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One of the kingdom's most prosperous merchants
has been exposed for his corrupt dealings.
Nearly all of his riches
are invested in a collection
一系列共三十顆精緻 緬甸紅寶石的收藏品上,
of 30 exquisite Burmese rubies,
and the crowd in the square
要將這些紅寶石沒收 來償還他欠受害者的錢。
is clamoring for their confiscation
to reimburse his victims.
But the scoundrel and his allies at court
說明他的財富至少 有一部分是合法取得,
have made a convincing case
that at least some of his wealth
國王沉思了一會兒, 宣佈了他的判決。
was obtained legitimately,
因為不可能知道 有多少比例的紅寶石
and through good service to the crown.
The king ponders for a minute
罰金將要透過 一個益智比賽來決定,
and announces his judgment.
比賽是由這名商人對抗 國王最聰明的顧問——你。
Because there's no way to know
which portion of the rubies were bought with ill-gotten wealth,
商人被允許可以私底下 將他的紅寶石
the fine will be determined through a game of wits between the merchant
分別放入三個盒子中, 接著盒子會被放在你面前。
and the king's most clever advisor – you.
You're both told the rules in advance.
你必須要在每張卡片上寫下 1 到 30 之間的一個數字,
The merchant will be allowed to discreetly divide his rubies
接著在每個盒子前面 各放一張卡片。
among three boxes, which will then be placed in front of you.
You will be given three cards,
and must write a number between 1 and 30 on each,
before putting a card in front of each of the boxes.
前提是那個盒子中的 紅寶石要足夠。
The boxes will then all be opened.
但如果你的數字比盒子中 實際的紅寶石數目還多,
For each box, you will receive exactly
as many rubies as the number written on the corresponding card,
if the box has that many.
But if your number is greater than the number of rubies actually there,
每個盒子要有 2 顆以上的紅寶石,
the scoundrel gets to keep the entire box.
其中一個盒子中的紅寶石數目必須 比另一個盒子多出 6 顆整——
The king puts just two constraints on how the scoundrel distributes his rubies.
Each box must contain at least two rubies
and one of the boxes must contain exactly six more rubies than another—
商人把寶石藏起來, 接著盒子被送到你面前。
but you won't know which boxes those are.
After a few minutes of deliberation,
才能確保讓這個惡棍 被罰最高的罰金,
the merchant hides the gems, and the boxes are brought in front of you.
Which numbers should you choose
若你想要嘗試自己解題, 請在這裡暫停。
in order to guarantee the largest possible fine for the scoundrel
and the greatest compensation for his victims?
Pause the video now if you want to figure it out for yourself.
Answer in 3
你不會想要因為太貪心 而讓數字超過。
Answer in 2
Answer in 1
這個惡棍必須要交出 他至少一半的藏匿物。
You don't want to overshoot by being too greedy.
這個情況就類似 對抗遊戲,如西洋棋——
But there is a way you can guarantee
只是在這裡, 你看不到對手的位置。
to get more than half of the scoundrel's stash.
若要得知你最少一定能 得到的紅寶石數目,
The situation resembles an adversarial game like chess –
only here you can't see the opponent's position.
也就是當作商人 已經知道你要怎麼做,
To figure out the minimum number of rubies you're guaranteed to win,
他能夠安排紅寶石的分配, 來讓你贏得最少。
you need to look for the worst case scenario,
因為你不可能知道哪個盒子 有比較多/少紅寶石,
as if the merchant already knew your move
你應該對所有盒子 都選一樣的數字。
and could arrange the rubies to minimize your winnings.
假設你寫了三個 9。
Because you have no way of knowing which boxes will have more or fewer rubies,
這個惡棍可以把紅寶石 分配成 8 顆、14 顆、8 顆。
you should pick the same number for each.
這麼一來,你只會從中間的盒子 得到 9 顆紅寶石,沒有其他的。
Suppose you write three 9's.
另一方面,你能確定 至少有兩個盒子
The scoundrel might have allocated the rubies as 8, 14 and 8.
裡面有至少 8 顆紅寶石。
In that case, you'd receive 9 from the middle box and no others.
On the other hand, you can be sure that at least two boxes
have a minimum of 8 rubies.
兩個盒子中的紅寶石 數目只有 7 顆或以下。
Here's why.
這兩個盒子的寶石數目 不可能相差 6 顆,
We'll start by assuming the opposite,
因為每個盒子都要有 2 顆以上的紅寶石。
that two boxes have 7 or fewer.
Those could not be the two that differ by 6,
會有至少 13 顆紅寶石——即 7+6。
because every box must have at least 2 rubies.
In that case, the third box would have at most 13 rubies—that's 7 plus 6.
最大的總合是 27。
Add up all three of those boxes,
那還不到 30 顆,
and the most that could equal is 27.
Since that's less than 30,
this scenario isn't possible.
其中兩個盒子有至少 8 顆紅寶石。
You now know, by what's called a proof by contradiction,
如果你對每個盒子都索取 8 顆,
that two of the boxes have 8 or more rubies.
你就能得到至少 16 顆——
If you ask for 8 from all three boxes
你能看出 這是你能做的最好保證,
you'll receive at least 16—
若你能重新再想一次 8 顆、14 顆、8 顆的情境的話。
and that's the best you can guarantee,
你取回了這個惡棍 一半以上的財富,
as you can see by thinking again about the 8, 14, 8 scenario.
You've recovered more than half the scoundrel's fortune
as restitution for the public.
And though he's managed to hold on to some of his rubies,
his fortune has definitely lost some of its shine.