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This is take two, take one. Mark.
"The Big Bang Theory" is the most popular show on television.
It centers on four male friends who are characterized by essentially every Hollywood
stereotype about geeks and nerds in existence. "Alright, just a few more feet and...
Here we are gentlemen The Gates of Elzebub." "Good Lord!" "Don't panic. This is what the last 97 hours have been about."
Leonard, Sheldon, Howard, and Raj all lack most of the traits traditionally associated with leading men in Hollywood.
- "終於! The Gates of Elzebub! - "天哪!" - "別慌 我們花了九十七個小時就是在等這一刻"
They're not conventionally handsome. They're not confident, and they're definitely not athletic.
Leonard, Sheldon, Howard 和 Raj 都缺少傳統好萊塢男主角會有的特質
What they are, are dorky insecure fanboys who are plagued with a wide variety of anxieties,
他們都不是典型的帥氣長相 都沒有自信 也完全沒有運動細胞
illnesses, and awkward personality quirks.
他們是沒安全感的書呆子迷弟 生活充滿種種的焦慮
They also happen to be the perfect embodiment of a media trope which I call: The 'Adorkable' Misogynist.
'Adorkable' Misogynists are male characters, whose geeky version of masculinity is framed
他們也剛好是 "可愛宅男厭女症" 這個類型的完美範例
as both comically pathetic and endearing.
"可愛宅男厭女症" 指的是 當這些書呆子男角色做了陽剛、性別歧視的行為
"Wait, wait, what's on top of them?" "Wireless webcams! Wave hello!"
And it's their status as nerdy nice guys that then lets them off the hook for a wide range of creepy,
「等一下,上面那是什麼東西?」 「無線視訊!快打個招呼!」
entitled and downright sexist behaviors.
因為他們是書呆子 大家就願意原諒他們做的種種變態、
"You may want to put on slacks"
"What? Ew. Stop it! No! Leave me alone."
Now, in order to help explain how this convention works we will need to take a quick trip back in time to the 1980s.
「什麼?!」 「噁!停下來!不要!離我遠點!」
The year was 1984.
為了完整解釋這個手法 讓我們回到八零年代看看
"Say 'Cheese!'" "Cheese!"
1984 年
And one of the most popular summer movies was a film called "Revenge of the Nerds."
These weren't the first socially awkward nerds to grace the big screen,
but they did help popularize this type of character.
Over the next few years, this geeky guy archetype quickly gained traction in Hollywood.
And by the 1990s it had become something of a mainstay in comedy entertainment.
It's worth noting that this type of character is nearly always white—though there are a few rare exceptions.
"Caught ya sweetums!"
而這種角色幾乎每次都是白人角色 只有少數幾個例外
The Hollywood Nerd is almost always positioned in opposition to the expected norms of Macho Manhood.
This is usually accomplished through the juxtaposition with the jock archetype.
When contrasted with hyper masculine guys who perform a crude,
aggressive form of manhood, our geeky hero gets to be framed as the better,
smarter, more sensitive alternative.
具有侵略性的行為 可愛的書呆子就相對成為了又溫柔、
He's the misunderstood nice guy.
"Hi Betty."
"I'm not kissing a nerd."
「嗨 Betty」
Who's unfairly bullied and mocked by his peers.
"Hey, not every guy's born with blonde hair and a chin you can crack walnuts with."
"To catch babes, I had to use my imagination."
He's presented as the clear underdog in the manhood competition.
"Is that another way of saying I'm out of this world?
Oh Lisa, I love the excitement of chasing ya."
「噢 Lisa,我好愛追妳的感覺」
"Is this a good time to ask you about the dance?"
On closer inspection, however, we start to notice that these type of characters are shown engaging in a variety of harassing,
entitled, and sexist behavior where women are concerned. They consistently stalk, spy on,
但當你仔細看 我們會發現這些角色常常做些騷擾人、
lie to, and try to manipulate the women in their lives.
