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LINNE HA: Hi, thank you for having me here.
My name is Linne.
And I am a director of research programs at Google AI.
I was here a couple of years ago,
where I talked about how much being in this position
and reaching this position was really about not me
but everybody behind me, meaning all the people who helped
me to get to this moment.
And afterwards, I thought about this for a little bit.
And of course, all of that is true.
But as I've been giving these talks,
and I give these talks around the world,
I noticed that people were asking me questions
like, how did you get your job?
And after so many of those questions, I started to think,
and I really kind of reacted defensively, in the sense that,
are they questioning that it's a fluke that I have this job?
That I actually don't deserve this job?
And I don't know, whatever reason.
Because they weren't asking all the other panelists with me.
And then I realized, actually, what that was really
an opportunity to tell my story about how I arrived here.
Because that journey is actually quite interesting.
My job at Google is super interesting.
But how I arrived at Google is also another very interesting
life story.
But let me just say that I didn't
plan on working for Google, or working in AI,
or working in tech.
I actually planned my life, since I was 9 years old,
to be a writer.
I spent all of my education going
towards becoming a writer, because I knew without a doubt.
I was the kid who went to the library, back
when libraries were still very popular
and books were very popular, taking out stacks of books.
And because I grew up in Guam and then in Alaska--
so these very remote, far-reaching--
where your creativity and imagination
were really important to transport you to new places.
So wanting to be a writer, I also
knew that I was probably not going
to get a very good job with an MFA.
So what I did as an undergrad is I studied as many things
as possible.
Also, because I'm kind of a nerd,
and I like to learn many things, so I
did double majors and double minors.
And then the ironic part of that is that when I graduated,
the jobs that were offered to me were
at an investment bank, or the CIA, or going into publishing.
And I really wanted to go into publishing.
But they were going to require me to work 50 hours a week,
making 17,000 a year.
And so basically, I was too scared to go to the CIA.
So I went to banking.
And I went to banking.
And what my plan was, living in New York--
because I came from Alaska.
I came to New York, and it was very magical to be here.
My plan was to work as much as I could, which was usually
about a year, year and a half, save up money, take off, go
to a residency, and write.
So I kept doing this for a long time.
And then one day, the job that I was offered was at Google.
And actually, I had a pretty decent job before that.
I had actually moved to San Francisco,
because I found it very expensive to live in New York.
And back then, San Francisco was very cheap.
Actually, I didn't apply.
I was already at a job, and the recruiter
found my CV on Monster, or Indeed, or one
of those on online boards.
And they offered to bring me down to the Mountain View
campus, the headquarters, which is about 40 minutes away
from San Francisco, and to interview, and give me
a tour, and a free lunch.
And I was thinking, oh, how else would I possibly
get a tour to Google unless I went through this whole thing?
I was like, oh, sure.
Why not?
And because I had a job, it was totally
fine whether the interview failed or not.
It didn't matter to me.
But I actually ended up meeting some of the most
interesting, smart people.
But I was still happy with my job.
And I didn't really want to commute down to Mountain View.
Then one day, my manager started questioning
and started micromanaging my work.
And I was like, you know what?
I don't really need to take this,
because I have a job offer from Google.
And back then, it was actually not as big of a deal
as it is now.
But it seemed more exciting.
So my first job was with a division
of Google called International.
So we didn't have all of these offices around the world.
The offices were on the Google campus,
which is in Mountain View, as I was saying.
And it was in one particular building where--
and they had flags--
all the marketing people, the product managers,
the localization people, the QA people,
were all in one building specifically dedicated
to international products.
So other than my first job, which
was really within the localization department.
And it was called International Program Manager.
Other than that first job, every subsequent one,
I created, actually.
And this is sort of the beauty of Google.
What happens is you start working on something.
And you see that there's something
wrong with the product.
And other people see it, too.
But you have an idea about how you can fix it.
And you convince everybody else that it's a good idea.
And then once it actually starts to flourish,
it becomes a viable product.
And many of Google products, including Gmail--
and I can't even think of all the products
that came out of this 20% idea.
So I was working on Google Earth.
And Google Earth had been a recent acquisition.
And the same people who, by the way, are doing the Pokemon Go--
Project Niantic, right?
And with that first job working on Google Earth, which
was a downloadable client application
for regular consumers, prosumers, and professionals--
so enterprise, right?
So there were three different versions.
And then you had the support for the Mac OS.
You had support for PCs, Windows,
and then you also had Linux support.
So it was quite unwieldy.
But in that acquisition, one of the recent mandates we'd had
was that Eric Schmidt, who was our CEO at that time,
wanted all of our products be internationalized
within a month.
So basically, in order to do that,
imagine all the different UIs and so on.
And when you're talking about geography,
it's not just a matter of translation.
In fact, names of cities, or bodies of water,
or mountains, or borders are highly contentious.
And these are, of course, what many wars are based on.
So basically, it was a very hot product,
but one nobody really wanted, because it was also
very challenging.
But I was given this because somebody
was going on maternity leave.
And basically, at Google, at that time,
you just had so much work.
It was one of those situations where
you could just work all day and never really catch up.
So with Google Earth, one of the things
that was really annoying for the nationalization of Google Earth
to rush out was we were going to do FIGS, which is usually
the first set of languages that you launch to, which is French,
Italian, German, Spanish.
So the left hand navigation bar was hardcoded.
It wasn't flexible.
It was hard coded based on the most clicks and queries.
So it was really menu items of food items like fast food.
Fast food was one category.
Pizza was another category.
Barbecue restaurants were another category,
and Italian was another category.
So in theory, that should be fine.
Because everybody eats pizza, and fast food, and barbecue,
and so on.
But what is an Italian restaurant in Italy?
How do you-- so coming up with this ontology
was something that we really wanted to fix.
So I found out that a lot of the data that we were getting
was from Google Maps.
So I'd worked with the team on working with Linguist
to figure out what should those categories actually be.
What are people looking for in these countries?
What are the most popular queries around businesses?
And so with Linguist, we started building up that ontology.
So it was actually flexible for each country
we were launching into.
And then, as we were building up these ontologies, which,
ultimately, ended up to be part of Google Maps,
as well, I moved to Google Maps so
that it would help the rest of the teams, if you will.
Everybody else could use this data.
So working with Google Maps on building these ontologies,
I was traveling around the world.
Because you really want to be able to go locally
to see how people call--
just to give an example, a motel in the US is a motor hotel.
It's something very convenient.
It's budget accommodations.
A motel in Japan or in Brazil, for instance,
is actually a sex hotel.
So you get charged by the hour.
So unless you know this, unless you could actually
get this localized, the information
is not going to be very useful.
So I would go to Japan often.
And one of the annoying things, for me,
was that the Japanese maps was all in Japanese.
And part of that was because most of the data at that time
was based on the license data that other people were
And it was what was most rich for that country.
So from that, I worked with some other people
who thought, oh, let's try to fix
this in some sort of algorithmic way.
So I worked with a speech team to come up
with some sort of pronunciation.
So the way you pronounce certain labels or certain words,
excuse me, we could actually go ahead and transliterate this
into Latin characters.
And then based on a set, let's say 20,000--
that's sort of a ballpark.
I don't remember if that is exactly what we did.
But based on a small set, we can actually train and test
whether we can generate these automatically.
So in Japanese, for instance, you
have many different character sets.
You have kanji.
You have katakana, hiragana, and romaji.
So you wanted to be able to get all of that transliterated
into Latin characters so that we can then
produce them into other characters like Chinese
or whatnot.
So Linguist would go through, and go and transliterate,
which is how something sounds into Latin characters.
So doing that, we're able to create new labels for maps.
And we did a launch.
And that formed a team called Maps Transliteration.
They still continue to do this, to this day.
The next thing was, because I had been working with a speech
team on those pronunciations, they actually had just formed,
and they were trying to launch--
and they were listening to Eric's mandate
of launching into 40 languages.
But there's a big difference between translating a UI
and actually creating a new language model.
I didn't know anything about language models.
But I did know that when I was traveling for Google Maps,
people would say to me, oh, Linne, you work on maps, right?
There's something wrong with my address.
It's showing that it's here, but it's really here.
Or the navigation to get to my work
is really annoying, because it's actually dropping me off
at a different entrance.
That sort of thing.
And I would hear this, and go back to work,
and file a bug into the team.
And I always thought, wouldn't it
be great if the people who are using our products
could talk to the people who are making the products?
So I found myself to be the conduit.
So when the speech team said that they actually
needed to launch into many of these languages,
and it required that we collect a lot of data,
which is basically acoustic data for acoustic modeling.
How words sound, for instance, and linguistic data, lexicon,
about all the different unique rules for that language.
So basically, what we wanted to do
and what the industry before the iPhone, before-- this
was back when we had our very first Google phone, which
was called the G1.
I thought about how it had been done previously.
This is how old it was, back before mobile phones.
The industry was really led by DARPA,
which is the military group, where much of our technology
comes from.
DARPA did a lot of speech and language modeling, and so on.
And so we really had one or two vendors
who did this work for all the different industry--
are basically our competitors.
And so the whole process of getting,
basically, voice samples from different people,
back in the day, it would be a classified ad in the paper.
And somebody would call on their landline and answer questions,
as a little survey.
And then that's how they would get their acoustic data.
But the problem is that the sound frequency on our landline
is different from the sound frequency on a mobile phone.
And we also wanted to profile the mic.
We wanted our phone to work really well for our products.
So I remembered how so many people that I'd met along
the way, traveling with Google Maps, had told me--
and they were total fans--
different ideas of what they would do, what they want,
and how they clearly were, one, proud
of their language, two, very big fans of Google.
And I thought, why not actually go
bring our phones to our Google fans
and have them give us their voice samples
as well as their friends and people
within their social network?
So that when we did actually launch this app,
it would work really well for them.
Because they gave us their voice sample.
And so that's basically what I did.
And that's called crowd-sourcing.
Because before that, it was all done in a very discrete way
through a company.
And these companies did not know exactly what kind
of queries, and words, and sound units we were interested in.
And by the time we got them all that information,
it would take about six months.
So the first time I did this as an example,
we went to Thailand.
Because Thai was the most difficult.
And it was also going to be really expensive.
Off the top of my head, I think from the vendors,
it was going to be like $150,000 to get like--
I don't remember-- 500,000 utterances.
And we went and worked with a school.
And we had this whole training process
of how speech technology works.
And we selected about 15 crowd-sourcers, if you will,
or Google fans.
We gave them phones, and we paid them
for every voice sample they collected.
And we got everything that we needed within two days.
Normally, it takes six months minimum just
to get it cleared through legal and so on.
And then not only did we get this data very quickly,
they were completely engaged in the fact
that they were part of something.
So when the product actually was released,
they were super excited.
So it was a win-win.
So that idea of crowd-sourcing and working with the people you
meet, people who are enthusiastic of your product,
basically, was a way to really connect the people who are
building the products-- the models, basically,
in this case--
to the people who are using it.
So that's crowd-sourcing.
And up until I did it, nobody had done it
before in this industry.
So there were articles about it and so on.
And I was happy, because all the people who were participating
were also being acknowledged for their help.
So this went through.
We collected, in about three years, almost 70 languages.
So we scaled very, very quickly.
That's almost unheard of.
Even our competitors now have not
reached where we are with the languages.
So if you think about what that is with voice or just speech
recognition, that is the ear of the machine.
It converts sound into text.
And then speech synthesis, which is to speak out what
the machine is trying to say--
which is TTS, text to speech--
is a different animal altogether.
Because for ASR, speech recognition,
you need as many different variety
of speakers as possible.
You want to be able to catch all the different accents, all
the different ways you would say tomato or tomato.
You want to capture all of that.
For speech synthesis, you actually
only want one perfect voice.
And that perfect voice has to in the perfect studio
with no other sound.
Because you're generating, now.
So I also went with the acquisition.
I had built a team of linguists, and we did the collection
for that, as well.
So within the speech team, I worked
on the speech recognition as well as the speech synthesis.
And then if you think about it, what is missing here
is now the brain.
We need to process all this information,
the text that's coming in and then
the text that's going to go out.
So I moved to a new organization,
which is the Google AI group, right now.
And basically, created a team of linguists,
because we knew that we actually needed
to get more information about the languages.
And before, we'd worked with linguists
from a pronunciation--
a different linguistic phenomena that happens.
But now, we wanted to actually work with linguists
to understand the syntax, semantics, and all the ways
the language actually works.
So I created a team called Pygmalion, mostly because of--
I don't know if you guys are familiar with the "Pygmalion"
story, but I was going for the "My Fair Lady" version, which
is teaching a machine or somebody who
doesn't know proper English the proper English.
So there was a Pygmalion team.
And then we also needed to figure out
how to generate the text in a way that
was fluid and semantically accurate for each language.
Because in English, we don't have
that many linguistic phenomena compared to French,
for instance.
How you say whether you're going, whether it's
raining in New York or in Paris, we basically
have one preposition.
In French, you actually have, depending
on many different things--
whether it's feminine, masculine,
whether the word starts with a vowel or an H--
the preposition changes.
So we wanted to be able to do all of that.
And so we created other team to do that, exactly,
which is syntactic realization, natural language generation.
So now, we have the ear of the machine.
We have the mouth of the machine.
We have the brain.
And to do that work, we wanted linguists
to work with engineers to come up with those rules.
So in doing all of that, I was also
asked-- because I had so many people on the ground collecting
speech data, I was asked to look at a new area, which
is an area that's called For Low Resource Languages.
Where basically, there's not enough data with web pages,
so we have to figure out-- there are
many languages that are really spoken,
but they're not written.
Or there's no standard to how they're written.
So we wanted to figure out how we can bootstrap our technology
to figure out new ways to advance what we were already
doing, but not go at it in the same old way.
Because the same old way would not work,
because there's not enough data to build the language model.
Or it's very difficult to find the perfect voice
for a particular language.
So I created a separate team for the Low Resource Language
And the idea here was that we have,
excuse me, 90 million people in Bangladesh.
There are not enough web pages compared to in other languages
or in other countries, like compared
to English, for instance.
So the question here was we had the speech recognition
from the collections, where people were volunteering.
But how do we get the speech synthesis?
And I had this idea that, basically, I was
watching Saturday Night Live.
And there was a comedian who was mimicking a politician.
And he sounded exactly like the politician.
And I was thinking about one of the challenges
that we have in creating the perfect TTS voice is
that if you create the perfect TTS voice,
it sounds exactly like a living, breathing person.
If you're a company that has a voice that's
supposed to represent your brand,
to have it mimic a living person can be a little bit
And there's all kinds of questions
around what that may be like.
So for instance, you want to have
many different kinds of voices.
You want a human voice.
So what I thought would be interesting is
why not actually get, instead of having a professional voice
because we couldn't really find a voice talent--
why not experiment with having many non-professional speakers
of that language.
And basically, give us a sample.
And then we could actually blend it and combine it
into how many utterances we need.
So the old model was using a concatenated model,
which means that you needed lots and lots of data
at a professional studio.
The new way that we wanted to experiment
was really blending the voice.
We were trying to leverage all the latest neural
networks, neural net models that we can leverage.
So basically, what we wanted to do is we
did a call out to all the Bangladeshi Googlers.
Because we knew that they were very big
fans of Google products being launched into their country.
So I think about 50 Bangladeshi Googlers were
available in Mountain View.
We had a little anechoic chamber, a little studio
there, that we could test this with.
The other thing that happened was that a new ventless
laptop existed.
Because before that, all laptops had this fan which
would interrupt the recording.
And now, we had this laptop called the Asus laptop, which
allowed us to actually use the laptop
and have a portable studio, if you will.
So the thing is that we were creating voices that
could be blasted from a studio.
And it would sound great.
But in these countries, we were all
actually listening to the voices on a small mobile phone.
We didn't need that quality.
We just wanted what was good enough.
So we had 50 Bangladeshi Googlers.
20 of them volunteered.
We recorded all of them, where they only
recorded for about 30 minutes.
Because if you're not a professional,
doing this for more than 30 minutes, all kinds of things
happen to your mouth.
You're too tired, and there's no point.
So we did this.
And then we also had them rate which voice
they thought sounded the best.
Because for a non-Bengali speaker,
for instance, you can't really tell.
You have to be able to know what sounds warm and so on.
And they chose one.
And it was all done anonmymously.
And so we chose one voice, one speaker.
And then basically, I think we ended up using,
I believe, 12 of the speakers' data
and built with 1,200 lines.
I think this was 1,200 lines.
It was a while ago.
But in any event, that created a voice
using the parametric synthesis route.
And that was good enough for us to actually launch
into the Android phones, as well as onto Google Translate.
And that allowed us to, again, do a very similar thing,
which was to scale.
So we were doing multi speaker, single language voices.
And then we decided, you know what?
