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  • Oh hello.

  • Today we're discussing: 'how to tell if a disabled person is faking'

  • You can't.

  • [end music]

  • Ok, ok, okwe're adults, we can discuss things. And actually, some of us aren't

  • adults- but in my experience it's the almost-adults who often have a better grasp of respecting

  • other people. So congratulations Gen Z, I look forward to you running the world.

  • - if we haven't ruined it by then

  • Moving on from my ecological anxiety:

  • Am I looking my best right now? No.

  • Am I feeling my best right now? No.

  • Am I deeply offended by something I saw on Twitter? Always.

  • Unless you follow me on Instagram

  • - and if you don't why not? The link is in the description!

  • You probably won't realise that I spent last week in what became an 80 hour migraine.

  • It washorrific. But at least last week's videos were pre-recorded!

  • God bless you, past me.

  • The pain started on Tuesday evening, by Wednesday morning I was continuously vomiting, unable

  • to stay awake, sit up or have any light around me. For 80 hours...

  • [blow air]

  • So that was awful.

  • We debated calling an ambulance, because when I'm really vomiting the only thing that

  • stops it is an antiemetic injection straight into my veins but that's not always the

  • most helpful thing because then the ambulance crew have to take me into hospital, which

  • is the WORST place to be with a migraine. It's so bright and harsh and there is no

  • access to drinks or medications because it takes four hours for anything you ask for

  • to arrive. And I really wish that was an exaggeration but no...

  • So hospital is the absolute last resort. Fortunately I married into a family of medical professionals

  • though so there are people we can call upon when we are in need.

  • Being ill that particular week was also sucky because I was meant to be going to a big event

  • on Wednesday evening to showcase all of the new content that will be coming out this year

  • on Sky TV because they just made me a Sky Ambassador and I've never been an ambassador

  • of anything so I was very much looking forward to how swanky that was going to be! Also I've

  • never had Sky. AND I was meant to be filming collabs with Hannah Witton on the Thursday.

  • AND I was just looking forward to living my life as a human who could think without extreme

  • pain.

  • But no. I did not get to have a fun week.

  • When I was finally able to look at a screen again I idly checked Twitter to find the headline

  • 'Jameela Jamil accused of faking her illnesses'.

  • [crickets sfx]

  • - If you don't know, Jameela Jamil is a British actress, presenter and activist who

  • has Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and number of comorbidities

  • (which is what you call diseases/conditions

  • that occur at the same time within one person and overlap or are linked).

  • Which is the thing I have. So that's great(!)

  • Really helped me to feel better(!)

  • Jameela was also struck by a car at the age of 17 which broke several of her bones and

  • damaged her spine and she was bed bound for a while afterwards.

  • I paralysed my arms at age 17 and because of that had a hospital procedure that went

  • wrong and left me bed bound for a while afterwards so...

  • [sarcastically] not that I'm taking this too personally or relating too much to something

  • that has nothing to do with me or anything.

  • An Instagram user had basically created a highlight thread that accused Jameela of lying

  • and faking her illnesses, going so far as to say she is suffering from Munchausen syndrome.

  • It's an incredibly long, detailed and rude deep dive that I'm not going to link you to because

  • reading it will only hurt your soul. Although some of the worst parts of this person's

  • accusations, including calling the diagnosis of Ehlers Danlos Syndrome or EDS a 'red

  • flag' for Munchausen's, have now been removed.

  • - whichyes. Because bullying one person you think is 'faking' a disability is

  • very different to systematically slamming an entire group of people. It's not much

  • better but at least you're this much less of an arsehole now.

  • In the past Jameela has spoken about having been born partially deaf and allergic to peanuts

  • and shellfish, being diagnosed with Ehlers Danlos at age 9, being highly allergic to

  • bees, being chased by bees, experiencing two car crashes and surviving cancer twice. According

  • to the Instagrammer this was just too many things to happen to one person and must therefore

  • be fake.

  • I mean it doesn't sound like that much to me.

  • Said the deaf girl with two genetic disorders that have led to a litany of accidents

  • Also, in researching this video, I found out that the high incidence of cancer in those

  • with EDS whichIn no way worries me about my future (!)

  • For those who don't know, Munchausen Syndrome is a mental disorder in which a person repeatedly

  • and deliberately acts as if he or she has a physical or mental illness when he or she

  • is not really sick. They can also make themselves ill by taking poisons or deliberately injuring

  • themselves. Their main intention is to be seen as being poorly so that other people

  • will care for them and they will be the centre of attention.

