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  • [Zack] Alright, I'm ready.

  • You ready?

  • Okay...

  • [Cambry] Three, two, one...blastoff.

  • [Music]

  • [Cambry] Nature everywhere.

  • Really cool.

  • [Music]

  • [Zack] That is amazing.

  • So there are a lot of cars out there.

  • A huge variety.

  • And all of them are good for different things.

  • [Cambry] And there's a lot of cars out there that are great for people with physical limitations

  • like myself.

  • Some are better than others, but pretty much any car can be adapted for a wheelchair user.

  • But there are not very many cars that don't require you to go to the gas station.

  • And if you're a wheelchair user, you know that's a big deal.

  • I'm talking big deal.

  • And I'll show you in a second why that is.

  • [Zack] Full disclosure: since this technology is new, it's is ridiculously expensive right

  • now.

  • But like with any piece of tech, the price is going to drop over the next couple years.

  • And it's just good to know that it currently exists.

  • [Cambry] One way to get a price break on technology is buying it used.

  • [Zack] We bought this Tesla Model X used from Dan, from the YouTube Channel What's Inside.

  • And it has some features that are awesome for everyone, but more so for Cambry.

  • And we'll show you what those are.

  • [Cambry] Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • [Zack] So this is the Tesla Model X.

  • The SUV version, all-electric, and is super incredibly fast.

  • The Model X has a range of 280 miles, which is about the same as a tank of gas in a normal

  • car.

  • It's got a lot of personality with the Falcon doors.

  • And I think it's going to fit Cambry pretty well.

  • It's got automatic doors which is great.

  • [Cambry] With my last car, I never used the back hatch because I wasn't able to reach

  • it once it was up to bring it back down.

  • So with the Tesla, you can open it with the fob, and close it with the fob, or your app

  • on your phone.

  • Which makes my life a lot easier.

  • [Zack] Cambry, you want to show us how to get inside?

  • [Cambry] Yes.

  • [Zack] So you might not thing that going to a gas station is a very big deal, but when

  • you're in a wheelchair it's a totally different ball game.

  • [Cambry] You have to transfer the wheelchair and yourself in and out of the car twice.

  • It's like going to the gym just to get gas.

  • [Zack] So getting an electric car avoids the gas station altogether.

  • But even though we get to avoid the gas station, Cambry still has to get in and out of the

  • car.

  • And no matter what car we get, the process is going to be basically the same.

  • [Cambry] So I put my feet in first...or my legs in.

  • And then I grab onto the steering wheel.

  • It's locked at this point.

  • I put one hand on my cushion and then I rotate in.

  • And then I have to take this apart...when I'm by myself.

  • [Zack] When I'm with her, I help her out and then put the chair in the back.

  • The back seats fold down and there's enough room for her wheelchair.

  • [Cambry] You can tell this is quite the process, so imagine doing this at the gas station multiple

  • times in a row.

  • [Zack] The wheels come off easy enough.

  • Then she can take the wheels and put them in the back seat right next to one of the

  • pilot seats in the middle.

  • [Cambry] And then I've got to make some space to pick up this guy.

  • And then I place it on the passenger seat next to me.

  • There you have it.

  • [Zack] So you can see why avoiding the gas station is a good thing.

  • Not only does she have to disassemble her chair, but reassemble it when she gets back

  • out twice for the gas station.

  • So having an electric vehicle that she can just plug in when she gets home is pretty

  • awesome.

  • So since Cambry's chair is made of metal, we added some protection.

  • Some clear plastic protection right here along the side walls, so when she brings her chair

  • into the frame it doesn't scratch anything.

  • As well as we have a seat cover on this seat as well as the center console and a screen

  • protector on the display.

  • So if anything taps the display or the seat...

  • [Cambry] Or the door.

  • [Zack] ...or the door, everything's always protected.

  • We had our buddies over at Luxe Auto Spa, the same people who wrapped Dan's Tesla gray,

  • applied those special protection features for us.

  • I think they've done a pretty good job.

  • We've had this car for about 2 weeks now and there's been no damage to the actual car.

  • You might have heard that Tesla's have something called autopilot, and you might think that

  • with autopilot someone with a disability can just jump in and start driving, but that's

  • not the case yet.

  • Full autonomous driving is coming in the future, but for right now, Cambry needs hand controls

  • to operate the vehicle.

  • [Cambry] Okay, this car is already pretty well adapted to me, like we didn't have to

  • make very many modifications.

  • But something that I will always have to make modifications on is the hand control.

  • Since my legs don't work, my hand controls do the job.

  • So this part, if you push forward, applied pressure to the brake.

  • And then if you rock it back, it electronically controls the acceleration.

  • Pretty cool.

  • One of my favorite features is when you apply pressure to the brake, the door closes.

  • [Zack] Nice.

  • [Cambry] And then I don't have to reach for it.

  • Quick side note, one of my favorite features, and I know that there are a few cars out there

  • that have this, but the steering wheel heats up.

  • And I am always cold, so it is maybe my favorite feature of this car.

  • My hands are nice and toasty.

  • [Zack] Yeah this has a lot of features that make life easier for everyone in general,

  • but I think my favorite is that it's quicker than most sports cars.

  • Especially since Dan splurged a little when he bought it and got the P100D which means

  • this is thefastModel X.

  • And Cambry has been fast.

  • She's launched it a couple times in ludicrous mode.

  • But she's never done it herself personally.

  • So this will be the first time.

  • Are you ready?

  • [Cambry] Are you ready for this?

  • [Zack] I guess that is the question.

  • Yeah, I think I'm ready.

  • [Cambry]

  • [Zack] Oh my gosh!

  • [Cambry] I feel like my eyes are shaking!

  • [Cambry]

  • [Zack] Oh my gosh!

  • [Cambry] I feel like my eyes are shaking!

  • [Zack] I feel like you got to 30 miles an hour and stopped.

  • [Laughter]

  • [Cambry] That scared me!

  • That's like losing control!

  • [Zack] Seat belts tighten up every time too.

  • Oh that was fun.

  • You can feel like the blood rush to the back of your head cuz the acceleration is just

  • so intense.

  • [Cambry] I think my eyes are shaking like this.

  • [Zack] That's crazy.

  • We had a friend in the car once and he's like 'man, my blood forgot how to circulate' which

  • is like the perfect example or the perfect analogy of what happens when this thing accelerates.

  • [Cambry] Perfect description for sure.

  • [Zack] That was fun.

  • [Music]

  • [Zack] How was it?

  • [Cambry] I just want to keep driving these trails.

  • [Zack] It's super pretty out right now.

  • [Cambry] And there are like homes on the side of these roads that I'm sure they can't get

  • to in the winter, but super cool.

  • And it's just like mind blowing how many colors are still out there.

  • Like a lot of the leaves have fallen, but it's still just like nature...everywhere.

  • It's really cool.

  • Hi Bertha.

  • Hi.

  • So when I take my hand off the accelerator, the car takes that energy of slowing down

  • and puts it back into the battery.

  • So essentially we could gain more miles by going downhill and using that energy.

  • [Zack] So one of the reasons we chose the Model X over the Model S or the Model 3 was

  • because it has slightly better off road capabilities, and it can tow things which Cambry's pretty

  • interested in.

  • [Cambry] The thing I like about it is you can change the suspension height so it can

  • be low for me to transfer in and out, but then it can also be raised when we're off-roading.

  • [Zack] So obviously buying a Tesla is fairly expensive at the moment.

  • The price is going to drop with time.

  • And if you do end up buying a Tesla, the best way to do it is with a Tesla owner's code.

  • Yeah you can walk into a dealership and just buy a Tesla outright, but if you have this

  • code you get an extra 1,000 miles of free supercharging.

  • A thousand miles for you and a thousand miles to the person whose code you're using, which

  • would be me and Cambry.

  • Supercharging is what we would use on long road trips.

  • It fills the Tesla battery super quickly with power.

  • We can fill a large chunk of the battery in just 30 to 45 minutes.

  • A lot of people might think that you have to use the superchargers, but in reality,

  • most people, including us, have a little charging station installed in our garage.

  • The superchargers spread out across the United States are mostly just for long road trips.

  • So one thing that bugs us both quite a bit is one, when there's no parking because someone

  • takes the handicap spot.

  • Or two...

  • [Cambry] Someone parks right next to my car and I can't open the door wide enough to get

  • in.

  • [Zack] She needs a lot of space.

  • One cool thing with the Tesla is that it has the summon feature, but it's also now, with

  • just this update, it's a smart summon.

  • Which means that she can park anywhere and she can call the car to her from across the

  • parking lot.

  • We're going to try it out.

  • So right now Cambry's parked in an impossible location.

  • There's no way she can get into the driver's seat, but since she has the app on her phone

  • with the smart summon, she can now summon the car.

  • And it knows there's a car next to it, and it's going to come find Cambry.

  • [Cambry] I can't believe it did it with a car next to it.

  • [Zack] What do you think about that?

  • [Cambry] Yep.

  • I approve.

  • [Zack] We're on the freeway right now and Cambry has never tried out autopilot in her

  • Model X yet.

  • So we're going to do it for the first time.

  • So Cambry, when you're driving and there's that gray steering wheel up in the corner,

  • it means that the car has identified the lanes in the road and it's ready to assist you with

  • driving or self driving.

  • So on the steering wheel on that far side, there's a tiny little knob that if you click

  • it towards you twice it will go into autopilot mode.

  • [Cambry] And it'll keep the same speed.

  • [Zack] It'll keep the same speed and distance from the cars in front of you.

  • [Cambry] Okay, so just tap it twice?

  • [Zack] Click it towards you twice, yeah.

  • [Cambry] Okay.

  • Are we sure?

  • Okay.

  • [Zack] There you go.

  • Now the car is driving by itself, staying within the lines.

  • [Cambry] This makes me anxious.

  • [Zack] And now the steering wheel is blue, meaning that the car is driving itself.

  • And about ever 60 seconds or so there will be a little flashing light that pops up saying

  • take control of the steering wheel for a second.

  • So you just have to nudge it to prove that you're still awake and listening.

  • Dan and I made a video about what happens if you fall asleep while autopilots engaged.

  • So I'll leave a link for that down in the description.

  • It's pretty cool.

  • Cambry, what are your thoughts about autopilot?

  • [Cambry] Um, initially it's nerve-racking cuz I didn't quite trust it.

  • But I still don't trust it 100%, I'll still keep my eyes on the road.

  • But it allows for a little bit more freedom of my hands to do something else like grab

  • the window.

  • Roll it up or down.

  • Grab my drink real quick.

  • Fix my seat belt Adjust something for like the speed of the windshield wipers.

  • It just gives me a little bit more freedom because my hands are always occupied if I'm

  • doing it all all the time.

  • [Zack] And the best thing about all of this is that the autopilot capabilities are just

  • going to keep on getting better and better.

  • Right now the autopilot can navigate us while we're on the freeway, but soon, in the next

  • year or two, it'll be able to take us from our house to our destination without us actually

  • needing to drive ourselves.

  • [Cambry] Crazy.

  • [Zack] So as this car is passing us on the side, we can see that the Tesla has recognized

  • it and knows its position.

  • It recognizes the other cars with all the cameras positioned outside of the vehicle

  • and that's what helps us drive safely.

  • So Cambry, now that you don't have to control your vehicle with your hands, what are you

  • going to do with them while you're driving from now on?

  • [Cambry] I'm still a responsible driver.

  • I'm not going to be putting on makeup or anything.

  • I'm going to rest my hands.

  • [Zack] All the charging stalls are full and there are so many Teslas just sitting and

  • waiting to plug in.

  • Alright, there's Dan.

  • Open the door for him.

  • And it's opening up.

  • Convenient.

  • [Dan] I miss this car!

  • It looks so good.

  • It's been a while.

  • How long has it been since I've been in this car, like 3 or 4 weeks you guys have had this

  • now?

  • [Zack] Yeah it's been a little bit.

  • I think the real reason you sold the Tesla to Cambry was because it's more of a feminine

  • vehicle...

  • [Dan] Oh is it?

  • [Zack] ...and you were scared about racing my truck.

  • [Dan] See, I'm okay with the race.

  • I don't know if that's a thing, but I'll let you go with that.

  • [Zack] That's the real reason.

  • So there we have it.

  • We have the old owner in the backseat and the new owner in the front seat And I think

  • we're going to have a lot of fun with it.

  • So if you want to watch Dan's video on why he sold his Tesla, I'll leave a link for that

  • right here.

  • Hit that subscribe button if you haven't already.

  • And come hang out with Cambry and I on our Instagrams.

  • We'll leave a link for those down in the description.

  • And remember how we finish it off?

  • [Dan] I miss this car.

  • Is that how we finish it?

  • [Laughter]

  • [Cambry] Thanks for watching.

  • We'll see you around?

  • [Zack] Perfect.

  • [Cambry] Yesss.

  • [Zack] Nice.

[Zack] Alright, I'm ready.

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最適合坐輪椅的人的車?- 我們的新特斯拉Model X! (The Best Car for Someone in a Wheelchair?! - Our new Tesla Model X!)

  • 11 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary