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  • what's up everybody? welcome back to my channel!! hi, good morning! today Mmmmitchell's

  • back! hey guys hey again okay again back back back again and he just

  • tried baja blast for the first time first impressions I mean you're almost

  • done with it so you must live it's so good like it reminds me about noon and

  • jus yes bottom family but with the twist yeah like yeah it's a lot mama fresh in

  • my mind my amount injury is kind of dry it drives my throat but not so nice now

  • here's something I didn't know when I try to talk about in the UK where he's

  • from I didn't know that there was a sugar tax in the whole country did you

  • know that no he's like I didn't okay so I mom so your country has a sugar tax

  • where sugary drinks are way more expensive so fast food places only have

  • diet or things without sugar so Pepsi Max which I tried for the first

  • time you guys don't have say a ban Chester yeah we do Odia good sugary mess

  • oh yeah I remember in the video you're like it was a little bland

  • but okay that's not why we're here today but maybe I lived for the Taco Bell yeah

  • you guys miss a video okay so today we're gonna cut up a Louie Vuitton bag

  • I'm just kidding look at the remanence those are just on the ground he just

  • found it he's like huh what is this souvenir the new invisible beauty bag

  • coming coming this culture nothing alright so today Mitchell is gonna be

  • diving into the alien palate for the first time ever what did you think about

  • this giant head oh my god well I remember last time you showed me the

  • actual pie ooh I love to get like artist feedback I'm like what do you really

  • think of this you think it's a flop you think it's cute maybe at the 3d I yeah I

  • don't you realize on video it's actually 3d yeah and then clay it's thick it's

  • not a thin Palio this is really hefty um she's she's sturdy fit guys so of course

  • the palette has already been revealed you guys have seen it all but when you

  • see the color story will let you hold it what are you gravitated to or what do

  • you want to play with today so I kind of want to stay away from anything warm

  • toned and yellow and then peach because we've outed on that I mean didn't we did

  • that better we did

  • but today I can I'm just up this green is not favorite thing going I've ever

  • seen yeah salsa okay the formula of that is oh yeah there's

  • nothing like we have another one here that he's been playing with off-camera

  • and you love you lived for that yeah okay so I'm gonna base a lot of it on

  • that color I'm just so inspired by it but then I'm really gonna tie in the

  • purples and the lime okay and also I'm just so tempted to this

  • black is good a lot of palettes the black sometimes a little iffy but the

  • formula you already know build yeah so yeah yeah I'm kind of just gotta go with

  • it but this is just so much I've got a mad okay there's a lot here yeah yeah

  • and he is a not afraid of color which is why he's here

  • ya know you guys so if you want to see us dive into the alien palate thank you

  • for watching so Mitchell is gonna start off with the P Louise base mmm your

  • favorite right yeah it's the best especially when you create in the kind

  • of shuttle that I like to create if you want to build your shadow mmm layer this

  • is really amazing for that this is shade at number two hey it's

  • just a bunch of new colors coming out and yeah I got hot orange I saw that

  • sneak peek of Girl hey so I'm gonna start off by just tapping this all over

  • the lid and taking it all the way up plus the brow bone so if someone's new

  • to using this product how do you recommend like how much some people are

  • afraid to like to use a lot so I think with this it works best when you use

  • quite a lot of it again it's a heavy base so I think it's made to be heavier

  • me personally when I've used like a light layer of it

  • I don't like it works as well and that's totally fine so just keep what you in it

  • but I think the model do better with this and then you always say don't set

  • it because a lot of people will set the concealer and then or whatever the base

  • is and it can get weird yeah so I always like to just tuck onto the skin really

  • like the top in it I'm not like pressing it in or anything I'm just literally

  • resting my brush on the skin being really really light and then I'm not

  • gonna say it with any powder either because I want my base to be sticky for

  • my shadows and that's how I'm gonna get the most pigmentation out my shadows as

  • well I see a lot of people like with you like pellets and

  • and oh no it's not pigmented but it's because people set the base too much so

  • then when you actually think about your actual shadow hasn't got anything to

  • stick on to so it's not gonna yeah only slightly louder it's not gonna yeah like

  • you've already basically taking on with the tackiness away from your base if you

  • ever feel like a pallet isn't working for you maybe just try not set in the

  • base change my alright now what shade you want to dip into first so we're

  • gonna dip into a be 50-100 purple I love hearing you in your accent all the shade

  • names uh-huh keep going okay and then we're gonna go to Flying Saucer and then

  • abduction and that's why we're going for now okay I'm perfect work so I'm gonna

  • take this one quite big soft will be washed okay if DaVinci's downstairs

  • trying to say hi Garrett Watts just adopted didn't she part-time okay step

  • father of the year so I'm gonna start with this right in the center of the

  • crease and I'm doing a light amount product at a time I don't want too much

  • all at once especially with purple you don't have to go too dark when you're

  • trying to blend the local this into it come on purple Purple's are really hard

  • to make especially with a vegan formula but I really tried to get a really rich

  • color it's so good and it's not dry as Y which is sunbong

  • so now I'm taking flying saucer and I'm taking it on a lot better smaller brush

  • and this is gonna go 50 percent hunter the purple and then 50 percent above

  • okay really really like they taking this product I got a second yeah he's being

  • really soft I think especially one worker must like mark cool tones I feel

  • like it's just natural for cool tones to be a little bit driving formula so when

  • you're working with something that's not a sort of a creamier even though they

  • said really really creamy as you can see this is going into that purple so easily

  • I've and just cool tones just be a lot a lot softer with mm-hmm

  • do you notice that the base makes shadows darker at all I know mm yeah it

  • can do if you but I don't think it's the base I think it's pressure okay I think

  • if you're pushing a product on it almost mixes with the base and it almost goes

  • darker okay cool so now I'm gonna take abduction and then go 50% onto our

  • flying saucer and then 50% above that so each shade lighter that gone 50% up and

  • we love that I hadn't really done green ever like I did a really teal and

  • androgyny but I wanted to do a whole different like color story that I had

  • yeah before I feel like this people don't do any cool tone pilot I've seen

  • it's always a light cool tones and I'm so overlay light colors I'm like give me

  • some fun yeah whoa

  • oh right everything is looking a blended hello now what you're gonna do next so

  • I'm just gonna highlight the brow bone just with a really sore kind of it's

  • almost like well how could how would you describe this pluton

  • oh it's like uh it's like an icy type of like white but it's a little bit of like

  • pinky under Jack so where else yeah yeah it's like a yellow ring a kind of peach

  • mmm I'm just gonna just hit this T's again I want most of this area to stay

  • quite matte so I'm not gonna go crazy with that I'm just gonna really pinpoint

  • it and just this area just so then when we take flash photos it pops what's so

  • nice about this is you can layer it up without it going gray when it's not in

  • the light oh yeah that can happen sometimes higher so you keep blaming the

  • up guys get it get it on there all right now he's gonna dip into shade

  • of Perot over here which is such a cool weird I call like an alien duochrome

  • yeah yes so fun and this is so nice as well because it because it's got like a

  • brown base you can use it with likes and then if you don't know as colorful as

  • well but you just know about color in there like this with like a bomb smokey

  • eye would be sick you're gonna start like a place in this

  • room and oh how does it look say I wish I could see it through my lid

  • so I'm taking a small brush and a lot of our base again okay I'm really just

  • gonna define underneath that Paul you just took it a little bit more of like a

  • defined kind of okay and I'm doing this by just tapping over the top if you want

  • to keep this line like prominent and you don't hit to start turning purple don't

  • swipe your brush because if you swipe it's just gonna mix oh yeah a tap mm-hmm

  • and then I'm just gonna fill over the top of that with our previous shimmer

  • shades okay because you've got our nice wet base again that's really doesn't

  • mean pop

  • so when we're doing the other half camera all the dogs are just staying in

  • my lab you want to get a makeover dude oh look his paw oh he wants to blame

  • you're so sweet delicious mmm-hmm you're such a sweet boy ah Danny

  • went up here give me dude so would you beg off camera playing with

  • dogs all right now Mitchell loves using liquid lips for a liner um so you were

  • about to go in with shade you're still on the property and karma oh those two

  • together may become lofts okay especially with everything that we've

  • got going on the ice over just every I feel like this whole collection is just

  • over here it just fits it's very cohesive yes so I'm starting off with

  • our hockey which one's this one comp karma yeah Karma's been working really

  • hard this year Oh like the bitch needs r-rated I think it deserved a liquid

  • lipstick named shirt though so you use a really tiny brush really thing kind of

  • like stamp it on instead of just flicking it on yeah yeah but really if

  • you swipe it on you take away what's underneath it I don't never want to do

  • that I want to keep building building game then so what I do is I'll take it

  • on the side of the bush I'll just close and that way you had Lee making a

  • mistake that way because you only working in a small area no if someone

  • wants to get that brush do they still sell that one or what is that

  • so this isn't up to the brush that I always use okay this is a new one but I

  • love the Sigma e65 oh it's just - not but it's really too much

  • you said something okay cool and I say this every time but these layers so well

  • so just almost let it dry and then have mount and let it dry the nut bar

  • and I'm gonna do I'm just gonna clean off my brush one more time oh well and

  • I'm gonna top these two together just to take away the edge from the meeting

  • point gives them a really nice dimension it almost makes it look a little bit

  • deeper towards the inner corner and then as it gets a little more further out

  • because the Blues got a bit of a shimmer to it just makes it pop

  • all right now I'm quickly gonna throw on some a roller lash from benefit a little

  • mascara if you will and then we're gonna pop on some lashes all right now we're

  • gonna take Lily lashes in style mikonos love those just took a few extra little

  • bits inside we cut up another pair just to take it all the way that out of this

  • world oh hi NASA call me and I'm also at the

  • end of the eye lifting it a little bit instead of it being on the lash line and

  • because I've been that line are you completely about to do that gotta love

  • it must be yes oh wow bitch she's looking sultry

  • all right lashes are on mm-hmm all right what's next so I think we're just gonna

  • do the skin go up towards like just finish in getting a nice and flawless

  • and a good flawless base so we did that in our last video so if you want to see

  • Mitchell slay the skin of course I will link our previous video down below but

  • we're gonna do some foundation concealer and be right back all right we're back

  • girl she is looking snatch hmm all right so you want to finish off the eye yeah

  • so we're gonna start on the under eye I'm gonna take a little bit of Queen

  • supreme but lower at liquid lipstick right in the waterline remember you guys

  • if you do not know if these are vegan and I safe let them go in the waterline

  • let it dry for a second and they're there all night and why was that to do

  • as well as I like to get it on the back of my hand I let it sit there for like a

  • few minutes and then actually yeah when you apply applies a bit more like a gel

  • consistency of them something really liquidy

  • mmm-hmm now until it dry for a second if your eyes are sensitive don't try this

  • at home all right Queen supreme is in the waterline and now he's gonna take a

  • little bit of Medusa of a lower and liquid lipstick and add that to the

  • bottom before we dive back into alien I mean it gets to the inner corner I'm

  • just gonna make a nice little new in a corner give me a new one

  • all right now Mitchell is gonna dip into shade tall gray and buff and blend out

  • the bottom I never use gray it's so nice - oh really

  • Oh what fresh to have a gray Nepal mm-hmm a nighttime nice gray as well

  • it's not one that just disappears well that's really flat I'm gonna have a

  • little bit of like a little blue gray very alien like skin stealing it's

  • Martian skin yeah okay so last time we were here I was thinking that you really

  • need to come to LA for more than a week I give you ever thought about moving

  • here for a little bit leaving England coming down to America I mean I don't

  • feel like I'd ever leave England full-time I mean I love I just look

  • beyond my people my dad all my friends but I definitely think I could do like a

  • few mum so time here please come for a few months when we all love that hey I'm

  • coming it'll be so cool on the weather yeah I kind of at least happy a bit one

  • step right yeah I think I could I could do it it's a scary yes it is scary

  • especially when you're younger it's like taking a risk or even just like coming

  • from man I know like now is the time to take the risks cuz they say I'm in like

  • a really good point in in my career and yeah I need to let's change it out do

  • something different but I'm travelling quite a lot of the start of next year so

  • I think maybe when I get back I'll trouble again today right you're dipping

  • into shade abduction and like a really nice Smosh line smoking me out Jeff we

  • got to the converted method the smoke yes so that Cali cannabis baby there's

  • nothing like it especially not in England like well

  • there's a few people I'm like wait a minute

  • actually I was looking for some good tree

  • Mitchell's friend pulled through with like that Cali fire I was like I told

  • him at home you did not disappoint when someone that isn't a STONER pollster

  • with like the fire you're like what is happening all right now he's taking a

  • little bit of the iconic drug lord mm-hmm and where you gonna place her

  • this is going right into these inner corners

  • I want these eyes to look so big and open and sometimes I find if you just go

  • for something white in the inner corner because Y is so white it almost makes it

  • look reflective oh yeah so if you don't want to highlight something just put a

  • lot of whites on there and he'll do the exact same thing especially if someone's

  • got texture this or highlight text you can relate yep you cut up a little lash

  • on the bottom just cut the end of a lot just like the opposite eyes Wow girl

  • look I just bought him all right besides the eyes you know we love highlighting

  • and today is not any old highlighting day today we are going to be using

  • Mitchell's collaboration with be perfect and this is the Sub Zero highlighting

  • palette like your QVC spokesperson this packaging kind of matches this balm on

  • by the way it's a fucking stunning oh my god okay let's open her up Oh BAM Wow it

  • looks so good there's literally a highlighter shade

  • for every single skin tone there's some alien vibes there's some beautiful gold

  • topaz I'm dying Wow okay it's a cute moment thanks guys um so what is this

  • retail for and this is 32 99 say that's pound okay so probably if I convert that

