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what's up everybody? welcome back to my channel! hi, how are ya? today I have a
very special guest all the way from Dallas Texas we have Cole Cardigan in
the building! Hello! hi babe? How are you? You're here, in the studio! I don't even believe okay quick backstory I discovered him on
Twitter and Instagram I was looking for a new artist just to like see and
discover to me and this is maybe it's a personal opinion I feel like the beauty
community is very stagnant there's the same 15 people since I started and five
people same or that and it's like the same top people and this community is
not evolving in my opinion so I have been trying to reach out and meet new
people and there are so many not just boys in beauty but there's just so many
of you guys out there they're so talented that aren't getting a spotlight
so we found each other now you have done some crazy iconic
loads yeah I have just got so he is in town for the anastacio Beverly Hills
Halloween party huh and I said hi do you mind coming over
and doing a little somethin'-somethin so what are we gonna dive into today cuz
this is your idea so basically we're gonna cut up some Louis Vuitton bags we
Jeffrey went to the Louis Store and they said why the fuck are you buying this
ugly-ass bag baby we're cutting it up for a video get up so we should we show
them the bag right now might as well okay just we're already
being shady and we're only one minute in so this cute little guy right here will
be chopped up diced up painted and applied on my body so we're gonna do
some special effects we're gonna do some glam I haven't I've never held one of
these before I me either listen for a wash I know where's
treasure okay so we are going to well you know you're gonna do some some cool
stuff today yeah I want to get bloody we're gonna go out tonight mmm so what
do you think is gonna be the biggest challenge today
um my face now mascara yeah how does my skin look in person for
everyone at home that hasn't your skin looks flawless so not worried about that
I guess just your unique eyes shape it will be the not even the struggle but
just it'll be fun different yeah it'll be different no brows you can see you
don't got to cover a brow yeah yeah I know proud covering today so we got a
lot of room to play I'm excited okay yeah to use all this
makeup there's a lot here okay so we're gonna dive in to the full tee and we're
gonna get into full glam so get ready alright so what is the first step that
we're gonna do so we're gonna outline basically where we're gonna be putting
the leather okay so where my flesh will be ripped away yeah I love that a lot of
people who might want that no miss game alright cool let's do it so yours can
use any lip liner we just got okay Kay waw yeah whatever you love not thanks
Kim yeah like how many patches on the face are you gonna do so I was just
gonna do one that kind of would outline your forehead area and then you go right
here and then I was gonna do the other kind of right here and then I was gonna
do the other kind of right there are you done for I love that yeah cool
yeah so this will be where the Louie is and then it's gonna be ripped up and
then yeah so I'm trying to do it on the flattest parts of your skin because I
obviously can't do this on your cheek oh so that's why I'm gonna do like three
section whoa so it's so those will kind of just be
where everything is so good so now I guess we'll just cut out the leather to
these shapes and then we can start gluing them on and then molding it in
your face oh my god okay so we're cutting back up like right now right now
right now okay let me go get some scissors alright so I've got this for us
to cut up we have a few pairs of scissors I don't know what's gonna work
yeah we'll figure it out we got these little guys he's not really deadly
and then you texted me and said you wanted like a really thin bag
I got this little so so ugly hideous oh we love you for watching this the
corporate people are turning in their graves right now so we're gonna try this
one first right it's probably thinner and easier head up yeah okay cool this
Hey oh my god I'm excited yeah I think kind of a back in a year that should
double a bag right oh it's actually right over there so it's like a knife oh
my god is that a yeah oh my god okay should we just dive right in and get to
it so I guess I'll have to go around the zipper Oh
oh my god working it's working so good oh and this leather is so bad oh you're
using Nate scissors those are perfect this is what Oh with a serial number we
don't need her with this little thing let the lock q yeah some septum ring Wow
okay Oh sharing this down we have to show this
off ASMR moment oh I should go like that to the thing to the party oh that's like
a dog carrier off my head stuck in my hair that's my karma it's looking super
huh is it really oh my god I love that it literally the
zipper got stuck in your and you're legit hair no did it this needs like a
moment no no it's like show it show it oh do you see this do you see this it
literally is climate there okay only me would that happen - I got most of it up
perfect got it I don't have to get another surgery cuz involved in the back
that was funny is okay Wow okay whoa yeah let's try to cut these handles off
these scissors are really doing it they are huh they're really doing the demo
mm whoa Louie like pulls my account like shop with us again we're doing it for
the art and it's Halloween baby we got to do something wild
whoa she's ready for a stroll Oh what was the hatch oh now it should be just
like yeah snip her down a little nip tuck oh thank you
I'm ready for the night for the party I love your little class right business
marketing media Louie clutch like a handlebar mustache the Vinci's like
walking around I should let him chew on this no then he might get ideas to chew
on my other bad guys no we don't like that now you just have to deconstruct
and got the pieces right yeah try to get around easy so what do you do in the
first day you're in LA well Louie with Jeffrey star hi how are ya this is an
iconic moment no it is iconic more iconic than the Chanel bag whoa it says
made in the USA in here I thought these are all made in Paris look at that no oh
my god it's probably cold cheapest one of imported materials oh I guess that's
what happens when you get that kind of bag okay when it wouldn't know I like oh
you can be sure you but you're also like I don't have a feel of that so real My
Mind's living two years from now hey that was me so I love that literally me
ten years ago so hard I'm oh man Wow think like a fit out of
that yeah does it make a little bikini skirt belts all right so now I'm going
to kind of I guess I should cut them up into four separate pieces okay or three
I'm gonna lay it against me again yeah yeah sure okay this whole thing this is
going in the archive if you don't stand up for a minute I'm so twisted I'm
sitting here like a Hermes head of like a signature friend kind of a birthday no
they're dead Ben oh my god imagine whatever the collection I don't care
about them I love them all the Himalayan oh that just gave me chills
I can't do that whoa okay so this is whoa okay you know what I'm thinking
about like when people have made those like Jason masks with the Louie and
stuff like this is how he had had to do that's how they heart would have to if
it was really nice uh-huh they probably never did grow ones whoa so what Cole
has cut up all of our pieces for this look and just quick disclaimer you guys
obviously this is for art and this is for fun last year I saw a Chanel bag in
half and the internet went fucking nuts nuts it's my money I'm gonna do whatever
I want with it I don't know why people have to come for me like this look this
is the cheapest bag in the Loess or we're not seeing comments that someone
thought this bag was fake yeah like the handle looks really fake that red I'm my
girl I don't even know how to buy things like like here's the barcode here's the
thing the lot came in I'm like this big this would be like a good nipple ring
okay so anyway we're about to dive in you're gonna so what's the what's that
what's our next step so we're gonna liquid latex T's onto your skin so they
stick and don't move okay and then we will just start
gues blending it into your actual school my god okay so yeah ready yes liquid
latex so what is your favorite brand to use or what or what brand is this this
is like a mold builder casting craft I don't even know the brand it was like at
Michael's like ten dollars so that it works pretty good I love
covering up this vanity moment you know we don't know her anyway don't know
where anymore okay so I want to tell people of something that I think is
really cool because it is very reminiscent of myself is like you well
what did you start doing makeup so I learned how to do it about a year and a
half ago but I started doing my like posting like looks like January 10th was
the first look I posted this year this year oh my god and I'm already
transferring every stars oh my god yeah so your artistry really stuck out and I
think it's really I think important to mention that like you don't have a house
full of makeup mm-hmm no I I before anastacio was so gracious
enough to send me like their big box you know that they send yeah I literally
like just my foundation concealer powder bronzer and then like a few eyeshadow
palettes like some morphe I shadow palettes so so Yura creating all these
looks at home that everything that I've seen yeah just not like job you pretty
much pretty much all of them that you've seen were with barely any products like
I said after Anastacio sent me a bunch of stuff I was able to like expand my
collection and do a lot more cooler stuff but yeah before it's so cool it
just like goes to show that you really can hustle and turn it out yeah you
don't need that yeah you don't need the most expensive makeup in the world to
get the like craft done you know like you can literally make anything work
with anything saying that you don't have enough money for makeup is just a poor
excuse not to you know just do the damn thing like I'm here and I've only been
doing this for nine months I'm on maybe 4pr list right now so all the makeup I
have is bye bye so yeah that's cool I just love that story it's very like
reminiscent of me like I used to people used to ask me like how did you
first get into makeup I'm like I stole it all but I'm like I would never want
to tell anyone else to steal mm-hmm ever I have to do yeah it's just the training
baton you didn't in high school girls still in makeup and I barely had much
looks so crazy alright okay so now that we got the leather put down we are gonna
focus on blending it into the skin okay so before any glam you got to make sure
this is done of course before right mhm so we can let the glam on top
what is this nose and scar wax so that I might use some of that I just wanted to
bring it just in case um just to kind of really give it the lifted up skin effect
apply to to a boney surface my whole body I haven't used the stuff in year
yeah it's really hard to work with that's why I just brought it just in
case so I'm gonna try to just use the liquid latex and I'm the continence a
perfect yeah yeah okay cool I'm excited let's do it so you know I've actually
never done like special-effects makeup I just I've stayed in my lane
you've never Oh like you've never personal myself yeah why not I don't
know I just I think when I took a long hiatus from doing makeup I just kind of
like did my thing yeah and now that I'm back I'm like I
just love watching other people do it the art is so cool yeah and it's so cool
how like when I first like started watching tutorials how to do it like it
was strictly tutorials but I didn't know how but once you run different
techniques you start to build a knowledge of like what creates like
tissue and like bloody gory stuff and like you can what works best for you
yeah you can never lead is kind of create anything it's so cool that's
awesome I died over your sounds of the limbs
look the other day my favorite movies ever such an iconic movie so I wasn't
even gonna do that look it was like so last-minute and I the album or the movie
cover just popped up on my phone I was like oh my god this would be a good
morning yeah that iconic deadly MA so good mom took me like two and a half
hours I don't know how this is done everyone so I'm like learning with you
guys are like watch yeah so basically the I'm gonna layer a bunch of tissue
and latex you know it'll the latex turns and it like clear so it'll kind of blend
into your skin and this way is what makes that harsh line go away and make
it kind of blend oh okay your skin more is it weird having
all these tattoos to work around no it's actually really cool I think it's and
it'll look really dope too coming out of the tattoo yeah it's gonna look sick
okay so the other day I saw you tweet something about like bigger artists are
always talking about willing to help smaller influencers and people were
attacking me like obviously you're not talking about me because you're sitting
here now a few people were like didn't know who you're really talking about but
I think it's a cool like conversation topic it is there are a lot of people in
the community who say things but there's no action yeah you know and not that
everyone has to put on you know smaller people like it's someone's job but if
you're gonna talk about the beauty community and it's being a certain way
let's start changing it yeah I don't know I think it is really important for
like you guys and just like bigger influencers to put some other people on
the map like that especially since the beauty industry kind of is not crumbling
but it's going through some shit right now was a big change there is a huge
change and like I feel like all these big artists these big influencers they
want to say to their huge platform hey I want to bring in smaller artists just to
make it seem like they care but didn't they never do it and it's like you're
wondering why the community isn't growing and it's just becoming more
toxic and evil well it's because the same evil people are running it you know
not running it but you know what I mean are in it part of it and making no
effort to bring in these new amazingly talented artists that are so genuine so
kind and deserve it a lot more than some people it makes me wonder if people love
the entertainment of a lot of the cattiness hmm I don't know there's just
like so many layers to it and it's hard for me to sit here and say something
because I'm involved in it a lot whether I want to or not hmm but it's it's hard
sometimes to make new friends I'm gonna read myself a lot of people think I'm
involved in drama a lot and I wish that they realized I'm just usually just
chilling at home doing me and working fucking hard and living my life
and I'll wake up and it's like this person made up this lie today and I'm
like is this what like Kim and Kylie deal with every single hour it's like
like you don't need to go to the grocery store and you read like the magazine
there's that Khloe was cheating last night with did adda and she was like at
home nursing and who makes these stories up but they sell their clickable and
then add money and it's all a sick fucking game
it's sick yeah it's like I've just been the root of it any I do speak my mind
I've been very brutally honest in the past you deserve to that it's like
there's only so much I guess one human being can take so it's like yeah and
like I tired of the same mother yeah and like I feel like everyone on the
internet thinks that like you just are like some fucking like there's just some
crazy shit going on but like 24/7 and like there's not much going on I walked
in here and it was so chill like I literally felt so comfortable right away
like yeah it was just like it's super like laid-back and chill like I wish
more people understood that and like didn't see it I was like this like just
game that everyone's trying to play to like see what tea is hotter than the
other like like no but like it doesn't matter
yes reach-around another thing that we were talking about earlier off-camera
was just like boys and beauty and I when I came onto YouTube a lot of people were
shocked they couldn't believe like someone like me was stepping into their
world like him in guns blazing yeah you know didn't need a code didn't need a
sponsorship didn't eat shit I was like yo happies motherfuckers are lying I'm
gonna I'm gonna change the shit up um and it's made such a big impact I
don't understand and I would love to get your insight about
why more guys in beauty so here's the thing a lot of people maybe even last
year or even currently you may think this people think all if you're a guy in
beauty you're gonna get these like more recognizable ones yeah like a nun like
you figure up quick because you're a guy but I don't think that's the key in it
yeah it's really not because the top people in the industry right now our
boys so it's gonna what's gonna come with that is gonna be a lot of guys
trying to make it and let's be real the gays are catty as fuck you know they're
they're super jealous and they don't want to see anybody doing better than
them so it it is seen that yeah and the scenes - yeah it can be harder actually
being a boy because you have such high expectations being a male doing makeup
that it's like you either have to be fucking amazing and even if you are it's
so hard to get the recognition for it because everyone is really just in it
for themselves and it sucks because me being a smaller artist like I still see
everything like yeah and I notice a lie and like I can tell that people that
I've looked up to won't it even if they follow me they won't support me they
won't like my pictures or comment because and I know it's because they
feel threatened it's just the truth are not so more threatened but they just
don't want it they see me doing good and they don't want me to like either
surpass them or just yeah I would give them better opportunities and then I
love hearing someone else's perspective because I think people at home like some
insight into this topic because it's things that a lot of people don't like
to talk about but here let me can tell you my pet peeve I hate how people
always try to pit the guys against each other yes whether it's the way they look
or whether it's like we're all different we're all doing our own thing yeah so I
mean it's like but people in the past have tried to pay like me and James and
Patrick Starr and other people like against each other and it's a girl we're
all in our own lane like we're not jealous of each other we're not trying
to like up each other like we're all doing a home thing mm-hmm
you know but people love it's like why do they do they can it's like the female
rapper is female singers like why do we have to pit
against each other Itzik so annoying and trust me I know there's gonna be few
people watching this I don't like girl you're a hypocrite I just stand up for
myself you know what I mean and it's like I know things have gotten messy
since I'm joined YouTube in the last few years but it's like I'm just over here
trying to live my life seriously there's no way it seemed that there's always
somebody trying to comfort that and ruin not because they see you
thriving doing so well and the thing is if they realize it if they were nice and
supportive they could actually use you as a friend
yeah and you could benefit them in a positive way but instead they want to
vote on you and try to and try to do it the wrong way by getting inside your
head so you don't do great things it's in fact that you've articulated that
from just watching from afar and I don't know anything you know I just mining
like The Exorcist laid this down whoa yes now we're gonna move on to the face
yes now I did tell him off-camera that I did have a hair of surgery so we're not
gonna douse my hairline in liquid latex not today my doctor is like oh no I love
the fog machine we have going on here on camera yeah it's really foggy Halloweeny
so little me in like seventh and eighth grade like would have beauty killer on
repeat okay I remember you were literally the only guy that had pink
hair was wearing makeup and this is when I was really discovering who I was and
realizing that I liked boys and I remember you were living for that moment
yeah yeah you're weird you're like is and it's just not yeah you're like this
is it right I'll just ignore it I'll run from it and like over time things get so
much easier and better and like I wish a lot of people like understood that it
literally time is the only thing that heals from a situation from that like
it's just you have to get used to it you literally like inspired me to like help
me find myself like 100% like no seriously I we're getting deep I love
this knowing God no seriously like I used to watch all your videos like as I
remember you posted videos Alya my mold little blogs in my little yes your and
your icing on I like on baby crack no but yeah you you were it's crazy because
we were like who are you who's your biggest inspiration and it's literally
you and the fact that I like my god no it's a circle moment for me like
obviously anyone at home watching just know that I always felt alone when I was
your age like has a guy that wore makeup there was really no one doing what I was
doing there was not a community of people nobody and I always felt so alone
so to hear that is that's so cool yeah thank you for sharing and like you and
that's not only me that's like millions of people that you have inspired and
like it's crazy because it was before jeffree star cosmetics it was before
YouTube it was before anything you were still such an icon and legend to me and
I just aspired to be like you and your confidence was just like through the
roof and it literally helped me with my confidence today like I I'm as confident
as I am wearing makeup because I see you know you are just filling it and that's
all I hope for like yeah I wanted people that embrace it like be a what you know
weirdo yeah so normal hmm and like no tea no shade but like dad asks 100
percent you should have literally been on that Forbes cover because you're no
I mean it's true like you're the definition of self-made you know like
you literally started from the bottom literally nothing and now look where
you're at so it's really enlightening I got a lot of that and I can Oh shade
too you know this thing was on it obviously but the term self-made was
used very loosely this year just on a real you know level mm-hmm I wasn't born
into anything I was really born into dirt yep and I transformed it and I just
stuck to my guns never let and you never let anybody like
change you look and and so many people tried from the record executives to the
my old managers to the agents to everyone I was like this is who I am
like I'm not gonna ever sell out you know mm-hmm so that's so cool to hear
you share that yeah I love that yeah
okay so now what happening we are cutting up the latex so it kind of gives
the like lifted skin effect so in the latex is super easy to rip off if you
don't have fucking here alright we just mixed up my favorite lemare foundation
you've never used this before I have never used that I'm excited yay and what
are you about to do with it so we're just gonna kind of put the
foundation over the liquid latex to kind of blend it into the skin of course it's
not gonna look exactly smooth but when we go in and bruise it up and blood it
up it'll be come on morphe sponge work
Cole is about to set this with what a little I'm a little laura mercier
setting powder the only Laura that we puck with in this
house tea period all right set me down I need a little brush moment
okay so now I'm gonna use this Ben Nye bruise wheel it's good for like Oh a
bruise wheel yeah I love that good for really getting the bruises and it has a
really good like red color that you want to do before you add like blood on top
of it okay so learning right now yeah so what do
you do lift up my flaps yeah we're gonna lift up your flap mm-hmm my skin claps
that's so sick
no your strike alright so you're gonna do eyes first
yes gonna do the eyes first and do the rest of the face after so okay we have
any fallout we can just wipe it right away
cool all right so we're gonna describe some shape shape tape yeah okay a little
contrived okay just grab whatever you want eyelid space yeah we don't have any
eyebrows that we need to conceal so that's no purple glitter than Yaga new
oh hi all right so off-camera cold it some eyes foundation contour a little
bit of highlighting and now we're gonna do the rest under eye
mm-hmm we are almost late to the Anastasi as Halloween Friday so we had
to cut the camera and shut our mouths so we are getting fucking so cool yeah and
the blow just top it off it'll be amazing I still can't get over that you
started doing makeup this year yeah I know what the fuck isn't that crazy it's
so cool how like how good you can be if you just stay consistent you know a lot
of people think that this kind of stuff can just happen overnight or if you just
like barely you know half-ass it it'll just like you really have to hide
you really have to hustle like especially this month I've been working
so hard to put out looks every day for like the series and I'm doing and it's
hard to consistently think of new ideas and yeah no one's done and make it your
own and make it original not only that but every single day is like insane
there's like a full month of Halloween legs yeah and I feel like I should post
this for today and be like day 27 okay we are bad lashes are on yeah so we did
a little lovely lashes in style Carmel love them they're so luscious and full
and what do you want to do next I think it's time for lip okay
lips and then blood yes let's um bad for the blood so we pulled out all the
liquid lips we're not sure what I'm good flavor we're not sure what shade to do
what do you think I don't know I'm loving a birthday suit moment okay how
about this is also cute there's so many kind I know if someone
should we do like an ombre or just one hi
talk to you King I know I'm not sure maybe little maybe that little I'm nude
in the center I'm always down for that do you like use a brush or just go like
straight on just go straight in okay
all right you want to do a little I'm nude in the center yay
excused absence but I'll of doing I'm like off-the-shoulder it's a little off
the shoulder moment
there's a color looking guy oh okay love that love hmm those two together
hello it's a good combo hmm all right it's the time you've all been waiting
for let's get bloody now what is your
preferred brand of blood so this is just like Ben Nye I like I'll use banana for
all of them yeah um they're consistent amazing brand yeah no they're amazing um
but I know a lot of people that just that custom make their own blood Wow
they use like chocolates and I'm just like yeah just weird shit to make it
really thick and mm-hmm okay how long does this blood take sorry tango how
long is this blood to the dry quick um yeah it dries fairly quick but it
whenever it does dry adults like stay on there guys there it's not going anywhere
come on steepling sniffling sniffling steepling people that church girl hell
yeah okay so something I've been dying to ask you okay is what's like the best
advice you would give me as like a smaller influencer trying to make it
like mainstream and really big howhow you have and you've like built your own
empire so yeah it looks like the best advice you could give me I guess I would
ask you like what is the all-time goal you know what I mean like there's some
people I just want to like be famous and be on a pair list yeah I feel like
you're all about the art and that's not your goal yeah but I think what you're
doing is great because you're being consistent mhm so when I get these
questions sometimes like when I meet people are at me and greats or store
openings I get asked that a lot and it's all about being consistent and
just doing you and sticking like pick something that you really love you love
crazy makeup yeah you do you love gore like do that you don't like try to be a
wedding makeup artist and then like do a pencil in your eye yeah like just honing
what you're looking love and just be really consistent obviously you are yeah
you're uploading a look every day for the month of October and you're very
consistent so and the cool thing is hi social media network which has brought
me here yeah all right now we're here we've met and we're friends and it's
just so cool and it's so cool just to be able to share other people's art that I
believe in and then I live for mm-hmm so yeah do you and don't ever like I
mean learn from other people's mistakes or learn from what you've seen
yeah other people go who you know hi I'm a good book yeah definitely a good
example of that but I think out of anyone you've shown that no matter who
is gonna try to take you down like you're unstoppable no matter that being
this year or you know four years ago when you were kind of start rebuilding
and starting back from scratch you know you didn't let anybody tell you know
when there were a lot of times where you probably thought this is the end like
what's the point I really did tell me like it's it all
your music career didn't didn't pan out I wanted to oh wow like people would
love to like they love to see people fall they really do it's really is what
sick yeah not everyone obviously there's so many people don't know that love joy
and like success and love celebrating anyone success whether like you said
early like whether you get like a raise at your job or you any like you do an
accomplishment there's always gonna be someone whether it's your family maybe
it's your cousin maybe it's your friend or not and they don't end up fucking
with you yeah don't fuck with them if people don't support you fuck them
you you can't have people around you and your life like that you know though
people don't want to be supportive by all right you guys BAM here is the final
look it looks so good wow I can't believe it I'm like I so I throw on this
jacket it's hard because I don't want to cover up all the stunning work so we're
throwing on a little bomb on moment to cover these chitti's yeah and I'm
feeling so good I can't believe it yeah it looks amazing it turned out way
better than I even expected thank you so much for doing this so excited like I
can't I never leave the house or the fact I'm going to a Halloween party and
you're going already I call it's gonna be everything and you did the look for
it I hope you're fuckin proud because I'm so proud amazing thank you so much
for having me on your channel of course is then wow did literally the best day
ever and I thought what you love it because
it looks amazing it's unreal alright you guys thank you so much for watching
today's video if you guys are not already check out Kol everything will be
linked down below Instagram Twitter bitches on social media
don't try her alright miss Texas thank you so much for coming over today
you for having me I will be in Dallas very soon will have to hang out in Kiki
again yes all right guys we're off to the Halloween party we're about to hop
in the car so we will see you on the next one
mwah bye guys