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I can't get a line
The whole cell networks down this guy that is assuming control over global communications in preparation for its attack
So this war is between people and machines?
Why are you on our side?
The resistance captured me
Reprogrammed my CPU I was originally designed for SAS ination missions
See you don't really care if this mission succeeds or not
If we get killed does that mean anything to you?
If you were the guy I will become useless. There will be no reason for me to exist
Thank you for doing this your gratitude is not required I'm programmed to follow your commands
our commands
It was Katherine Brewster who had me reactivated and sends through the time displacement field
What exactly am I in this future of yours?
You're John Connor spouse and second-in-command
No what
You're a mess
Yeah, you're not exactly my type either
So why didn't I send you back I'm not authorized to answer your question
Why didn't he send you back he was dead Oh
That sucks
Humans inevitably die. Yeah, I know
So, how does it know
Well, how does he die
John Connor was terminated in July 4th 2032. I was selected for the emotional attachment
He felt of a model number to do these boy that experiences this aided in my infiltration
What are you saying
I killed you