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- [Dane] Everyone knows the kitchen is a dangerous place
to be a fruit, especially if it's the kitchen
where The Annoying Orange lives.
Over the years hundreds, even thousands of foods have met
their untimely demise there, be it by oven, Squash,
TNT or, of course, by knife.
Over the years The Annoying Orange YouTube channel
has cooked up an array of creatively gruesome food murders.
So here is the Most Brutal Deaths
in Annoying Orange History!
Number eight, Potato in Muddy Buddy.
The moment this sunglasses-sporting spud arrives
in the kitchen, Orange is ready with puns galore.
- (chuckles) you said spud, you're a spud muffin (laughs).
- [Dane] After being blasted in the face by an air horn,
Potato loses his sunglasses and his cool.
- [Potato] You're really getting under my skin buddy.
I've met some stupid food in my days
but you really take the cake.
- [Dane] But moments later is when
this tater really loses face.
(Potato screaming)
Usually the knife kills it's victims quickly,
but Potato is not so lucky, not by a long shot.
Poor tater!
Number seven, Durian in Tough Enough.
It takes thick skin to put up with Orange's annoying antics,
so Durian seems more than up to the task.
- Ha, that barely tickles my fancy!
- [Dane] As a food who prides himself on being tough,
Durian simply laughs off the early attempts
to chop him in half.
(Durian laughs)
But then things get a little more violent.
Okay, a lot more violent.
- It kind of tickles.
- [Dane] And in the end, Durian gets killed just
like all the others,
but it wasn't easy or pretty.
(Durian screams)
Oh, tough luck, Durian!
Number six, Mango in Takes Two to Mango.
What kind of life coach can't even manage
to save his own life?
That would be Mango, who meets his untimely demise
in one of the most eye-popping ways of all-time.
- Ugh talk about an eye full.
- Oh man that's gonna leave a mark.
- [Dane] Between the eye gouges,
the fork stabs and the knife slices,
Mango's death is one of the most drawn-out
and torturous deaths the kitchen has ever seen.
It may take two to mango,
but it took a half dozen utensil attacks
to take down this surprisingly resilient fruit.
Number five, Ice Cream in Scream for Ice Cream.
We hate to admit it,
but sometimes foods really, really deserve to die
in a brutal way.
(Pear screams)
That's definitely the case with the evil Ice Cream,
who terrorizes Orange and threatens
to turn the entire gang
into evil weird-talking zombie demons!
- Try it guys!
- Yeah try it, just yo give it a whirl!
- [Dane] Ice Cream nearly succeeds until Pear
flips a dial and turns the tables,
resulting in one of the most
face-melting deaths of all-time!
Raiders of the Lost Ark, anyone?
Number four, Pineapple in Pain-Apple.
While Orange's antics are enough to drive anyone crazy,
few foods have lost their heads quite like Pineapple.
- Stop, stop, stop!
- [Dane] Shortly after arriving in the kitchen
with a super sharp hairdo,
Pineapple meets Orange and also Knife.
In fact, he meets Knife quite a few times.
In the end, Pineapple winds up on a plate
but not before Orange unleashes some more tropical humor.
- I don't mean to stare but you're looking worse for wear.
(Orange laughs)
- [Dane] Number three, Tomato in Skydiving.
As a skydiving instructor,
it takes a lot to phase this free falling fruit.
That's right, he's a fruit not a veggie,
and don't you forget it!
- This is a backpack I brought filled with candy.
- Ugh, give me that!
- No!
- [Dane] Despite being a safety-conscious instructor,
Tomato's lesson with Orange and the gang
goes awry from the jump.
- That's dangerous, here take this cloud.
- [Dane] If you thought falling thousands of feet
into a lake would kill him, you'd be wrong.
Turns out tomatoes are heartier than you'd expect!
- How I didn't get killed is a miracle.
- [Dane] Instead, Tomato's super-gruesome demise
comes moments later when something we saw earlier
in the episode decides to drop back in.
Number two, Watermelon in Foodsplosion Number Two
The Foodsplosion series is a treasure trove
for brutal live-action food deaths.
(screaming in slow motion)
But after careful consideration we've decided
to give the edge to Watermelon versus Cinderblock.
Even though the title of this video leaves
little to the imagination,
we still weren't prepared
for how brutal this death was.
- That was messy, let's see I again!
- [Dane] Not the first time it played,
not the second time it played,
and not the fifth time it played!
(screaming in slow motion)
And it may be tough to believe,
but this isn't even the
most brutal watermelon death on this list!
That honor goes to number one
Brick Watermelon in Exploding Watermelon Challenge.
When Orange and Pear decide to give this popular
YouTube Challenge a go,
they expect they'll get close
to a thousand rubber bands
around Brick Watermelon's waist before he explodes.
- Bring on the second one, here we go!
- [Dane] Boy are they ever wrong, as Brick Watermelon,
who supposedly got his name because he's built like a brick,
explodes after just two rubber bands!
- Um, what?
- [Dane] Brick's watermelon buddies
are even less impressive at withstanding rubber bands.
Although their deaths are just as brutal!
That does it for the Most Brutal Deaths
in Annoying Orange History.
Do you agree with our list?
Let us know.
And if you have suggestions, leave them below.
Until next time... knife!
- Huh?
(upbeat music)