  • In no way is their behaviour linked to practical benefit, such as access to strong painkillers

  • or claiming disability benefits for financial gain, and if this IS their motivation then

  • they can't be diagnosed as having Munchausen or another factitious… I hope I said that

  • right Or another facticious disorder because, again,

  • it is in itself a mental illness.

  • It should also not be confused with Hypochondriasis or somatic illnesses, which is the expression

  • of mental phenomena as physical symptoms (eg. you worry so much about whether you're going

  • to have a heart attack that your body then gives you the symptoms of a heart attack)

  • because people with those conditions genuinely believe that they are ill

  • - and they are, they didn't MAKE those symptoms happen.

  • Whereas people with factitious disorders are aware that they are not actually unwell.

  • So why did this news upset me so much? Why did it hurt me?

  • Because even though I'd spent days fighting off the need to call an ambulance, even though

  • to me getting medical attention is actively repulsive, even though I have a genetic disability

  • that can be easily proven and seen

  • [whisper] I'm still scared someone will say I'm faking.

  • Why do you think I was so nervous to make a video about my diagnosis having been changed?

  • I was diagnosed with a connective tissue disorder, I'm still diagnosed with a connective tissue

  • disorderit's really a very marginal difference. But would having more than one

  • thing wrong with me mean people would think I was faking? Well... it's actually incredibly

  • common for people to have more than one illness or disability. Your body is a very delicate

  • system that's constantly balancing itself out, once one thing goes wrong it's common

  • for another to go too.

  • Plus EDS is EXACTLY the type of confusing connective tissue disorder that comes with

  • a whole load of symptoms like loose joints, muscle fatigue, growths, heart valve problems,

  • degenerative joint disease, chronic pain and, often, mast cell disease, which essentially

  • gives you allergic responses to a whole range of things but can be completely different

  • at different times based on inflammation and the levels of histamine.

  • It's a whole thing.

  • EDS sounds so weird but yet it's real. Disorderly collagen affects every system in your body.

  • One of the main reasons that Jameela was accused of 'faking' was because she said she was

  • born allergic to peanuts but grew out of itwhich 20 to 25% of people with a peanut allergy

  • do anyway AND which is quite common with Mast Cell Disease.

  • I can eat gluten free bread some days.

  • And then the next day I can eat a slice from the same loaf and have a reaction.

  • Is that annoying? Yes

  • Do I wish it would stop? Yes.

  • I'm going to talk more about EDS in a video on Friday but let's break down 'how to

  • tell if a disabled person is faking':

  • - resist rolling your eyes.

  • Firstly, why do you care?

  • I get that disabled people are interesting, we're

  • generally fabulous and sassy, but we can't help it.

  • If the intention is that by weeding out 'fakers' it's stopping them from taking the place

  • of someone who 'actually needs it' thenno. That's… that's not how humans work.

  • There aren't a set number of disabled people allowed to be in society at any one time and

  • the rest of us are kept in a cage. You're not creating a positive and 'freeing'

  • someone. You're just perpetuating a negative.

  • And it's impossible to tell how ill or disabled someone is just by looking at them- even doctors

  • can't tell without running multiple tests. And often not even then! Take a look at the

  • comments on my 'I was misdiagnosed' video: so many people who were told by their doctor

  • that they were 'fine' only to find out later that they'd had cancer the whole time!

  • Or a genetic heart defect since birth but no doctor had ever listened to them!

  • See, if even doctors don't always get it right, how can a random stranger who has never

  • met someone, only seen them through the internet and put together a lot of third hand information?

  • Look, I get that maybe some of the things she's said are inconsistent but (A) EDS

  • is a remarkably inconsistent condition and (B) it's not that odd for two people witnessing

  • the same number of bees to remember it differently when one of those people is pretty chill about

  • bees and the other is deathly allergic and (C) most of these retellings are coming from

  • interviews and thus via different journalists and editors who will say things differently.

  • - also can we just discuss how brain fog is a thing? I can't remember precise things

  • about my own timeline and that gets better or worse based on how tired or in pain I am.

  • Being mean to 'fake' disabled people doesn't make you an ally or a hero to 'real' disabled

  • people.

  • Added to that, it's near impossible to get accurate facts from an interview. In one interview

  • Jamila spoke about being bed bound for two years and having to use a zimmer frame

  • - same, same.

  • But in another interview they recorded that she was bed bound for one year and had to

  • use a wheelchair.

  • This seemed to confuse her online attacker but I think we can all agree it's not that

  • complex, it's just two interviewers picking out the part of a story that is most interesting

  • to them.

  • I say that I was 'bed bound for two years' but obviously that doesn't mean it was consistently

  • awful [triumphant music] and then on day 730 I immediately stood up and was 100% better.

