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-Is ski etiquette any different over there?
-Yes. -Yes.
-Yes. -Very much so.
-Yes. -They crowd -- They crowd hard.
-Oh, interesting. -Yeah, whereas --
-You think of it as a very polite place.
-I know, but -- -And it is, in many respects.
-Still polite. -Yeah.
-It's very polite, but they just have
a very aggressive way of getting on the lift.
There's no -- You know, in the states it's sort of like,
"We'll take three, a single now. You know, you four go up."
There, it's just an opening, and then it's just a massive crowd.
And people get so -- Like, their ski's
in between your skis, and you're so tight.
-Yeah. -And a lot of, like, this.
-Yeah. -You're just sort of, like...
[ Laughter ]
-With a neutral expression.
-"Can I -- Can I give you some room, sir?
Can I give you a little?" -And then if you were to
look back like, "Excuse me," they're just like...
-Yeah. Yeah. [ Laughter ]
-You are not there. Yeah.
I would wait five hours to get on a lift
just 'cause I would not be aggressive.
-Oh, yeah. [ Laughter ]
-I would watch upwards of 20 people start back there
and be up and over the mountain and back down
by the time I got even close.
-In the Austrians' defense, it is their national sport.
-Yeah. -Yeah.
-They are amazing skiers, as a population of people.
-Whoo! -Yes.
-We keep establishing there's one Austrian.
-Just one Austrian. [ Laughter ]
-Yeah, the one Austrian. -Yeah.
-Really, really psyched for --
-'Cause she wants to re-establish herself every time.
-Yes, of course.
-You went to a spa? -Oh, God.
I did go to a spa. -Yeah.
-Yes, and -- -I feel like this is a thing
people would say, if you go to Austria,
you have to go to the spas. -Of course, absolutely.
They've got a whole sauna life there and steam life.
Very sauna. Anyway, it was our
first weekend there, and I thought,
"Yeah, I'm gonna go and relax." I had a down day.
So I go down, I walk into the sauna,
I've got a towel, I take the towel off, I sit on the thing.
And the next thing I know, the door opens, and two --
Oh, I don't know -- men in their 50s, 60s,
quite overweight and talking a mile a minute
in Austri-- in German.
They come in completely naked, and I am so shocked.
I just -- -So you had no expectation
of the co-ed steam room?
-I didn't really understand that.
And I just put my head down, prayed to Jesus Christ
I didn't know them particularly well, and skedaddled.
[ Laughter ] It was bad.
-See, I had the same experience,
except I went in, and I was the first one in.
-Yeah. -And then this man came in
and laid down almost like as if his head was on my lap.
-Oh, dear. -And I was like --
-I was tired. -And I just sort of sat there
and was like, "Oh, I don't know what's happening."
And then, after about 10 minutes,
he finally gets up, and he goes, "Oh, hey, Nat."
And it was our D.P. It was our cinematographer.
[ Laughter ]
He's like, "Oh, I thought we had a great day out there.
I got a lot of great shots."
And I was like, "We did get a lot of great shots, Danny."
And then he wanted to talk about the day's work ahead,
and I couldn't look anywhere.
It was incredibly awkward. -Yeah.
-One of your co-stars, Zach Woods, was here.
-Yes. -He was talking about
one of the things about this film was
you obviously spent a couple months at a resort,
had to eat a lot of meals at the resort restaurant.
Do you feel as though they were sad to see you go
when the film was over?
-Not so much. -I don't know.
Not so much. [ Laughter ]
-Right? -Yeah.
-I mean, they didn't --
We didn't get a particularly warm goodbye or anything.
-Yeah. Did you get a warm welcome?
Were they excited about American movie
or was that not even that -- -You know, not that much.
-Not certainly when we were using ski lifts and gondolas.
-Yeah. -Most people who go on vacation
and pay a lot of money to go on vacation
do not want to watch a holiday movie --
a Hollywood movie shut down the ski lift to get you up there.
And we would have to do sort of, like, NASCAR, sort of like
change the cameras away fast,
and so there would be a collection of skiers
just collecting and collecting,
and then they'd start shouting stuff in German,
which most likely was not, like, "We love movies!"
[ Laughter ]
-"Take your time!" -"Can't wait to see it!"
[ Laughter ] -Oh!
-"Is this gonna be a wide release?!"
-Yeah. [ Laughter ]
-"What's the plot?" [ Laughter ]
-And did you -- Did you eat a lot of --
Zach was saying there was some very weird service.
Do you feel like -- That the waiters were --
I don't know -- maybe a little brusque.
-Very. -Yeah.
-I remember the women at the supermarket.
I don't know if anyone had that -- that --
-Oh, yes. -I remember that
being a challenge because I -- you know, the first --
I was trying to -- -I didn't go to the market.
-You didn't go to the market? -No, no.
But I remember you saying --
-You went to Switzerland, though.
-Yeah. -Don't sell yourself short.
-We were actually upset that he came back.
[ Laughter ]
We were like, "We did it!" [ Laughter ]
But he found his way back. So, you do what you can.
But, no, I remember, you would go to the supermarket,
and it's very fast-paced. And so what they do is,
you put your stuff up, and you have to bag your own stuff,
and so the women would quickly throw them down to the other,
and if you weren't ready, they'd put a big wood block
between you and the next people.
So, by the end, I was like, "I'm gonna do this.
I'm gonna beat you. I'm gonna beat you."
So I was bagging it so appropriately, and then I --
I got some apples.
This is a 20-minute story. [ Laughter ]
I got some apples, and then she starts
getting very upset with me, and I wasn't understanding,
but apparently, I saw there was, like,
an apple box crate that had been ripped,
and I had pulled some out of that,
and you're not supposed to rip it.
You're supposed to buy all the apples.
-Got it. -So I knew what she was saying.
I go, "It's okay, it's okay.
I don't need it. I don't need it."
No one's sort of helping
translate anything that's happening.
I say, "Just keep it, keep it, keep it."
Finally, she just says, "Take it."
I think that's what she's saying to me.
[ Laughter ] -"We love movies!"
-"We love movies!" -"Take your time!"
-"Take your time! You're doing great.
I'm enjoying you." And so, I put them in my thing.
And then this guy, one guy looks up,
and his accent says, "Don't worry. They hate everybody."
[ Laughter ]
-This has been so wonderful having all four of you here.
Thank you, so much, you guys. [ Cheers and applause ]
Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Will Ferrell,
Nat Faxon, Jim Rash.