自以為是、或性別歧視的舉動 他們時常跟蹤、監視、
They're overbearing. They refuse to take no for an answer and they often ignore the basic tenants of consent.
Most of this behavior falls under the rubric of sexual harassment,
他們蠻橫又不肯接受對方說「不」 而總是無視雙方該同意的基本禮儀
and occasionally it escalates to the level of sexual assault.
Both "Revenge of the Nerds" and "Sixteen Candles"
include scenes in which geeky nice guys commit acts of rape.
This type of behavior should be understood as reprehensible.
I say "should be" because that's not how these TV shows and movies frame it.
Instead, this behavior is framed as kind of pathetic
but ultimately harmless
and even endearing in an 'adorkable' sort of way.
"You're that nerd."
"God, you were wonderful."
And it's the 'adorkable' part of the 'adorkable' misogynist that makes this trope so insidious.
So let's return to "The Big Bang Theory." "We have to get rid of the time machine."
而這個「可愛宅」的部分就是「可愛宅男厭女症」中 最奸詐、陰險的部分
The four geeky friends on this show are written to be genuinely likable guys.
現在回到《宅男行不行》 「我們得丟掉這台時空旅行機器」
They're even capable of fleeting moments of heartfelt sensitivity, thoughtfulness, and sweetness.
"What is it?"
"It's a snowflake from the North Pole."
"Are you serious?"
"It'll last forever. I preserved it in a 1% solution of polyvinyl acetyl resin."
This non-threatening, 'adorkable' framing is designed to excuse the other more toxic part of the trope.
「它可以被永久保存喔! 我把它泡在 1% 的聚醋酸乙烯酯液體中」
The four leading men on "Big Bang Theory" each present their own distinct flavor of 'adorkable' misogyny.
這種不具侵略性的可愛宅設計 是為了為他們過分的行爲做解套
Howard is the creepy pervert with a heart of gold.
「宅男行不行」的四個男主角 分別展現出了「可愛宅男厭女症」的各種病徵
"Come to Papa you unkosher delight!"
Howard 是個好心的大變態
"I'm not necessarily talking to the food."
"Would you have opened the door if you knew it was me?"
"Not since I found out the teddy bear you gave me had a webcam in it."
Throughout the first several seasons, he's depicted as a wannabe pickup artist.
「在知道你送給我的泰迪熊裡有針孔攝影機之後? 當然不會」
"Yes. We're here to fix the cable."
He stalks, harasses,
objectifies, and tries to trick dozens of women into sleeping with him.
Howard talks about women the way a zookeeper might talk about trapping and taming wild animals.
"See first we let the lawyers and the jocks thin the herd, and then... we go after the weak and the old and the lame"
Howard 形容女性的方式 就像是動物園長在形容如合捕捉野生動物
He's conniving,
「首先讓律師、運動員先挑過一輪 然後我們再進攻去圍捕老弱爛的選擇」
he's manipulative, and his behavior sometimes crosses the line into criminal activity.
"There's the house! I found America's Top Models!"
"Are you sure?"
「找到了就是這間房子! 我找到了超級名模生死鬥的房子!」
"Look on the roof! Anaise and Giselle are sunbathing,
「你看屋頂上!Anaise 和 Giselle 正在曬日光浴!」
"You can recognize people on Google Earth?"
"Of course not. I got a buddy of mine at NORAD to have a spy drone fly over."
「從 Google Earth 也可以清楚看到人嗎?」
I should note that once Howard is in a committed long-term
「當然不行。 我找了北美空防司令部的朋友飛了一台無人機過去」
relationship, the way that his male chauvinism is expressed does shift slightly.
當 Howard 進入了一段穩定關係後
So he stops trying to be a womanizer, but he still demands to be taken care of.
And he refuses to share in any of the domestic responsibilities.
"Wanna pause the video game and help me clean up?"
"I am cleaning up. Look at the mess the Joker made of Gotham City!"
"I want this to feel like my house too."
"Oh, honey. Of course it's your house. Why else would you be cleaning it all the time?"
Raj is the sensitive guy turned inappropriate drunk.
「噢親愛的,這當然也是你的房子啊! 不然你怎麼會成天在打掃~」
He's the show's token geek of color and is endlessly mocked for being the most effeminate of the four friends.
Raj 是個體貼但喝酒就亂性的男人
"I'm sorry, what was your name again?"
他是這節目中的代表有色人種 並且經常因為他的陰柔氣質被取笑
Raj is also the most socially awkward around women. In the first few seasons, he can't speak to women at all.
"That's just fascinating!" "Thank you."
Raj 也是在女人面前最尷尬的角色 在前面幾季,他完全無法和女人講話
Except when he's drunk or on drugs.
「實在太有趣了!」 「謝謝」
"Would you like to hear more about it in my hot tub?"
And it's in those uninhibited moments when we see some very extreme levels of
underlying misogyny come to the forefront.
而在這完全無壓抑的狀態下我們看到 Raj 內心
"I'm very comfortable here."
"Penny dear—why don't you shoot another Silver bullet my way?"
"Where are you going? We're doing so well... She never even got to see my penis!"
「親愛的 Penny,當個可人兒幫我再拿瓶啤酒?」
「欸你要去哪裡?我以為我們處得很好?」 「她還沒看到我的老二欸!」
Leonard is the nice guy enabler. He plays the more down-to-earth, "normal" one of the group.
Still, he participates in much of the same behavior as his cohorts, just to a lesser degree.
Leonard 是個爛好人 他飾演著一個腳踏實地的「正常人」
Leonard's character arc is basically the pathetic nice guy who refuses to take no for an answer,
但他仍然參與著他朋友們的種種越舉行為 只是稍稍輕微一點
and who eventually gets the girl.
Leonard 的角色基本上就是個可悲的好人 不停的死纏爛打
"How did you get her to go out with you?"
"Well, she moved in across the hall."
"He started to slowly wear me down."
"Like a river carves a canyon."
One of the roles that Leonard plays on the show is as the guy who excuses and enables the sexism of his male friends.
"You know that deep down inside Howard's a really nice guy."
Leonard 也扮演專門幫朋友的性別歧視行為找藉口的角色
"Cut the crap, you set this up, didn't you?"
「妳知道,在 Howard 的內心深處他其實是個好人」
"She's a hooker, isn't she?"
"A prostitute, yes."
"You already gave her the money?"
"Thank you!"
He might roll his eyes at his friends' antics, but he never seriously challenges their behavior.
"But I'd like to get lost in her Bermuda Triangle."
他可能對朋友的舉止翻白眼 但從來不會嚴正指正他們
"That's not helpful."
"Then I won't say I'd like to cover three quarters of her surface area."
"Are we done?"
And his mild protests work as a springboard for still more sexist jokes.
"Not yet. This is fun! Ooh, I know! I'd let her free my willy!"
而他這種輕微的抗議舉動 只會鼓勵朋友們說出更多性別歧視的笑話
Sheldon, is the innocent bigot.
「還不夠,這好玩欸! 喔喔喔我會讓她餵我的 willy」
Most of the guys display a general disdain for icky girl stuff,
but Sheldon is the one who harbors the most virulent form of casual misogyny.
"Tonight's theme: flags of countries that have been torn apart and the women I have a feeling were responsible."
而 Sheldon 卻擁有著最強烈又漫不經心的厭女症狀
"My father used to say that a woman is like an egg salad sandwich on a warm, Texas day."
「今晚的主題是所有被分裂過的國家國旗, 我覺得都是被女人害的」
「我爸以前常常說女人就像是 在德州熱天下的一個雞蛋沙拉三明治」
"Full of eggs and only appealing for a short time."
The whole shtick of Sheldon's character is that he's too smart to understand or care to understand
what's socially appropriate and what's not. As such, he's dismissive of nearly everyone and their feelings.
