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  • hey what's up you guys in this video we're gonna go and expose what the banks

  • aren't telling you about getting a new loan or a mortgage and we're gonna go

  • and talk about the truth of mortgage rates hey what's going on everyone this

  • is Sam Kwak one of the Kwak Brothers real estate investor and entrepreneur

  • and this video we're gonna go and expose some truth about the things that the

  • banks aren't telling you as well as mortgage rates how they can be dangerous

  • if you don't know this one concept now before I dive right in and be sure to

  • hit the subscribe button as well as the dul notification funds to get you

  • getting notified for our future videos let's go and dive right into your

  • mortgage rate now chances are you might be looking to buy a new house or you're

  • looking to refinance because your mortgage broker or your banker may say

  • well hey mister missus borrow we got a cheaper rate for you I can save you

  • money come back in we'll go and refinance your loan well before we do

  • that before you say yes I want you guys to pay attention to what the banks

  • aren't telling you and I'm gonna go and share what that is so first of all let's

  • go and talk about the mortgage rate and a lot of times when you go and refinance

  • or get a new loan when purchasing a new house your interest rate is gonna be

  • anywhere between three to five percent interest now some of you guys may have

  • less you know because your credit score is amazing or you have good financials

  • but a lot of times I look at interest rates they're gonna be anywhere between

  • 3% to 5% interest depending on your credit score and varying financial

  • factors now three to five percent interest rate may not seem that

  • dangerous room may seem very small and you're like hey you know three to five

  • percent interest rate doesn't seem like a whole lot and you know you may argue

  • and say you know Sam three to five percent interest rate the interest rate

  • that we were seeing right now historically is very very low it's true

  • if you go back and look at 1980s and 1970s interest rates they were as high

  • as 18 percent 17% interest rate which is which is crazy right but we look at

  • three to five percent interest rate and I'm gonna tell you guys why this is

  • equally dangerous as 17 percent or 18 inch 18% interest rate because of the

  • Amma's a Shimin period and this is what the banks don't really talk about is the

  • amortization period a lot of people go in and assume that they're gonna get

  • a 30-year amortized loan and vast majority Americans today get a 30-year

  • amortized loan and I'm gonna show you guys why the 30-year amortization loan

  • plus the three to five percent interest rate really doesn't mix well together

  • especially if you're gonna save money on interest so let's look at the three

  • percent scenario let's say you did go down the bank and got a three percent

  • interest loan okay on let's say a $250,000 loan okay 20 $50,000 loan three

  • percent interest rate and 30-year amortization now I know some of you guys

  • may have more than $200,000 of loan that you need to go get or you can have less

  • right I'm just putting out what's average in terms of the nationwide

  • numbers so if you look at a 3 percent interest rate interest rate on a $50,000

  • loan I'm gonna go and put this on the screen notice not the interest rate but

  • I want you guys to pay attention to the accrued interest that you have to pay by

  • the end of 30 years you can see that you're paying a fairly large chunk of

  • money in terms of interest so that 3% interest loan came it may have seen

  • innocent right it may seem like it's not gonna hurt anybody but you can see here

  • already there you're gonna end up paying a good chunk of money for the interest

  • whenever you guys go and talk to a banker or a mortgage lender I want you

  • guys to pay attention to what is the accrued interest amount that's something

  • that the bankers are not gonna want to talk about because as soon as you as

  • soon as they know that you know what the interest amount is going to be do you

  • know you're gonna freak out so they don't want you to pay attention to the

  • crude interest amount they only want you to talk about or at least look at the

  • interest rate because they know just by looking at that 3% interest rate you're

  • like that's not too bad I'm just gonna go for this anyways now let's say worst

  • case scenario you get a 5% interest rate or greater and I'm gonna talk about 5%

  • interest rate because there's there's a significance with that 5% interest rate

  • loan so let's say you n at un and got a 5% interest loan on the same figure

  • $250,000 okay for 30-year amortization I'm gonna put this on the screen you'll

  • notice that you'll you're gonna actually pay close to the double the amount that

  • you initially borrow through the bank meaning if you borrow 2 or $50,000 at 5

  • percent interest for 30-year amortization you're gonna go and pay

  • close to two hundred two hundred fifty thousand dollars just in interest alone

  • which means your total payment is gonna come close to five hundred thousand

  • dollars so what you just did is you bought yourself a house and you also

  • bought your bank another house that's an equal value or close to the equal value

  • a lot of people when they don't pay attention to the accrued interest amount

  • they just go for the five percent interest rate because they think well

  • this is historically low it's not too bad I'm just gonna go in and pull the

  • trigger but I want you guys to pay attention to what is the accrued

  • interest amount again it's not necessarily about two interest rate it's

  • about how much you're actually gonna pay by the time you're done paying off the

  • loan so I know some some of you guys looking at this like oh my gosh like

  • that that 5% interest loan it's not as innocent that I it's not as innocent as

  • I previously thought right gives you as a second sort of

  • consideration as to why getting a 30-year mortgage or 30-year amortized

  • loan may not be the best idea the next thing that the banks don't really talk

  • about is the amortization chart this is what's called an amortization chart and

