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[ Cheers and applause ]
-[ Laughs ]
-Please don't make me cry. Please.
-No. -Oh, my gosh.
-Thank you so much. -We love you!
-I love you! -We -- yeah, we love you!
[ Cheers and applause ]
-Oh, my God. -Oh, gosh.
I'm so happy for you. Oh, my gosh.
-Oh, my God, I can't. -You're getting emotional.
-I am getting emotional. [ Cheers and applause ]
-Yeah -- we love you. You hit a homer, buddy.
-Thank you. -You hit a homer.
-Thank you. -Here, I'll give you
a tissue if you need one. [ Laughter ]
-Thank you.
-Well, you have to walk me through everything.
But first, what a great halftime show.
-Thank you. -That was unbelievable.
[ Cheers and applause ]
100 -- -Thank you.
-100 million people watched -- oh, no,
110 million people watched it on TV.
Your halftime show alone has gotten over 100 million
on YouTube in less than a week. -Thank you.
-I mean, it's obviously -- [ Cheers and applause ]
When I say that you knocked it out of the park, I mean
you hit a home run. It's unbelievable.
And I know you.
How much did you rehearse for this?
-I got emotional because we did, we worked so hard.
[ Light laughter ]
We started rehearsing in November for my set.
And, you know, it was just every single day,
every single day for the -- it's a short amount of time,
you know what I mean? But -- -Yeah.
So much goes into that moment.
And it's hundreds of people.
They put that stage together in seven minutes.
And then you get on it and then you rock.
And it's just -- it's crazy. It is such a big deal. And --
-I mean, like walk me through this.
-I'm just glad everybody liked it.
[ Cheers and applause ] -We beyond liked it.
We beyond liked it.
-That's why I got emotional, yeah.
-It's a score. You should take the victory lap.
You should own this 'cause you scored.
So walk me through. You wake up, Sunday morning,
Miami. -Ugh!
-Yeah. -You're like, "it's here!"
-I know, and you're like -- so you wake up --
-I wake up, I went to work out. -Okay.
-Because I feel like that always helps my mind get right.
You know what I mean? It calms me down.
-Do you eat breakfast before you work out?
-Yes, I eat breakfast and -- -Okay, now do you get
superstitious like what you're gonna eat?
-I was on a diet the whole time. -Yeah, right.
-You know, just trying to be in my best shape ever.
-And healthy, yeah. -And healthy and feel good.
And then I went to work out, and then I went back home
and then I called my choreographer.
I was like, "Come over. We're going to go over
everything just a couple more times.
Just a couple -- just me and you.
Like, none of the dancers, nobody.
Just me and you." She's like,
"Okay, I'll be there in 20 minutes."
You know, and she came over. We went into my garage.
We went over it a few more times.
We just like dialed in, you know, couple of moments.
-Oh, gosh. -And then I started getting
ready to head over to the park.
And we got there early. We get there early.
They ask you to be there really early because of all
the traffic, obviously.
Super Bowl weekend in Miami was, you know, insane.
-Yeah, so -- -And so we get there, and then
we basically wait for the show.
-So you're in the stadium just waiting?
-Yeah, around 4:00. -Wow.
-And we went on, I guess around 8:00-ish, you know. So --
-Now are you just nervous the whole day?
-You know, I kept praying.
I was like, "God, just help me, you know, embrace this moment,
be in the moment and just do my best and to feel good."
I didn't want to miss it by being too nervous or being,
you know, too anxious or anything.
I just wanted -- I wanted to feel good.
It was a once in-a-lifetime kind of experience.
The type of thing, as an artist that you always
dream of doing.
And so I just wanted to feel good.
And so I just tried to stay, like, really present.
And it was good, it was good.
-Is it a dream for you to do the Super Bowl?
-It was. -It was?
-It was. -Do you remember
the first one you saw?
-You know, I remember seeing Prince...
-Yeah. -You know, kill it in the rain.
Sing "Purple Rain" in the rain.
-The rain was purple. The rain was purple, yeah.
-It actually rained for him.
-That was insane that it actually did.
-You know what I mean? -He was -- yeah.
-You know, there's so many. I remember, like, going back
when I got the Super Bowl and watching Diana Ross's.
I watched Madonna's, I watched, you know, Aerosmith.
I watched so many.
I watched Bruno's and Beyoncé's and Gaga.
I just watched everything. -That's wild.
-And for a few years, you know, they were
talking to me about doing it, and then, finally this year
it was just like, "Okay." -Yeah, you're gonna do it.
-"You're gonna do it." -There's a video
that's already viral online.
I think it has like, over, like, over 5 million hits.
-Uh-oh. Which one is it?
-Of just you right before you're about to go on.
And you're just like -- [ Heavy breathing ]
And like, you're just like, "Yeah."
It is the most -- it's like, "Wanna see confidence?"
[ Laughter and applause ]
I wanna watch. I wanna see.
-I want to see which part you have.
-Here's Jennifer right before she went on stage.
-Take a look at this.
[ Cheers and applause ] ♪♪
-Yeah, I mean, come on! [ Cheers and applause ]
♪♪ -I mean --
-You know --
-Come on. -You know you have to go over
your first move in your head.
You're like, okay is it -- got it, got it, got it.
[ Laughter ]
I'm ready to go. I'm ready to go.
-And I will say, by the way, everyone was like,
"She is perfection." -Thank you.
-You looked gorgeous and you were just awesome.
[ Cheers and applause ] Every move, precise and cool.
How do you -- I know -- I love all your hit songs.
But there's so many songs. How do you choose what order
or what songs you're gonna do?
Because there's not that much time.
-It wasn't a lot of time, and obviously me and Shakira
had to split the time.
So, usually it's one artist that does it.
So it was -- it was tough. It was tough.
You know, I think when I first did my first set it was like
20 minutes, and I had like six.
-Yeah, like, "Hey, Jennifer, a little problem."
-"Okay, I'm gonna have to cut this down.
This is not going to work."
-"Shakira, just come out and wave and leave.
I gotta do my set."