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  • [jazzy intro music plays]

  • Greetings and welcome to LGR Oddware, where we're taking a look at hardware and software

  • that is odd, forgotten, and obsolete.

  • And today we have the Audible MobilePlayer, from 1997.

  • And yes, it is *that* Audible.

  • They've been around for a long time, but back in the earlier internet days, there were just

  • a website that happened to sell audiobooks, and speeches, and all sorts of different things

  • through the website that you could download and put onto this device right here.

  • And yeah, this is before app stores and just sticking Audible on whatever thing you have,

  • or streaming it on your browser.

  • Or even before the days of consumer mainstream MP3 players.

  • Yeah! This is a fascinating device so let's take a look at it.

  • So, let’s talk about Audible!

  • And man it feels like I should be sponsored for saying that, but nope!

  • No sponsorships here.

  • Were talking pre-Amazon, mid-90s startup Audible.

  • And in late 1997 they released their first product: the Audible Player, also called the

  • MobilePlayer, at an asking price of $199 US dollars.

  • Audible, the revolutionary new www-based spoken audio technology.

  • Audiobooks, conferences, radio programs.”

  • Aw yeah, it’s a digital audio player that connects to a Windows 95 PC through a serial

  • cable and plays back audio downloaded from the world wide web.

  • How exciting, who wouldn’t want this?!

  • Well, most people it turns out.

  • Despite Audible’s considerable success as a content provider in the 21st century, Audible’s

  • success making hardware was... eh, they tried.

  • After half a year on the market Audible had sold around one thousand Audible Players,

  • so they weren’t exactly flying off the shelves.

  • Partly because they weren’t on store shelves at all.

  • The only way to buy an Audible Player was to order one directly through the company,

  • either by phone or on

  • And keep in mind, this was late 1997, early ‘98!

  • E-commerce was in its infancy, and not everyone wanted to hand over their credit card number

  • to purchase a $200 gadget sight unseen.

  • Plus, hardly anyone understood what the darn thing actually did.

  • What even was an "internet-based spoken audio systemanyway?

  • Hehe, even the box seems unsure!

  • Such is the cost of arriving early to the portable media player party.

  • The Audible Player predated the Apple iPod by nearly four years, and MP3 players like

  • the MPMan F10 and the Diamond Rio

  • wouldn’t release in North America until later on in 1998.

  • So the Audible Player stood alone as a glimpse at the future, a tantalizing piece of tech

  • to the well-off webizen of the late 90s.

  • Otherwise, it was an oddity in an era where most folks were satisfied

  • buying audiobooks on tape and CDs.

  • Then once early adopters and gadget columnists got their hands on it, critics praised the

  • Player for its convenience and the ease at which you could download new audiobooks, but

  • dinged it for its steep upfront cost, low audio quality, cheap-feeling plastic components,

  • and tiny storage capacity.

  • Yeah the first Audible Player only packed four megabytes of flash memory, which equated

  • to around two hours of audio thanks to Audible’s proprietary audio compression.

  • Yet even after the MobilePlayer-Plus was made available, an upgraded $300 model holding

  • seven hours of audio, critics still ended up comparing Audible Players

  • to the Sony Walkman, rather unfavorably.

  • A Walkman was more affordable, could play audio in stereo and at higher fidelity, had

  • the ability to record, took mere seconds to swap material without a computer, had better

  • battery life, and didn’t require an internet connection.

  • Despite this, Audible kept on truckinthrough some seriously rocky times.

  • In 1999, Audible’s president and CEO, Andrew Huffman, suffered a major heart attack and

  • suddenly passed away at just 40 years old.

  • And even if this tragedy hadn’t occurred, the dot-com bubble was near bursting point.

  • Like so many internet startups, Audible’s public shares were plummeting by the end of

  • the year 2000, sinking 73% in value eleven months after going public, eventually dropping

  • to just 15 cents a share in February of 2003.

  • They managed to survive though, partnering with companies like Diamond to allow Audible

  • downloads on the Rio 500 MP3 player, releasing their own MP3 player, the Audible Otis, in

  • 2002 to somewhat middling reviews, until finally: iTunes happened.

  • In October of 2003, Audible became the exclusive provider of spoken word audio to the iTunes

  • Music Store, apparently stemming from Steve Jobs being a fan of theirs

  • as Audible founder Don Katz explains.

  • “I get a call from Steve Jobs.

  • And then he basically said 'I really want to have a meeting' and so we had a meeting.

  • And he basically told me that he completely admired this and that’s

  • why I wanna work with you guys and have your service on the device I wanna make.”

  • So that worked out!

  • With Audible leaving the hardware business behind and Apple iTunes sales contributing

  • to five years of growth, culminating in the entire company being purchased by Amazon in

  • 2008 for 300 million dollars, then proceeding to sponsor any content creator with a pulse

  • because screw you they got that Jeff Bezos money now.

  • Uh but yeah, anyway the Audible Player from 1997!

  • Humble beginnings indeed, arguably a total flop on its own, yet it set the groundwork

  • for greatness nonetheless.

  • Let’s unbox this rare creature and give it a go!

  • [box being boxily unboxed]

  • Right, so there’s the Audible Player itself, weighing just 2.5 ounces or 71 grams.

  • There’s a rechargeable nickel-metal hydride battery that originally boasted three hours

  • of battery life, a nice leathery carrying case with a visor clip around back, a docking

  • station for charging and syncing the device to a PC with a little spot for charging a

  • spare battery on its own, a 16-watt AC adapter that plugs into the dock, a serial cable that

  • goes between the dock and your computer, and a CD-ROM containing the Audible Manager and

  • related software, amusingly distributed on a CD-R

  • with a cheap CD Stomper printed label on top.

  • Finally there’s the manual, orlistening guide,” with 47 pages of guidance on listening.

  • And it’s a good thing mine still had this in the box because the buttons on the device

  • itself are rather vague.

  • It also came with this printout letting you know that there’s some audio already loaded

  • onto the Player featuring a welcome message from Don Katz.

  • And the previous owner also printed out some stuff from their old website, like how to

  • download and install the desktop version of Audible, along with some of the content available

  • for purchase in May of 1998.

  • Guess they didn’t feel like printing all 116 pages, they stopped after just four, but still.

  • It’s neat to see the pricing model, with offerings on the low end costing a dollar

  • ninety-five for shorter speeches like Barbara Jordan’s Address to the Democratic Convention,

  • on up to thirteen bucks for a five hour 36 minute-long reading

  • of Achieving Sales Excellence by Tom Hopkins.

  • Sounds like riveting stuff...

  • Oh and there was supposed to be a pair of headphones and a compact cassette adapter

  • in the box as well, but those were nowhere to be found by the time I got this second-hand

  • example on eBay a while back.

  • But I grabbed a couple of generic replacements because it looks like generic stuff.

  • And whatever, the fact that I was able to find one of these at all, much less one in

  • such good shape still in the box, is absolutely incredible.

  • Even more insane is the fact that the battery still holds somewhat of a charge, check it out!

  • -"The poetry of Robert Frost."

  • [voice of woman softly reading poetry]

  • Yeah I was seriously not expecting the battery to still work, but work it does, so let’s

  • check out what it was actually like to use Audible offline in 1997!

  • The power turns on when you crank up the volume past zero, illuminating a green LED that blinks

  • and glows amber or red for different status messages.

  • The large circular button in the middle is a combination play and stop toggle, among

  • other things as needed.

  • The 3.5mm jack up top outputs in mono to the speakers or headphones of your choosing.

  • And these four smaller buttons are for skipping to the next program, fast forwarding and rewinding

  • the current track either in chunks or all at once, and the bottom-left button is for

  • setting and skipping to virtual bookmarks you can save at any time.

  • Finally, around back is this little rotating disc markedFMand yeah.

  • This thing has a built-in FM transmitter

  • letting you output radio frequencies between 88.5 and 94.1.

  • Pretty brilliant move to have this integrated into the main unit, I always had to use an

  • external battery-powered transmitter with my tape and CD players back then.

  • The way this works is that you hold the play/stop button while powering it on, and itll begin

  • cranking out a loud noise to the selected radio frequency.

  • [long tone signal]

  • The adjustment disc on the back doesn’t tell you what precise frequency that is so

  • you have to fiddle around with your radio dial and find it.

  • Once youre locked onto that, you can press play to begin wirelessly transmitting audio

  • to your FM radio.

  • And while it isn’t a strong signal by any means, especially with all the interference

  • in my house, it’s still just awesome to have this built into the Audible Player to begin with.

  • [FM radio plays rather fuzzily, yet decently]

  • Although I’ve gotta say, I can see what the reviewers meant back in the day

  • regarding the plasticky build quality.

  • Holding it in the hands does not instill confidence in its longevity.

  • [chintzy plastic tapping sounds]

  • Yeah it simply feels cheap, with its lightweight injection molded construction making it feel

  • more insubstantial than what you’d expect for $200, even in 1997.

