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  • Hi, I'm Claire Rourke, I'm joined in New York, the birthplace of hip-hop,

  • by LFC's two biggest rap fans - Daniel Sturridge and Jordon Ibe.

  • But which player is Anfield's true Hip-Hop Mastermind? Well, we're about to find out.

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: We gon' find out today.

  • - We're gonna find out. - Hell, yeah, we gon' find out.

  • - Daniel, how confident are you? - Mm-hmm.

  • - How confident? - Hey...

  • That's all I'm gonna say.

  • Thank you. Jordon?

  • I'm feeling good. That's it.

  • Are you competitive, the pair of you?

  • Nah, we're not competitive. At the end of the day, it's only for bragging rights, innit?

  • Ain't nothing big.

  • Gentlemen, I would like you to write down the name of each of these rappers.

  • Number one.

  • DANIEL: Ey...

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: Oh, you gon' learn today. You gon' learn today, baby.


  • You can bet that. Oh, you just finished?! OK!

  • Hey, you...

  • Have you both got your answers?

  • Yeah.

  • Daniel, do you wanna reveal yours?

  • - That is correct. - Yes, it is.

  • Jordon?

  • DANIEL: His is correct too.

  • Correct, you both score one point.

  • OK. JORDON: Yeah, baby.

  • OK.

  • Number two.

  • DANIEL: Oh, damn, I do know this one.


  • Jordon, do you want to reveal yours first?

  • - Daniel? - OK.

  • That's correct, you both get a point. Number three.

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: They say it's too easy, they say it's too easy, baby.


  • OK, both at the same time, please.

  • - Correct, well done. - Mm-hmm.

  • And the fourth and final one?

  • DANIEL: Uh-oh.

  • Got your chick tiptoeing on my marble floors. ♫

  • Daniel?

  • Rick Ross, correct.

  • Jordon? Correct, well done.

  • At the end of that round you both score four points.

  • Next up.

  • It's the Kanye West true or false round.

  • Oh, damn! JORDON: This is ma man.

  • This ain't ma man.

  • I'm gonna read a statement about Kanye, you need to tell me if it's true or false.

  • Kanye lived in Japan for more than a year with his mother when he was at school -

  • is that true or false?


  • AMERICAN ACCENT: I don't know, I'mma go with it though.

  • Jordon?

  • "Yes"!

  • Are we good, are we good?

  • It's false, he lived in China.

  • Oh, dammit!

  • Damn, I thought it was Korea!

  • Let's go.

  • He launched an online travel company called Kanye Travel Ventures in 2008 -

  • is that true or false?

  • Go on.

  • Jordon?

  • - Hey! - Hey, what's wrong? I gotta see, man.

  • Be easy!

  • Why you trying to hide it, playboy?

  • It's true!

  • - Oh, my God, let me see. - No.

  • - Eh, no cheating, Jordon. - Did he get it right?

  • - No, he got it wrong. - Yes.

  • Come on!

  • Kanye opened up a burger chain in Chicago called Fat Burger in 2008 -

  • is that true or false?

  • "Welcome to Fatburger, home of the Fatburger, can I get your order?"

  • - Wait a minute. - I don't even know this one.

  • Daniel?

  • There's no way Kanye West made Fatburger.

  • - It's true. - You're having a laugh!

  • Did you say true then?

  • - Yeah. - Ey!

  • No, he didn't, he got it wrong.

  • No way, as if he actually did Fatburger, I thought it was...

  • OK, come on, you've got no points in this round.

  • Cos we don't really like Kanye West that much.

  • Jordon said he was his man.

  • I was lying!

  • I was just trying to put him off.

  • West settled down in 2012 with Kim Kardashian,

  • who gave birth to their first child South - is that true or false?

  • - South! - South!

  • Southwest!

  • Jordon?

  • That's correct.

  • It was false, the child is called North.

  • That was good, that was good.

  • We up and running now.

  • Next up it's East versus West.

  • What, East Coast-West Coast?

  • Mm-hmm.

  • What coast was Tupac born on?

  • What ARE you writing?

  • Huh? Sorry.

  • There's a paragraph there!

  • - You ready? - I'm ready.

  • Jordon?

  • I'm guessing that's East.

  • Jordon, you're correct.

  • What?!

  • He was born in Harlem, New York.

  • - You're having a laugh! - Was he wrong?

  • - Yeah, he was wrong. - NO!

  • This is a travesty! You're lying!

  • LAUGHING: I'm not.

  • Would you looky here?

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: You damn good.

  • You damn good, you know that?

  • What coast was Snoop Dogg born on - East or West?

  • Why you looking at me for?

  • Ready? Jordon?

  • Daniel?

  • West is correct. Long Beach, California.

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: Damn, I need to catch up.


  • OK.

  • Ain't nothing but a G thing, baby. ♫

  • What coast was Ice-T born on?

  • Ice-T, who's that?

  • Ey...this one's hard, baby.

  • Ice-T? Oh, you mean Ice Cube?

  • Hey, did she say Ice-T?

  • And we ain't talkin' 'bout cold beverages.

  • Wait, wait, wait.. I heard something.

  • See, he's saying he's heard something.

  • Yeah, in my head.

  • You heard something from who in your head?

  • Go on, explain yourself.

  • God niced me, innit?

  • Oh, God niced you, OK.

  • Daniel, go.

  • Jordon.

  • The correct answer is East.

  • - Yeah! - You're having a laugh!

  • - Jersey. - But he was representing the West!

  • These guys ain't loyal, no they aiiin't.

  • Ha-ha!

  • All right, let's go, I need to start catching up now.

  • Final question in this round.

  • What coast was A$AP Rocky born on?

  • A$AP...

  • Reveal your answers, please.

  • The correct answer was East Coast.

  • Harlem, New York.

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: Harleeem.

  • At the end of that round, Daniel, you have seven points.

  • Jordon, you have eight points.

  • Was that 8-0, did you say? Oh, 8-7, OK...

  • Next round is called All In A Name.

  • What rap names did these four men take on?

  • Christopher Wallace...

  • Don't tell him. Jord, don't say anything!

  • JORDON: Can you repeat that again? DANIEL: Don't say nothing. Shh.

  • Reveal your answer, please.

  • - Jordon? - Ha-ha!

  • How am I not knowing this?


  • Biggie Smalls is correct. Daniel, you get one point.

  • ♫ I love it when you call me Big Poppa. ♫

  • Dylan Mills.

  • Dylan Mills? Really? Dylan Mills - really?

  • Dylan Mills.

  • Dylan Mills...

  • What you looking around for, at other people?

  • - For help. - What's wrong, man?

  • - This is pathetic. - No cheating, Jordon.

  • What'd you say the name was again?

  • No, no, don't repeat yourself, you said it like three times.

  • Hold up, wait a minute, let me put some Studge up in it. ♫



  • Daniel, have you got an answer?

  • Is it by any chance him?

  • It's not, no.

  • Nooo!

  • Jordon, you got nothing.

  • I dropped it, innit. Who did you put?

  • No points for that one, it is Dizzee Rascal.

  • See...

  • You've put him the rap category.

  • He's a grime artist.

  • He's a grime artist, slash rap...

  • slash hip-hop.

  • Slash a little bit of pop.

  • Next question. Sean Coombs.

  • Aw, jeez...

  • Don't say a word, Jord, over there.

  • I don't know.

  • And when I say "Jord", I mean Hendo.

  • And anybody behind the scene.

  • You having a guess, Jordon?

  • Nah.

  • This is his trademark move, in the movies and stuff.

  • In the movies?

  • Hey, wait...


  • Hey, you can't... No, he can't guess now!

  • - You said it. - He can't guess now.

  • He saw my board, he can't guess.

  • - Stop right there. - He didn't see your board.

  • - Don't say a word. - What was the name again?

  • Sean Coombs.

  • We're gonna have to call time on that one. Daniel, do you wanna show us your answer?

  • Puff Daddy is correct.

  • I'd never know that, I don't listen to him.

  • Final one in this round.

  • Shawn Carter.

  • I thought I had a moment there. I know this.

  • Daniel, reveal your answer.

  • Jay-Z is correct.

  • A point for you both.

  • If I didn't know that, that would have been poor, innit?

  • - Daniel, you have ten points... - 10-8, 10-8.

  • Jordon, you have nine points.

  • We've almost reached the final round, but before then we want you to

  • name these Eminem tunes...

  • Eminem? See...

  • Oh...

  • That's not my guy.

  • But...

  • to make it a little bit more difficult, we've picked out piano versions.

  • That is not my guy.

  • I'm so glad I'm one up, because if it was Drizzy Drake, you know...

  • Or Party.

  • Party?

  • ♫ I'm out of your leaaaague... ♫

  • Tune!

  • I think I might know maybe one, and I'm pushing it.

  • I might know how it goes, I don't know the words or the name of it.


  • Heeey!

  • Hey...

  • No, stop, stop, I'm trying to think.

  • Thought that was...

  • OK, write your answers down.


  • - Have you got an answer, Jordon, now? - No.

  • Daniel?

  • Correct. Monster.


  • Don't know this.

  • Yeah...

  • You got that?


  • I don't know this song at all.

  • - Do you want to give it a go? - That could be Frank Sinatra.

  • That's my answer.

  • OK, the correct answer was Crack A Bottle.

  • Crack A... Yeah.

  • That's not just Eminem!

  • That's Eminem, 50 Cent and, erm...

  • - Is that even his song? - ..Tony Yayo.

  • Well, Monster was Eminem and Rihanna, you didn't mind that.

  • See, I should have got that, you know.

  • Next one.

  • You didn't know that?


  • I don't know any of these songs.

  • You know, what's the name of this tune again?

  • Don't listen to this guy, I wouldn't know.

  • Yeah!

  • I feel like I know this one.

  • Wait a sec.

  • Fix up!

  • I'm waiting for you to...

  • Sweet, yeah! I got that one.

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: You can bet that.

  • - Wait, can you play that again? - No.

  • - One more time. - OK, OK.

  • I swear that was in a movie.

  • Huh?

  • I don't know.

  • I don't know, what you talkin' 'bout?

  • Why you telling him the answer?

  • I don't understand why he's telling me the answer.

  • It's a line.

  • Nobody help him behind the scenes. Nobody behind the scenes help him.

  • Daniel, reveal your answer.

  • Correct. Jordon, turn your board around.

  • Nothing. How do you know this?

  • Cos it's the chorus of the song.


  • I have not one clue what this is.

  • I know this song!

  • Do you? Real talk?

  • Not the name, bro.

  • I know the song but not the name.

  • Isn't this the one where he's, like...



  • Boom-boom-boom!

  • That's not part of the song.

  • That's not part of it.

  • Ohh, I got this!

  • Man...

  • See, this ain't my guy.

  • I don't know if this is right, but I'll risk it.

  • Real Slim Shady is correct.

  • Jordon, did you get an answer?

  • I was right as well, innit?

  • HENDERSON: I think so.

  • I said that... Well, I shouldn't have said that to him...

  • After that round it's 13 points to Daniel, nine points to Jordon.

  • You know what? I'll take that.

  • OK, the final round is a task and...

  • AMERICAN ACCENT: Ooh, it's gettin' down tonight!

  • There's ten bonus points on offer, we want you to rap some lines

  • from the song of your choice, and ten points will be awarded to the best rap.

  • Jordon, you need the points, so you can go first.

  • Resistance, Drake.

  • OK, ready, Jordon?

  • Oh, tune!

  • Wait, wait.

  • - Nah, nah. - Let me just listen.


  • Can we go? I'm ready.

  • OK, Daniel.

  • No, you're playing it.

  • OK, turn that off, turn that off.

  • LAUGHING: Turn that off!

  • He's trying to knock me off, that's what he's doing.

  • Sorry, sorry.

  • OK, Jordon, go.

  • Yesterday when we were getting high

  • You were invited

  • You woulda liked it

  • ♫ I-I-I, I know you all too well

  • You say that we could kiss the past goodbye, but you weren't excited

  • There's no way to fight it You can stay, but shorty, here I go... ♫

  • - That's me. - Carry on.

  • Inside a moment...

  • Go on, keep going, I know the rest of it, just not that bit.

  • DRAKE: ♫ My memory's never faded, I can't relate to these haters

  • ♫ I am...still here with who I started with

  • The game needed life, I put my heart in it

  • ♫ I'm on some martyr... ♫

  • I don't know the rest of it, you know.

  • Good effort.

  • Don't think about it too much, too much, too much

  • BOTH: ♫ Too much

  • There's no need for us to rush this through

  • Woo, uh

  • Don't think about it too much, too much, too much, too much

  • This is more than just a new lust for you

  • Done sayin' I'm done playin'

  • Last time was on the outro Stuck in the house, need to get out more

  • ♫ I been stackin' up like I'm fundraising

  • Most people in my position get complacent

  • Wanna come places with star girls

  • End up on them front pages, I'm quiet with it, I just ride with it

  • The moment I stop having fun with it I'll be done with it

  • ♫ I'm the only...

  • Woo!

  • Ay!


  • AMERICAN ACCENT: I got all up in it, baby.

  • OK, it's a tough call, you both did really well, but the bonus points...

  • ..go to Daniel Sturridge, which means, Daniel,

  • you are the 2014 LFC Hip-Hop Mastermind champion.

  • Thank you.

  • Hey, come on now...

  • How do you feel, Daniel?

  • It's been an emotional experience right now, accepting this Grammy.

  • Nah, real talk, good banter with my boy Jord,

  • and Hendo's off-set, obviously it's all a bit of fun,

  • but at the end of the day it doesn't matter who wins, it's about the joy and the banter,

  • and we did this together. This is my younger brother here

  • and I look forward to him breaking into the first team

  • and we can share some moments like this on the pitch.

  • Thank you.

Hi, I'm Claire Rourke, I'm joined in New York, the birthplace of hip-hop,

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