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  • Welcome to it's a crime I'm Linda and today we're gonna be talking about a

  • missing Colorado boy 11 year old Gannon Stauch this is a parent's worst nightmare

  • happening it said that Gannon left his home last Monday January 27th between

  • 3:15 and 4:00 p.m. from his home just outside of Colorado Springs there are

  • conflicting times as to when exactly he left but it's somewhere in that time

  • frame and he left that afternoon to go to a friend's house or that's what he

  • said according to his stepmom at first authorities said that Gannon was a

  • runaway as you can see in this picture by the El Paso County Sheriff's Office

  • now Gannon is four foot nine he weighs 90 pounds he has brown hair and brown

  • eyes he was last seen in a blue hoodie blue jeans and tennis shoes he wasn't

  • wearing a jacket and he didn't have his phone wasn't carrying a book bag or

  • anything like that now he lives along Mandan Drive just east of Colorado

  • Springs like I mentioned near Fontaine Boulevard and mark Scheffel and the El

  • Paso County Sheriff's Office said that the person who last seen Gannon was his

  • stepmother Leticia Stoke authorities changed the status from run away on

  • Thursday to missing and endangered they did this based upon his age because he

  • was under 13 the length of time he's been gone and the weather and also the

  • medication that he needs the change also brings in other resources the FBI is now

  • involved the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children and also other

  • agencies now Ganon's father L or Albert was away for the weekend for training

  • with the National Guard he says his wife Leticia knew something was wrong when

  • Gannon didn't come home for several hours and al says and I quote we kind of

  • do the streetlight rule when the streetlights come on or it gets dark

  • they better be home and it was like maybe 30 minutes past that he also goes

  • on to say started to worry at that point and I started texting all the friends we

  • know that he goes to and nobody had seen him he also said that it was

  • unlike him and so that's why they're all really concerned and then eventually the

  • police were called at 6:55 p.m. he said once we went through the checklist of

  • where he could be that's when he decided to call the cops

  • and he also says that Gannon is just not the type to wander off or walk away

  • so at 6:55 p.m. authorities received a call from the 66 hundred block of Mandan

  • Drive and they filed a missing-persons report that night and then at 7:32 p.m.

  • it is stated that it was entered into the database as active now on Monday

  • February 3rd one week to the day that Gannon has gone missing there is new

  • evidence that has popped up one of Al's neighbors had pored through some videos

  • video footage and he had found something and he brought it to Al but at the

  • request of El Paso County's sheriff's office he's not going to describe or

  • show it at this time they want to make sure that the investigation will not be

  • compromised but they did say that it is the break they needed and when the

  • neighbor went and showed it to Al he broke down and it was also described

  • that when detectives saw it they were moved as well by it so once they approve

  • it it will be shared now volunteers have come together in the last week to really

  • show their love and support and to try and find Gannon there was even children

  • writing on the sidewalks in chalk saying we love you come home Gannon it was

  • really touching there was also reports that one guy who

  • had been in the military for 12 years actually sent a drone up to go look and

  • he said that because al was part of the military said that I will have his back

  • so that was kind of cool the entrance to Laursen ranch neighborhood which is

  • where Gavin's family lives it's decorated with blue which is Ganon's

  • favorite color and it has the words pray for Gannon in huge letters at the

  • entrance even his little friends said I love him

  • I miss him and I want him to come home and be safe he's an awesome little kid

  • he's handsome and he's my best friend and also another friend said Ganon is a

  • good friend he's out playing basketball in my front yard on a daily basis so

  • there's so much love and support even the father was very moved in a press

  • conference where he said he opened his door at Tuesday morning and literally

  • 300 people were out helping to search for his sons he was very very moved last

  • Wednesday they did have a vigil held for Gannon at restoration church and the

  • pastor there says people describe Gannon as a smiling kid a happy kid who just

  • wanted to come and hang out and have a really good time volunteers were also

  • putting blue ribbons all around the neighborhood to show their love and

  • support for Gannon they said that they wanted him to know that they love him

  • now in that press conference I saw his mother and his father so his mum's name

  • is Landon and his father el I saw them make a plea just to find Gannon and it

  • was so much love coming from his mom who just it was heart-wrenching to watch now