  • on the bottom you got time and we're gonna express this in ears 30 years and

  • this is zero and on top this the the vertical line is the amount of monthly

  • payment every month on that mortgage so let's assume that your mortgage payment

  • is about you know let's say thousand dollars I know some of you guys pay more

  • so you guys pay less and I'm gonna change the color up here okay all right

  • this line here I'm gonna draw a little bit better of a curve there you go this

  • line right here represents the interest so red is interest and going to change

  • my color again this blue line represents principal now principal is what we

  • actually want to pay off that's the actual loan amount that we're seeking to

  • pay off to build equity to build wealth on your home now you can see here ride

  • around here okay at this point you're picking up more equity right you're

  • picking up more you're paying off more of your your

  • balance now what I want you guys to pay attention is this portion right here

  • okay you notice that you're paying very little in principle towards the

  • beginning part of your mortgage lifecycle and vast majority of what

  • you're actually paying in the beginning is the interest so I don't have thousand

  • dollars and this I'm just giving you an illustration this may not be accurate

  • out of the thousand dollars about eight hundred dollars initially is gonna go

  • towards interest and about two hundred dollars is gonna go towards principal

  • and this is on a 30-year amortized loan so what that basically means is that

  • towards the earlier part of your mortgage the bank's are profiting off of

  • your mortgage they're getting their profit they're pocketing their money

  • first until right around about eight to ten year mark this is when you start to

  • go in and start paying your proportion to the principal portion first now

  • here's the issue when it comes to the 30-year mortgage and here's something

  • that the banks aren't telling you and they all they tell you is hey listen

  • you're saving money you're getting a better interest rate your monthly

  • payments going to go down but this is something that your banks aren't telling

  • you if you choose to go get a refinanced loan or if you choose to refinance

  • because your bank's trying to convince and convince you that you're actually

  • saving money but I tell you guys right now that you're actually not saving much

  • money at all so let's say you know banker or whoever calls you and says hey

  • mister mrs. Barr you know you've been paying this mortgage for the last eight

  • to ten years you've been doing really really really really great

  • congratulations hey listen now we have this sweet promotional interest rate

  • that we can save you money come back in let's go and refinance your loan instead

  • of paying a thousand dollars let's get you to start paying you know $800

  • instead okay and of course a lot of people

  • because they don't know much they'll say hey that's $200 less than I got to pay

  • every month and that sounds amazing that's that's this is a this is great

  • and they come back in and they go give refinance now here's the issue with us

  • when you go in refinance do you get to continue the progress and capture all

  • this principal no what happens is when you refinanced yet

  • start all over back into square one okay and you're back into this this zone this

  • period where we have to pay more in interest than actually paying the

  • principal so what happens is a lot of Americans and and this is true

  • internationally people refinance every eight to ten years and they perpetually

  • get stuck in the zone where all they do is just refinance over and over they've

  • never made it to this part where they're building up equity and actually paying

  • off their house this is one of the big reasons why I believe that a lot of

  • people are in debt because they keep getting convinced right by the banks and

  • mortgage lenders and brokers that they're saving money by refinancing

  • droughts you know lowering D monthly payment which actually in the long run

  • you're never getting to pay the principal portion okay

  • the bank's never want you to go into this zone because as soon as that you go

  • to the principal pay off zone okay they're not making money off of you they

  • I mean they have no they don't have the ability to charge you interest so the

  • banks don't want you to get to this zone right here where you're paying a bulk of

  • your bulk of your payment towards principal so next time you go get a loan

  • or you're looking at shop you know you're looking to get a refinance do

  • reconsider and I know a lot of you guys are considering getting a refinance I'm

  • going to show you guys that a better option I'm gonna show you guys a better

  • alternative instead of refinancing to save quote-unquote money my brother and

  • I developed a strategy where we're gonna show you guys how to pay off your

  • mortgage within five to seven years on average without making any more money

  • without cutting back on expenses without ever refinancing with this one little

  • strategy so I'm gonna go ahead and ahead and actually put that video right here

  • so that you guys can go and click on it watch that video and learn to pay off

  • your mortgage within five to seven years on average and literally bypass the need

  • to be in this trap right don't fall into the trap of the banks and the mortgage

  • brokers are setting up for all they care is that they want you to stay in this

  • zone right right here where bulk of your monthly payment is going towards

  • interest not principal so guys if you fall if you felt like this video is

  • helpful in any way go and make sure to subscribe to this channel and be sure to

  • hit the like button and as well as fellow I can't so

  • they get notified for our future videos and of course check out the video on how

  • to pay off a mortgage in five to seven years and we're gonna show you guys some

  • really cool tricks it's not magic it's just math okay and going to definitely

  • check out that video cool I'll see you guys in the next video

hey what's up you guys in this video we're gonna go and expose what the banks

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抵押貸款利率。銀行沒有告訴你的事: (Mortgage Rates: What the Banks AREN'T Telling You)

  • 6 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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