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  • it's time to review Alucard dracula son from the Castlevania TV series on

  • Netflix by Diamond Select let's do this

  • hey guys me very much McGregor its Alucard from Dracula I love the name

  • Alucard is literally just Dracula spelled backwards I love it this is the

  • son of Dracula and he's from the Netflix television series I really like this

  • figure I did pick it up from Forbidden Planet in Middlesboro guys and yeah

  • whatever seen my brother of the weekend and we always call in to Abaddon plummet

  • and I had to pick this up I'm a big fun big fun make fun of the television

  • series as well as the games and things I've been playing the game since I was a

  • kid originally on me was it be any a saw the snares it was on one of the two and

  • that was that continue to like Gameboy and 3d ass and then he's been on Xbox

  • Playstation they did some fancy remakes it's been a long-standing series that

  • I've always enjoyed playing I think is it mirror fate was one of my favorites

  • and yeah the television series very cool I've watched season one I'm just got

  • season two to finish now as well but yeah I'm a big fan of this area so I'm

  • glad we're seeing some awesome of Dracula figures coming out from the

  • Castlevania series and we already know that in season certain way wave two of

  • these figures we're gonna see a Dracula so I'm excited about that but guys you

  • gotta pick these off you saw you can grab this like I said from be Forbidden

  • Planet come there but he's also on Amazon right let's get off the desk am

  • so you guys can take a closer look at the awesome packaging for this figure so

  • great here is the packaging for this figure it looks pretty awesome much he

  • cost me two a $9.99 and this was from Forbidden Planet in Middlesbrough you

  • can see these got two alternate heads there one of which has got the phones on

  • the stove which is pretty cool I probably using this head more I like

  • that one they see he's got these swords and things so that was pretty cool

  • there's a nice product shot of Dracula from Netflix just TV series right there

  • along with the Diamond Select logo and their name of the finger which is

  • Alucard is a collector's action vigor and I've got the Castlevania logo up top

  • there ages eight and apparently if we decide you also get a very nice product

  • again with that Castlevania logo I think we tell you to the back you can see the

  • other figures in the range as well as a nice write-up about this figure

  • Alucard the son of Dracula woken from his long slumber when he is needed most

  • he finds himself drawn into the Battle of a survival of Europe a region that

  • has brought doom upon itself by taking away the one thing its greatest monster

  • loved you haven't seen the Netflix TV series that please check it out you can

  • also get sipper and Trevor as a part of the series as well and I'm gonna be

  • doing the review of Trevor in a couple of days to stay tuned for that as well

  • and we already know that in the front from New York Toy Fair the Dracula is

  • coming as a part of wave 2 so that'll probably didn't air the next figure in

  • the line that I'll review as I'm not too fond of some of the other side

  • characters from this era brother Joe but I do like this one I do like Trevor and

  • I would definitely will be picking up Dracula so guys let's go back to the

  • main comment but this guy out of the packaging all right guys let's break him

  • out of the bags and let's do this like guys you guys were very and when I did

  • the vote the other day about what figures you want to see next

  • you guys were very adamantly one of them the the Dracula figures next accustom a

  • any fingers so that's why I've gone ahead and done those pretty snippy for

  • you guys I know you guys seem to want to see them and so I will be doing a Call

  • of Duty's ghost next in the next video from McFarlane Toys and then I'll be

  • back um it was the end of the week a weekend with Trevor Beaumont as well

  • from this series he a lot of both fingers reviewed and quite quickly for

  • you won't pick up many of the other side characters from this series no it's not

  • it's not a line I'm gonna collect every single figure from but I'm definitely

  • going to get Dracula like I said so stay tuned for the Dracula review that should

  • be coming out apparently around the April time is what the mentioned online

  • not sure what battlin up doing to the UK whether the UK I'll see them a similar

  • time my bell to pick you up Amazon pretty quick if not I'm sure I'll

  • be back over Easter see my brother in Middlesbrough I'll check their written

  • plenty how again it's quite a big Forbidden Planet down there they have

  • everything in stock so many crappy Latrobe tires as well guys help me out I

  • haven't watched The Witcher yet on Netflix should I spend time and watch

  • The Witcher is it worth watching I'm a big fan of the games and I'm frightened

  • the television series we mark I was gonna ruin my enjoyment of the game

  • I just don't know I'm just not I'm not sold on my cable playing the which I'm

  • really not am I wrong podiatry might give you the chance let me know in the

  • comments guys there's got all these hands to get out our world how many

  • hands come with this Dracula this is insane

  • sorry Alucard oh my god what is nice Dracula it spelled backwards how the

  • carbon was actually one of the name the Dracula went by the original black and

  • white movies when he went to England and still he actually call themself Olive

  • Garden right I've got all the hands out it's only show me different hands come

  • with this figure is insane awesome look how he looks guys he looks awesome yeah

  • right guys let's get him stood up and let's head on down to the desk count to

  • give you guys an upload post to look at these figure and we'll take a look at

  • this articulation and stuff all on the desktop so let's do this very good here

  • is Alucard likes it out of the packaging he looks pretty sick I'm really liking

  • this figure it looks really nice so the arms do lift up with a stop in chi-su

  • which you can see they also rotate at the bicep there it's also got a single

  • hinge bicep but just kind of wrote in the slides into place they're not too

  • fond of that elbow joint but it does what it needs to do it wraps around and

  • stuff it's kind of a hidden ball joint it's alright though it's not my favorite

  • there's also a rotation at that forearm as well as a rotation there in the hand

  • ball joint so you can rotate that around he's got a very long nice plastic cape

  • as well which does hidden to the articulation a little bit but you can

  • kind of crunching forward a little bit on my ab crunch there with a little bit

  • and move it around a little bit there is also waist I know there's no way swivel

  • actually on that one there is a top 5 cut though at these thighs here as you

  • can see there is double hinge elbows and the feet is already boots do have a cut

  • as well the feet are on rocker and pivot and things so you can rotate those

  • around love these legs will lift out pretty far so not bad articulation not

  • the best I think the upper body articulation is a little bit dire

  • compared to what we used to do these days

  • so I'm trying to keep everything in frame for you but yeah the head as well

  • looks up and down I'm not too fond of this head sculpt I'm not the biggest fan

  • of it it's just - not a vampire is it that's not Dracula's son so let's pop

  • that head off and pop on the other one you see that just pops off and you can

  • just pop the other ones straight in

  • and there is Shawn yeah that's secondary head school so much nicer you know agree

  • my card let's do it father I love that opening scene in the first episode

  • dracula vows to kill all of you managed and he's like no I can't let you do that

  • father so the hands as well do just pop in our place we've got multiple demands

  • - all different weapons so I'm gonna go ahead and remove this hand here and

  • we're gonna pop in this one very long pegs on these which is nice they do just

  • slot back into place very nicely so from that what cuz yeah he's got his big

  • sword here that's a very nice-looking blade very thin very long and the police

  • tying his hand why is that not replica round then while that's not wrapping

  • around into the into the home but you know there you go second he can have his

  • very long sword on and he's also lots with the hun wide open palm hands sort

  • of gesturing hands there's so many different variants of hands that came

  • with this figure is he the same the others are open palm hammer and then of

  • course with the fisticuffs that you had gotten alee there's other grubby gesture

  • he hands all different sizes for the different blades but you have this

  • version of the blade and then you also have this version of the blade I'm not

  • sure why they gave us two versions I think it would have been better thing

  • you think this this is a piece here what do I would've been hollow all the way

  • through and you could have just slid it on top of the blade I think that would

  • be nice this is itself is quite bendable plastic so it doesn't look as straight

  • which annoys me so we just slid over the top of the old one that would have been

  • nice but either way yeah that's very heavy as well yeah either way it's a

  • nice a nice weapon nice accessory by doofer the standard which

  • sword yeah he looks badass what do you guys think on this one are you a fan of

  • Alucard let me know in the comments down below let's go back to the main come low

  • guys and finish off today's video you know people always ask me how did these

  • figures compare to others from other lines so here is Alucard stood next to

  • Captain Britain from the Marvel Legends series which is about 6 inches in height

  • meaning that Alucard is about 7 and McFarlane's line are usually a bit

  • taller so let's pop in blood Bluto here and yep he's about the right height so

  • McFarlane stories are the tallest to go with these figures I would say Marvel

  • Legends definitely don't scale he couldn't use the Dracula with your

  • Marvel Legends I'd leave that without that was gonna be my plan but you could

  • post the Dracula that's coming out opposite Batman maybe or something like

  • that and from the McFarland's lines and the FAR's line are a little bit taller

  • again here's another Marvel Legends figure just for comparison purposes then

  • again Dracula would be taller than a regular human I always think so maybe it

  • might work I don't know what are your thoughts on the scaling of this figure

  • series do you like the 7 inches in height which seems to be the new

  • standard McFarland's I've got 7 inches of height so do diamond select you know

  • he's housebroken have to open their game a little bit maybe change theirs let me

  • know in the comments I also try to give you a little bit more of a closer look

  • here about face sculpt I said it is a very nice face called sperm is

  • definitely my favorite out of the two like in fact you can see his small or

  • fungal there as well and just the expressions more animated then on the

  • first head sculpt again as well the paint apps on this figure are beautiful

  • there's next to no paint defects on this at all they just look spot-on even the

  • hair and stuff it looks like he's waving I have it's not just static he like that

  • one big piece the only show I do have with paint issues and stuff is on the

  • head itself they these can easily be sanded down and then repainted sure you

  • wish we have from the front you can barely

  • even tell his surgical figure I can't wait to do some action figure

  • photography with it and I believe McFarland's or diamonds like will

  • probably give us a witcher figure before long i think he would look cool opposite

  • that figure maybe if it's in a stylized look and we have got the Lord of the

  • Rings figures coming out at the end of this year so be cool to see how these

  • fare and look opposite them for all your mad crazy crossovers the people who want

  • to do but guys what are your thoughts on this figure let me know in the comments

  • below so guys what are your thoughts on this figure let me know in the comments

  • down below if you enjoyed today's review then please make sure you smash that

  • subscribe button subscribing really supports us it really helps us out it

  • helps us to keep making awesome videos like this like say if you enjoyed

  • today's review hitting that like button as well would also suppose we do have a

  • giveaway coming at twenty thirty thousand followers as well as a twenty

  • five thousand dollars which is gonna be a worldwide giveaway that anyone can

  • enter but you've got to be a subscriber to be in it to win it so make sure you

  • are a subscriber and at twenty five thousand giveaway we will be doing a

  • gift card giveaway like I said and then there's a big giveaway which is a

  • sponsored giveaway which is gonna be massive at 30,000 following so please

  • make sure you out follow it along so you don't miss out on these awesome awesome

  • bigger reviews and the competition's going forward

  • so guys thank you very much for watching as always I'm your host supersorrell and

  • I'll see you in the next video may the force be with you bye

  • you

it's time to review Alucard dracula son from the Castlevania TV series on

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惡魔城Alucard網紅系列鑽石精選動作圖吸血鬼恐怖玩具評測 (Castlevania Alucard Netflix Series Diamond Select Action Figure Vampire Horror Toy Review)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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