小美人魚》的「Part of that World」? 是嗎? 不!怎麼可能答錯?!- 我有機會了!好耶!

  • -"Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid. I just did The Little Mermaid. -I had it. I had it.

    - 是《小美人魚》的「Part of Your World」。我才剛看過《小美人魚》。- 應該是我得分的!

  • Look at this stuff

    ♪Look at this stuff♪

  • -Wait, wait, wait. -"Part of Your World" from The Little Mermaid.

    - 修旦幾咧!。- 《小美人魚》的「Part of Your World」。

  • -(The) Little Mermaid? Oh, I didn't know that. -Ay, ya! Ya!

    - 《小美人魚》?喔,我不知道耶。- 耶!

  • Look at this stuff

    ♪Look at this stuff♪

  • -Ah, no! -I gotta remember the name of the song. I know exactly what it is.

    - 啊!不!- 我得想起這首歌的歌名。我知道是哪一首歌!!

  • -Tick, tick, tick tick... -I have to remember the name of the song. Okay, okay, uh... uh... um... um... "Part of Your World," (The) Little Mermaid.

    - 滴、滴、滴、滴... - 我會記起歌名! 好啦、好啦。,《小美人魚》的「Part of Your World」。

  • -I'm so mad. I was hoping to make you nervous. -You did make. I almost didn't get it, to be honest.

    - 我好氣喔!我想讓你緊張到答不出來。 - 你確實成功了。 老實說,我差一點答不出來。

  • Look at this stuff, isn't it

    ♪Look at this stuff, isn't it♪

  • It's the title. "Part of that World" [sic] by The Little Mermaid.

    是《小美人魚》的主題曲,《Part of that World》。

  • -Is "The World that I'm a Part of," [sic] The Little Mermaid. -No! (laughs)

    - 是《小美人魚》的「The World that I'm a Part of」- 我不信!(笑聲)

  • Look at this stuff, isn't it neat?♪

    ♪Look at this stuff, isn't it neat♪

  • Wouldn't you think my collection's complete? Wouldn't you think I'm a girl. A girl who has everything.♪

    ♪Wouldn't you think my collection's complete?♪♪Wouldn't you think I'm a girl♪ ♪A girl who has everything♪

  • Your world. "Part of Your World" by The Little Mermaid. There you go.

    Your World。《小美人魚》的「Part of Your World」,是不是?!

  • What? It's the same, that world, your world, my world, everyone's world, bro.

    搞什麼?不管是什麼 world,我覺得都沒有差別。

  • First second, last song. Here we go.


  • ♪♪


  • -Wait, wait, wait. Oh, oh! Wait, wait, wait. -Oh, oh!

    - 給我等等!。噢! 等一下。-噢!噢!

  • -Oh, "You Got a Friend in Me" from Toy Story. Yes! Yes! -Urgh!!


  • ♪♪


  • -God, no! ♪You've got a friend in me da da da♪ -Toy Story.

    - 天啊,不!♪You've got a friend in me da da da♪ 《玩具總動員》。

  • ♪♪


  • "You Got a Friend in Me", Toy Story. Yes!


  • ♪♪


  • -He's too fast. Oh my God. -"You Got a Friend in Me", Toy Story. I guess you could say beginner's luck. But I don't know, man, those Disney movies, I had them all stored up.

    - 他動作太快了。天啊。 - 《玩具總動員》的「我是你好朋友」。我猜這是新手運,但迪士尼電影,我真的倒背如流。

  • That hurts. This is his first one and he already beat me. Not down with that.

    我太傷心了。他第一次參與猜歌挑戰就已經打敗我。 我沒有辦法。

  • Thanks for watching us Guess That Disney Song on the React Channel. Don't miss out, Subscribe. Hit that "Like" button if you like this episode. Bye, everyone.

    感謝收看 React 頻道的迪士尼猜歌大挑戰。要訂閱頻道才不會錯過影片喔! 喜歡這部影片的話記得按讚。 大家再見。

  • Hey guys, I'm Katie, a React Channel producer. Thank you so much for watching this episode. Did you know all these Disney songs? Let me know in the comments. Bye, guys.

    大家好,我是 React 頻道的製作人 Katie。很感謝你們收看這部影片。 你們知道節目中所有的迪士尼歌曲嗎? 在下方留言告訴我吧。 大家再見。

-I'm nervous, 'cause now... I feel like Jeremiah like might actually put up a fight here. -I'm confident.

- 我好緊張,因為... 我覺得 Jeremiah 的實力不容小覷。 - 我很有信心。

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