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  • Good morning, everyone welcome ladies to this special get-together of

  • Ours on occasion of Women's Day though. I believe that every day should be dedicated to the celebration

  • Womanhood but we all know we would sound so unfair to men for this. Just kidding

  • International Women's Day is the day that is

  • Specially dedicated to the women's for praising them for the tremendous efforts that they put in for everyone

  • Presence of a woman has such a strong impact in everyone's life

  • This world would have not been possible without this species

  • Woman is not only the one who is married as somebody who is beyond a certain age

  • Each feminine that is born has the inherited woman traits in herself

  • the special feelings of care

  • affection endless and overwhelming love and many more

  • Women are the perfect entities to be celebrated. We women should cherish the blessing of being a woman

  • I know at times in life. We feel that we are only once you have to make

  • Sacrifices or who have to let go the feelings and dreams for others linked to us

  • But it is just the result of the power that God has given us

  • God created the feminine creature as a symbol of utmost affection that not only needs

  • the perfect life for herself, but also lays down the

  • strongest base for others dreams as well

  • that is why I said this single 24 hour day is way too short for

  • appreciating and recognizing the deeds that women do this day is specified as the day that

  • celebrates the social economic

  • cultural political and personal achievements of a woman each one of us is so confident to know our

  • Weaknesses and work with the best of the efforts to overcome them. It seems so great to see when the reward and

  • Recognition posts go on declaring me

  • top 100 women intrapreneurs

  • top 20 women CEOs

  • Women leading the NGOs, etc

  • Women are reaching great heights of recognition and working style. This day is dedicated to thee

  • Parity discussion as well. We should continue putting in all our efforts

  • There is no stance in which we women are less in comparison to men. It is just our mindset

  • changing our mindset in our actions is the

  • first thing we should focus on our

  • actions and thoughts will make us lead the great height of our dreams and further let the world believe us and

  • our deeds

  • Women's Day for me. It's just a part that makes me realize the efforts we have put in throughout the

  • 365 days for ourselves and all other

  • people linked to us each women should understand their

  • Importance and should have the courage to build in their efforts for their own progress

  • Happy Women's Day to every beautiful women present here on behalf of the entire organization

  • I would like to thank you all for being a part of it and making it fulfill its vision of success

  • Women power is incredible and cannot be expressed through few words

  • Thank you

  • It would help you to boost a lot of confidence

  • and I'm sure you guys would do great and thank you for watching this video and

  • Please if you haven't subscribed do subscribe our Channel, it would really help you to learn great English, right?

  • Thank you so much, and I will see you soon. Take care

  • You

Good morning, everyone welcome ladies to this special get-together of

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國際婦女節演講稿-3|如何開始演講|婦女節演講稿 (International women's day speech -3 | How to Start a Speech | Speech on women's day)

  • 15 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary