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  • I go to great lengths to notify the Jackpot Prize winner, travelling all over the UK,

  • by planes, trains and automobiles, to inform them that theyve won £1 million on the

  • Premium Bonds. The furthest I have travelled in the UK is

  • 420 miles there and 420 miles back and it was to a lovely place in Cornwall.

  • I don’t just travel around the UK to inform the Jackpot winner, I’ve also had the pleasure

  • of flying abroad to tell some of our overseas Premium Bond holders that theyve won £1

  • million. I will try and time my visit for when I think

  • you will be in, but if youre not in, then I will come back later.

  • Don’t worry I’ve never lost, a million pound jackpot winner yet.

I go to great lengths to notify the Jackpot Prize winner, travelling all over the UK,

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