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- ♪Let's do it! ♪
♪Let's do it! ♪ ♪Let's do it! ♪
♪It's Mystery Tech time. ♪
♪ Mystery Tech. ♪
What it is Zoo- Zapenu?
Hey guys. This is Austin.
And I did not say that right.
And this is the January edition to Mystery tech
featuring Zimba (mumbles)...
Okay so that looks like a normal pair
of over ear headphones.
Are these like fake over ear headphones,
that you just put your earbuds in to look cool.
I can't possibly imagine why this would ever make sense.
For maximum audio quality on your mobile device,
turn off the EQ.
So it's just telling you to crank the volume,
as loud as humanly possible.
This is a really bad idea.
Is that base I hear.
This doesn't work does it?
Hold on, hold on it is kind of echoey though.
And it's not that loud.
You know what it sounds like when you put it in.
It's like the trick of like cupping
your hand around like the speaker of your phone.
Like that's kinda of how it sounds like,
expect in headphone form.
I need to listen to what these
sound like without the headphones on.
'Cause that's trippy there is no way
it's like that big of a difference.
Alright, let's reset all those garbage EQ setting just used.
So these actually have more bass than I remember.
It's definitely a difference putting
them Zanu-Zazzle thing or whatever.
Actually I think they do sound better by themselves.
Anyone want to take a bet on how much these cost?
- [Matt] 40.99
- [Ken] 25
- 25, alright I'm gonna go with with 30.
Whoa $50, Matt Ansini.
(Austin clapping)
Yeah don't spend $50 on this.
Ah, just buy a better pair of headphones.
Mr Bolido, what's up next?
(bangs table)
whoa CHEMION, turn your light on.
Well ah, wait what?
(bass music)
(Austin laughs)
Why is it so big?
Look here, this is normal glasses for comparison.
Why is that so enormous?
Whoa hello.
Alright, what am I doing right now?
Wait can I change it?
I've no idea what any of these things are.
Hey guys, this is Austin
and this is the future of modern technology.
It's glasses that light up when you do this.
(high pitched voice)
so it looks like you can customize it
and have it say whatever you want.
(Austin laughs)
Matt how much are these?
- [Matt] They are $70.
- $70
Yeah worth it, very worth it.
That's Megaraptor
(dinosaur snarl)
Why is Megaraptor?
What are you getting Roboraptor for.
(dinosaur snarl)
We just did this.
Oh no, you did not get another....
It's Robo-Spider.
Ken, no.
The joke is funny the first time.
It was a little bit funny the second time.
It was mildly funny the third time.
I mean come on, you hear how loud this is.
How much money did you waste on this?
- Great it's on sale, it's fine right.
Don't worry about it.
Yes I agree and I have a MEKAMON
Yap, that's it
(exclaims) Okay this is way cool than Roboraptor.
(exclaims) There is another one, okay.
Okay that's kind of cool, that's kind of cool.
Wait, wait, wait.
No, rotate, rotate, block it, block it.
MEKAMON lost, I mean that seems pretty self explanatory.
Let's this on the floor, shall we.
Oh no...
Block it, no.
Shoot it, shoot it.
I don't get it.
That is the smallest thing on Mystery Tech yet.
The JAKCOM so it has an app on the Google playstore.
Windows store, HTML5 and features NFC.
This is a Bluetooth ring.
Is this just a ring with Bluetooth.
It's got some little bumps inside and that's it.
Wow, there is literally nothing else here.
- [Ken] You proposed already right?
(cartoonish music)
Oh yeah right, you did.
Nevermind, we're good.
- But did you have a try with this?
How do we get this to work.
- [Matt] You're the tech expert
I mean you've run a channel for 10 years on tech.
You'd think you'd be able to figure out sign in something.
(cartoonish music)
It's okay your dad offered us a job, so.
(light laugh)
- It says team lift for a reason man.
What is this?
So this is a box from Xidax.
Oh, is there a PC in here?
Oh, I just got much happier.
Alright, let's see what we've got?
(bass music)
You did not spend a large amount
of company money on this computer, did you?
- [Ken] No.
- Okay good.
(bass music)
- [Production Team] Oh my God.
Oh my God
- Okay, well um.
- [Ken] Can we please put it on the table.
- Oh yeah.
(laughs excitedly)
The ring is forgiven.
(bass music)
This my friends might be the most overkill gaming PC
we've ever featured on the channel.
So this is a custom config straight from Xidax.
And we just look at the water cooling.
Inside we have a core i9-99OOK of course overclocked
and water-cooled.
We have a 2080Ti, we have the full hard line loop.
64 gigs of RAM.
If you take a look at the motherboard,
you'll see the NSI dragon just constantly kicking ass.
Good job.
This will definitely not be the last time,
you see this system on the channel.
But let's give a lil gaming a try.
So as you guys probably know Battlefied 5
is not the easiest game to play in the world.
However it is one of the only games right now
that does support rate tracing.
Something that this RTX 2080Ti
has absolutely no problem with.
Even on full ultra settings at 1080p.
We're still on the 80-90 frame per second range.
Turn a little bit of rate tracing down
and we are way way above a 100.
And we that, we undoubtedly have the most expensive
episode of Mystery Tech ever.
Can we not top this one.
I actually don't...
We're good here right.
We don't need to spend any more money,
this can be like the grand finale.
Why are you so quiet.