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  • ProJared did an oopsie!

  • James Charles did probably the biggest oopsie of all time!

  • And PewDiePie? No oopsie this week

  • I'm Glorie Poopie, and you're watching Pew News

  • [Intro plays]

  • [Nokia cellphone rings]


  • [Nokia cellphone rings again]

  • What's that? PewDiePie DID do an oopsie this week?


  • PewDiePie here. I'd just like to apologize for my oopsie this week

  • Don't know where to begin. I thought the dog from Up was the dog from Pets

  • [Flashback] When the dog from Pets looks better than the original Sonic

  • I don't know how this had happened,

  • and I just want to say how deeply sorrowsorrowful I am

  • I know I'm better than this

  • Let's get into why everyone clicked on this video

  • James Charles, biggest oopsie of 2019

  • James Charles will have a scandal, similar to the one he's had before

  • James Charles: absolutely not.

  • bum bum bum bubububu babababa

  • [laughing]

  • Oopsie

  • Doopsie

  • