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  • I can't get a line

  • The whole cell networks down this guy that is assuming control over global communications in preparation for its attack

  • So this war is between people and machines?

  • Why are you on our side?

  • The resistance captured me

  • Reprogrammed my CPU I was originally designed for SAS ination missions

  • See you don't really care if this mission succeeds or not

  • If we get killed does that mean anything to you?

  • If you were the guy I will become useless. There will be no reason for me to exist

  • Thank you for doing this your gratitude is not required I'm programmed to follow your commands

  • our commands

  • It was Katherine Brewster who had me reactivated and sends through the time displacement field

  • What exactly am I in this future of yours?

  • You're John Connor spouse and second-in-command

  • No what

  • You're a mess

  • Yeah, you're not exactly my type either

  • So why didn't I send you back I'm not authorized to answer your question

  • Why didn't he send you back he was dead Oh

  • That sucks

  • Humans inevitably die. Yeah, I know

  • So, how does it know

  • maybe

  • Well, how does he die

  • John Connor was terminated in July 4th 2032. I was selected for the emotional attachment

  • He felt of a model number to do these boy that experiences this aided in my infiltration

  • What are you saying

  • I killed you

I can't get a line

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約翰-康納的命運|終結者3 [Open Matte 1.78:1]。 (The fate of John Connor | Terminator 3 [Open Matte 1.78:1])

  • 2 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary