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Here, Friday.
I think you are awesome!
Don't ever change, love Carl.
不要改變自己!愛你們的 Carl 敬上。
That's how I'd like to start the day.
Welcome to CNN 10.
歡迎來到 CNN 10。
Got some really interesting info coming up.
We begin by explaining some international responses to a spreading disease.
The Wuhan coronavirus started in the Chinese city of Wuhan in the eastern-central part of the country, but now it's spread all over China and all across the world.
More than 100 cases have been confirmed in 20 other countries, from Asia to North America, to Europe, the Middle East, and Oceania.
在其他 20 國出現了超過 100 例的確診案例,從亞洲、北美、歐洲、中東到大洋洲都有。
Mainland China has counted more than 8,100 cases so far.
中國大陸則目前為止出現超過 8,100 例確診。
There have been 171 deaths from the Wuhan coronavirus there, which represents a little over 2% of everyone who's caught it.
已經有 171 例死亡,這代表著死亡率約略高於 2%。
The fear of this virus has welled up worldwide.
Russia has shut down its borders with China.
Several airlines, including American, United, Lufthansa, and British Airways, have stopped flying to and from parts of China.
And in Italy, 7,000 people were held aboard a cruise ship yesterday afternoon because a 54-year-old woman from Hong Kong had come down with a fever.
在義大利,昨天下午有 7,000 人被關在一艘郵輪上,因一名 54 歲香港婦人發燒了。
She and her husband were eventually found not to have the Wuhan coronavirus, but officials wanted to get the results before letting people off the boat.
A CNN correspondent in Hong Kong, where 10 cases have been confirmed, says parts of the city are like a ghost town.
一名 CNN 特派記者前往已有 10 例確診的香港,表示該城有些地方簡直像空城。
Instead of having large celebrations for Chinese New Year, people there are having to wait in three-hour lines to buy surgical face masks, which they believe will help keep them from catching the virus.
The World Health Organization met again yesterday and decided to declare the novel coronavirus a public health emergency of international concern.
That declaration triggers a more organized effort to respond to the virus internationally.
A normally traffic-jammed highway in the city of Wuhan, China, near empty, only a few passing vehicles, public transportation shut down.
City buses sit untouched.
Only a few residents spotted outside, eerie for a city 11 million people call home.
在外面只看得到一些居民,對一個有 1,100 萬人口的城市而言非常詭譎。
Major food chains closing to customers, from Starbucks to KFC, to McDonald's, lights off inside.
This Walmart, open and crowded, shoppers wearing face masks inside, and quickly buying up what's left, leaving bare produce stands behind.
Outside the lockdown zone, similar scenes across Mainland China.
There's 24 million people in Shanghai, and I'm walking in the middle of the street.
上海有 2,400 萬人,而我現在正走在大路的中間。
American College student, Jenna Davidson, arrived in Shanghai a few weeks ago for the spring semester.
美國大學生 Jenna Davidson 前幾週抵達上海,準備下學期的交換。
You know, we got here before the outbreak, and it went south really quick.
She says finding food in the massive city has gotten increasingly difficult.
They shut down our campus.
Um, we almost felt as though they didn't realize that we're still living on it because we didn't even have, like, hot water for a few days and, um, the cafeterias on campus are closed.
So, we started realizing, well, we need food, and most stores within walking distance have been shut down, or it's like zombie land in there, everyone's fighting for what's left on the shelves.
Jenna initially tried to keep positive.
Jenna 一開始想要保持樂觀。
This is the guy who takes my temperature nine times a day.
She even sent this photo to her dad, trying to reassure him.
For a while, I wasn't telling my dad everything, but he was finding out on the news just how bad it was.
So, it's been hard on him.
She and her fellow classmates now booked on flights to get out.
Destination? Anywhere but here.
Ten second trivia.
What is one thing that all poikilotherms have in common?
Are they all fish, four legged, cold blooded, or endothermic?
Poikilotherms have variable body temperatures.
They're considered cold blooded.
So, with our relatively high, unchanging body temperatures, you and I are considered warm blooded.
Most of us, anyway.
But how warm?
Since a German doctor took the temperatures of 25,000 patients in the mid-1800s, it's been accepted that normal human body temperature is 98.6º Fahrenheit.
1800 年代中期有名德國醫生,他測量了 25,000 名病患的體溫,得出正常人類的體溫為華氏 98.6 度 (攝氏 37 度)。
But now, a few studies are indicating that's no longer true.
The most recent one, published by Stanford University, found our bodies actually average a temperature of 97.5º Fahrenheit.
最近期的研究是史丹佛大學發表的,表示人類平均體溫其實是華氏 97.5 度 (約攝氏 36.3 度)。
Researchers looked at American's records dating back to the U.S. Civil War.
And they didn't find that the old average was wrong.
They found that our bodies are somehow cooling down with each new generation.
Scientists aren't sure exactly why, something is because we spend more time in heat and air conditioning than our ancestors did, and they don't know if this means anything good or bad related to our health.
But it is possible that the old 98.6º benchmark is now more than a whole degree too high.
但有可能舊的華氏 98.6 度標準對現在而言已經過高一度了。
Third-party cookie might sound like one too many, but as far as the internet goes, Google is getting rid of them from its Chrome browser.
第三方 cookie 聽起來好像很多方,但隨著網路發展,Google 決定在 chrome 瀏覽器上禁用 cookie。
Cookies are controversial.
cookie 很有爭議性。
They can remember what's in your online shopping cart, what your login name and password are, what your address is for auto-filling out forms.
The critics are concerned they could be an invasion of privacy.
Users don't always give permission for their info to be stored, and some don't want records made of the things they've written or the sites they visited online.
If you ever logged onto a browser, you've gotten a cookie.
如果你登入一個瀏覽器,就會有 cookie。
It's a technology that's been around basically as long as the internet.
And I'm not talking about the edible kind.
我不是在講可以吃的 cookie (餅乾)。
It's fueled the rise of the online global ad business.
cookie 幫助了線上廣告商的崛起。
There's a Facebook jumping in the after hours, up as much as 4%, one point.
Facebook 股票大漲,一度上漲了 4%。
But all that could change soon.
When you go to a website, it can store information about your visit on your computer.
That's a cookie.
這就是 cookie。
It contains a unique ID that the website can later used to identify you.
So that's how a site remembers your language preferences, that you've logged onto something, that you've put something in your cart.
That's a first-party cookie, and those aren't going anywhere like real cookies.
這叫做第一方 cookie,且這些不會像真的餅乾一樣亂跑。
Internet cookies come in different flavors.
網路 cookie 也有不同口味。
Enter third-party cookies.
例如第三方 cookie。
They come from sites you haven't visited directly, and they're the ones that are going away.
它們來自你沒有直接拜訪過的網站,而這些就是將被禁用的 cookie。
Third-party cookies are far and away the most popular, the most widespread tracking technology on the web.
第三方 cookie 可說是最熱門且最多人使用的網上追蹤技術。
They make it really easy for trackers to build up big, invasive profiles of users without their knowledge.
They work like this: an ad on a site will give you a cookie.
它們是這樣運作的:網站上的廣告會給你一個 cookie。
Then, if you go to a different site that uses the same ad server, it can match that third-party cookie and learn more about you. As you visit more websites, more websites, the information associated with that cookie grows, so networks can build profiles of people and serve more targeted more relevant ads based on those cookies.
然後,如果你去另一個網站,而它也使用同一個廣告服務器,它就能與第三方 cookie 配對,並在你拜訪更多網站的同時更加了解你,以此對你推播更有關聯的廣告。
So, when you put an item in a shopping cart on Amazon, but don't buy it, then later see banner ads from the same product on a totally different site, that's a third-party cookie.
所以,當你把一項商品放進亞馬遜的購物車,但不要結帳,之後就會看到同一項商品的廣告,但出現在完全不同的網站,這就是第三方 cookie。
That cookie-driven ad model has enabled sites like Facebook, Google, and to serve more effective and relevant ads and then offer their products for free.
這使用 cookie 的廣告模型讓 Facebook、Google 與 可以更有效率地投放廣告,並免費提供產品。
It's formed the backbone for the online ad business, a business that is now worth hundreds of billions of dollars.
第三方 cookie 可說是網路廣告企業的骨幹,現在這行業已價值數十億美金。
But now that business has to change.
Safari and Firefox have already banned third-party cookies, and now Google has announced it will phase them out of Chrome over a two-year period.
Safari 與 Firefox 這兩個瀏覽器已禁用第三方 cookie,現在 Google 也宣布要在兩年內禁用。
And even though Google is not being as strict as Apple and Mozilla in its ban, its actions actually matter the most.
即使 Google 沒有像 Apple 和 Mozilla 那樣嚴厲執行,但它的行動卻影響最大。
That's because Chrome controls more than 60 % of the browser market.
那是因為 Chrome 瀏覽器有超過六成的市佔。
When Google moves, it matters.
當 Google 開始行動,一切就有影響了。
10 out of 10
I love time-lapse video.
You could show me a time-lapse of a chicken in a yard, I'd find it fascinating
But how much more fascinating is this video of the Northern Lights?
Finnish star gazers recently noticed a unique shape to this aurora.
What makes it look like a dune.
University of Helsinki scientists think it's caused by waves of oxygen atoms in the upper atmosphere.
They hope it will help us learn more about that atmosphere—assuming they can all get on the same wavelength without anyone 'auro-rising' up with a bad 'latitude'.
Guess it depends on how charged things get and which way the 'solar' wind blows.
At least it's 'magneto' to look at and easy to see why scientists get 'ion' a site that has played its particle and precipitated 'auror-raw-raw-awesome' displays for 'hydro' generations, y'all
I am Carl Azuz.
我是 Carl Azuz。
Last stop today is in the Palmetto State, where the warriors of Indian Land Middle School are watching there in Indian Land, South Carolina.
今天的最後一站在帕爾梅托,也就是 Indian Land 中學的戰士們正在收看 CNN 10 的地方。
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