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  • As the world struggles to contain the new virus, a new speculation from the Chinese scientists...


  • who believe it may have originated at a research facility not far from the Wuhan fish market, while they say more research needs to be done to find solid proof.


  • Such labs are known to contain disease-ridden animals, including hundreds of bats.


  • Our Kim Hyo-sun with the details.

    讓 Kim Hyo-sun 記者來告訴我們更多細節。

  • Amid the continued spread of the COVID-19 virus, there's rising speculation the virus could have originated from a government laboratory in Wuhan rather than a widely held belief that it emerged from the city's Huanan seafood markets.

    正值 COVID-19 病毒蔓延,越來越多人猜測該病毒可能流出自武漢的國有實驗室,而非如大眾所認為的源自該市華南海鮮市場。

  • Citing a report published by Chinese scientists, a Chinese-language newspaper published in Hong Kong, Ming Pao, and the British daily, The Mirror, explained Sunday that the Wuhan Center for Disease Control or WHCDC could have spawned the contagion in Hubei province.

    引述中國科學家所發表的報告,香港的華語報紙明報和英國的每日鏡報在週日解釋道,武漢疾病預防及控制中心 (簡稱 WHCDC) 很可能是導致湖北省病毒擴散的元凶。

  • According to the report penned by Botao Xiao and Lei Xiao of the South China University of Technology, the research lab, which is only 280 meters away from the Huanan seafood market, kept disease-ridden animals, including more than 600 bats.

    華南理工大學的蕭波濤及蕭雷共筆的報告指出,距離華南海鮮市場僅僅 280 公尺的實驗室關著患有疾病的動物,包含 600 多隻蝙蝠。

  • It stated that while it's plausible the virus was leaked from the lab and contaminated initial patients in this epidemic, more solid evidence is required through future study.


  • The report also raised a possibility that the Wuhan Institute of Virology could have leaked the virus while it was carrying out tests involving Chinese horseshoe bats.


  • Against such a backdrop, an article published by The Washington Times late last month is garnering attention, as it raises the possibility that the disastrous outbreak could be the accidental result of biological weapons research.


  • This comes as a renowned law professor at Tsinghua University in Beijing, Xu Zhangrun, is known to be missing after publicly condemning Chinese President Xi Jinping for failing to contain the spread of the virus at an early stage.


  • He even added the condemnation could be the last message of his life.


  • Kim Hyo-sun, Arirang News.

    記者 Kim Hyo-sun,阿里郎新聞報導。

As the world struggles to contain the new virus, a new speculation from the Chinese scientists...


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B1 US 病毒 實驗室 武漢 報告 擴散 中國

【新冠肺炎】新冠狀病毒可能來自中國政府的實驗室!? (Chinese scientists say COVID-19/coronavirus could have originated from government ...)

  • 16572 424
    eunice4u4u posted on 2020/02/21
Video vocabulary