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Professor Dave again, let's kill some stars.
We've learned about what happened for the first billion years or so in the history of
我們已經了解了在宇宙歷史上 的第一個十億年左右發生了什麼
the universe, which leaves us with lots of stars and galaxies, and we are now equipped
with the terminology needed to describe and categorize these stars.
But we still haven't talked about all the other elements on the periodic table, we've
only mentioned hydrogen and helium so far, so where did the rest come from?
我們到目前為止僅提到氫和氦, 那麼剩下的來自哪裡呢?
And what about all the planets and moons?
How did those get here?
The answer to all of these questions will make sense once we learn more about what goes
on inside a star, from the moment they are born, to the time of their death.
That's right, stars actually die, so to speak, and the type of death, along with what's
那是對的,恆星真的死了。 可以這麼說,恆星死亡的方式
left over, will be one of a variety of possibilities, depending entirely on the mass of the star.
So let's go through the lifetime of a few different kinds of stars, so that we are ready
to understand the next 13 billion years of development in the universe.
The life cycle of any star, from birth to death, and all the stages in between, will
任何一顆恆星的生命週期,從出生到出生 死亡,以及介於兩者之間的所有階段
span millions or even billions of years.
This is why stars don't seem to change at all, because a human lifetime is a snippet
of a fraction of a blink of an eye to these behemoths.
The path that will be followed by a particular star depends mainly on its mass, or how much
gas collected and collapsed to form the star, because that material will serve as the star's fuel.
As we may remember from physics and chemistry, when nuclei collide with enough energy so
正如我們可能從物理學和化學中記得的那樣 當原子核碰撞時有足夠的能量
as to overcome the electromagnetic repulsion between them, the strong nuclear force takes
over, and they fuse, with a small fraction of their mass converting into huge amounts
of pure energy, as dictated by E equals mc squared.
Therefore, only by colliding nuclei together and fusing them in its ultra-hot core can
因此,只能通過將原子核碰撞在一起 並將它們融合在超熱核心中
a star release enough outward energy to counter the effects of gravity relentlessly crushing
一顆恆星才能釋放出足夠的外向能量 來對抗無情地向內塌縮的重力的影響
This means that the amount of matter that forms the star determines the amount of fuel,
and through a variety of other factors, the lifetime and eventual fate of the star.
鑑於質量是這裡的關鍵因素 讓我們從一個低質量的恆星開始。
Given that mass is the key factor here, let's start with a low-mass star.
這是恆星範圍的底線 意味著可以充分觸發核聚變的最小量的材料
This would range from the smallest that stars can be, meaning the smallest amount of material
that can sufficiently trigger nuclear fusion so as to qualify as a star, which is about
從十三個木星質量 到大約一個太陽質量
thirteen Jupiter masses, to a star somehwere in the ballpark of our sun's mass.
正如我們已經知道的那樣 任何一顆恆星都將以至少幾光年寬的氣體和塵埃雲開始。
As we already know, any star will begin as a cloud of gas and dust at least a few light
在最早的恆星形成時代 這些材料幾乎全是氫和氦
years across.
In the earliest era of star formation, this material was almost exclusively hydrogen and
helium, as this was what remained after the brief seventeen minutes of nucleosynthesis
直到在幾百萬年裡變得足夠熱 致使核融合最終開始建立一個平衡
soon after the Big Bang.
This matter collects due to gravity, pushing increasingly inward as it contracts, until
things get so hot over a few million years that nuclear fusion eventually begins, establishing
an equilibrium, and generating a yellow or red main sequence star that glows with all
the energy released from the collisions happening inside.
These fusion reactions begin with two protons fusing, followed by subsequent betay decay,
然後氘核參與了反應並製造氦 它有兩個質子和兩個中子
to get a proton and a neutron, and we call this a deuteron, which is a nucleus of heavy
慢慢融合所有的氫在其核心成氦 並保持相對穩定的尺寸、溫度和光度
Then deuterons are involved in reactions that make helium, which has two protons and two
Such a star will continue in this manner for billions of years, slowly fusing all of the
恆星的核心將縮小並變得更熱, 這使得剩餘的氫更快燃燒
hydrogen in its core into helium, and maintaining a relatively steady size, temperature, and
luminosity as it does so, until almost all of the hydrogen is gone.
隨著外層膨脹,它們會冷卻, 並且因此變得越來越紅
At this point, things really begin to change.
而且這顆恆星爬上紅巨星分支 ,直到我們擁有一顆紅巨星。
The core of the star will shrink and get hotter, which makes the remaining hydrogen burn even
恆星可以保持這種新的地位一段時間 ,大約十億年
faster, and all of that extra energy being generated will radiate outwards and push the
但幾乎所有的氫都耗盡了之後 核心變得更小更熱。
outer layers away from the core.
在這個階段,一個叫做氦閃的階段, 溫度熱到以至於恆星能夠
As the outer layers expand, they cool, and thus become more and more red, and the star
climbs up the red giant branch until we have a red giant star.
The star can maintain this new status for a little while longer, around a billion years,
but after almost all the hydrogen is gone, the core gets even smaller and even hotter.
At this stage, a phase called helium flash, things are so hot that the star is able to
進入我們所謂的水平分支 ,在此時恆星會變得更小、更熱、更藍
fuse these heavier helium nuclei into larger nuclei like carbon, and then oxygen, through
something called the triple-alpha process, and this means that the star has a whole new
一旦核心主要是碳和氧 ,周圍只有一層氦圍繞
source of fuel in all the helium it has been making for billions of years.
以及氦殼周圍的氫殼圍繞 恆星只有很少的材料可以燃燒,
The star begins pulsating as it runs through its final energy reserve, entering what we
所以核心將崩潰 ,且恆星進入漸近巨星分支。
call the horizontal branch, and in this time it becomes smaller, hotter, and bluer, until
at last much of the helium has been fused into larger nuclei.
,直到最後一陣能量彈出外層 ,將它推離核心並返回到星際介質中
Once the core is predominately carbon and oxygen, with just a shell of helium around
,只留下一個微小的,非常熱 ,大約相當於地球大小的裸露核心。
it, and a shell of hydrogen around that, the star has very little material left to burn,
這個裸露核心將逐漸冷卻 ,因為它已經沒有燃料燃燒
so the core will collapse and the star enters the asymptotic giant branch.
由於沒有足夠的熱量來融合碳核或氧核, 它會進一步收縮,直到留下一顆白矮星。
This means it will grow rapidly and become a giant star again, until the last bursts
彈射的外殼稱為行星狀星雲 ,這是誤導性的,因為它不是一個行星
of energy eject the outer layer, pushing it away from the core and back into the interstellar
而且也並非來自一個行星 ,而是這個名字源於對其發現的困惑,
medium, leaving only a tiny, very hot, bare core behind, about the size of Earth.
This will gradually cool, as it has no more fuel to burn, not being hot enough to fuse
行星狀星雲中的物質隨後可以加入更多的氣體粒子 ,形成另一顆恆星。
carbon or oxygen nuclei, and it will contract further until we are left with a white dwarf star.
現在對於一個高質量的恆星來說 ,比我們的太陽大得多,事情就完全不同了。
The ejected shell is called a planetary nebula, which is misleading, since it is not a planet
and did not come from a planet, but the name originated from confusion upon its discovery,
and it stuck.
事情正常開始 ,在重力的影響下一片氣體雲聚集。
The material in a planetary nebula will then become available to join more gas particles
只是,簡單地說 ,這個雲將比形成低質量恆星的雲大得多
to form yet another star.
Now for a high-mass star, ones much more massive than our sun, things are quite different.
更多質量意味著更多的重力 ,這意味著向內塌縮的力量要大得多
Their demise will not be so quiet.
Big stars go out with a bang.
溫度越高意味著融合越快 ,這會產生更大的外向壓力以抵消更大的內在引力。
Things start out normally, with a gas cloud collecting under the influence of gravity.
It is simply that this cloud will be much larger than those that form low-mass stars,
so it will contain much more mass.
More mass means more gravity, which means the force pushing inward is much stronger,
and the star gets much hotter.
A hotter temperature means faster fusion, which generates greater outward pressure to
counteract the greater inward pull of gravity.
This will result in a main-sequence star that is hot, big, bright, and blue.
,所以恆星會膨脹成一顆巨星 ,就像我們看到的低質量恆星一樣。
This is where things start to go differently from low-mass stars.
但是當高質量恆星的核心繼續壓縮時 ,它會比低質量恆星的核心熱得多
Whereas low-mass stars take billions of years to use up all their fuel, high-mass stars
,並且能夠將氦原子核融合成碳 ,然後是氧,再來是氖,接著是矽,
are much hotter and burn their fuel much faster.
每個較重的核被降級到核心的越來越小的區域 ,該區域熱到足以融合它。
That means they use up all the hydrogen in their cores in around just a fleeting hundred
million years, or even ten million if big enough.
由於這發生在這些不同的層中, 每個都進行特定類型的融合
As the fuel starts running out, the core contracts and heats, producing more energy, so the star
will swell up into a giant star, just like we saw for low-mass stars.
,這顆恆星留下了鐵核質的核心是如此穩定 ,以至於進一步的融合無法釋放出更多的能量
But while the core of a high-mass star continues to compress, it gets much hotter than the
在這一點上,重力贏得了戰鬥 ,並且這顆恆星在一秒內坍塌,
core of a low-mass star, and it becomes able to fuse helium nuclei to form carbon, and
then oxygen, and then neon, and then silicon, each heavier nucleus being relegated to a
smaller and smaller region of the core that is hot enough to fuse it.
這個令人敬畏的事件 ,是宇宙中最暴力和最具活力的現象之一
All the way at the center sits the heaviest element that can be fused within a star, iron.
As this occurs in these different layers, each performing a particular type of fusion
until no fuel remains, the star is left with a core of iron nuclei that are so stable that
比鐵還重的幾十個元素也可以 合成。
further fusion can release no more energy.
鎳、銅、鋅、銀、金,任何元素 原子序數大於二十六,
At this point, gravity wins the fight, and the star collapses within a single second,
the outer layers bouncing off the core and triggering an explosion, thus ejecting all
of the heavy nuclei the star has created, out into space.
這就是為什麼與碳和氧等元素相比 ,這些重元素如此罕見
This awesome event, one of the most violent and energetic phenomena in the universe, is
called a supernova.
A supernova generates such an unbelievable burst of energy that in this brief moment,
dozens of elements heavier than iron can also be synthesized.
超新星也是如此明亮 比他們所屬的整個星系更亮
Nickel, copper, zinc, silver, gold, any element with an atomic number greater than twenty-six,
通過望遠鏡觀察時,如果它發生在我們自己的星系中 ,它們甚至可以被用肉眼看見
is made either in a supernova, or a rare event like the collision of two neutron stars, or
a neutron star and a black hole, which are objects we will discuss in a moment.
That's why these heavy elements are so rare compared to elements like carbon and oxygen,
because stars can't synthesize them the way they can synthesize all the elements up
to iron throughout their long lives.
Nature only makes these rare elements during the death of a high-mass star, or in certain
exotic collision events.
即便如此,這個物體也非常密集 一茶匙重約十五噸。
Supernovae are also so bright that they are brighter than the entire galaxy they belong
所以低於大約1.4太陽質量 ,最大白矮星的質量
to when viewed through telescopes, and if in our own galaxy, they can even be visible
,也是眾所周知的錢德拉塞卡極限 ,這就是低質量恆星核心的命運。
with the naked eye, like the one that generated the famous Crab Nebula, which was recorded
但對於一個高質量的恆星來說 ,它的死亡核心質量在錢德拉塞卡極限之上
by a variety of civilizations in 1054.
這意味著它足以發生超新星 ,下列兩件事之一將會發生。
Now, a supernova does not leave behind a white dwarf.
Lower-mass stars that begin with less than about eight solar masses leave behind white
dwarfs, because once reduced to its lighter earth-sized core, there is not enough gravity
,核心將無法支持自身抵抗重力, 並且它將以如此巨大的力量崩潰
to overcome electron degeneracy pressure.
迫使所有電子被擠壓進入質子 ,使它們結合形成中子
In other words, a white dwarf will become kind of like one gigantic metallic solid,
with the electron clouds around the nuclei pushing against each other and preventing
剩下的物體是一團聚集在一起的中子球 ,就像一個像紐約市一樣大的原子核
further collapse.
Even still, this object is very dense, with one teaspoon weighing around fifteen tons.
So below around 1.4 solar masses, the maximum mass of a white dwarf, which is also known
但更奇蹟般的是 ,如果恆星的核心質量高於三個太陽質量
as the Chandrasekhar limit, this is the fate of the core of a star.
即使中子向外擠壓的向外壓力 ,或中子退化壓力,也不足以阻止巨大的引力
But for a high-mass star, where upon its death the core of the star is above the Chandrasekhar
limit, which means it is massive enough for a supernova to occur, one of two things will
be left behind.
If the core is between around 1.4 and 3 solar masses, having been generated by a star that
was originally somewhere in the ballpark of ten to forty solar masses, the core will not
超新星期間形成的更重的元素 ,將留下一個五彩繽紛的星雲。
be able to support itself against gravity, and it will collapse with such tremendous
force that all the electrons get squeezed into protons such that they combine to form
一個黑洞,鑑於其無限的密度, 扭曲了時空,甚至連光也無法逃脫
neutrons, and the shockwave from this event is what triggers the supernova.
無論黑洞看起來像什麼 ,如果這甚至可能意味著什麼,
The object that remains is a ball of neutrons bunched up together, like one huge atomic
我們可能永遠都找不到 ,因為光子不可能離開它
nucleus the size of New York City, containing all of the mass originally within the core
of the star.
這聽起來令人難以置信 ,這就是大自然的運作方式
A teaspoon of a neutron star would weigh a whopping ten million tons!
,宇宙中確實存在著黑洞 ,就像巨大死星的殘餘一樣。
But even more miraculously, if the core of the star is above around three solar masses,
even the outward pressure of neutrons pressing right up against each other, or neutron degeneracy
pressure, is not enough to stop the immense gravity, and the neutrons will be crushed
together as the remaining mass collapses into a single point of infinite density.
The entire mass of the star's core, contained within zero volume.
This object is called a black hole.
The outer layers of the star that have been ejected, full of heavy nuclei fused during
the lifetime of the star, and the additional even heavier ones formed during the supernova,
will leave behind a colorful nebula.
But the singularity that is left behind is anything but colorful.
正如我們所提到的 ,黑洞就是宇宙中最迷人的物體之一,
A black hole, given its infinite density, warps spacetime so much that not even light
can escape.
因為有太多我們還沒有 了解這些奇怪的生物。
Whatever a black hole might look like, if that can even mean anything, we will probably
讓我們繼續前進,再學習一點 關於黑洞。
never find out, because it is impossible for photons to leave it and reach our eyes, which
is how we see things.
As incredible as this may sound, this is how nature works, and black holes do indeed exist
all over the universe, as the remnants of huge dead stars.
Black holes are so fascinating that they will require a whole chapter unto themselves, which
we will get to in a moment.
For now, let's review what we just learned about the lifetime of a star.
When a star forms from a gas cloud of some mass, which is almost always between a tenth
of a solar mass and around thirty solar masses, a star is produced somewhere along the main
As the fuel in the core begins to run out, it contracts, which raises the pressure around
the core and pushes the outer layers outward, where they will then cool, producing a red giant.
So all stars will have a red giant phase when their fuel is almost gone, regardless of their mass.
Then finally, when the star can no longer perform sufficient nuclear fusion so as to
counter the effects of gravity, the star will collapse, leaving a white dwarf if it is of
low mass, a neutron star if it is of intermediate mass, and a black hole if it is of especially
high mass.
As we mentioned, black holes are among the most fascinating objects in the universe,
and they are a popular area of study amongst astronomers and theoretical physics alike,
because there is so much that we still don't understand about these strange creatures.
Let's move forward and learn a little more about black holes.