  • America yeah yeah and you can get this on be perfect website be perfect and

  • also peeping yes Beauty be calm which of course carries my brand love them for

  • anyone out there in Europe oh my god this is so cool congratulations fellow

  • thank you yeah so what are we gonna dip into today what show I'm actually just

  • gonna stick like I don't want to go with color for

  • this one I want to stick to media okay this one it just kind of like a silvery

  • gold okay quite light because I just want it

  • to be blind in I want a lot of focus on this area soon as we put the lower

  • lashes on okay cool so I'd like to take a really nice small brush when I'm doing

  • highlight okay gives you much more control and it also gives it more

  • contrast Oh spray on there I love that okay so you put the product on the brush

  • and then sprayed yeah the morphe spray which I love this stuff

  • yeah I've never looked in anyone do that they really knock words I love that

  • how'd you always spray you Bush then go into it yeah sometimes I feel like when

  • you do that it can ruin the formula yeah or it can get too I've never said too

  • intense before but you know how like yeah - earlier yeah just never go ahead

  • and straightaway I almost let you brush dry a little bit

  • Oh feels so good I love it was doing the tapping motions and Mike looks like a

  • top and pull like focusing it when you did that

  • okay so when we were in London I think you put mmm on me right I look like I

  • was faced tuned in real life like when you take the tone yeah yeah

  • tab like the tone button it looked like that in real life it was crazy yeah we

  • base it for the hall over your face yeah we did whoa whoa okay 9 Photoshop whoo

  • girl step out my pores any day if you don't like a wet highlight can't relate

  • your dipping into made it again can I dip into this one just to show that yes

  • take the shade mmm right here like oh my god it's like this nice body you really

  • pull it out yeah you really do need to like I'm just gonna swatch it oh my god

  • it's like it's so pretty mm-hmm all right I am so highlighted now

  • what liquid lip from the new holiday collection did you choose

  • can't really I can't really it is a different nude than I've ever created I

  • know I've made a lot of news it's not celebrity skin it's not

  • dude it's not mannequin I swear it's different which by now they've all seen

  • swatch comparisons but I just

  • all right now because this is a very intricate lactic alien look we're not

  • just gonna stop here we're gonna add a little bit more dimension would you say

  • to them into the lips yeah just a little bit like almost like I'm just a sparkle

  • we're gonna go in with the new lip ammunition shade alien tears this is

  • like a topper type of thing you can put of course you can wear it by itself but

  • when you put this over any lipstick or liquid lip girl yeah sickening

  • I miss over like a block lip as well oh yeah I'm just gonna put this just in the

  • center just to really make it look really nice and powdery smell the new

  • fragrance do you live mmm I thought mm-hmm full desert it's like vanilla

  • bean creme brulee you know I love my sweet yeah you do oh

  • I love that okay

  • these are nice cuz even though they're really sparkly they don't feel all right

  • okay when you put on a product it feels like great I'm probably like oh no I

  • mean no oh wow now do you believe in setting sprays or you don't care um I'll

  • be honest I'm not a science fair kind of guy um but I know you are so I mean I

  • don't mind it's just sometimes I get a little dry but I feel so good and

  • hydrated well do things right I'll let you do it no I don't want to go

  • overboard because this is so late all this to a tiny bit like we all know I go

  • really crazy but like yeah that kind of scares me mm-hm yeah cuz the way you

  • applied it is so different I don't wanna like oh wow all right is this the

  • finished look I think it is guys ma'am Wow

  • all right you guys this is the final look I feel fucking incredible my

  • highlight looks facetune like whoa I'm on Mitchell's Instagram and I am a model

  • in the chair thank you so much for doing this today oh wow it was so honored to

  • play with heylia you were the first person besides

  • lipstick NIC to touch it you Nicole finally met yeah we met in London yes

  • there now you went to the morphe store opening I couldn't believe it but my

  • brand is available in stores in the UK in literally only two locations more

  • coming soon so sorry but you met my like it's like my makeup best friend she's so

  • sweet I would love for you to do her makeup oh well she wanted that so bad I

  • would totally do that I can let you guys have just we're setting it out yeah

  • let's do this love that all right you guys I had so much fun today we have the

  • best time oh no I did thanks for coming over you can move in here for a few

  • months I'm moving in wardrobe okay Graham I know the pin to that code so

  • what you do he's at the Barbie vault before anyone all right you guys thank

  • you so much for watching today's video and if you are not already follow

  • Mitchell on Instagram snapchat kind of Twitter I got you into Twitter he's

  • about my back to back yeah I'm I'm on Twitter snapchat now you're just running

  • instagrams yeah alright and he's going on a makeup tour so there is a lot

  • happening everything will be linked down below we're gonna go eat some Burger

  • King and we'll see you on the next one hi guys what

what's up everybody? welcome back to my channel!! hi, good morning! today Mmmmitchell's

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary