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  • Every living being needs to fight off other living beings that want to feast on them.​


  • Every living being needs to fight off other living beings that want to feast on them.​

    所以在多細胞生物經過了數億年的演化後, 也衍生出了保護自己的方法

  • Every living being needs to fight off other living beings that want to feast on them.​


  • So as multicellular life evolved over billions of years, it came up with ways to defend itself.​

    像是物理屏障(皮膚)、防禦細胞(巨噬細胞), 以及武器生產工廠(B細胞)

  • So as multicellular life evolved over billions of years, it came up with ways to defend itself.​

    其中一個我們身體裡 但大多都還不太瞭解的防禦系統:

  • So as multicellular life evolved over billions of years, it came up with ways to defend itself.​


  • Today humans have a sophisticated defense network,​

    它已經演化超過7億年, 也是超過30種不同蛋白質的武裝軍隊

  • Today humans have a sophisticated defense network,​

    他們合作跳起一支複雜而優雅的舞步, 來阻止外來入侵者

  • Today humans have a sophisticated defense network,​

    總而言之,現在大約有1千5百萬兆的補體蛋白 充斥在你全身上下的液體當中

  • like physical barriers, defense cells, and weapons factories.​


  • like physical barriers, defense cells, and weapons factories.​

    這些蛋白質是我們用來對抗入侵者的武器中 最有效的其中一種

  • like physical barriers, defense cells, and weapons factories.​

    免疫系統中的許多部份, 都只是用來活化補體系統的工具

  • But one of the most important defenses of our body is largely unknown:​


  • But one of the most important defenses of our body is largely unknown:​

    想像一下,在你的血液中,有數兆個小炸彈 而他們隨時都有可能會爆炸

  • But one of the most important defenses of our body is largely unknown:​


  • The Complement System


  • The Complement System


  • The Complement System

    它會癱瘓敵人, 它會啟動免疫系統 它會在菌體上鑿洞直到它們死亡

  • It evolved over 700 million years ago and is an army of over 30 different proteins


  • It evolved over 700 million years ago and is an army of over 30 different proteins

    畢竟,這些無意識的蛋白質們會隨意飄動 沒有任何目的或方向

  • It evolved over 700 million years ago and is an army of over 30 different proteins


  • that work together in a complex and elegant dance to stop intruders.​


  • that work together in a complex and elegant dance to stop intruders.​

    他們沒有任何影響力,直到他們被啟動 並且改變他們的形狀

  • that work together in a complex and elegant dance to stop intruders.​

    在蛋白質的世界裡,你的形狀決定了什麼事情你可以做 什麼事情你不能做

  • All in all, about 15 quintillion of them are saturating every fluid in your body right now.​


  • All in all, about 15 quintillion of them are saturating every fluid in your body right now.​

    舉例來說,處於被動狀態的形狀下 你可能不會有任何的功能

  • All in all, about 15 quintillion of them are saturating every fluid in your body right now.​

    然而,在你啟動的狀態下 你可能可以啟動其他蛋白質的形體

  • Guided by nothing but chemistry,​


  • Guided by nothing but chemistry,​


  • Guided by nothing but chemistry,​


  • these proteins are one of the most effective weapons we have against invaders.​

    一但其中一根火柴起火了 它會立即點燃其他根靠近它的火柴

  • these proteins are one of the most effective weapons we have against invaders.​


  • these proteins are one of the most effective weapons we have against invaders.​


  • Many other parts of the immune system are just tools to activate the Complement System.​


  • Many other parts of the immune system are just tools to activate the Complement System.​

    現在,想像一下你不小心劃傷了自己 有一群細菌從傷口的位置

  • Many other parts of the immune system are just tools to activate the Complement System.​


  • But it's also really dangerous.​

    補體系統C3 就會開始進行攻擊

  • But it's also really dangerous.​


  • But it's also really dangerous.​


  • Imagine having trillions of little bombs inside your blood that could go off at any moment.​

    要解釋它如何啟動是有點複雜 在這邊當成它是隨機的

  • Imagine having trillions of little bombs inside your blood that could go off at any moment.​


  • Imagine having trillions of little bombs inside your blood that could go off at any moment.​


  • So our cells use numerous mechanisms to prevent​ ​complement from accidentally attacking ​​them​.​


