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what's up everybody? welcome back to my channel!!
hi, who's ready to get Extra Terrestrial?? now in today's video I am debuting my
fifth eyeshadow palette and I am unveiling the entire 2018 holiday
collection!! now listen I am so excited because this big old alien head is
something that I've been working on for a long time and the color story inside
is different than anything you guys have seen from Jeffree Star Cosmetics thus
far so in today's video we are going to dive in and unveil the of course alien
eyeshadow palette we're gonna dive into eight velour liquid lipsticks, four lip
ammunition for velour lip scrubs we have a few accessories in here so girl let's
get started now in the past you guys know I have
only stuck to doing eyeshadow palettes in the shape of a square we have beauty
killer we had androgyny we had thirsty and of
course you know I changed the game with the blood sugar palette and this crazy
packaging that I did earlier this year I'm gonna say the blood sugar is the
palette of the Year T alright so when I was creating the alien palette I was
like girl I want to create a different shape we have done the jewelry box the
moment we've done and there's there's more coming you all think this shape is
the only one wait till next year but when I was creating this I was like look
I am an alien I want to create a palette that looks like an alien and I want
everything to be very earthy weird greens purples just like a whole weird
palette because I'd like this year there has been so many warm tone palettes
there is so many of the same things like if I see one more Brown neutral palette
girl if you guys want to know the inspiration behind all of this when I
shaved off my eyebrows for the very first time in chant grade I was living
with my grandparents they were raising me while my mom was getting sober and I
shaved them off right I was like I have good grades I'm gonna really take it
there they're like alright girl you can look wherever you want as long as you're
good in school so when I shaved them off the next day my grandpa who rest in
peace is no longer with us but he looked at me and he goes now you're my little
alien and it's just like really stuck throughout my whole life and of course
having no brows I get called an alien a lot
I thought what better way to create my own palate so you guys ready to see the
inside let's do it alright so before we even open it I wanted to show you guys
the palette I know a lot of people weren't sure how thick or thin this was
girl this is a nice palette it's very sturdy so of course we have the faux
leather which is not real on the outside but it is very soft and buttery it feels
very real but it's not so you guys can see that the eyes are actually 3d they
are industrial plastic and pressing on amazing you guys can see that they are
really sturdy and I just wanted like a 3d aspect that was like kind of coming
alive and you guys can see of course that there is a hinge right here at the
top of course we have the info on the back and when you open it it's very easy
all you do is you take your thumb and you can slide it this way or this way of
course there is magnets all around here so when it is not moving it is fully in
place let's unveil the colors all right you guys here is the alien palette yes
right now alright you guys this color story is very different than anything I
have done before as you guys see there are 18 shades just like blood-sugar same
formula you've got beautiful metallics you have pure super pigmented mattes and
you have a whole array of an extraterrestrial palette I'm so I'm just
so giddy you guys so immediately what colors do you gravitate to pause the
video sound off below I want to know what you guys like what your initial
thoughts are this was a dream palette of mine that I didn't really see on the
market and I just want a lot of greens and a lot of weirdness so of course
there is a whole array of colors on my eyes we're about to touch them all and
play with them but I want to give you guys a few tidbits this palette does a
retail for $52 so with 18 shades you are paying two dollars and 80 cents per
shade now of course these are the same pans as thirsty and blood sugar you get
a lot of product and of course you may notice that a few of the pans do have
some characters in there we got a little flying saucer abduction moment and then
we have right here all right I think it's time
to go down each row and let's talk about the shades all right I also want to
mention that this is the unit cart and that the alien pilot comes in it is a
very Spacey of course and all the info is on the back of course just like my
entire brand everything is vegan and cruelty free all right
let's dive into the shades all right so the first shade that is in the palette
is called Pluto so quick backstory I'm not gonna run my mouth about all of
these but some of them do have some cute stories I did a project in sixth grade
you had to pick your favorite planet that was actually what it was and I
picked Pluto which isn't Pluto not deemed a planet anymore it's like a
chunk of ice regardless can't relate it was my
favorite planet it was blue way way far out there and cold like my heart okay
just kidding all right so Pluto is a very icy shade
but it has a dual chrome shift to it so I'm gonna ruin the star pans and I'm
gonna go in there now these are so soft and buttery I'm just gonna take this and
just put it on my hand right here so you guys can see the shift it does have a
really cool peachy yellow like shift in there but also being really icy and
blinding now the next shade is called Titan which
is one of the moons of Saturn Thank You Nathan for hymning that shade and it is
a really nice like ivory bone white color that just has just really thanks
to laid down when you're just wanting day you know do a quick little smokey
eye or if you want to take it to an intergalactic level it is perfect for
putting everywhere from the lid all the way up to the brow bone oh you guys know
my mats are so buttery and they're so soft so I'm just gonna put this one
right there BAM and then you guys can really see the tone of it the next shade
is of course the name of the palette alien which is a really new on bright
green I love this shade I'm actually wearing it today a little bit above here
on the brow bone by the way my momma Mitchell so laid my makeup there will be
a video on this tutorial coming up very soon so alien right here it is a really
cool green I am obsessed with this color I've never made a color like this so I
really wanted to just take it there Oh that it does of course had a shift to it
and it is really blinding on set when we did the crazy prosthetics alien head
when Nicole was doing the beauty makeup she used the shade as a highlighter as
well girl I was obsessed all right the next shade it's a gonna be a little hard
to see on camera how it really looks but it is called interstellar and the reason
why I said that is because it has a really weird gold like a white gold
almost like antique and it just has such a cool finish oh I love that and that
color is actually in here right in that lid right there I'm gonna look down for
you guys I also forgot to show you guys of course when you flip this palette up
we have a big mirror excuse all my dirty fingerprints I know that its own
professional yeah there's a really big mirror what I like to do on my vanity
because I know a lot of people were like girl how big is that alien head when you
fold it back and it sits on the eyes it is literally perfect it holds itself up
and it sits right on your vanity but it's a little big but it's not like
massive where you really can't like throw it in a bag like when you compare
it to blood sugar it's like not too bad so the next shade is called abduction
and I really wanted to make a chartreuse match like I have never done a shade
like this before so I was like you know what we got to do something really cool
and this shade is actually on right here in the brow bone and going down like
that and the shade we're just gonna tuck right here for now oh yes BAM literally
is the same color as this shirt work the next shade is called a UFO or obvious
reasons we love aliens so UFO it's this beautiful green gold
and I'm just gonna show you it right here on my hand BAM it is so soft and it
has a lot of payoff like this all over the lid ahh
the next shade is called gravity gravity and she is a really good transition
color I love just popping this right in my crease I've secretly been using this
one for a while on my channel I'm having to pretend it was something else because
I couldn't leave my own stuff but this shade will put her right here
uh is so good all he's together like hey good morning
the next one is one of my favorite shades in the palette is called Martian
soil and this is the shade that Nicole puffed under my eyes when I was wearing
the big alien head and it is so good it's like a really cool mustard and I
just love it for blending it's so pretty BAM alright now the next shade is called
Flying Saucer as you see there is a little bit of a design in the pan right
there it's so good I don't want to ruin it but we have to okay so these fingers
have some shadows on them but this middle finger does not so one is just to
see because greens and purples are very hard to make especially with a vegan
formula so I want you guys just just to see on my clean finger I'm just gonna
rub in there for a second hello pay off this is a really good
green and we're just gonna tuck this one right there BAM one swipe bitch you know
this brand we're not playing games the next shade is called
phone home now et is one of my favorite movies of all time so if you've never
seen it I'm Chuck alright but this color is a beautiful
weird Mavi Brown that is really good for smokey eye is really good for a
transition or just anywhere you want to put it I love it it's also very kind of
like almost like deceased liquid lipstick so that's kind of where I got