  • something that she said was that he was actually born a preemie he was only 1

  • pound 6 ounces and his mom said that he really only had a 10% chance of living

  • oddly enough I have a nephew who was only a pound 11 and he was born at the

  • 23 or 24 week mark and he was teeny tiny his little body was this wide and you

  • had to actually use one finger to pet him it was he was so fragile and so tiny

  • and they said the same thing that it was very dangerous he might not make it

  • he might have severe delays but like Gannon she said that he's brilliant he

  • doesn't have any sort of things that have happened to him delay wise I can

  • because it can happen and same with my nephew so that was kind of a neat thing

  • just to hear that he's a fighter so that's really really good to hear that's

  • that's really good to hear now the stepmom like

  • Teesha also had an interview however she had her back turn to the camera and she

  • voiced her opinion about getting death threats and about some other things like

  • being in the interview room and not being able to go to the bathroom and she

  • had expressed that she wanted to have a lawyer to help her with some of the

  • vocabulary that they used and just to be safe I guess and she was denied that so

  • she was quite upset she was defending herself quite a bit but what really

  • struck me as odd and I don't want to get too much into it but what was odd was

  • that she was talking about she wasn't able to be in her own home I thought

  • that was weird but maybe because she's not biologically

  • related I'm not too sure if you guys know the Colorado State laws and how

  • that works just let me know in the comments below cuz I found that a little

  • bit weird and she does mention that Al's ex-wife Landon was staying there and she

  • said that she wasn't able to go there so that was a little bit weird for me and

  • she says my husband's ex-wife is living in our house she also said I took care

  • of Gannon for the last two years in our home because his mother didn't want to

  • and then she also says and I would never ever hurt this child I don't want to get

  • too much into it about that I think everybody is in pain of some sort

  • probably doesn't feel too good if she's being blamed for something that she

  • didn't do I don't know if she did or not but it wouldn't feel fun if you're

  • innocent and you're getting blamed and you probably feel not that great because

  • you're the last person to see the child right to see Danone so I I don't want to

  • make any opinions right now but I want to give you the facts and I will put the

  • link below so that you can see that interview if you like also today

  • investigators actually went back to Ganon's home and did quite a lengthy

  • search from what I was reading investigators went into the home with

  • gloves and came out with bags of evidence so I'm sure we'll start to hear

  • more soon hopefully so between Meenu

  • footage that was found of Ganon and then the house being inspected today or

  • evidence gathered there hopefully that'll give them the break they need to

  • find out what the heck is going on this little boy doesn't have a phone he

  • doesn't have a jacket he just has a hoodie on and from my understanding it's

  • getting quite cold in Colorado now his stepmom did talk about them going on a

  • hike that day and then going to Burger King she did ask her older daughter to

  • stand with her on camera and state that she did see Ganon that day after they

  • went on the hike and the place that they went to is very beautiful we'll find out

  • more about that I'm not gonna get into it too much into this video but it is

  • very beautiful there now the Sheriff's Office is accepting applications for

  • volunteers and I will put the link below so if you are interested you can apply

  • any tips you may have please call seven one nine five two zero six six six six

  • have you been following this case what are your thoughts I would love to hear

  • them don't forget to subscribe if you haven't done so already there's a lots

  • more coming let me know too if you want me to cover a different case I'd be

  • happy to look into it click the like button click the share button thank you

  • so much for watching see you soon

Welcome to it's a crime I'm Linda and today we're gonna be talking about a

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Gannon Stauch Search - 失蹤的Gannon的新視頻片段。 (Gannon Stauch Search - NEW VIDEO CLUES for Missing Gannon)

  • 3 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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