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  • Dawn and the train are both breaking when Ethic and Hedge arrive in the woods.


  • The adventurers have recovered the first artifact

    [地點(上):八達圍] [地點(下):198 森林]

  • the Node of Power


  • and have come to the 198forest in search of the second.

    當艾希克和海吉搭乘火車 到達樹林時,天剛破曉。

  • Here they're welcomed by the director of the colony, Octavia.

    這兩位冒險家已經取得了 第一件工藝品——

  • She established this treehouse sanctuary


  • after the robots freed everyone from having to work.

    現在來到 198 森林尋找第二個。

  • It was meant to be a haven where people could follow their passions,

    在這裡迎接他們的是 殖民地領導人奧特薇雅。

  • take up crafts, and find fulfillment.

    在機器人出現讓大家 可以免於工作之後,

  • Which they didat first.


  • Some years ago everyone forgot the point.

    本意是要成為一個避風港, 讓大家能追求自己的熱情,

  • They abandoned arts and crafts


  • and instead just painted and exhibited pictures of themselves


  • over, and over, and over.


  • The location of the second artifact is no secret;


  • it's in a tower, guarded by a garrison of bots,


  • a bottomless ravine, and who knows what other traps.


  • As soon as the tower went up with the node inside,


  • human communication across the land went dark.

    它在一個由機器人 警衛隊看守的塔中,

  • Octavia's been after it for years,

    那是個不見底的深谷, 天知道還有什麼其他陷阱。

  • but try as she might, the defenses thwart her.

    隨著塔帶著裡面的 力量球向上升起,

  • In order to even get to the tower, the team will need a distraction.

    整片土地上的人類 交通網都陷入黑暗。

  • Octavia has an idea:


  • stir up the people through some well-intentioned vandalism.

    但她怎麼努力也無法 通過塔的防禦。

  • The residents' paintings are all squares that come in different sizes,

    要到達塔的所在,這個團隊 需要分散對方的注意力。

  • all an odd number of pixels across.


  • Helper-bots pick up the finished portraits

    用善意的破壞行為 來引起大家的騷動。

  • and hang them in public places for everyone to admire.


  • There's a slim margin of time when Hedge can access the paintings.


  • If he were to deface each one with an X,


  • the people would blame the helper-bots,


  • creating just the distraction the team needs.

    有一個小小的空檔, 海吉可以接觸到那些畫作。

  • If only it were so easy.

    如果他能把每張畫 都畫上一個大叉叉,

  • Hedge can't just paint an X—


  • his painting processor requires very specific instructions.

    就能幫團隊達到 分散注意力的效果。

  • Treating the paintings as square grids,


  • he can fill in one pixel, or little square, at a time.


  • He can move forwards and make 90 degree turns over the canvas,

    他的繪圖處理器需要 非常明確的指令。

  • but can't move diagonally.


  • How does Ethic program Hedge to paint an X over each portrait?

    他一次能填滿一個像素 或一個小方格。

  • Pause now to figure it out for yourself.

    在畫布上,他能向前移動, 也可以做九十度的轉彎,

  • Here's a hint.


  • Try drawing a square grid like this,


  • and simulating Hedge's path over it.

    才能在每張畫像上 都畫一個大叉叉?

  • What patterns can you find to guide him?


  • Pause now to figure it out for yourself.


  • The challenge here is to craft a set of instructions


  • that will work for any square grid.


  • Fortunately, one of the strengths of programming


  • is the flexibility to solve not just one problem,


  • but a whole class of them all at once.


  • It often helps to start with one case, and work towards the general.

    這裡的挑戰,是要 設計出一組指令,

  • Let's say we had this square.


  • Hedge can measure the length of its sides and store that number as a variable.


  • Now, what we need is a plan for how Hedge will paint an X,

    就是有彈性,可以 不只解一個問題,

  • pixel by pixel.


  • There's more than one right answer for how to do this;

    有個不錯的方式是 先處理一個,再普及到整體。

  • let's look at two.


  • First, what if Hedge went row by row, like a typewriter?

    海吉可以測量它的邊長, 把這個數字當作變數儲存下來。

  • If it's a 9 pixel by 9 pixel painting,

    我們現在需要一個計畫, 規劃海吉要如何畫出大叉叉。

  • in the first row he'd paint, skip 7, and then paint again.


  • In the second row he'd skip the first, paint, skip 5, and paint.

    要做到這件事, 正確答案不只一個;

  • And so on.


  • The pattern here is that for each row the pixels skipped at the beginning

    首先,如果海吉像打字機 一樣逐行進行呢?

  • go up by one,


  • and the pixels skipped in the middle go down by 2.

    在第一行,他會先上色, 跳過七格,接著再上色。

  • Things get more complicated when Hedge reaches the center.

    在第二行,他會跳過第一格, 上色,跳過五格,再上色。

  • Here there's a row with just one pixel painted.


  • Then the whole thing reverses


  • the number of pixels skipped goes down by one each time on the left,

    一開始要跳過的像素 數目就要多一個,

  • and up by two each time in the middle.

    每行中間要跳過的像素 數目則會少兩個。

  • Instructing Hedge to do this with a series of loops will work

    海吉越接近中心時, 情況就會越複雜。

  • and is a perfectly fine solution.

    在這裡,這一行只要 將一個像素上色。

  • The main drawback is that this requires quite a bit of logic


  • knowing what to do in the middle, when to reverse the process,

    每換一行,左側要跳過的 像素數目會少一個,

  • and exactly how to reverse it.

    中間要跳過的像素 數目則會多兩個。

  • So how might we approach this

    用一系列的迴圈可以 指示海吉做到這件事,

  • so that the logic remains consistent from start to finish?


  • The key insight is to look at a grid as a series of concentric squares.

    主要的缺點是,這個做法 需要相當的邏輯——

  • Each square follows the same pattern

    要知道在中間時該怎麼做、 何時要反轉過程,

  • painted pixels in the corners, and unaltered pixels in between.


  • So if we can figure out a way to paint one nested square,

    我們要怎麼在邏輯 不變的情況下做到這件事?

  • transition to the next, and repeat, we can paint them all.

    關鍵點在於要把一個方格 視為是一系列的同心方形。

  • Painting the outermost one is easy.


  • Start in a corner and paint that pixel.

    將角落的像素上色, 中間的像素則不做改變。

  • If we call the length of the painting n,

    如果我們能想辦法 將角落的方形上色,

  • fly forward n minus 1 spaces.

    轉換到下一個,再重覆, 就可以全部上色完成。

  • Paint another pixel, and turn right.


  • Now do the whole thing againand again.

    從一個角落開始, 將那個像素上色。

  • Now move forward one less space, turn right, fly forward once,

    如果我們把畫作的長度叫做 n,

  • and Hedge will be in the next concentric square

    就是向前飛躍 n 減一格。

  • and ready to repeat the whole process.


  • Each square is n minus 2 pixels smaller than the last in length and width,

    再把整個過程做一次, 然後再做一次。

  • and we can follow this spiral pattern all the way to the center

    現在向前進的距離減少一格, 向右轉,向前飛躍一次,

  • with a loop and a variable that tracks how far Hedge should fly.

    接著海吉就會進入 下一個同心方形,

  • Is one of these methods better than the other?


  • It really depends on what you value.

    每一個方形的長寬都會比 上一個方形小 n 減二個像素,

  • The strength of the spiral is the simplicity of finding a pattern

    我們可以循著這個 螺旋模式一路到中心點,

  • and reusing the same logic from start to finish.

    只要用一個迴圈和一個變數 來追蹤海吉應該飛躍的距離即可。

  • The advantage of the typewriter approach

    這些方法有高下嗎? 這就要看你重視什麼了。

  • is that it's a more generalized solution,


  • meaning it can be adapted much more simply to fill in any pattern.

    同樣的邏輯可以 從頭到尾一直重覆使用。

  • For Ethic's sake, either will do just fine.

    打字機法的優點在於 它是較一般化的解決方案,

  • So here's what happens.

    意思就是,很容易就可以 把它改寫套用在任何模式上。

  • Hedge rapidly defaces all of the portraits.

    就艾希克的情況來說, 兩種方法皆可行。

  • And within moments


  • cries of anguish break out all over the forest.


  • The garrison guarding the tower abandon their posts

    沒多久,整個森林各處 都可以聽見憤怒的吼叫。

  • to calm the agitated people,

    看守著塔的警衛隊 離開了它們的崗位,

  • and Ethic, Hedge, and Octavia slip through


  • and nearly slip into the depths of the gorge

    而艾西克、海吉, 及奧特薇雅便溜過去——

  • standing between them and the tower.

    差一點點滑落 他們和塔之間的深谷。

Dawn and the train are both breaking when Ethic and Hedge arrive in the woods.


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