  • So our cells use numerous mechanisms to prevent​ ​complement from accidentally attacking ​​them​.​

    其中一個部分,蛋白質C3b會像一個追蹤導彈一樣 尋找特定的細菌、真菌和病毒

  • So our cells use numerous mechanisms to prevent​ ​complement from accidentally attacking ​​them​.​

    它只有不到一秒鐘的時間來找到它的敵人 不然它就會被水分子中和掉

  • Okay, what exactly does it do and what makes it so dangerous?​

    假設C3b找到一個目標 它會將自己緊緊的固定在敵人的表面且不會鬆開

  • Okay, what exactly does it do and what makes it so dangerous?​


  • Okay, what exactly does it do and what makes it so dangerous?​

    藉由這個新的形狀,它現在可以與其它蛋白質做連結 並且在啟動比較小的串聯反應

  • In a nutshell, The Complement System does three things:​


  • In a nutshell, The Complement System does three things:​

    最後,它會將它自己轉變成一個名為C3 Convertase 的招收平台

  • In a nutshell, The Complement System does three things:​

    這個專門的平台,可以將更多C3蛋白質轉換 並且重新開始整個循環

  • it cripples enemies, it activates the immune system, and it rips holes in things until they die.​


  • it cripples enemies, it activates the immune system, and it rips holes in things until they die.​


  • it cripples enemies, it activates the immune system, and it rips holes in things until they die.​


  • But, how?​


  • But, how?​


  • But, how?​


  • After all, these are mindless proteins randomly drifting around without will or direction.​

    你還記得C3的另一部分嗎? C3a蛋白質

  • After all, these are mindless proteins randomly drifting around without will or direction.​


  • After all, these are mindless proteins randomly drifting around without will or direction.​


  • Well, this is actually part of the strategy.​


  • Well, this is actually part of the strategy.​

    會從休眠狀態甦醒過來 並且跟著蛋白質的軌跡到達感染的部位

  • Well, this is actually part of the strategy.​


  • Complement proteins float around in a sort-of passive mode.​

    用這種方式 補體蛋白可以正確的引導他們到最需要增援的地方

  • Complement proteins float around in a sort-of passive mode.​


  • Complement proteins float around in a sort-of passive mode.​


  • They do nothing, until they get activated and change their shape.​


  • They do nothing, until they get activated and change their shape.​

    這代表著,吞噬細胞會把你整個吞掉 把你關在一個小監牢裡,再用酸殺掉你

  • They do nothing, until they get activated and change their shape.​


  • In the world of proteins, your shape determines what you can and cannot do.​


  • In the world of proteins, your shape determines what you can and cannot do.​


  • In the world of proteins, your shape determines what you can and cannot do.​

    當作一個像是膠水一樣 讓免疫細胞可以輕易抓住它們的敵人

  • Because shape determines what you can interact with and in what way.​


  • Because shape determines what you can interact with and in what way.​

    想像一下! 你又一次被一堆蒼蠅給包覆著

  • Because shape determines what you can interact with and in what way.​


  • For example, in your passive shape you might do nothing.​


  • For example, in your passive shape you might do nothing.​


  • For example, in your passive shape you might do nothing.​

    在這個菌體的表面,C3 Convertase 再次地變換它的形狀

  • In your active shape, however, you might, for example, change the shape of other proteins


  • In your active shape, however, you might, for example, change the shape of other proteins

    他們會變成一個比較大的結構: 膜攻擊複合物

  • In your active shape, however, you might, for example, change the shape of other proteins


  • activating them so they can activate others.​


  • activating them so they can activate others.​


  • activating them so they can activate others.​


  • Mechanisms like this one can start cascades that spread very quickly.​


  • Mechanisms like this one can start cascades that spread very quickly.​


  • Mechanisms like this one can start cascades that spread very quickly.​


  • Imagine the complement proteins as being like millions of matches very close together.​


  • Imagine the complement proteins as being like millions of matches very close together.​


  • Imagine the complement proteins as being like millions of matches very close together.​


  • Once one catches fire, it ignites the ones around it.​


  • Once one catches fire, it ignites the ones around it.​


  • Once one catches fire, it ignites the ones around it.​


  • They ignite more and suddenly you have a big fire.​


  • They ignite more and suddenly you have a big fire.​


  • They ignite more and suddenly you have a big fire.​


  • To show the actual mechanisms of The Complement System is a tad complicated and overwhelming.​

    等等,如果我們有這麼有效的武器 為什麼我們還會生病?

  • To show the actual mechanisms of The Complement System is a tad complicated and overwhelming.​


  • To show the actual mechanisms of The Complement System is a tad complicated and overwhelming.​


  • So, we'll simplify here.​


  • So, we'll simplify here.​

    用這種方式,病毒能夠在被感染的細胞周圍 形成一個安全區

  • So, we'll simplify here.​

    當病毒殺死這個細胞以後 可以有更高的機率感染附近其他的健康細胞

  • Now, let's imagine you cut yourself and a bunch of bacteria enter the wound


  • Now, let's imagine you cut yourself and a bunch of bacteria enter the wound


  • Now, let's imagine you cut yourself and a bunch of bacteria enter the wound


  • and make it into the surrounding tissue.​

    但是它在我們美麗並且複雜的免疫系統組織之中 只是其中一員

  • and make it into the surrounding tissue.​

    這是一個無意識的小東東 卻可以一起做一些聰明合作的漂亮例子

  • and make it into the surrounding tissue.​

    這個影片是由 你 來贊助的

  • Our complement attack begins with C3.​


  • Our complement attack begins with C3.​


  • Our complement attack begins with C3.​

    在2019年 每一部kurzgesagt的影片至少要花1200小時來製造

  • C3 is the first match, the initial spark that will start our fire.​

    我們要花上好幾個月來做研究及 寫腳本並向專家們確認

  • C3 is the first match, the initial spark that will start our fire.​

    並且製做一張一張的插圖、製成動畫 再加入原創的音樂

  • C3 is the first match, the initial spark that will start our fire.​


  • And to do that, C3 needs to switch from passive to active.​

    你們在Patreon上的支持還有販賣一些周邊 才有可以達成

  • And to do that, C3 needs to switch from passive to active.​


  • And to do that, C3 needs to switch from passive to active.​


  • How this happens is complex, but let's just say it can happen randomly

    你可以觀看我們的影片 訂閱Patreon並且製作一隻專屬於你的小鳥鳥

  • How this happens is complex, but let's just say it can happen randomly


  • How this happens is complex, but let's just say it can happen randomly


  • through other complement proteins that bind to enemies or through antibodies.​

    和讓科學更靠近我們的生活 是kurzgesagt的宗旨

  • through other complement proteins that bind to enemies or through antibodies.​


  • through other complement proteins that bind to enemies or through antibodies.​

  • All you really need to know is that C3 breaks into two smaller proteins,​

  • All you really need to know is that C3 breaks into two smaller proteins,​

  • All you really need to know is that C3 breaks into two smaller proteins,​

  • C3a and C3b, that are now activated.​

  • C3a and C3b, that are now activated.​

  • C3a and C3b, that are now activated.​

  • One of these parts, the C3b protein, is like a seeker missile specialized in bacteria, fungi, and viruses.​

  • One of these parts, the C3b protein, is like a seeker missile specialized in bacteria, fungi, and viruses.​

  • One of these parts, the C3b protein, is like a seeker missile specialized in bacteria, fungi, and viruses.​

  • It has a fraction of a second to find a victim or it will be neutralized by water molecules.​

  • It has a fraction of a second to find a victim or it will be neutralized by water molecules.​

  • It has a fraction of a second to find a victim or it will be neutralized by water molecules.​

  • If C3b does find a target, it anchors itself very tightly to its surface and doesn't let go.​

  • If C3b does find a target, it anchors itself very tightly to its surface and doesn't let go.​

  • If C3b does find a target, it anchors itself very tightly to its surface and doesn't let go.​

  • By doing so, the protein changes its shape again.​

  • By doing so, the protein changes its shape again.​

  • By doing so, the protein changes its shape again.​

  • In its new shape, it's now able to grab other proteins and start a small cascade,​

  • In its new shape, it's now able to grab other proteins and start a small cascade,​

  • In its new shape, it's now able to grab other proteins and start a small cascade,​

  • changing its shape multiple times, adding other complement proteins to itself.​

  • changing its shape multiple times, adding other complement proteins to itself.​

  • changing its shape multiple times, adding other complement proteins to itself.​

  • Finally, it transforms itself into a recruiting platform known as C3 Convertase.​

  • Finally, it transforms itself into a recruiting platform known as C3 Convertase.​

  • Finally, it transforms itself into a recruiting platform known as C3 Convertase.​

  • This platform is an expert at activating more C3 proteins that start the whole cycle anew.​

  • This platform is an expert at activating more C3 proteins that start the whole cycle anew.​

  • This platform is an expert at activating more C3 proteins that start the whole cycle anew.​

  • An amplification loop begins.​

  • An amplification loop begins.​

  • An amplification loop begins.​

  • Soon, thousands of proteins cover the bacteria.​

  • Soon, thousands of proteins cover the bacteria.​

  • Soon, thousands of proteins cover the bacteria.​

  • For the bacteria, this is very bad.​

  • For the bacteria, this is very bad.​

  • For the bacteria, this is very bad.​

  • It can cripple the bacteria and make them helpless, or slow them down.​

  • It can cripple the bacteria and make them helpless, or slow them down.​

  • It can cripple the bacteria and make them helpless, or slow them down.​

  • Imagine being covered by thousands of flies.​

  • Imagine being covered by thousands of flies.​

  • Imagine being covered by thousands of flies.​

  • But, there's more.​

  • But, there's more.​

  • But, there's more.​

  • Do you remember the other part of C3—the C3a protein?​

  • Do you remember the other part of C3—the C3a protein?​

  • Do you remember the other part of C3—the C3a protein?​

  • C3a is like a distress beacon.​

  • C3a is like a distress beacon.​

  • C3a is like a distress beacon.​

  • Thousands of them flood away from the site of battle screaming for attention.​

  • Thousands of them flood away from the site of battle screaming for attention.​

  • Thousands of them flood away from the site of battle screaming for attention.​

  • Passive immune cells notice the C3a proteins,​

  • Passive immune cells notice the C3a proteins,​

  • Passive immune cells notice the C3a proteins,​

  • and awaken from their slumber to follow the protein tracks to the site of infection.​

  • and awaken from their slumber to follow the protein tracks to the site of infection.​

  • and awaken from their slumber to follow the protein tracks to the site of infection.​

  • The more alarm proteins they encounter, the more aggressive they get.​

  • The more alarm proteins they encounter, the more aggressive they get.​

  • The more alarm proteins they encounter, the more aggressive they get.​

  • This way, complement guides reinforcements exactly to the place where they're needed the most.​

  • This way, complement guides reinforcements exactly to the place where they're needed the most.​

  • This way, complement guides reinforcements exactly to the place where they're needed the most.​

  • So far, the complement has slowed down the invaders and called for help.​

  • So far, the complement has slowed down the invaders and called for help.​

  • So far, the complement has slowed down the invaders and called for help.​

  • Now, it's beginning to actively help to kill the enemy.​

  • Now, it's beginning to actively help to kill the enemy.​

  • Now, it's beginning to actively help to kill the enemy.​

  • The first immune cells to arrive at the battlefield are ​​phagocytes​.​

  • The first immune cells to arrive at the battlefield are ​​phagocytes​.​

  • The first immune cells to arrive at the battlefield are ​​phagocytes​.​

  • Which means, cells that swallow you whole, trap you in a tiny prison, and then kill you with acid.​

  • Which means, cells that swallow you whole, trap you in a tiny prison, and then kill you with acid.​

  • Which means, cells that swallow you whole, trap you in a tiny prison, and then kill you with acid.​

  • But, to swallow an enemy, they need to grab it first.​

  • But, to swallow an enemy, they need to grab it first.​

  • But, to swallow an enemy, they need to grab it first.​

  • Which is not easy because bacteria prefer not to be grabbed and are sort-of slippery.​

  • Which is not easy because bacteria prefer not to be grabbed and are sort-of slippery.​

  • Which is not easy because bacteria prefer not to be grabbed and are sort-of slippery.​

  • But now, the complement that has anchored itself to the bacteria

  • But now, the complement that has anchored itself to the bacteria

  • But now, the complement that has anchored itself to the bacteria

  • acts as a sort-of glue that makes it easy for the immune cells to catch their victims.​

  • acts as a sort-of glue that makes it easy for the immune cells to catch their victims.​

  • acts as a sort-of glue that makes it easy for the immune cells to catch their victims.​

  • But it gets even better.​

  • But it gets even better.​

  • But it gets even better.​

  • Imagine being covered in flies again.​

  • Imagine being covered in flies again.​

  • Imagine being covered in flies again.​

  • Now, imagine them turning into wasps.​

  • Now, imagine them turning into wasps.​

  • Now, imagine them turning into wasps.​

  • Another cascade is about to begin.​

  • Another cascade is about to begin.​

  • Another cascade is about to begin.​

  • On the surface of a bacteria, the C3 recruitment platform changes its shape again

  • On the surface of a bacteria, the C3 recruitment platform changes its shape again

  • On the surface of a bacteria, the C3 recruitment platform changes its shape again

  • and begins to recruit new proteins.​

  • and begins to recruit new proteins.​

  • and begins to recruit new proteins.​

  • Together, they begin the construction of a bigger structure: a Membrane Attack Complex.​

  • Together, they begin the construction of a bigger structure: a Membrane Attack Complex.​

  • Together, they begin the construction of a bigger structure: a Membrane Attack Complex.​

  • Piece-by-piece, new proteins shaped like long spears anchor themselves deep into the bacteria's membranes,​

  • Piece-by-piece, new proteins shaped like long spears anchor themselves deep into the bacteria's membranes,​

  • Piece-by-piece, new proteins shaped like long spears anchor themselves deep into the bacteria's membranes,​

  • until they rip a hole into them that can't be closed again.​

  • until they rip a hole into them that can't be closed again.​

  • until they rip a hole into them that can't be closed again.​

  • Fluids rush into the bacteria and their insides spill out.​

  • Fluids rush into the bacteria and their insides spill out.​

  • Fluids rush into the bacteria and their insides spill out.​

  • They bleed to death.​

  • They bleed to death.​

  • They bleed to death.​

  • The remaining bacteria are maimed and distracted by the complement,​

  • The remaining bacteria are maimed and distracted by the complement,​

  • The remaining bacteria are maimed and distracted by the complement,​

  • and quickly taken care of by the arriving immune cells.​

  • and quickly taken care of by the arriving immune cells.​

  • and quickly taken care of by the arriving immune cells.​

  • The invasion has been nipped in the bud before it had the opportunity to become dangerous.​

  • The invasion has been nipped in the bud before it had the opportunity to become dangerous.​

  • The invasion has been nipped in the bud before it had the opportunity to become dangerous.​

  • You probably didn't even notice it.​

  • You probably didn't even notice it.​

  • You probably didn't even notice it.​

  • But while bacteria are not happy about complement,​

  • But while bacteria are not happy about complement,​

  • But while bacteria are not happy about complement,​

  • the enemies it might be the most useful against are actually viruses.​

  • the enemies it might be the most useful against are actually viruses.​

  • the enemies it might be the most useful against are actually viruses.​

  • Viruses have one problem: they need to travel from cell to cell.​

  • Viruses have one problem: they need to travel from cell to cell.​

  • Viruses have one problem: they need to travel from cell to cell.​

  • Outside of cells, they're basically hoping to randomly bump against a cell to infect by pure chance.​

  • Outside of cells, they're basically hoping to randomly bump against a cell to infect by pure chance.​

  • Outside of cells, they're basically hoping to randomly bump against a cell to infect by pure chance.​

  • Here, they're completely defenseless.​

  • Here, they're completely defenseless.​

  • Here, they're completely defenseless.​

  • And here, complement is able to intercept and cripple them,​

  • And here, complement is able to intercept and cripple them,​

  • And here, complement is able to intercept and cripple them,​

  • so they become harmless and guide the immune system to devour them.​

  • so they become harmless and guide the immune system to devour them.​

  • so they become harmless and guide the immune system to devour them.​

  • Without complement, virus infections would be a lot more deadly.​

  • Without complement, virus infections would be a lot more deadly.​

  • Without complement, virus infections would be a lot more deadly.​

  • But wait, if we have such an effective weapon, why do we ever get sick?​

  • But wait, if we have such an effective weapon, why do we ever get sick?​

  • But wait, if we have such an effective weapon, why do we ever get sick?​

  • The problem is that in a war, both sides adapt.​

  • The problem is that in a war, both sides adapt.​

  • The problem is that in a war, both sides adapt.​

  • For example, when the ​​vaccinia virusinfects a cell,​

  • For example, when the ​​vaccinia virusinfects a cell,​

  • For example, when the ​​vaccinia virusinfects a cell,​

  • it forces it to produce a protein that shuts complement activation down.​

  • it forces it to produce a protein that shuts complement activation down.​

  • it forces it to produce a protein that shuts complement activation down.​

  • This way, the virus creates safe zones around the cells it infects.​

  • This way, the virus creates safe zones around the cells it infects.​

  • This way, the virus creates safe zones around the cells it infects.​

  • When it kills them, and tries to infect more, it has a higher chance of being successful.​

  • When it kills them, and tries to infect more, it has a higher chance of being successful.​

  • When it kills them, and tries to infect more, it has a higher chance of being successful.​

  • Or some bacteria, for example, can grab certain molecules from the blood that keep the complement system calm

  • Or some bacteria, for example, can grab certain molecules from the blood that keep the complement system calm

  • Or some bacteria, for example, can grab certain molecules from the blood that keep the complement system calm

  • and make themselves invisible.​

  • and make themselves invisible.​

  • and make themselves invisible.​

  • So the complement system, while being extremely important,​

  • So the complement system, while being extremely important,​

  • So the complement system, while being extremely important,​

  • is only one player in the complex and beautiful organization that is our immune system.​

  • is only one player in the complex and beautiful organization that is our immune system.​

  • is only one player in the complex and beautiful organization that is our immune system.​

  • A beautiful example of how many mindless things can do smart things together.​

  • A beautiful example of how many mindless things can do smart things together.​

  • A beautiful example of how many mindless things can do smart things together.​

  • This video was sponsored by ​​you​.​

  • This video was sponsored by ​​you​.​

  • This video was sponsored by ​​you​.​

  • Without your direct support, this channel would not exist.​

  • Without your direct support, this channel would not exist.​

  • Without your direct support, this channel would not exist.​

  • And it's hard to overstate how grateful we are for that.​

  • And it's hard to overstate how grateful we are for that.​

  • And it's hard to overstate how grateful we are for that.​

  • In 2019, an average kurzgesagt video took at least 1200 hours to produce.​

  • In 2019, an average kurzgesagt video took at least 1200 hours to produce.​

  • In 2019, an average kurzgesagt video took at least 1200 hours to produce.​

  • We need months to research and write our scripts, clear them with experts,​

  • We need months to research and write our scripts, clear them with experts,​

  • We need months to research and write our scripts, clear them with experts,​

  • illustrate and animate every scene from scratch, and to compose original music.​

  • illustrate and animate every scene from scratch, and to compose original music.​

  • illustrate and animate every scene from scratch, and to compose original music.​

  • This is only possible through a combination of sponsorships,​

  • This is only possible through a combination of sponsorships,​

  • This is only possible through a combination of sponsorships,​

  • your support on Patreon, and selling merch

  • your support on Patreon, and selling merch

  • your support on Patreon, and selling merch

  • like this poster and postcards we made about The Complement System.​

  • like this poster and postcards we made about The Complement System.​

  • like this poster and postcards we made about The Complement System.​

  • If you, yourself, want to support us,​

  • If you, yourself, want to support us,​

  • If you, yourself, want to support us,​

  • you can do so by watching, becoming a Patreon, and maybe getting a personal bird.​

  • you can do so by watching, becoming a Patreon, and maybe getting a personal bird.​

  • you can do so by watching, becoming a Patreon, and maybe getting a personal bird.​

  • Or, by getting one of our calendars or posters.​

  • Or, by getting one of our calendars or posters.​

  • Or, by getting one of our calendars or posters.​

  • The purpose of kurzgesagt is to make the best videos we can

  • The purpose of kurzgesagt is to make the best videos we can

  • The purpose of kurzgesagt is to make the best videos we can

  • and to make science more approachable.​

  • and to make science more approachable.​

  • and to make science more approachable.​

  • Thank you so much for making this possible.​

  • Thank you so much for making this possible.​

  • Thank you so much for making this possible.​

  • ​​

Every living being needs to fight off other living beings that want to feast on them.​


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