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  • On a cold winter night in 1916,

    1916 年,在一個寒冷冬天夜晚,

  • Felix Yusupov anxiously prepared to pick up his dinner guest.

    費利克斯·尤蘇波夫焦慮地 準備去接他的晚宴客人。

  • If all went as planned, his guest would be dead by morning,

    如果一切如計畫, 他的客人將活不過早上,

  • though four others had already tried and failed to finish him off.

    不過另外有四個人已經 嘗試過殺害他卻沒有成功。

  • The Russian monarchy was on the brink of collapse,


  • and to Yusupov and his fellow aristocrats,


  • the holy man they'd invited to dinner was the single cause of it all.


  • But who was he,


  • and how could a single monk be to blame for the fate of an empire?


  • Grigori Yefimovich Rasputin began his life in Siberia,

    為什麼整個帝國的命運 要怪罪於一個修士?

  • born in 1869 to a peasant family.

    1869 年,格里戈里· 葉菲莫維奇·拉斯普丁

  • He might have lived a life of obscurity in his small village,


  • if not for his conversion to the Russian Orthodox Church

    他本來可能會在他的小村子裡 過著無名的一生,

  • in the 1890s.

    但在 1890 年代,他皈依 俄國的東正教堂,改變了一切。

  • Inspired by the humbled monks that wandered endlessly


  • from holy site to holy site,


  • he spent years on pilgrimages across Russia.

    讓他花了數年時間在 橫越俄國的朝聖之旅上。

  • On his travels, strangers were captivated by Rasputin's magnetic presence.

    在他的旅途上,拉斯普丁那十分 有吸引力風采讓陌生人著迷。

  • Some even believed he had mystical gifts of prediction and healing.

    有些人甚至相信他有 神秘的天賦,能預測和治病。

  • Despite Rasputin's heavy drinking, petty theft, and promiscuity,

    儘管拉斯普丁會 酗酒、偷竊、雜交,

  • his reputation as a monk quickly spread beyond Siberia

    他身為修士的名聲卻很快 傳到西伯利亞之外,

  • and attracted both laypeople and powerful Orthodox clergymen.

    不僅吸引了未受戒的在家居士, 還吸引有權的東正教神職人員。

  • When he finally reached the capital, St. Petersburg,

    當拉斯普丁終於抵達 首都聖彼得堡,

  • Rasputin used his charisma and connections


  • to win favor with the imperial family's spiritual advisor.


  • In November 1905,

    1905 年十一月,

  • Rasputin was finally introduced to Russian Tsar Nicholas II.

    拉斯普丁終於被介紹給 俄國皇帝尼古拉二世。

  • Nicholas and his wife Alexandra devoutly believed in the Orthodox Church,

    尼古拉和他的妻子亞歷山德拉 虔誠地相信東正教堂,

  • as well as in mysticism and supernatural powers,


  • and this Siberian holy man had them transfixed.

    而這位西伯利亞聖人 讓他們怔住了。

  • It was a particularly tumultuous period for Russia and their family.

    對俄國和他們的家庭而言, 這段時期是特別動亂的時期。

  • The monarchy was barely clinging to control

    在 1905 年的革命之後, 君主政體就快失去控制權了。

  • after the Revolution of 1905.

    他們個人的混亂只是加劇了 他們在政治上的艱難處境:

  • Their political struggles were only intensified by personal turmoil:


  • Alexei, the heir to the throne,

    他得到血友病,是一種 可能會致死的血液疾病。

  • had a life-threatening blood disease called hemophilia.

    1912 年,阿列克謝 遭遇嚴重的醫療危機,

  • When Alexei suffered a severe medical crisis in 1912,

    拉斯普丁建議他的父母 拒絕醫生的治療。

  • Rasputin advised his parents to reject treatment from doctors.

    阿列克謝的健康狀況改善了, 讓皇室家庭更相信

  • Alexei's health improved, cementing the royal family's belief


  • that Rasputin had magical healing powers,

    讓他在皇家宮廷上的 特權地位更受到保障。

  • and guaranteeing his privileged place on the royal court.

    現今,我們知道那些醫生 開的處方是阿斯匹靈,

  • Today, we know that the doctors had prescribed aspirin,


  • a drug that worsens hemophilia.

    在這個事件之後, 拉斯普丁做了一個預言:

  • After this incident, Rasputin made a prophecy:


  • if he died, or the royal family deserted him,

    他們很快就會會失去 他們的兒子以及皇冠。

  • both their son and their crown would soon be gone.

    皇室之外的人則對 拉斯普丁有不同的見解。

  • Outside the royal family, people had mixed views on Rasputin.


  • On one hand, peasants regarded him as one of their own,

    把他們通常不會被聽見的聲音 給放大,讓君主政體聽見。

  • amplifying their often-unheard voice to the monarchy.

    但貴族和神職人員 漸漸開始看不起這個人。

  • But nobles and clergymen came to despise his presence.

    拉斯普丁從來沒有 停止他的可恥行為,

  • Rasputin never ceased his scandalous behavior,


  • and they were skeptical of his so-called powers


  • and thought he was corrupting the royal family.


  • By the end of World War I,


  • they were convinced the only way to maintain order

    唯一的方法就是 消滅這個聖人騙局。

  • was to eliminate this sham of a holy man.

    帶著這樣的信念,尤蘇波夫 開始策劃暗殺拉斯普丁。

  • With this conviction,


  • Yusupov began to plot Rasputin's assassination.

    我們可以根據尤蘇波夫的回憶錄 盡可能推測這個計畫如何進行。

  • Though the exact details remain mysterious,


  • our best guess at how it all unfolded comes from Yusupov's memoirs.


  • He served Rasputin a number of pastries, believing they contained cyanide.


  • But unbeknownst to Yusupov,


  • one of his co-conspirators had a change of heart,


  • and substituted the poison with a harmless substance.

    拉斯普丁吃了點心卻完全沒有 怎麼樣,讓尤蘇波夫十分震驚。

  • To Yusupov's shock, Rasputin ate them without ill effect.

    絕望之餘,他在近距離 射殺了拉斯普丁。

  • In desperation, he shot Rasputin at point-blank range.

    但拉斯普丁沒有死,打倒 攻擊他的人之後便逃離現場。

  • But Rasputin recovered, punched his attacker, and fled.


  • Yusupov and his accomplices pursued him,

    終於對拉斯普丁的額頭 開了一槍,將他殺死,

  • finally killing Rasputin with a bullet to the forehead

    把他的屍體丟到 馬來亞涅夫卡河裡。

  • and dumping his body in the Malaya Nevka river.

    但拉斯普丁的死並沒有讓 君主政權的權力得以穩固,

  • But far from stabilizing the monarchy's authority,


  • Rasputin's death enraged the peasantry.


  • Just as Rasputin prophesied,

    他被謀殺之後沒多久, 皇室家庭也被殺了。

  • his murder was swiftly followed by that of the royal family.

    究竟俄國君主政權的衰落 是受到這位修士詛咒的後果,

  • Whether the downfall of the Russian monarchy

    還是數十年政治緊繃 狀態醞釀出的結果,

  • was a product of the monk's curse,


  • or the result of political tensions decades in the making,

  • well, we may never know.

On a cold winter night in 1916,

1916 年,在一個寒冷冬天夜晚,

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