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[Cambry] This is the first car I'll drive in 2019.
Should I give you a warning?
Ready, set, go!
[Music Playing]
So if you remember back when I made the off-road wheelchair and surprised Cambry with it, there
were a lot of questions in that video of how she can drive a car.
Cambry, can you drive a car?
[Cambry] Yeah, I just use hand controls.
[Zack] Would you like to show everyone how you use these hand controls in a Tesla?
[Cambry] Yeah!
Let's get started.
So a lot of people think that Tesla autopilot is a way to get from point A to point B, but
that's not quite the case yet.
It still requires, you know, a driver.
And everything that Cambry needs to drive this car is in this bag.
They are called hand controls, and I'm going to show you how they work.
[Zack] So this is Cambry's first time actually driving the Tesla, and this particular style
of hand controls...every hand control is a bit different and this is more of a temporary
[Cambry] The ones in my car are permanently bolted in, and you operate a little bit differently
than these ones will.
[Zack] But they have the same basic principle.
So right now these temporary hand controls are set up around...there's a strap around
the steering wheel.
This one goes down to the gas pedal.
And this one goes down to the brake pedal.
So as she grabs this lever right here, pushes in for the brake, and then she pulls back
for the gas pedal.
And that's how she can drive.
Are you ready?
[Cambry] I'm ready!
[Zack] Let's do it.
[Cambry] I feel really nervous.
[Zack] Okay!
[Cambry] This is the first car I'll drive of 2019.
[Zack] It's a good car to start with.
Alright, is your seat belt on?
Safety first.
Explain to us how this setup is different than the setup in your Subaru.
[Cambry] In my setup, if I push forward, it's the brake, and down is the gas.
But if I go down, nothing's going to happen.
So it's just...there's going to be a learning curve.
[Zack] Are you ready?
Moment of truth.
Okay, I'm going to explain how this works.
So in order to work this whole thing, make sure the brake's on like it is right now,
pressed in.
Remember, pulling back towards you is the gas pedal.
If you want to put it into park, it's this button right here.
If you want it to go into drive, you click it down hard all the way.
And that gave us the D right there, which means we are in drive.
And so if you release on the brake, like if you just let go of the hand controls for a
[Cambry] You want me to?
[Zack] Yeah.
Nothing's going to happen.
[Cambry] You tell me after!
[Zack] And the reason nothing happened is because here on the display panel, we don't
have creep enabled.
So the car is never going to roll forward by itself.
Now remember, the hand controls are pretty sensitive.
So if you pull back slowly, then we'll start inching forward.
[Cambry] And there's a chance I might not have to use the brakes as much as I would
in my Subaru.
[Zack] Exactly, because of the regenerative braking.
But you''ll get a feel for that as we go.
There you go!
[Cambry] Just taking baby steps!
10 miles an hour.
[Zack] How does the regenerative braking feel?
[Cambry] It's nice.
I feel like I' I'm not applying the brakes, but it just feels like it's naturally
slowing like I would with a brake.
[Zack] You got the hang of this!
So regenerative braking is actually pretty awesome.
A) you never have to use your brake pads so you hardly ever have to change out components
on the Tesla because it's a super simple design.
You have your internal motor and then your batteries.
There's no oil changes...nothing like that.
The nice thing about it is that A) it's slowing down for you, but B) it's also charging the
batteries in the Tesla.
So you're actually gaining mileage as you're gong down hills or you're coming to a stop.
It's using that energy and putting it right back into the batteries again, which is pretty
You ready for the acceleration?
[Cambry] I can just gun it.
[Zack] You're right.
Cameras are going.
[Cambry] Do you want a verbal warning?
Like ready, set, go!
[Music Playing]
[Zack] Very nice!
That is sweet! Phew!
So Cambry has the hand controls figured out pretty well.
We're going to take it on the freeway and we're going to try out something called autopilot,
which is kind of a game changer for the disabled community.
A lot of people, like I mentioned before, think autopilot is a way to get from point
A to point B, but that's seriously not quite the case yet.
Elon Musk, the CEO of Tesla, calls autopilot more of a hands-on system instead of a self-driving
We're currently on the freeway, and there are pretty well defined lines on either side.
And right here there's a little gray indicator saying that the car is ready for autopilot.
So we're going to have Cambry just tap twice down on this joystick.
This notification is now blue and the car is driving itself.
[Cambry] This!
[Zack] How are you feeling?
[Cambry] Anxious.
[Zack] Ha ha!
She's watched me do this, but she's never been the one in control.
This is the hands-on self-driving system.
Cambry still has to stay alert.
So about every 30 seconds or so the car will make sure that the driver is awake and alert
by having them apply light force to the steering wheel.
But the nice thing is that Cambry doesn't have to use her hand controls when she's in
this autopilot mode right now.
Her hands are completely free.
[Cambry] This is so weird.
I'm always using my hands to drive in one way or another, like even with cruise control.
Like I can't be free with my hands.
[Zack] There's a curve in the road and the car is handling everything for us.
It is going around this curve in the road and keeping us a safe distance from other
So you can see all the other cars in position around us.
So you can see that car in front of us just passed, and you can see it on the screen right
And then right here it says apply light force to the steering wheel and then it lets you
go back into hands-free mode again.
Very nice.
Okay, so we're still in the Tesla.
We're going to try out autopilot again here on this road.
This one's a little bit more curvy, so we'll see if Cambry likes it.
Alright, the green icon is there.
Double tap down.
Alright, the road is turning.
How are you feeling?
The car's doing all the work for you.
[Cambry] Yeah, well I got nervous the first time it turned on.
So we have 3 lanes right now, and because I know this road, it's going to end up in
just 2.
It's now...oh, I'm not even doing anything, it just did the signal and it moved us over
to the other lane.
[Zack] Yeah.
[Cambry] Okay, that's awesome.
And we're still in autonomous driving.
I just signaled and it found an opportune time to turn.
[Zack] It's way easier than driving a normal car.
So what are your thoughts on autopilot?
[Cambry] It's a little nerve wracking right now just because I'm not used to it.
But it's pretty incredible.
[Zack] One of the reasons the Model 3 has such a big screen in the center is so that
they can actually watch movies while they are driving down the road.
Autonomous driving is still, you know, five or ten years out.
There are so many like regulatory approvals they have to go through.
Right now if you turn on autopilot, it'll still blow through stop signs and stoplights.
So you still have to have a driver making sure the autopilot is not going to mess up.
But it's still, you know, pretty fun.
The cool thing about owning a Tesla is that it gets constant updates.
So right now where the autonomous driving is, you know, pretty much just on the freeway
or on roads that have well defined lines.
It's going to get improved over the next 5 or 10 years, and this car already has the
hardware to get those software updates.
It has the cameras and the sensors all around the side.
So when fully autonomous driving is finally legal, we won't have to go out and buy a new
This one just receives a software update and it's ready to go.
So one thing people might not think about is when they're parking, obviously handicap
parking stalls usually have like a space next to them where the wheelchair can get in and
Cambry, have you ever had any problems with parking before?
[Cambry] Yeah, when all the handicapped parking spots are taken, I'll have to go to a normal
I try and make as much room between the car and my car so that I can open the door wide
enough to get out, but I can't guarantee that that car is going to stay where it is, and
that when I come back there's not going to be another car close to me.
[Zack] True, because her door has to be all the way open to get from her wheelchair into
the driver's seat.
Now normally, we wouldn't think twice about this situation with the Tesla right behind
us and a car right next to us.
But with Cambry, she can't fit through that tiny little gap, but Teslas have something
called Summon, which is pretty cool.
Elon has also said that you will be able to drive your car like a little remote control
from your phone in the future.
As of right now though, it's just forward and back when your phone is within range.
And I'll show you how that works.
So all we have to do is just jump down here into summon.
It gets the vehicle ready for us, and then we can go forward and reverse right now.
So we're just going to bring it forward.
The car turns on.
No one is driving right now.
Totally controlling it from my phone.
And it even steered a little bit to avoid me standing here, which is pretty cool.
And there is nobody in the car!
[Cambry] And there's plenty of space to get in.
[Zack] So Cambry, what do you think of the Summon feature in the car?
[Cambry] It's an awesome feature that opens up doors for more individuals with disabilities.
Um, and I also think it kind of makes the car feel a little bit more life-like.
So it's fun!
It's like a little puppy.
Like, come here little puppy!
[Zack] One interesting thing about Teslas is if you walk into the Tesla dealership and
just buy one outright, you don't get a whole lot of special perks.
But, if you use someone's code, usually there's a perk attached with it.
Like currently right now, you get 6 months of free super charging.
That's like getting 6 months of free gas for your gas powered car.
It's pretty cool.
The perks do change with time.
So if you are interested in buying a Tesla, I will leave my code right here for you so
you can get that 6 months of free super charging.
And down in the video description.
So now only are Teslas some of the quickest and most powerful cars on the market, but
they are also the closest cars to the fully self-driving that is the future.
And I'm excited to see where things go.
If you have any questions, leave them down in the comments.
I'm sure Cambry will be there to answer them for ya.
And thanks a ton for watching.
I'll see you around.