  • [beat]

  • It's like climbing a hill with ups and downs. The first year was the worst. During that

  • time I used both a wheelchair and a zimmer frame. Which of those aids you personally

  • find more interesting is likely what you'd pick up on when writing up a story.

  • I did an interview with Marie Claire magazine once and the interviewer asked what my favourite

  • alcoholic drink was. I explained that I can't drink alcohol because not only would it dangerously

  • interact with a pain killing medication I take in a life threatening manner but that

  • due to my connective tissue disorder my body has issues regulating my blood sugar levels

  • which are obviously affected by alcohol and thus I do the best for my body by feeding

  • it things that are beneficial and steering clear of anything that may harm it.

  • What was printed in the magazine?

  • Jessica doesn't drink because she thinks her body is a temple

  • - [baffled beat] wha….?

  • [beat]

  • Was that journalist okay?

  • Look, you cannot tell if a disabled or ill person is faking just by looking at them.

  • In fact many people who have a definite, verified, 100% blue tick disability

  • - which isn't something I really want to have to say

  • Even THOSE people face harassment for not looking disabled.

  • Now, you might say it's because disabilities are confusing. Unless you're in a wheelchair

  • because you're paralysed, it's apparently too complex for the average person to understand.

  • - which is a massive disservice to 'the average person' but please bear with me.

  • I have a disability that paralyses parts of my body for periods of time because my nerves

  • don't work very well so an injury numbs them. Sometimes I have to use a wheelchair

  • because I've paralysed my foot. One time I paralysed both legs from the knees down.

  • I was the disabled sign and people still gave me grief!

  • It's not uncommon. People drive up, park in the disabled bay, someone tells them off

  • for doing so and then looks astonished when said driver gets out of the carand into

  • a wheelchair.

  • When my legs aren't too great or my energy is low and thus I'm out and about in my

  • wheelchair I get a cold dread at the thought of standing up from it in public. People are

  • always so interested! ButSome wheelchair users can walk. Sure, I mean not for long

  • periods of time, often it will hurt to do so or they're very wobbly or it does dangerous

  • things to their heart rate butsome wheelchair users CAN walk . Just because a wheelchair

  • user stands up from their wheelchair or walks does not mean that they are 'faking' the

  • need for their chair.

  • [Deep sigh] I know all of this.

  • But the thought that other people don't know this is what keeps me scared. I don't

  • know how to deal with harassment. I don't have a 'disabled' card that I can pull

  • out and shove in their face:

  • - “oh please excuse me while I go home and come back with my entire medical file of doctors

  • diagnosis letters and my DNA sequencing to show you my missing gene.”

  • And I shouldn't even think that because I shouldn't have to prove my disability

  • to anyone. I shouldn't have to prove anything to anyone. No one should. We should all just

  • be decent human beings who try to be the best people we can be and think the best of others.

  • Of every £100 paid out by the British government in benefits only 75p is fraudulently claimed

  • (and that's mainly because someone died but the system was too slow to react so still

  • sent them a payment). There is no epidemic of people faking disabilities.

  • Chill out.

  • The amount the government pays out is pitiful, going through the tests is humiliating and

  • not even people who are genuinely dying always get through.

  • As Jameela tweeted:

  • Being gaslit about your health for entertainment is a very specific pain that a lot of people

  • with Ehlers Danlos and other invisible disabilities have to face every day by people who don't

  • understand our vastly under-researched conditions.”

  • And if that's you. Hey friend, you are ot alone, there are lots of other people out

  • there in the same boat. Equally feeling kind of afraid and kind of alone.

  • Look you can be mad at Jameela Jamil for whatever other

  • reason you like: you don't like her acting?

  • Fine. Don't like her feminism? Fine.

  • - Ah Lord, people who have disabilities aren't immune from doing 'bad things'

  • But if you tear someone down for disability related reasons then you need to recognise

  • that you're hurting a lot of other people at the same time.

  • Besides, look, Munchausens might pop up in TV shows a lot but the incidence is only 1

  • in 50,000 or so and the incidence of Ehlers-Danlos is 1 in 5,000 so

  • Pretty common for an uncommon thing really.

  • And thus we come to the end of the video. Subscribe to make sure you don't miss my

  • next video, where we'll be taking a closer look at Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome and maybe after

  • watching that this whole situation will make more sense to you.

  • See you then!

Oh hello.

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你能判斷一個殘障人士是否在 "裝 "嗎?(是的,Jameela Jamil) [CC] (Can you tell if a disabled person is 'faking'? (yes, Jameela Jamil) [CC])

  • 4 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary