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NARAWAN TIPMONTIAN: Hi, my name is Narawan Tipmontian.
I'm head of gender equity for Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia
under our Willis Towers Watson Inclusion and Diversity
WITTAWAT PHOEMSOMBAT: Hi, my name is Wittawat Phoemsombat.
I'm on the committees of Inclusion and Diversity Project
for Vietnam, Thailand, and Cambodia
here at Willis Towers Watson Thailand.
And now Narawan will tell everybody
about the theme and concept of this year's International
Women's Day.
NARAWAN TIPMONTIAN: This year's International Women's Day
2020 campaign theme is Each for Equal.
An equal world is an enabled world.
Each for Equal is derived from the notion
of collective individualism.
We are all parts of a whole.
Our individual action, conversation, behavior,
and mindset can have an impact on our larger society.
Collectively, we can make change happen.
Collectively we can each help to create the gender equal world.
It is worth to repeat what Narawan has just said,
that we are all parts of a whole.
This is what we believe, that Each for Equal
could transform our society for the greater good.
I and the community at Willis Towers Watson Thailand
dare you to voice out this action
to everybody around you--
whether it's your colleagues, friends, families--
to make them become parts of Each for Equal.
NARAWAN TIPMONTIAN: Happy International Women's Day.
WITTAWAT PHOEMSOMBAT: Happy International Women's Day.
SPEAKER 3: I will challenge gender stereotypes and bias.
SPEAKER 4: I will urge everyone to challenge
gender stereotypes and bias.
SPEAKER 5: I will celebrate woman's achievements.
SPEAKER 6: I will call out gender actions or exemptions.
SPEAKER 7: I will celebrate women's achievements.
SPEAKER 8: I will maintain a gender equal mindset.
SPEAKER 9: I will challenge gender stereotypes and bias.
SPEAKER 10: I will maintain a gender equal mindset.
SPEAKER 11: I will call out gender action or assumptions.
SPEAKER 12: I will challenge gender stereotypes and biases.
SPEAKER 13: I will challenge stereotype and bias.
SPEAKER 14: I value skill more than gender.
If skills are good, gender is irrelevant.
SPEAKER 15: I will try to influence
other's beliefs and actions.
SPEAKER 16: I will maintain a gender equal mindset.
SPEAKER 17: I will forge positive visibility
of everyone.
SPEAKER 18: I will call out gendered actions
or assumptions.