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  • All right.

  • I want to talk to someone in my audience,

  • but we're going to play a game to get them down here.

  • Everyone, stand up.

  • All right.

  • Stay standing if you're a gigantic fan of mine.


  • Did anyone sit down?

  • Because I want to know.

  • All right.

  • All right.

  • This should do it.

  • Stay standing if you have a tattoo of me on your body.

  • Whoo!



  • Alex, you and your wife come on down here.



  • How are you?


  • All right.

  • So I have to tell everybody the story.

  • I met Alex.

  • I went to Miami, and I was at the Hard Rock Hotel.

  • I did a Q&A, and I was having lunch.

  • And people were lining up to go see the event,

  • and I was right next to that.

  • I saw this guy with a huge, huge poster with my face on it

  • and a bunch of people on the show--

  • this poster right there.

  • And then he points to me, because I'm

  • in a different section behind glass.

  • And he points to me, and he says,

  • I have a tattoo on my arm.

  • And so I went out and met Alex, and took a picture.

  • Here's the tattoo right here.

  • So I went out to meet Alex with his family.

  • That's when I had a tan.

  • I was--


  • I said I was in Miami.

  • So let's talk about this.

  • So how did your wife feel when you got a tattoo of me

  • on your arm?

  • Well, I think you should ask her.

  • I don't know.

  • How did you feel?

  • I thought he was crazy at first.

  • But I said, well, if you're going

  • to get another woman's face on your arm, at least it's Ellen.

  • So I was super fine with that.

  • OK.

  • I was excited about it.


  • And what I love is that you came to see me,

  • and your daughter-- you have a 16-year-old daughter.

  • And she's right there in the audience.

  • And she's in the audience.

  • Hi.

  • So you doubted that he was going to get to meet me.

  • He kept saying--

  • Yeah.

  • --I'm making this poster.

  • You said, you're wasting your time.

  • You're wasting your money.

  • You're never going to meet her.

  • Really, of all the places that-- it's a big hotel.

  • Of all the places that I decided to eat,

  • it happened to be right next to where everybody was lining up,

  • which was not a great idea.


  • But then it turned out that it was,

  • because then I got to meet--

  • I never would have met him otherwise.

  • And I know how much you love the show,

  • and you have a tattoo of me, which is really sweet.

  • I know you want another tattoo--

  • Yes.

  • --so I have a surprise for you.

  • We reached out to a show called Ink Master.

  • It's on the Paramount Network.

  • And they sent over someone who's going

  • to take care of that for you.

  • Please welcome the two-time Ink Master champion DJ Tambe.


  • (SINGING) I see the girls walk by

  • dressed in their summer clothes.

  • I have to turn my head until my darkness goes.

  • I see a line of cars and they're--

  • All right.


  • All right.

  • So you saw the tattoo he has.

  • Yes.

  • So what do you think of that tattoo?

  • I think it healed a little dark.

  • With portraits, they're tough.

  • Ultimately, it's ink under the skin.

  • It's tough.

  • It's not on paper.

  • All right.

  • Well, this guy is going to give you another tattoo.

  • And he's got-- he's the best.

  • So I'm not making you get a ta-- don't think I'm saying,

  • get another tattoo.

  • This was his idea.

  • I want to get another one, too.

  • Yes.

  • I want to get a better one--

  • Pretty humble.

  • --with a clearer face.

  • Right.

  • Better face.

  • Right.

  • So you're going to get another tattoo--

  • Oh, wow.

  • Thank you.

  • --and this guy is going to do it.

  • Thank you.

  • I appreciate that.

  • Also, I have something else for you as well.

  • Our friends at Shutterfly want to help your family out

  • with a check for $10,000.


  • Thank you so much.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Thank you.

  • We'll be right back.

All right.

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