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- What up, fruit lovers?
A to the O here with the whole gang!
Say hey, everybody.
- Yay! - What's going on?
- Today we're doing a never-before-seen challenge,
the Scare Pear Challenge, ooh!
(dramatic music) (wolf howling)
- Cool, sounds like a bundle of fun.
- It's a fundle of bun, for sure (laughs).
Here's how it works.
Pear's gonna sit his little heinie here,
and one by one, me and the gang are gonna take cracks
at making him scream the loudest.
We all excited to do this?
- Yay! - Yeah!
- No. - Then it's unanimous!
Here's the Scare Pear Challenge coming at ya! (laughs)
- Ugh!
(ominous music) (wind whooshing)
(cheerful music) (Marshmallow boinging)
- Hi, Pear!
- Hey, Marshy.
- I don't wanna scare you.
I wanna hug you, is that okay?
- Sure, I mean, you could try.
It's kinda hard to hug someone when you don't have any--
- Tentacles? (dramatic fanfare)
(Pear screams)
(horn blares)
(giggles) Did I scare you?
- Yeah, kinda, eh, how did ya?
- Thanks, Baby Octopus.
- Anything for a friend.
(Marshmallow giggles) Bye!
- Marshy, you've got some weird friends, cute but weird.
- The Scare-O-Meter gave Pear's scream 75 decibels.
Marshy takes the lead!
- Yay!
(ominous music) (eerie rumbling)
- [Apple] Whoo, I'm a scary ghost!
- Yeah, you're something all right.
- Aw, man, are you really not scared?
- Sorry, Little Apple, not scared at all.
- Aw, and to think I went to all the trouble
of studying up on ghosts at the library
before it burned down.
(dramatic fanfare) - Wha!
The library burned down?
- (laughs) Gotcha, Pear!
- (gasps) The library didn't burn down?
Oh, thank goodness!
- That's 76 decibels.
Congrats, Little Apple, you've moved into the lead
by the smallest of margins! (laughs)
- Gah!
(ominous music) (wolf howling)
- Excuse me, could somebody tell me
what I'm doing here again?
- You're trying to scare me, Grandpa Lemon.
- Oh, I see, I've got a little trick up my sleeve.
Here, hold these.
(teeth splat) - Gah, ew!
- Okay, I'll be back.
- Where's he going?
Hello, Grandpa Lemon, anybody?
What the heck is going on?
Where is everybody?
- Right here. (Pear screams)
(horn blares)
(laughs) - How did you do that?
- A magician never reveals his (snores).
- Oh, good grief.
- The Scare-O-Meter gave it an 85.
Congrats to Grandpa Lemon, our new front runner.
- [Lemon] Thank you kindly.
(Pear screams)
(ominous music) (eerie rumbling)
- (laughs) You don't stand a chance, bro.
I brought the scariest thing of all time, a tarantula.
(tarantula hisses) (dramatic fanfare)
- I'm not scared of tarantulas.
- You, you're not?
Even though they're huge and hairy and could eat you?
- Nope, but it seems like you are.
- Nuh-uh, I'm not scared of anything.
- Then open the cage.
- Maybe I will.
- Cool, so do it.
- I'm gonna. - When?
- Soon. - How about now?
- Don't rush me!
(ominous music)
(tarantula hisses) (Grapefruit screams)
- Yo, what's with that guy?
- I don't know.
Your guess is as good as mine.
(ominous music) (eerie rumbling)
- [Orange] Oogie boogie, oogie boogie boogie boogie!
Oogie boogie! - Not scary.
- Aw, man, okay, let me try a different mask then.
- I don't think it's the mask.
I think it's the fact
that you're not doing anything surprising.
(knife thuds) (screams) Orange!
(horn blares) - (laughs) I so got you!
- What the!
- I put a mask on an orange ball,
see? (glass clatters)
(Grapefruit screams) - Whew, I'll admit
that was a good one.
- Thanks for the help, Knife!
- You're welcome.
See you tomorrow when I try to kill you for reals!
- Bye! - Okay.
- And the Scream-O-Meter agrees.
That was 97 decibels, which means I win the grand prize!
- Well, I didn't know there was a grand prize.
- Yeah, what's the grand prize?
- This megaphone!
- No! (Orange babbles loudly)
- Hey, yo, it's A to the O, back again by popular demand
with another challenge video.
Today it's time for, drum roll please,
(trills) the Candy Man Challenge!
Mm (laughs), sounds delicious!
(laughs) Just kidding.
I know this one's supposed to be super scary.
I'm doing today's challenge with Dr. Bananas
'cause he thinks this whole urban legend
is just that, bananas! (laughs)
- Indubitably, and that's why I've brought this,
my patented paranormal detectifier, to help us determine
whether anything weird occurs.
- Am I getting a reading? (babbles)
- As a matter of fact, yes.
It's determined that you are highly irregular.
- Well, at least we know it works! (laughs)
(machine whooshing) - I think that's quite enough.
(machine screeching) (Orange burps)
(Orange farts) Orange,
you're going to break it.
(Orange laughs) (machine warbling)
- All right, all right.
- Orange, explain to me how this Candy Man Challenge works.
- Oh, it's super easy.
At 3:00 a.m., you say Candy Man's name
five times into a mirror.
- And then? - Then he shows up
with a banana hook for a hand and kills you.
- Wait, he has a banana hook as a hand?
- Mm-hmm. - And you invited me
to do this with you?
- Oh, I see now, you're upset.
- Yes. - Because he has
a banana hook for a hand
while you have nothing for hands.
- No. (clock chiming)
- Oh, it's 3:00 a.m., let's do this!
Turn on the weirdo meter thingamajig-er-bob.
- (groans) Fine.
(machine whirring)
- All right, here we go.
We gotta say his name five times.
- Ready. - Candy Man,
Candy Man, Candy Man, Candy Man, Candy Man.
(suspenseful music)
- You getting anything?
- No, it's not making any noise.
- Hmm, it's not giving off any light, either.
(metal zings) - Hmm, most peculiar.
Perhaps that's because it turned into
a hook? (hook zings)
- Uh-- - What is happening to me?
(screams) (Orange screams)
(Bananas screaming) (ghostly voice laughing)
- Whoa, talk about a banana split! (laughs)
Ooh, ooh! (Candy Man growling)
Ooh, ah, turn on the light! (hook zinging)
Turn on the light!
Oh, oh, he's gone.
- What, what just happened?
I, I have a splitting headache.
- (laughs) Good one, Dr. Bananas.
- It wasn't a joke.
My head hurts like crazy.
Can we turn down the lights or something?
The light is really bothering my--
- Wait, no! (ominous music)
(Bananas screaming) (ghostly voice laughing)
(wind roaring) (Orange screaming)
(hook zings)
What up, fruity toots?
I'm Orange, this is Pear, and we're coming at ya
with a new challenge I can't wait to try,
the Baldi's Basics Challenge.
What could it be?
I have no idea, but I bet it's scary.
Let's do this thing, Baldi, Baldi, Baldi, Baldi, bring it!
- Aren't you supposed to be doing
your math homework right now?
- Yeah, but it's okay.
I've decided I'm gonna be a professional video game player,
so really, I am doing my homework. (laughs)
- (sighs) Whatever you say, dude.
- So give me the down low.
How does the Baldi's Basics Challenge work?
I wanna know, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me!
- Okay, okay, calm down, I have it all set up.
- Wow, it looks just like the one from the game!
(game blips) - Go ahead, use it.
- [Baldi] Oh, hi.
- Whoa, whoa, even that just gave me chills.
- Now it's time for everybody's favorite subject, math!
Problem one. (game dings)
Aha, you got it, problem two.
(game dings) That's right, problem three.
(game dings) You're doing fantastic.
Problem four. - Hmm,
I don't remember there being a fourth question.
(game dings) - You're doing fanta--
(game blips) Five.
(game dings) You're doing fan--
(game blips) Six.
- A little longer than I remember.
(game dings) You're doing fan--
(game blips) Seven.
- Yeah, super long. - Eight.
- But also super fun, whoo-hoo!
- Nine. - This is so much better
than doing homework.
(game dings) - You did great.
Come here and get your prize.
(cheerful music) (printer whirring)
- Oh (laughs), yes!
Oh, I wonder what it is?
Oh, I'm so excited!
(game clatters)
Huh? (record scratches)
- Orange?
- It's my homework.
- (laughs) I got you so good!
- What the, the Baldi's Basics Challenge
is just doing your homework?
You tricked me into doing my math worksheet!
- And you fell for it, too!
You even said it was super fun.
- Ah, I didn't mean it!
I thought I was doing video game homework,
not real life homework!
Eh, uh, oh, no, this isn't gonna affect my ability
to become a professional video game player someday, is it?
Ah, I gotta undo it, I gotta do my homework wrong!
(dramatic music) (burps)
(Orange grunting) (game buzzing)
(gasps) Okay, whew, I got 'em all wrong.
That's better (sighs).
(ruler snaps) What was that?
- What was what?
(ruler snaps) That, what was
that whapping sound?
- I don't hear anything.
(ruler snaps) - It's, it's,
it's getting closer!
- Huh, maybe you should try doing
more of your homework questions.
(ruler snaps) - (yelps) Good idea!
Gimme my backpack, stat! (Grandpa Lemon screams)
(dramatic music) (backpack whooshes)
(sputters) Ooh, ah, ah, ah!
Okay, that's history. - Oh!
- (babbles) Yeah, yeah!
(Grandpa Lemon screams) And that's social studies.
(sputters) Ah, ha-ha, oh!
(Grandpa Lemon screams) Okay, okay, that's all
my English homework. (Passion screams)
I'm all done, all done, all done, all done, all done, done.
I'm gonna grow up and go to college
and I'm not gonna become a professional video game player.
I promise! (screams) (ruler snaps)
(Pear laughs)
- Hey, Pear, about that yardstick you gave me earlier?
- Grapefruit, the plan worked perfectly.
Orange did all of his homework,
and I think he's even college-bound.
Your yardstick whapping sounded exactly like Baldi's.
- Oh, I actually broke that yardstick immediately.
- What? - Yeah, I tried to pole vault
the toaster and totally got smoked.
Here you go, sorry I never got the chance
to do that whapping stuff you wanted.
- Huh, but if it wasn't you that was whapping, then who--
(dramatic fanfare) (Pear and Grapefruit scream)
- "Scare Pear so much he falls off the counter," ooh!
All right, this one sounds like another great challenge,
but (laughs), but, what's the best way to do that?
Better pick another comment to execute Mission Scaredy Pear.
Sherinda says, "Do Bloody Mary."
Aha, great idea, Sherinda,
and you know what the best part is?
It's 3:00 a.m. so it's the perfect time
to scare the non-existent pants off Pear. (laughs)
All right, let's get to the challenge.
Hey, Pear, wake up! (Pear screams)
Pear, wake up!
- Orange, what are you doing?
- Waking you up, duh!
- Why, why are you waking me up, what time is it?
- 3:00 a.m.
- Why are you waking me up at 3:00 a.m.?
- Because it's Shocktober and to kick it off,
we're doing a scary challenge video!
- Gah, I hate Shocktober.
(Orange laughs)
All right, what challenge do we have to do?
- The Bloody Mary Challenge.
- What, no way!
- What's wrong, Pear, are you
(dramatic fanfare) scared?
- No, no, no way, man.
I'm just sleepy and bored.
- (laughs) Yeah, right.
- I mean, why do we have to do Bloody Mary?
Like, isn't there some other suggestion we can do instead?
- Sure, we can pick something else.
- (sighs) Great, great, what else did the fans suggest?
- [Orange] Melissa Dye dared me to make Pear naked
and put ice cream in his eyes and butt.
- Uh, okay, thanks, Melissa, I'll pass.
- [Orange] Janella said, "I challenge you to make Pear
"go in poop from the toilet, and fart in his face,
"and hit him in the face, and him in the butt."
- Uh, what the heck?
No, we're not doing that!
- Well, that's fine.
Suzanne dared me to flush Pear down the toilet
and let Pear ride a poop and row down the toilet.
- Okay, seriously, why does every challenge
involve my butt or poop?
- Oh, speaking of poop, all of these fans
want you to get pooped on.
We could go with one of those.
- No, no, we're not doing anything like that!
Don't you have any challenges that don't involve
me getting flushed down the toilet or pooped on?
- Oh, sure, there was this one.
"Give Pear 20,000 babies."
(record scratches) - Nope, nope, okay, okay,
we're doing Bloody Mary then.
That, that's the one we're gonna do.
Perfect, yep, no complaints.
- (laughs) Okay, Pear, you know the drill.
It's 3:00 a.m., I'm gonna shut off the lights
and you have to look into the mirror
and say Bloody Mary three times.
- Cool, yeah, fine, great, wonderful.
Not scared at all, totally gonna rock it.
- All right, here we go.
One, two, three!
(lights click) - Okay, ha ha, yeah.
Um, okay, here we go. (ominous music)
Bloody Mary, Bloody Mary,
Bloody Mary. (eerie whooshing)
Hey, there, I, we, there, I did it, ha!
Oh, challenge accepted and completed.
Not scary at all, whew! (laughs)
- Wow, good job, Pear. (glass clatters)
- Thanks, yeah, I knew Bloody Mary
was just an urban legend! (laughs)
(ominous music)
- Yo, somebody said my name?
- (screams) Whoa!
(Pear splats)
- What's up with him?
- Ah, don't worry about him.
He just needs a little time to himself to reflect.
(both laughing)
Hey, you okay, Pear?
- Uh, I, I think so.
My stem's broken and I think I ruptured my innards,
but yeah, yeah, totally fine.
- Well, that's good.
Oh, Pear? - Yeah?
- 20,000 babies!
(dramatic fanfare) (Pear screams)
- Hey, fruit lovers, Grapefruit and Little Apple here
to do a challenge suggested by you, the audience.
- Whatever, it just better not be a scary one.
- Well, bad news for you, little guy,
'cause it looks like this week,
we've got the Charlie Charlie Challenge.
- What? (gasps) (ominous music)
(record scratches) I actually don't know
what that is, so-- - For those of you
who don't know, the Charlie Charlie Challenge
requires two pencils positioned like so.
- And? - And then Charlie moves them
and answers our questions.
- Oh, well, that doesn't seem so bad.
Okay, so where's this Charlie guy?
- Oh, he'll be here any second (laughs).
- Um, okay.
(lights click) (ominous music)
- Charlie, Charlie, are you here?
- Um, is something supposed to be happening?
Oh, my gosh, it's moving! (ominous whooshing)
- [Grapefruit] I think Charlie's here.
- Whoa, Charlie's a ghost!
Oh, oh, man, oh, I'm gonna piddle myself, I just know it!
- Let's ask him again.
Charlie, Charlie, are you there?
- Nope, nope, nothing happened.
Nothing to see here, no Charlie, it's all fake,
so I guess we can just--
- Look! (eerie whooshing)
- Oh, man, don't say yes, don't say yes, don't say yes!
(pencil creaks) - Yes.
- Oh, that's the worst thing he could've said.
- Chill out, dude, ask him something.
- Okay, okay, um, Charlie, are you gonna scare us?
- It's moving, it's moving!
- Oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man, oh, man!
- No, well, that settles it.
Charlie is not going to scare us.
- Yeah, well, then how come I already piddled myself?
- Bro, at this point, you should get that
checked out by a doctor.
Wouldn't you agree, Charlie?
(whimsical music) (pencil creaking)
Yes. - Oh, so now
Charlie's getting involved in my personal issues?
- Yes, you know, Charlie really seems to be taking
a personal interest in your health
and well-being, Little Apple.
- Well, I don't appreciate it.
Charlie, leave me alone.
- No. - Yes.
- No. - Yes.
- Yes. - No, er, wait!
- (laughs) Good one, Charlie, you the man.
- Grr, that's it, we're done playing!
- No. - Oh, yes we are!
You don't have a say in it, Charlie, hey!
- Whoa, this is getting wild!
- You get back down here, or--
- Bro, it's not even that high off the counter (laughs).
- (groans) Well, it's plenty high for me.
You get down here!
- No. - Yes.
- No. - Yes!
- Yes. - No!
- (laughs) Charlie's a legend!
(eerie whooshing) - Gah!
I already fell for that once.
How on earth did I-- - Fall?
- Yes, Grapefruit, how did I fall for it again?
- No, fall! - Huh?
(eerie roaring)
(pencils thudding) (screams) Whoa, whoa,
I just piddled myself even more.
How is that even possible?
(Grapefruit laughs)
I'm with Pear, I hate Shocktober!
(wolf howling) (thunder booms)
- Howdy, howdy, it's Shocktober,
which means the gang and I are doing
another shockingly spooky challenge!
- Today, we're gonna try and stay
inside this haunted house for an entire night.
You guys ready? - Ready!
- [Eerie Voice] Ready!
(record scratches) - Wait, what was that?
- Eh, it was probably just the wind.
- Yeah, then how do you explain
all these objects suddenly floating around?
- [Eerie Voice] Probably just the wind.
- Then how do you explain that spooky voice?
- We're telling you, Little Apple,
it's probably just the wind, hooey! (farts)
(laughs) (Apple growls)
- Okay, looks like we're all here.
The sun's going down so I'm locking us in now.
(key thuds) - Ow!
- [Orange] Hey, who turned out the lights? (laughs)
- Har, har, Orange, all right, nobody panic.
I came prepared. (goggles whirring)
- For reals, you brought night-vision goggles?
- (laughs) What a funny word, goggle.
Goggle, goggle, goggle.
- We get it, Orange. - Goggle, goggle, goggle,
goggle, goggle, goggle, goggle, goggle, goggle (laughs).
Hey, you ever say word so many times
it starts to sound crazy?
- I've hung out with a certain orange so many times,
I'm beginning to think I must be crazy.
- (laughs) Probably!
- All right, let's start exploring the super spooky house.
I'll go with Orange and Grapefruit could go with--
(wind whooshing) Little Apple?
Hey, where is he?
- Well, that's more than a little concerning.
(laughs) Ooh.
(dramatic fanfare) (metal zinging)
Okay, so we're one hour into the challenge
and still no sign of Little Apple.
- Or the fuse box.
- We are seeing some pretty unbelievable stuff, though,
floating plates, apparitions.
- The up dog under there.
- Under where?
- (laughs) Made you say underwear!
- Eh, how on earth did I fall for that?
Seriously, though, what's up dog?
- Not much, what's up with you, dog? (laughs)
- Wow, did I deserve that.
- For someone without legs,
you sure managed to walk into that one, dude.
- Speaking of walking into it, I just found the fuse box.
Here we go, hopefully this will get the lights back on.
Commencing countdown, five, four--
- Five. - Three.
- Seven! - Er--
- Two, nine, 77!
(Grapefruit groans) Zero, negative two zillion,
11-teen! (laughs) - Ah, that's it!
I'm just gonna throw it!
(lights humming)
- It worked, great job.
Grapefruit? - Oh, no,
Grapefruit's gone. - Hey!
- This is terrifying.
- Really, 'cause I didn't hear you scream or anything.
- Well, it's not that terrifying.
- Hmm, I guess you're right.
Well, Pear, it looks like it's just you and me
for the rest of the night. (babbles)
- No! (ominous music)
(dramatic fanfare) (metal zinging)
(whimsical music)
- And that's the 453rd reason I like boogers.
- Ah, dude, would you stop?
The sun is gonna be up any moment
and we have to find our friends!
- They're under there.
- I am not in the mood for underwear jokes, okay?
Orange, I am scared out of my mind!
Ghosts have stolen our friends,
and all we have now are each other.
(groans) So it's just you and me now, got it?
All we have are each other.
You understand what I'm saying?
Or, Orange, Orange!
(yelps) The ghost got 'em all and I'm next!
What do I do, what do I do?
- [Orange] Look under here.
- Under, oh, dang it, Orange!
Even as a ghost you're trying to prank me.
Where are you?
- [Orange] (laughs) I told you, under here.
- 'Sup, bro, I got a controller with your name on it
if you want in on some Mario Kart.
- What the heck, you guys!
- Sorry, I was just so bored, and, well,
you know how I get around Mario Kart.
I just-a can't a-help myself (laughs).
- But, but Grapefruit, you disappeared, too!
- Well, yeah, you know how I feel
about couch sports, bro.
I just can't a-help myself (laughs).
- Things were floating in mid-air.
- I told you already, it was probably just the wind.
Hooey! (farts) - Oh!
- So how about it, bro?
You in or not for Mario Kart?
- Well, if there's a logical explanation for everything,
I guess I'm in.
- Well, we did it, guys.
We survived a haunted house for an entire night.
- That's true, go us, yeah!
- Although there's one thing I'm wondering about.
Remember that spooky voice from earlier?
Where did that come from, who did that voice?
- Not me. - Wasn't me.
- Wasn't me, either. - Oh.
(record scratches) That was me.
(roars) (thunder booming)
(fruit screaming) (suspenseful music)
(cheerful music)