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You've found Leonardo Da Vinci's secret vault, secured by a series of combination locks.
你發現了李奧納多 達文西的秘密庫房,那裡安裝了一系列的 密碼鎖來確保安全。
Fortunately, your treasure map has three codes:
幸運的是,你的寶藏圖上 有三個密碼:
and… hmm.
The last one appears to be missing.
Looks like you're gonna have to figure it out on your own.
There's something those first two numbers have in common:
they're what's called autobiographical numbers.
This is a special type of number whose structure describes itself.
這種數字類型很特殊, 它的結構能描述它自己本身。
Each of an autobiographical number's digits indicates how many times the digit corresponding to that position occurs within the number.
自我描述數中的每一位數字都表示次數,意即 該位數的位置號碼 在那個數中出現幾次。
The first digit indicates the quantity of zeroes,
第一位數表示 0 出現的次數,
the second digit indicates the number of ones,
第二位數表示 1 出現的次數,
the third digit the number of twos, and so on until the end.
第三位數表示 2 出現的次數, 以此類推到最後一位數。
The last lock takes a 10 digit number,
and it just so happens that there's exactly one ten-digit autobiographical number.
What is it?
Pause here if you want to figure it out for yourself!
若你想要自己解解看, 請在此暫停!
Answer in: 3
Answer in: 2
Answer in: 1
Blindly trying different combinations would take forever.
盲目嘗試不同組合會要花上 不知道多久的時間。
So let's analyze the autobiographical numbers we already have to see what kinds of patterns we can find.
所以,咱們來分析一下 我們已經有的自我描述數,看看我們能找出什麼樣的模式。
By adding all the digits in 1210 together, we get 4 – the total number of digits.
把 1210 的每個位數的 數字都加在一起,會得到 4 ——也就是位數的數目。
This makes sense since each individual digit tells us the number of times a specific digit occurs within the total.
這是合理的,畢竟每一位數的數字都告訴我們一個特定位數 出現的總次數。
So the digits in our ten-digit autobiographical number must add up to ten.
所以,要找的十位數 自我描述數,十個位數的數字加起來必須是 10。
This tells us another important thing – the number can't have too many large digits.
這就給了我們另一項重要資訊——這十位數的密碼中, 不會有很多個太大的數字。
For example,
if it included a 6 and a 7,
若包含一個 6 和一個 7,
then some digit would have to appear 6 times,
就表示有個數字出現 6 次,
and another digit 7 times–
還有另一個數字出現 7 次——
making more than 10 digits.
We can conclude that there can be no more than one digit greater than 5 in the entire sequence.
我們可以得到一個結論:整個數列中大於 5 的數字 不能超過一個。
So out of the four digits 6, 7, 8, and 9, only one – if any-- will make the cut.
所以, 若有 6、7、8 或 9其中任一數字的話,只能有一個。
And there will be zeroes in the positions corresponding to the numbers that aren't used.
且對應到沒被使用之數字的那些位置,都要填上 0。
So now we know that our number must contain at least three zeroes –
現在我們知道,我們的密碼 應該有至少三個 0 ——
which also means that the leading digit must be 3 or greater.
這也表示,第一位數 應該是 3 或更大的數字。
Now, while this first digit counts the number of zeroes,
雖然第一位數的數字 表示 0 的數目,
every digit after it counts how many times a particular non-zero digit occurs.
這之後的每一位數數字都表示 一個特定的非 0 數字出現的次數。
If we add together all the digits besides the first one –
如果我們把第一位以外的 所有位數數字加起來——
and remember, zeroes don't increase the sum –
別忘了,0 不會增加總和——
we get a count of how many non-zero digits appear in the sequence,
我們得到的就是非 0 數字 出現在密碼中的次數,
including that leading digit.
For example, if we try this with the first code,
we get 2 plus 1 equals 3 digits.
我們得到 2 + 1 = 3 位數。
Now, if we subtract one,
如果我們減掉 1,
we have a count of how many non-zero digits there are after the first digit –
我們就能知道在第一位數之後 有多少個非 0 的位數——
two, in our example.
在我們的例子中,是 2 個。
Why go through all that?
Well, we now know something important:
嗯,現在我們知道了 一項重要資訊:
the total quantity of non-zero digits that occur after the first digit
在第一位數之後 有幾個位數是非 0 數字,
is equal to the sum of these digits, minus one.
就等於這些位數的數字 加總再減掉 1。
And how can you get a distribution where the sum is exactly 1 greater than the number of non-zero positive integers being added together?
你要如何讓加總總和剛好是非 0 正整數的數字總和加上 1?
The only way is for one of the addends to be a 2, and the rest 1s.
唯一的方式就是 讓其中一個加數是 2,剩下的都是 1。
How many 1s?
有幾個 1?
Turns out there can only be two – any more would require additional digits like 3 or 4 to count them.
結果發現只能有 2 個——若超過 2 個,就會需要額外的 位數,比如 3 或 4,來計算它們。
So now we have the leading digit of 3 or greater counting the zeroes,
所以,現在我們的第一位數 是 3 或以上,用來計算 0 的數目,
a 2 counting the 1s,
有一個 2 來計算 1 的數目,
and two 1s –
還有 2 個 1 ——
one to count the 2s and another to count the leading digit.
分別計算 2 的數目,以及第一位數的數目。
And speaking of that, it's time to find out what the leading digit is.
說到這個,該是找出第一位數 是什麼的時候了。
Since we know that the 2 and the double 1s have a sum of 4, we can subtract that from 10 to get 6.
我們知道 2 和 2 個 1 加起來是 4,我們就能從 10 把它減掉,得到 6。
Now it's just a matter of putting them all in place:
現在剩下的問題就是 要把它們都放對位置:
6 zeroes,
6 個 0、2 個 1、
2 ones,
1 個 2、沒有 3、
1 two,
沒有 4、沒有 5、
0 threes,
1 個 6、沒有 7、
0 fours,
沒有 8、沒有 9。
0 fives,
安全箱打開了, 你在裡面發現了……
1 six,
0 sevens,
0 eights,
and 0 nines.
The safe swings open, and inside you find...
Da Vinci's long-lost autobiography.