Sheldon 被設定為聰明到無法或沒興趣了解對或錯的人
But when he belittles and devalues women,
it's very specifically because they are women.
"Thanks to you, I know better than to ask if you're menstruating."
"And based on your behavior, I don't have to."
"All you hear women say is 'I'll just have a salad.'
"'Where's my lipgloss? I think this element should be called radium.'
"That last one was Madame Curie. You know what, she was kind of an honorary man. She had a penis made of science."
『我的唇膏呢?』、 『這個元素應該被取名叫做“鐳”』
So how does "The Big Bang Theory" keep us, as the audience, sympathetic to men who behave in such reprehensible ways?
「最後一句是在說居里夫人 但其實她可以算是榮譽男人 畢竟她有個科學做的老二。」
Well, it's done by leaning heavily on a combination of ironic humor and a popular writer's trick known as lamp shading.
到底為什麼《宅男行不行》能夠持續讓我們這些觀眾 對做出這樣舉動的男人感到同情或同理呢?
Most of the jokes on "The Big Bang Theory," such as they are, revolve around the following ironic hook:
答案是他們用了「諷刺性的幽默」 以及一個常見的寫作手法「燈罩笑話」
Since geeky guys don't fit into the macho mold of what we expect sexism or male entitlement to look like,
it's funny to watch them engaging in that type of behavior.
"It's 'anything-can-happen-Thursday, let's hit the clubs and meet hot women!"
"Here we go! Lock up your daughters. We're gonna hit it and quit it!"
「今天是什麼都可能發生的星期四! 我們去夜店釣些正妹!」
Notice the target of the joke is not the misogynist behavior.
"Or... we could finish eating and go to the comic book store."
"Also a good plan."
「或者... 我們也可以把吃飽後去漫畫店」
Instead, it's making fun of men who are not traditionally masculine enough to believably pull it off.
"Smell that? That's the smell of new comic books."
這裡好笑的部分是因為這些男人並不是傳統陽剛的男性 所以並不可能真的做出這樣的事情
Unlike many of our earlier examples from the 1980s, the creepy behavior on "The Big Bang Theory" is
meant to be understood for what it is.
和八零年代那些範例不一樣的是 《宅男行不行》中的變態行為
"I know you think you're some sort of smooth-talking ladies man,
but the truth is you are just pathetic and creepy."
And this is where ironic lamp-shading comes in.
"So, what are you saying?"
Which is when media makers deliberately call attention to a dissonant or overly clichéd aspect of their own production.
「所以... 妳到底覺得怎麼樣?」
Rather than writing better different punchlines,
writers attempt to duck any potential criticism by pointing out the sexism inherent in their own jokes themselves.
"That's it. Confirmed. We now have the address of the Top Model house."
只要自己也指出自己的老套、指出自己的性別歧視 就可以變成一個笑話
"Hey, for the record, what you guys are doing is really creepy."
"You know what, if it's creepy to use the internet military satellites and robot aircraft to find a house full of gorgeous young models
so that I can drop in on them unexpectedly, then fine, I'm creepy."
This technique of making something super obvious to viewers is meant to let us know that the writers are self-aware
讓我可以偷偷去找她們, 這樣就叫做『變態』,那我想我就是『變態』」
and to make us feel like we're all in on the joke.
Most comedy writers know that retrograde style bigotry is no longer acceptable on prime-time television.
But many of them still want to use sexist, racist, and homophobic jokes as an easy way to get cheap laughs.
大部分的喜劇作家都知道這種食古不化的性別或種族歧視 已經不該再出現於精華時間的電視節目中
"Actually, Indian Monopoly is just like regular accept the money's in rupees instead of hotels you build call centers
但很多人還是想要講性別、種族、甚至同性戀歧視的笑話 用來製造一些簡單的笑點
and, when you pick a chance card you might die of dysentery."
「其實印度的大富翁跟大富翁很像,只是幣值是盧比, 本來蓋飯店改蓋電話客服中心,
Ironic lamp-shading provides a clever way for them to keep getting away with it.
"Just FYI, that was racist."
Now the problem with this comedic device is that by itself—
"Hey! Why am I in charge your phone support? Seems a bit racist."
it doesn't critique or challenge sexism, homophobia, or racism.
「為什麼我要負責客服? 感覺很種族歧視欸」
It simply acknowledges it in a humorous way.
"Very clever, but still racist."
"Duly noted, Steve from Wichita."
Acknowledging bigotry is not the same thing as critiquing bigotry,
「知道了啦,來自 Wichita(白人居多的城市) 的 Steve(白人名字)」
especially when the punch lines end up making light of serious social issues like sexual harassment.
"Dr. Cooper, you said things to your employee that you just cannot say in the workplace."
尤其當這些笑話輕浮的描寫了 像是性騷擾這樣的嚴重社會問題
"Oh, I see the confusion here.
「Cooper 博士 你對員工說的話在工作場合非常不恰當」
No, no, Alex thought I was singling her out. No, I meant that all women are slaves to their biological urges,
you know? Even you."
不不,Alex 以為我是針對她 但我其實是說所有的女性都是被生理狀態所綑綁受限
So while it's true the message of "The Big Bang Theory" isn't, "sexism is super cool."
"Relax, no one's gonna be looking at her hair."
I'd argue the implications are much more troubling.
Because the show's message is more akin to "sexism is mostly harmless."
And especially when that sexism is coming from geeky guys.
"There are pitfalls
trust me. I know when it comes to sexual harassment law I'm a bit of a self-taught expert."
'Adorkable' Misogyny is presented as just another socially awkward personality quirk as something that's perhaps
deserving of an eye-roll, or an exasperated look, or maybe some light-hearted chiding
but never as something to be taken seriously or seriously challenged.
"You're engaged to my friend."
"Hey, Bernadette doesn't mind where I get my motor running as long as I park in the right garage."
"I can't believe you're engaged to my friend."
「Bernadette 才不介意我從哪裡得到馬達動力 只要我停在對的車庫」
At its core, the 'adorkable' misogynist
trope is built around the old axiom that, "boys will be boys".
這一切的中心 可愛宅男厭女症
And what that phrase really means is, "boys will be sexist"
or, "boys will be creepy stalkers who sexually harass women," as the case may be.
On the very rare occasions when one of the geeks is called out for his sexism,
或是「男生就是會當變態跟蹤和性騷擾女生」 因為大部分的案例是這樣子
the audience is meant to feel bad for him, because his feelings got hurt.
On television, men's feelings and bruised egos are nearly always depicted as more important than
women's comfort, or women's safety.
"Okay, look, Howard.
I just want to
「好啦 Howard,
The 'adorkable' misogyny of the four main characters on "The Big Bang Theory" is tolerated.
It's tolerated by their peers, by their girlfriends, and by their employers.
在《宅男行不行》中四個角色的 「可愛宅男厭女症」是被忍受的
"Well, despite your quirks, the three of you are very accomplished in your respective fields."
"I don't know what you mean by quirks, but um"
「儘管你們有很多怪僻 你們三個人還是非常優秀的科學家」
The trope downplays the sexism of men who don't fit into the macho stereotype by framing it as pathetic,
as non-threatening, and as not that big of a deal.
這個手法淡化了非刻板陽剛男性性別歧視時的嚴重性 把他們包裝成一種可悲、
Of course the reality is that sexism is a big deal as
practically any women involved in geek subcultures will tell you.
"Everybody's staring at me."
There is, sadly, no shortage of real-life examples of men involved in nerdy hobbies or professions who behave
EXACTLY like the guys on "The Big Bang Theory," and it's not harmless, and it's not 'adorkable.'
Harassment scandals that have been sweeping through Silicon Valley.
60 percent of women who work in the tech industry have reported
層出不窮,完全就像是《宅男行不行》的劇情 而且不但有害,更一點也不可愛
unwanted sexual advances.
In it's simplest form, it's a torrent of attacks against women.
...frequent problem inside Uber: sexual harassment and sexism.
And it's harmful in all the ways "The Big Bang Theory" tells us it's not.
It's damaging to women. It's damaging to their sense of safety, to their well-being, and to their careers.
常見的 Uber 內部問題:性騷擾及性別歧視
Former Google engineer who wrote a 10-page memo
這些事情造成極大的傷害 即便「宅男行不行」一直跟我們說沒關係
criticizing the company's diversity programs saying women lag behind in the tech world
它傷害了女性,讓她們感到不安全 也傷害了她們的事業
because of their biology.
一名前 Google 工程師寫了一份十頁的文章
The unnamed Google engineering employee wrote,
批評公司的多元計畫 直指女性在科技業中跟不上進步
"Biological causes may explain why we don't see equal representation.
Men have a higher drive for status and women on average have more neuroticism.
這名 Google 工程師說
If we added a laugh track to that clip it would be indistinguishable from the casual sexism that we can see on practically any
「生理上的限制可以解釋為什麼 我們看不到同數量的男女的得到同樣的成就
episode of "The Big Bang Theory."
男人比較有為了社經地位進步的動力 而女人就是相比下情緒化
"The trouble isn't with me, Penny. It's with your gender.
如果我們在這些新聞報導背後加上罐頭笑聲 它會和《宅男行不行》中每一集的出現的性別歧視內容
Someday scientists will discover that second X chromosome contains nothing, but nonsense and twaddle."
"We're talking about Penny's job."
"And how difficult it is to do when she's bloated, cranky, and crampy? Continue."
某天科學家們會發現第二條 X 染色體裡頭 其實充滿著些廢物」
Just because the performance of a geeky version of masculinity is markedly different from traditional Hollywood archetypes,
「我們在討論 Penny 的工作」
that doesn't necessarily mean that geeky guys are any less invested in sexism.
「討論當她情緒不穩變胖又易怒的時候很難工作嗎? 請繼續」
The bottom line here, is that there's nothing cute or harmless about misogyny.
只因好萊塢宅男呈現性別歧視的方式 和傳統陽剛男性的包裝不同
Even when it's coming from men who may play Klingon Boggle.
It's really not that difficult to write nerdy male characters who aren't total creeps.
There's Abed from the show "Community."
就算厭女的人是玩 Klingon Boggle 的人
"You have to understand about Abed, he's usually, you know, adorable weird, like Mork from Ork."
There's Lionel, from "Dear White People," the TV series.
看看《廢柴聯盟》中的 Abed
And there's Ben from, "Parks and Rec."
「你要了解 Abed 其實通常是可愛的怪人,就像是 Ork 的 Mork(Mork & Mindy 角色)」
"Presenting, 'The Cones of Dunshire,'
還有《親愛的白人》中的 Lionel
a brand new gaming experience."
和《公園與游憩》中的 Ben
All these characters somehow managed to perform a quirky,
「為你帶來~~~ The Cones of Dunshire
awkward, and often humorous form of masculinity without the undercurrent of retrograde sexism.
It's long past time for Hollywood writers to retire the 'adorkable' misogynist trope once and for all.
Thanks for watching if you'd like to see more long-form video essays that deal with the intersections of politics,
不善社交、有些好笑幼稚的刻板男性行為 但同時也不涉及性別歧視
masculinity, and media, then you can go over to Patreon and help fund the project there.
好萊塢喜劇作家們 早該停止使用「可愛宅男厭女症」這個老梗了
There's also a link to PayPal in the description below.
感謝你的收看 如果你想看更多討論政治、男性向、
I'll see you all next month with another video about "Big Bang Theory," this time about geeky masculinity.
媒體的影片論述的話 歡迎到 Patreon 支持我