the inspiration for and it's very ethereal the next shade is called moon
rock if you are a cannabis smoker you know what moon rock is honey and this is
like a really cool like just Foresti green that has gold in it I really
wanted to have Gold's be a undertone theme in this palette and I think I
really got a good one with that one oh I love this color
now this one is tuck right in there with alien right over there hello mids now
the next shade is called x-files hi and of course there is a big old
alien head in there I love now the alien emoji that is my
most used emoji on my iPhone and I have just loved aliens forever so I had to
put an alien in there now this is a literal pure khaki army green and it is
so good on the eyes I'm just gonna put this one right here come on hands are
running out of room BAM oh I love a good the next shade is called ghost og one of
my favorite strains I love a ghoul now this one is a really dark dark army like
four and I wouldn't say forest green but like it's just a really dark farming
green I love it it goes perfect with everything in this palette and I'm just
gonna tuck this one right in there so you guys can see the shades BAM hello-o
now the next shade area 51 it is a standout shade in this palette it is a
beautiful rich royal purple I am wearing it today it's all in here Mitchell
blended it with like five other colors and it just looks so stunning and this
packed over all over the lid as well Lord Jesus so you guys had to wipe off
my hands my fingers are getting a little messy and I'm just gonna go like this
one two three you guys this purple is not playing
games it is really hard to perfect a purple but I said girl if we're gonna do
one we're gonna do one so I know I want to have all the colors on my hand so I'm
gonna start moving up over here I'm just gonna put this on my middle finger maybe
see how it looks works on the skin but this purple you guys I know that's so
messy I'm so sorry let me rub it in there we go it is a
good purple excuse my messiness there we go BAM hello how are you
alright the next shade is a really cool metallic brown with some pearl in there
and it is called space cowboy now this shade let's just put it right here yes
fingers with a texture on your fingers it's a little different than right here
alright you guys could see that it is a really cooler there is on my finger
right here it's just a really cool different metallic Brown it just has
such a like amazing metallic finish BAM yes hands now the next shade is
called probe and it's right here it is a really cool literal like almost like
predator alien skin and has such a really like interesting shift to it
let's use this finger right here and there it is oh my god hi I'm just gonna
swatch it right here it is so cool as such a dope effect it's almost like an
oil slick it has like a brown undertone but then it has that really cool foresty
green shift to it alright so shade tall gray is right here it is a really cool
gray with a blue undertone and that is blended under these lashes right here
with a little bit of an abduction under it now tall gray of course if you guys
don't know what Tiger is it's an alien and it is on my pinky and I am obsessed
with this color let's try to make it fit right there BAM no I
I couldn't believe it when I sat down to finish this palette I couldn't believe
that I have never made a pure black matte shadow what the hell so here is
black hole of course the blackest in the universe it is really rich in pigment
and I just cleaned my hands off I'm just gonna take two fingers right here we'll
do one and we'll do two and this is pure like y'all dough if I was gonna make a
black shadow I was not gonna play games so I am looking running out of room here
maybe in between here like hi BAM well there you go I'm like you guys can
see has a one swipe coverage and there's still some left on my finger it is very
pigmented but there is not a lot of fallout which you guys know I have been
trying to perfect and girl I'm very happy with this formula so you guys here
is the alien palette oh my god and of course there is and will be a lot of
pictures all over social media of all different skin tones wearing this in all
the campaigns and swatches so of course head on over to the brand cosmetics page
for all of that info alright so sound off below and let me know what you guys
think of the palette now it's time to dive in into the lipsticks every
holiday season we changed the packaging for everything and this year now listen
last year we had the crazy Barbie pink glitter BAM this is what it looked like
I loved how it loved I loved the glitter just for a packaging standpoint it was
hard to accomplish but I said you know what if I got to figure it out let me do
it again but let me do it more weird I wanted the glitter to almost look like
it was on fire I know that sounds weird but like very alien space I've just
watched some crazy movies girl you know I was smoking good and I just wanted
something to just Sparkle insane so this year first of all here is what the unit
carton looks like it is a beautiful white that has a really cool iridescent
tone to it now because of the beauty lights it's not really showing you the
reflection so I'm gonna turn off a light or two and oh look at that highlight
bitch and look at it has like a rainbow shift to it so excuse my studio lighting
but now you guys can see the reality so the first shade before I pull it out is
called can't relate of course you guys know it has been such a viral thing that
I said earlier this year it's taking over a girl it's a movement so this is
the shade can't relate I know you guys are probably thinking Jeffrey how many
news can you make I had to make another one you know I had to so this is kind of
like if skin tight and mannequin had a baby it is just a different tone than
what I've ever made before so when I pulled out of the box BAM here is the
packaging reveal now we're gonna dim the lights right now because it is not
showing off this glitter like it should but you guys know this YouTube lighting
is low tricky so pseudo you guys can see the full effect of the glitter it looks
so pretty in daylight in the Sun at night it's just these YouTube lights
that are making it a little dull but it is full beautiful gold fire glitter
against white with gold trim it looks stunning
so there is eight velour liquid lips for this holiday season I am gonna be
showing them off but while I have this lip on I want to show you guys something
new that I created of course you guys know I have made lip
ammunition before with a satin formula we did a few glitters but this year I
wanted to make a different formula than what I've created before so this is a
satin glitter formula that you can use by itself or over any liquid lip or
lipstick so let me pull one out here all right we have shade alien tears of
course the component will match the liquid lip but I did a pink chrome top
instead of gold just because you know throwing it around a little differently
this year all right so this one I'm just gonna put over all let's put in the
center of can't relate there's literally two swipes right there
BAM and then you can take your finger if you want blend the edges and it gives
such a really cool glittery effect and then real quickly I want to show you
guys how it looks by itself it is really glittery and reflective so let's get
back into the velour liquid lips there are so many shades here so let's dive
into one of my favorites of all time and is a beautiful khaki green to go with
the alien palette and this shade is called karma yes honey karma has been
really working this year and I want to show you guys this color it is so pretty
it is like a beautiful weird just like what do you want to call an exorcist
green alright I just quickly put and can't relate next to karma and now the
next shade there's a little hard to tell in the component because of all the
glitter but this shade is called Geoffrey Hulu you guys know why it's
been awhile year I like to make jokes and have a fucking good time so Geoffrey
whoo Geoffrey's right here girl and this shade is such a beautiful oh you're
about to see what color it's like Calabasas but like a diet calabasas it's
so pretty it has such a really cool rosy warm tone to it it is stunning alright
the next shade is called girl scandal is a really pretty lavender moment and she
has a little bit of sparkle in her and when it dries the reflex are really
pretty but this is a color I haven't really created before it's just kind of
soft more like the Mabi rose tone and it is stunning alright now
the next shade is called hi how are ya and it is a beautiful holiday red that
has really pretty mica and reflex of red glitter in this and when it dries you
just rub your lips together and the formula really has that glitter pull
through but it is such a pretty Christmas red berry the next shade is a
beautiful metallic lavender purple and it is called clout it is the purple
version of thirst trap which came out this summer same type of really blinding
metallic formula I'm obsessed with this one even as like a base for eyeshadow
remember you guys my liquid lips are vegan and I save so you can lay these
down as a base you can use them as eyeliner you can do whatever you want
with them now this shade has so much pigment it is really really blinding now
the next shade I already told you guys the name on line and it had to be done
it is this really unique navy blue metallic called your still on the
property quite at that I believe the property are we still in the property we
always are you know this blue I am in love with it it's very different than
the Blues I've made before and it has such a root like a cool shift when it
dries the last shade last but not least is a beautiful really blackened plum and
it is called it triggered I love how it looks in the component with a glitter
against it and let's give you guys a little swatch so you can see what she
looks like and also has a little bit of glitter in it as well I wanted to create
something different you guys I have over 60 liquid lipsticks on my website can
you believe that made that many colors I'm like whoa so I wanted to just take
it there and do something a little unique you know I mean everything is
always unique but I'm like what else can we do and I this was definitely missing
from my roster so there is triggered now let's dive in right back to the lip
ammunition now remember this shade is called alien tears we have three more
shades and this one is called galaxy gold it is such a unique goal that is
very metallic it packs a punch and
the liquid lips have no fragrance but the lip ammos are like a vanilla bean
creme brulee you guys know I am dessert obsessed and these smell so yummy so of
course we'll just tuck her right in here and here is galaxy gold this next shade
is a really cute amazing multi-dimensional bronze color and it's
called BAE me up and I love this color we're just gonna put her we'll put her
down here BAM you guys can see that has kind of like a weird like gold green
pinky shift to it and these are so finding the fourth a lip ammunition
shade is this really weird amazing metallic glitter green and it's called
area 51 just like the purple shade in the palette I wanted to have a little
cohesive moment and this green really packs a punch I'm just gonna put it
right here in my hand like BAM I know that as a horrible swatch you guys I'm
so sorry but let me just kind of rub it around here by itself it is so pretty
mmm yes all right you guys so here are all eight velour liquid lipsticks which
of course retail for $18 as well as all four lip ammunition glitters at which of
course are $18 as well want to hear your thoughts what colors are you living for
what do you need and love and what you desire all right you guys let's move on
to the lip scrubs because you know mama needs to keep your lips smooth now for
holiday I am giving you guys four velour lip scrubs let's talk about the flavors
of course these are vegan they are edible they are really good for prepping
your lips before any lipstick any liquid lip any lip liner girl anything or
really good for dry patches on your skin you could exfoliate honey we love a
multitasking product now the first shade of course hi it's holiday is eggnog
hello Robin never done an eggnog before I'm so sorry you guys let's show you
guys of course the component is the same glittery finish as everything else and
it smells so good I wish you could smell it through the screen but girl
the second flavor is pumpkin pie now if pumpkin pie is my favorite
dessert of the holiday season and I really wanted to capture that
moment with like pumpkin pie with whipped cream on top so this oh that is
so yummy all right the third flavor is one of my favorite things ever to eat
and that is french toast oh my god I'm on a food cake you guys now this one now
the sugar is a beautiful dark chocolate brown color mmm you just taste like that
like I captured literal french toast you taste the bread and the syrup right in
your mouth hi breakfast how are ya last but not least the fourth and final
flavor is a salted caramel caramel caramel wherever you from I know we all
say caramel different salted caramel not salted nuts
is one of my favorite things to drizzle on top of ice cream I just love toppings
mmm Wow sorry I was like really like I'm hungry mmm but if you love salted
caramel this literally captures the flavor to a tea all right so the makeup
bags have been such a huge hit I wanted to make one to really fully pull this
collection together so here is the white with green glitter makeup bag it is very
iridescent and pretty and we're gonna turn off one light for a second so you
can really see how it glows oh there we go
hello all right now I do have some other alien inspired colors coming out for
travel and makeup bags that will be coming out around Black Friday and also
trinkle in in December but I did want to show you guys a little few sneak peeks
so here is one of the wild colors it is a lime holographic so that's coming soon
not with this collection but very soon and also this beautiful alien vegan
travel bag these will be of course restocked and the other shades very soon
and more colors coming all right you guys November 9 this is when the entire
collection is launching I am so excited of course as always 10:00 a.m. Pacific
Standard Time that is 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard
and if you don't know your time zone girl do a quick google search all right
you guys sound off below let me know all your thoughts I am so excited I cannot
believe that my fifth baby is about to enter the world it just feels so crazy I
feel like beauty killer literally just came out and here we are also November
on Black Friday is the company's four year anniversary it's been such a
magical journey thus far and there's so much more in store so thank you guys so
much for watching this video I can't wait to see all the looks that you guys
create with the alien power and the whole collection alright I'll see you
guys on the next one mwah bye guys