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what's up everybody? welcome back to my channel!! hi how are ya? today I am so
excited because I got home from Michigan a few days ago and I was unboxing some
PR... look at this nightmare you guys I mean this is a fucking mess
so besides of course the Baja Blast, Red Bull and all the Sephora and all the
other crap there was a package from Taco Bell... now i snapchatted I couldn't
breathe or believe that I got a PR package from Taco Bell my favorite fast
food of all time! Nate?Hi babe... so this came in the mail
look at this I'm fucking deceased it's so sick I can't believe this came! I
know what do you think.. what did you think I said Taco Bell sent
PR ?I know.. Did you think it was a joke? I didn't think it was a joke
at all but when I opened that I thought I was gonna be food because I had the
Taco Bell wrap paper in there and I was like oh my god this has been sitting
here yeah so we peeked inside we haven't done a full unboxing and I thought Nate
before we even unbox this let's actually go to Taco Bell get the new watermelon
fries and a few bites and eat and unlock this let's do this okay I don't know if
you know this but Shane Dawson did a talk about commercial a few years ago no
way we're gonna insert a tiny clip right now so talk about wanted me to tell you
guys about their new mobile ordering app the way you've been ordering talk about
what's old really old so first of all I think I'm probably a little too
problematic and controversial than being talk about commercial hey you never know
bitch but I do know that I did sell them a Billie and Cinnabon delights last
summer I could only imagine all right I'm like
half of your snapchats for a while okay so before we unbox this let's hop in the
car go to the Calabasas talk about say hi say hi to the people and we'll be
right back I am so hungry alright getting this test
fault let's get going baby so I know this may sound really fucking lame but I
feel like giving a PR package from talked about is like more exciting than
any package I've gotten this year yeah I would say so I mean not that I'm like
not really into makeup but I am just so thrilled that talked about he would
acknowledge me yeah I can't believe such a big corporation the fact that they
watched me in Trish's mukbang like I life-changing that's so sick I'm like
more excited than 80 Chanel and Louie purchase I've ever even gotten the sugar
and I wish Trisha was here but she's in Boston right now with Jason or I think
she would be next to us gagging and freaking out yeah I'm sure she would be
so for everyone wondering why is it Trisha Paytas with you doing the
unboxing she's out of town honey and we're leaving out of town we are we're
literally about to hop on a plane right now and we're literally
this right before we go to the airport I got this in the mail and I was like
we're stopping and everything so I haven't finished packing yet who would
do a full face of makeup go to Taco Bell and film right for their trip this bitch
right here
all right let's get this belly full honey
could I speak to your manager please
absolutely oh don't break my heart okay we'll get two out of those pleases
Oh miss Marge I don't need all that okay one large one regular what is it the
newest food on the menu okay let's get four of those
I'll just try those chicken making charges
the world who said I should cheese them
steak nachos with sticker
we need some baja blast like I literally cannot live without Baja blast my
favorite soda it's officially back this summer I think a minute
oh yeah no it has already gotten cases
okay so I found out some information what oh gee finally you can actually get
married at Taco Bell what it is a thing where you can't no
way yeah so I know we wanted to get married in Bora Bora whenever that is in
a few years you never know wink wink I feel like maybe we should just scratch
Bora Bora and just you talk about I mean it's pretty iconic yeah or we do both
right we'll let them decide which but um I
just picture like all of our guests just having bought last marijuana
that would be too funny with it can't go wrong with either one of those
good news this has a punker Bell and Michigan importer sitting there we can
go we can do whatever we want this taco bells
small charge
look what name to Scott as Big Daddy get them water Mon freezes you look iconic
that's so good I said which is like some crazy dream that they made watermelon my
favorite flavor on earth I don't know I didn't think anything could top the pink
starburst flavor of a girl they topped it yeah it's pretty frickin good mmm
okay so obviously we're here to unbox this crazy PR package I know a lot of
you were like Taco Bell I even had employees tweet me like girl
where's my where's my pop like package I've been a manager for four years I
might come on down I'll share okay but this was an iconic one with a happen
yesterday I tweeted can't believe talk about sent me a package so iconic Lala
talk about wrote me and tweeted back and what does it say you're our favorite I
was like we're tyring now that's so sick and then I said should I do an unboxing
they wrote me and said yes final answer and I was like let's go let's go so um
let's I'm bollocks first of all how was that what was that what was that called
again the UM don't like naked naked chicken chalupa or mild is it good yeah
I mean I'm not really into spicy stuff so it's like same I know I like a little
bit spicy for me you know for someone who doesn't like spicy things so it's
like just mm-hmm we gotta give this bad boy up and the
first thing you see first of all so iconic obviously they do not sell this
but this is a black pullover hoodie with the little Taco Bell symbol I think
Shane Dawson right now is quaking because this looks like some all-seeing
eye yeah I'm like Illuminati Freemasons
stuff good burn so cute they got my size perfect how do they know about my body
honey okay so the hoodie already obsessed the wrapping paper that came
with this is actually food paper from the store I am deceased this is so cool
right like wrap your Christmas present in this please do
even though um stuffings icon i get to talk about purple purple and i talked
about her go okay and then oh my god i don't know which is my favorite part yet
the what is this an iphone charger right yeah this is so cool the fact that it
looks like a like a hot sauce package fucking dying the fact that it says i
got you like come on I don't know Wow where's that show that off I'm like
that's that's like that shredded like steak like steak steak steak nachos hmm
okay well this piece looks like carnac oh wow come in here and take in my glory
on the first night okay now this next thing I'm about to show you it's so
iconic like I mean I am actually retiring after this video I think so
Taco Bell has a ring not just one but two rings okay it's like a little pinky
ring oh do you see what's happening right
here this is so sick this ring literally says Taco Bell we're gonna zoom in here
oh my god what you know about that this is the coolest thing ever all my card
game all my vancleef all my diamonds they're going in the trash but this is
so cool I'm literally gonna wear this every single day hi how are you like
this could have been an engagement ring what do you think full of diamond talk
about ring corporate if you're watching this call me okay so this side o work
besides that first of all take your breather
oh god it's 90 degrees out we want some sauce and probably my most favorite
thing ever gift cards this is so cool yeah they
send that many like come I know I'm like damn and as the packet of hot it's so
cool I'm on fire should open though before we went yeah we probably should
have done that we flopped okay so I never in my wildest dreams would have
ever thought the talk about would send me a package so
thank you guys so much for doing that so cool probably might be everything this
year it Trump's any mac venti benefit any PR package I've ever gotten Taco
Bell for the win these nachos are so good how's the steak have you tried it
okay I'm not really a steak person people will find out very soon I have a
whole crazy medical video I'm putting up but I actually choked on steak before
and I'm like I've had like a pretty bit to be honest I mean I'm not a huge steak
alone like I'll eat steak with stuff like nacho cheese yeah well yeah I mean
like good nachos this prints like a mini little much mom right now mm-hmm
so why aren't you here girl hmm okay I think I can't believe is a zoom napping
by the way Nate member I told you I hate to run talk with my mouth block yeah
just one of those things everybody has pet peeves mmm-hmm thank
you oh you're not wearing today which was not planned I'm wearing Nathan
mm-hmm all right you guys we're gonna finish this boob we're gonna pack our
bags room your jet set off and celebrate Brady's birthday
yes wow thank you so much for watching this video we will see you on the next
one bye guys see ya