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  • You've discovered a doorway to another realm,

    譯者: Ann Chen 審譯者: Helen Chang

  • and now you and your brother

    你發現一個 通往另一國度的出入口,

  • are off exploring the wonderful world of Paradoxica.

    現在你和你的兄弟 出發前往奇妙的悖論世界探險。

  • Fantastically paradoxical creatures crawl, run, and fly around you.

    奇異的悖論動物在你四周 爬行、奔跑和飛行。

  • And then you see the troll.


  • It's catching all the creatures in an enormous net.

    牠正用一個極大的網子 捕捉所有的動物。

  • You bravely step forward and demand it let them go.

    你勇敢地走向前 要求牠釋放牠們。

  • The troll laughs.

    巨人大笑,牠說: 「若你真是個悖論迷的話,

  • If you're such a fan of paradoxes,” it says,

    那麼我給你一個交換條件, 如果你說真話,

  • then I'll make you an offer.

    我就釋放所有動物。」 當你正要說:「你是個巨人。」

  • If you say something true, I'll release all these creatures."

    但話還沒出口, 巨人就抓起你的兄弟。

  • You're about to say, “You are a troll,”

    牠又說:「如果你說假話, 那我會放你兄弟。

  • but before you can, the troll grabs your brother.


  • If you say something false,” he continues,


  • then I'll release your brother."

    假如你試圖 說些矛盾的話來蒙騙我,

  • Your statement can only be a single sentence.

    例如『這話是假的。』 那麼我會吃掉你兄弟和動物。」

  • And as you can see, I hate paradoxes more than anything.


  • If you try to cheat by saying something paradoxical,


  • like, 'this statement is false,'

    假如你想自己解解看, 現在將影片暫停。

  • then I'll eat your brother and the creatures."


  • What true/false statement can you say to force the troll


  • to free your brother and the paradoxical creatures?


  • [Pause the video now if you want to figure it out for yourself!]

    這似乎是個不可能的任務, 但很奇妙地,你是可以說個

  • Answer in: 3


  • Answer in: 2

    這是個「強迫邏輯」的例子, 是由偉大的邏輯學家

  • Answer in: 1

    及益智遊戲創造家 雷德蒙·斯穆里安發明的。

  • This seems like an impossible situation,


  • but incredibly, you can say something


  • that will force the troll to release all its prisoners.


  • This is an example of coercive logic,


  • invented by the great logician and puzzle creator Raymond Smullyan.


  • The trick Smullyan came up with involves saying a statement


  • whose truth or falseness depends on what you want the troll to do.

    巨人可能回答: 「錯了…… 我只會放你兄弟。」

  • Your statement still has to be carefully crafted.

    同樣地,若你說: 「你會放悖論動物。」

  • For example, if you were to say,

    巨人可能說:「那是真的。」 然後釋放悖論動物。

  • You are going to free the creatures and my brother,”

    但注意以下會發生什麼事, 假如你說:「你會放我兄弟。」

  • the troll could respond, “that's false… I'm only going to free your brother.”


  • Similarly, if you said, “You will free the paradoxes,”

    因為如果是假的, 根據牠自己的規則,

  • the troll could say, “That's true,” and free the paradoxes.


  • But watch what happens if you say, “You will free my brother.”


  • The statement can't be false,


  • because if it were, the troll, by its own rules,


  • would have to free your brother.

    所以牠唯一的選擇 是把這句當真。

  • That would make the statement paradoxically true and false.


  • But the troll hates paradoxes


  • and would never willingly create one.

    根據牠的規則 巨人也須釋放動物,

  • So his only option is for the statement to be true.


  • Ifyou will free my brotheris true,

    僅用五個字, 如同用邏輯手術刀般,

  • then the troll has to release your brother.


  • And by its own rules, the troll has to free the creatures as well,


  • since you said a true statement.


  • By wielding just 5 words like a logical scalpel,


  • you've forced the troll to free all its prisoners.


  • As the troll stomps off in anger,

  • the paradoxes cheer you for winning them their freedom,

  • and promise to lead you to the treasure at the top of the stairs.

  • If you can reach it.

You've discovered a doorway to another realm,

譯者: Ann Chen 審譯者: Helen Chang

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