There are many people who speak many languages.
So why not leverage those sounds that you can produce
into those many languages?
So then we went from multi speaker to multilingual.
Because languages have similarities,
why not bootstrap and learn from other languages?
So I know this sounds all complicated and super expert.
But just so you know, I have an MFA.
I had, I think, two years of computer science
as an undergrad, many, many years ago.
So by this time, I had reached the sort of level right
before you become a director.
And I was at that level for about four years.
And I didn't really want to be a director, because I actually
just wanted to work.
And I was afraid that being a director
would require me to do all kinds of other things.
It turns out it's true.
I didn't know.
Nobody told me.
Turns out it's true.
But then when people were telling me
how there are not enough women in leadership positions,
I didn't consider myself to be a leader.
I Didn't consider that I would want to actually,
quite frankly, be doing this.
But the point is that if I didn't, who would?
And all the people, as I was saying in the last one,
all the people who've helped me along the way--
I don't just represent myself.
I represent them.
So I felt like I had to take the leap.
Avoiding it was becoming a bigger problem
than actually trying.
So I did.
But I went through all sorts of questions of,
am I expert enough in this?
Do I have enough expertise?
And now, do I have to be even more perfect?
Because I think one of the things that we talk about--
a couple of weeks ago, I was at one of these leadership
summits for women.
And Sally Helgesen and Marshall Goldsmith
just came out with a book called "How
Women Rise and 12 Habits That Keep Women From Progressing."
And I think Marshall Goldsmith has
a book about what got you here will not get you there.
And I thought that was really interesting and important.
Because as I was looking through the 12 habits,
I definitely embodied all of them.
I was like, oh, my gosh.
The first one is not claiming your achievements--
giving other people, your team, credit.
So yes, that's true.
And the other thing was about perfection.
Because as you become a leader, you're also managing people.
It's about relationships.
And if you expect perfection from yourself, first of all,
that's not going to happen.
If you expect perfection from yourself,
that critic that you have--
that inner critic, that judge--
is also criticizing and judging other people.
And you can not have a team that's healthy.
You don't want to be with co-workers who are always
criticizing or only picking out and seeing the negative things.
You want, actually, the exact opposite.
You want a coach.
You want somebody who's there whether it's rain or shine.
So very quickly, one of the things I learned was I
had to give up the whole idea of perfection and precision.
Though it is what got me to this point,
it is what got me promoted to the next level.
Because I was working really hard.
And it takes a lot of work.
I think most of you guys know this.
I was working really hard to do this.
But I think that what's really important
is to accept who you are.
And part of that is your values and being authentic.
And that is what will help you work with other people.
Because you won't be as critical.
You will accept your own imperfections,
because those imperfections are also
sometimes what helps you get to where you are,
whether you like it or not.
And part of my work with research
is that we don't consider failure to be failures.
Because you need to fail in order to learn.
In actual language, the model building,
you need to know what didn't work in order
to figure out what does work.
So all of that--
if you accept that, oh, well, we need to actually fail here,
then you understand that there is no such thing as perfection.
That's completely in your head.
It's a specter that sort of holds you back.
So the perfection part, I think, is really important
to think about.
I think it's also really important
to think about your achievements and what
you've actually achieved to be able to move forward.
Because that's getting to that next level.
And then I think the third thing,
which I think is really interesting,
is leveraging your network.
So one of the hard things that I've learned
is not all women help each other.
And sometimes, in tech, especially, there
are sort of the old guards.
And it's not always men.
Because for whatever reason--
who knows if it's cultural, or it's what not?
But the thing is that it's not a competition.
It's very important not to compare yourself
with other people.
You are only you.
And this is all part of accepting your perfection,
being authentic, understanding your own values.
And so you do need to get to that point of appreciating
and understanding who your peers and your community is.
So one of the outcomes of that leadership summit
was really coming up with cohorts.
Coming up with not necessarily just one mentor--
mentors are good, definitely.
Because you may need to ask questions and so on.
But a group of people who are thinking about similar things,
and to be able to bounce ideas off of them, and so on.
Because you may be in the position
where you need somebody to talk to, as well.
I think a cohort is really important.
And that's something that we can think about.
Because the thing is that I have been an outlier from day one.
I'm an immigrant child.
I couldn't not work.
I had to always work.
I come from Guam and Alaska.
I'm not really from New York.
And I used to be so jealous when I went to NYU.
And my friends, my classmates, would go home for the weekend
to do their laundry.
I was like, what?
And so I think it's really important
to accept and understand that we, as women in tech,
are outliers.
There is no status quo, really.
Nobody has drawn a map or a plan for your future
to move forward.
It's just you, and what you want, and what motivates you,
and what's interesting to you.
I've reached this position not because I'm an expert,
but because I can see and be creative about how
to solve problems that are different from other people.
And I, basically, took the risk to take that next step,
because I thought it might be exciting.
So follow your heart.
And then try to solve problems with other people.
And I think that's one of the best lessons that I've learned,
is that community is really critical to not just
us in this room.
But it's critical for our culture.
And it's critical for the advancement of women in tech.
Thank you.
I'm not sure what's next.
SPEAKER 1: Will you take a few questions?
LINNE HA: Yeah, sure.
AUDIENCE: Hi, I'm Melissa.
You talk a lot about writing being
a former passion of yours.
Do you still think about it?
LINNE HA: I write all the time.
AUDIENCE: Oh, awesome.
AUDIENCE: Oh, sorry.
Go ahead.
AUDIENCE: Hi, I'm Caussie Nebled.
So you were mentioning a lot about you
have these creative ideas, but you have a very different
So I was wondering, how do you go
about leading a group of people who are experts in the solution
that you're trying to facilitate?
LINNE HA: Well, I didn't arrive in my position overnight.
I learned a lot along the way.
And I think being observant is important.
The main thing is that if you have a good idea,
it doesn't matter who it comes from.
And part of being a leader is influencing, and developing
the network, and collaborating, and partnerships
to get that idea going.
So and so thinks that this is a problem, as well.
Like, let's try this.
AUDIENCE: Hi, I see that in a lot of these conferences,
there are people that are looking for transition.
And a lot of us are maybe just entering.
I, for one, am a new person in the world of tech.
I feel like I am.
And I was wondering, from your point
of view, what do you see when you're facing a group of people
that are trying to transition?
How do you feel?
What draws you when someone comes
to you for an opportunity?
You were talking about cohorts and mentors.
What captures your attention?
LINNE HA: The number one rule that I
have when I hire somebody, whether they
are expert or non-expert, is passion and motivation.
Because if you're not motivated, it
doesn't matter how good your skills are.
There's no way I can get you to do
the work that you need to do.
And so if you're passionate, you're
going to already be thinking about these things
and motivated to come up with different ideas.
So passion is the number one thing.
And you say transitioning into tech.
And I understand what you mean from a career perspective.
But one of the most important things
I think everybody should know is that tech is already
in your world.
You are already in tech.
It's all over.
So I think we have to start thinking about it a little bit
differently and reframe.
The difference is what you do from a work
perspective to what you are acknowledging in the world.
Tech is all around us.
We all have mobile phones.
So figure out what part of it is interesting to you
and what you do you don't mind spending a lot of time doing.
And go in that direction.
AUDIENCE: Thank you.
AUDIENCE: Hi, my name is Adenomar,
and I'm a grad student.
And my question to you is you mentioned that failures
are necessary for us to learn.
And I totally agree with that.
But what is your advice in the moment?
When you're facing failure, what is your advice
to take it in the most positive and to learn the most out
of our failures?
LINNE HA: I think if you just start to think about, well,
what did you learn, what came out of that experience,
and what do you want to do next with what you've learned--
it's just another step.
I think failure doesn't match your expectation.
But you need to reset your expectations.
SPEAKER 1: Good question.
AUDIENCE: Hi, is this on?
SPEAKER 1: Yeah.
So you talked a lot about problem solving.
Was there any book that helped you
frame how you think about problem solving
and also a book that influenced how you make decisions?
LINNE HA: I do a lot of meditating.
So for me, personally, it's not to be so reactive,
to actually think about it a little bit,
but not think about it too long that it's creating a problem.
Some decisions need to be made right away.
I think problem solving--
I can't name one particular book off the top of my head.
But the book that I was talking about earlier, Sally Hegelsen
and Marshall Goldsmith's book about how women rise, I think,
is really interesting to look at the habits
that we form in getting to a certain level,
and what you need to change in order
to get to that next level.
AUDIENCE: Thank you.