  • Anyway, let’s go ahead and plug it into a PC and see how that goes, cuz ya never really

  • know with retro devices that rely on an online account and remote servers.

  • Starting off the PC side of things is the installer.

  • It installs a handful of programs to handle transferring and playing Audible files, as

  • well as a copy of RealPlayer 5.0 Audible Edition, ooh.

  • [RealPlayer startup jingle plays]

  • Man, now there’s a sound I haven’t heard in decades!

  • So yeah, it supports certain Mobile RealAudio

  • and CCITT u-Law WAV files in addition to the

  • usual Audible stuff, well have to try that out later.

  • But for now, with it docked and plugged into the serial port, the Audible Manager software

  • quickly detects the device on COM1,

  • and then proceeds to ask for your username and password. Welp.

  • Obviously that isn’t going to work seeing as it relies on who knows what kind of credentials

  • and ancient MobilePlayer servers, so well just skip that part.

  • Thankfully the DRM isn’t so intense that it cuts you off from playing around with the

  • demo files it came with.

  • The Audible transfer program still allows you to manage the contents of the device without

  • logging in, just tap the sync button, and there you go.

  • Now you can create a playlist from any compatible files you wish, so long as you don’t go

  • over the roughly 4 megabyte limit.

  • If you have more than that you wanna listen to, you can simply queue things up and itll

  • transfer all it can, then once youve listened to that audio itll remember that and transfer

  • the next chunk of audio next time.

  • Really slick system for 1997, I gotta say.

  • As a demonstration I’m synching about one hour of stuff: the original welcome message,

  • and an episode of Car Talk because I miss Car Talk.

  • And even though this is only two megabytes, it took around ten minutes to transfer everything over.

  • Yeah, combine this with the fact that dial-up download speeds were between 2 to 5 kilobytes

  • per second back then and you can see why critics recommended a Walkman instead, especially

  • if youre in any kind of a hurry.

  • But yeah, were now able to undock it from the PC and enjoy a pleasant little message

  • from Audible president Don Katz, and the soothing conversations of Click and Clack.

  • I’ve recorded directly from the Player itself here

  • so you can listen in all its 8-bit 8kHz monophonic glory!

  • [Don Katz welcome message plays]

  • -"Car Talk." "This is Audible!"

  • [clips from Car Talk play]

  • Now, how about those other file formats?

  • Well I’m sad to say that I have had zero luck with those so far.

  • I’ve followed the file specifications, exported using the required settings on both vintage

  • and modern software, but nuh-uh.

  • It thus far refuses to play ball so that’s unfortunate.

  • Out of curiosity, I also tried seeing if the modern Audible Manager software would do anything.

  • While it doesn’t help me with this device, I was surprised to see just how far back it

  • went, all the way to the Diamond Rio, the Audible Otis, and even the Tapwave Zodiac.

  • That is some impressive legacy support, but yeah, doesn’t help me here.

  • However, this is what it sounds like with my voice saved at the exact sample rate and

  • bit depth used by the original Audible Player.

  • Hehe, yeah it’s tolerable for voice recordings I suppose, but it completely makes sense that

  • the company deemed it unsuitable for music, check this out.

  • ['Latin Quarters Jazz Band' by Magnus Ringblom plays]

  • Well that's about it for the Audible MobilePlayer for this video anyway.

  • And I just think this is absolutely fascinating,

  • something that I definitely don't remember seeing back in the day.

  • And considering it wasn't sold at retail, that makes sense. But y'know.

  • Maybe I just wasn't paying attention, but I didn't hear about Audible until some time

  • in the 2000s when I got a PDA, or was interested in PDAs

  • and happened to see the Windows Mobile Version.

  • Obviously MP3 players completely blew away the need for a device like this, just a year

  • and a half, two years later.

  • I dunno, I appreciate they were doing this so much earlier than anyone else.

  • And you know, doing things that were a little bit different too, like the FM transmitter

  • and making sure that you were able to pick up where you left off even if you overwrite the audio.

  • Like, it remembers that stuff, and the bookmarks.

  • And it's just a really cool device, despite it being an admitted failure for, you know,

  • company standards in 1997. But yeah!

  • I hope that you enjoyed taking a look at the Audible Player.

  • [jazz band music continues playing]

  • And if you liked this video then hopefully you'll like some of the other Oddware episodes

  • that I've done, or any number of the other things here on LGR.

  • There's new videos every week.

  • And as always thank you very much for watching!

[jazzy intro music plays]

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LGR Oddware - 1997年的Audible MobilePlayer系統。 (LGR Oddware - The 1997 Audible MobilePlayer System)

  • 5 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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