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  • Apple has claimed once again that they have the most durable glass ever on a smartphone.

  • Today we're going to put that to the test.

  • My theory is that glass is glass, and glass is still going to break.

  • Huge thanks to LastPass for sponsoring this drop test and making this video possible.

  • Switching phones is a hassle.

  • Every new app needs it's own password, and you're probably like your grandparents, using

  • the same simple password for everything.

  • One app that makes remembering passwords super easy is LastPass.

  • Used by millions of people, LastPass has the ability to generate long, super secure passwords

  • that are encrypted.

  • That means they are secure and you never need to remember what they are since they are saved

  • inside the LastPass app.

  • Since LastPass remembers your passwords for you, you never need to write them down or

  • use the same password for everything.

  • Whether you're on your computer or cellphone, the app itself is 100% free.

  • But if you want a few extra perks, like a gigabyte of encrypted storage, it's only $2

  • a month.

  • I'll leave a link down in the description below this video.

  • Huge thanks once again to LastPass for making this drop test possible.

  • Let's get started.

  • [Intro]

  • So today we're going to be drop testing 2 of Apple's brand new iPhone Xs's.

  • Apple said they raised the bar with iPhone glass yet again, and we're going to find out

  • how durable it is when dropped completely naked.

  • One phone will be without a case, and the second phone will be covered in Amazon Prime's

  • absolute cheapest case you can buy.

  • It's $5.

  • And we'll see how long each of the phones last with simple drop tests, with starting

  • from the knee, then waist, then chest.

  • And we'll see what happens when they drop from your ear down to the ground.

  • I will be giving away the least broken of these 2 phonesspoiler, probably the one

  • in the caseon my Instagram.

  • I'll leave that link right here.

  • Okay, so I'll be dropping the phones from right there out of the cab of my truck.

  • And to record the phones dropping in slow motion, I have the iPhone Xs Max that I used

  • for my durability test and teardown.

  • And also recording in slow motion, we have the Pocophone F1, which I also did a durability

  • test and teardown.

  • So hopefully they can catch the drops and all of the slow motion glorious detail that

  • we need.

  • So protecting one of the phones is this case right here, which is the cheapest case on

  • Amazon Prime.

  • It's clear and has a soft rubber around the edges, and a little harder plastic on the

  • back.

  • It should do a pretty good job.

  • Okay, the first drop test we'll be doing the iPhone Xs in a case.

  • And we'll simulate as if you were sitting down and then standing up and forgetting that

  • your phone was on your lap and it's sliding off your leg and hitting the ground.

  • The phone is on my leg, right about knee height.

  • Standing up.

  • [Sad Music playing]

  • And now let's do a the other iPhone that's unprotected.

  • It's on my knee.

  • I'm going to stand up.

  • [Sad Music playing]

  • Alright, looking all around the edge of the phone, there is no damage, surprisingly not

  • even any scuffs along the gold side.

  • It looks like right there along the tip of it we have one little scuff on the corner,

  • which isn't too bad.

  • And, of course, the iPhone inside of the case is probably just fine.

  • No cracks along the back glass yet.

  • Everything appears to be working just fine.

  • Let's drop it from a little higher up.

  • This time we'll be dropping it from waist high.

  • We'll start with the unprotected phone and then finish off with the protected phone...Amazon's

  • cheapest case.

  • Pulling it out of my pocket and then dropping it.

  • [Music playing]

  • Alright.

  • So far no damage on the back glass.

  • There are a few minor little scuffs and dings along the sides, but that's not too big of

  • a deal.

  • And then pulling the $5 case out of my pocket and letting it drop.

  • [Music playing]

  • And it looks like once again everything is still in one piece.

  • Nothing is cracked or broken anywhere yet.

  • And obviously there are no dings around the edge on the stainless steel with the one that's

  • inside of a case.

  • So that's good.

  • Okay, we'll try waist high once more time because I feel like that's the most common

  • drop that's going to happen with know, pulling it out of their pocket, or having

  • it fall off of a table, and most tables are about waist high.

  • Naked phone first.

  • Pulling it out of my pocket.

  • [Music playing]

  • Still no damage done to the display or the back glass surprisingly.

  • And the protected phonethe one inside the case.

  • [Music playing]

  • Every time I hear the glass backed iPhone Xs hit the ground, I cringe a little bit.

  • But whenever the one inside of the case hits the ground, I feel like, oh, everything's

  • fine.

  • Both phones are still working 100%.

  • And there is no damage done on the back glass at all yet.

  • Just a few little scuffs on the gold iPhone Xs.

  • So this time around I'm going to be holding it up to my ear and letting it slip out of

  • my fingers and hitting the asphalt.

  • So we'll just be talking on the phone.

  • Oh, that could be a bad one.

  • [Music playing]

  • No way!

  • The back glass is still totally fine all the way around the edges.

  • Okay.

  • I'm a little bit impressed.

  • Let's do the one inside the case.

  • Talking on the phone and letting it slip.

  • [Music playing]

  • So taking a look.

  • Even now there is still no crackage on the back glass.

  • This is actually pretty impressive.

  • Let's take off the case.

  • Yeah, still no damage done.

  • I'm impressed.

  • Let's do that one more time.

  • Okay, the unprotected cellphone is in my hand - the gold version.

  • We're going to go ahead and talk one more time and drop it.

  • Oh shoot.

  • [Bagpipe Music playing]

  • Still nothing.

  • What?!

  • That is impressive.

  • No cracks at all.

  • I remember when I did this with the normal iPhone X - with the very first drop we had

  • a crack up here by the camera lens.

  • Now, literally nothing.

  • One more time with Amazon Prime's cheapest case.

  • No damage along the edges.

  • And no damage on the back glass, or the front.

  • Everything is still working as it was when it came out of the box.

  • Alright, so I'm going to drop it 2 more times, and if the iPhone doesn't break, I'm going

  • to give away both of them on Instagram instead of just one.

  • I honestly thought that they would break by now.

  • Okay, talking one more time.

  • Remember, this is a realistic drop test, as if I'm talking to you on the phone and it's

  • slipping.

  • [Music playing]

  • It scares me every time.

  • Still nothing.

  • I am completely impressed.

  • And the case version dropping from the ear.

  • [Music playing]

  • Yeah, the iPhone is still functioning 100%.

  • No damage to the back glass.

  • Okay, last time.

  • Okay, last time.

  • If it survives this last drop from my ear, Apple wins the drop test and I take back...I

  • don't take back everything I said.

  • Let's give this a shot.

  • Unprotected iPhone.

  • Up to my ear.

  • Dropping.

  • [Music playing]

  • Right on the corner.

  • We'll drop test the one in the case really quick before we pick that up.

  • Up to my ear.

  • Dropping.

  • [Music playing]

  • I just feel so much more secure when the one inside the case drops.

  • No way!

  • It's still alive.

  • That is royally impressive.

  • Both of the phones are fully functional with zero damage.

  • Okay, fine.

  • Both phones survived.

  • The back glass did not break.

  • I was proven wrong a little bit.

  • Is having a case a bad thing?

  • No, it's not.

  • Should you have a case?

  • Probably yes, because what I did here is not indicative of every single drop situation

  • that can happen.

  • I've heard of people complaining that their phone dropped off a desk and cracked...fell

  • in the parking lot and cracked.

  • Now it makes me want to take a Samsung phone and drop it from head height 3 times and see

  • if it can survive.

  • Because in my mind, glass should break from head height.

  • Not really sure what to do with my life right now.

  • Am I going to switch to iPhone?

  • Probably not.

  • I'm still kind of annoyed that these back glass pieces cost $500 to replace.

  • Because even though it survived 3 drops in my particular test right here, doesn't mean

  • that it's absolutely invincible.

  • And glass will break eventually.

  • Either way, as of right now, I am super super impressed with the iPhone Xs.

  • When I drop tested the iPhone X, it broke on the first and second drops.

  • So, Apple might have done something new this year...who knows.

  • Over on my Instagram I will be giving away both of these phones.

  • Right here is my Instagram handle.

  • Go check it out.

  • I'll have all the instructions over there.

  • And I will be giving away a Xs Max on my Twitter like I promised on my durability test video.

  • Thanks a ton for watching.

  • Multiple drops from head height with no damage is very impressive.

  • Apple is still probably not my favorite, but they definitely won this round.

  • Thanks a ton for watching and I'll see you around.

Apple has claimed once again that they have the most durable glass ever on a smartphone.

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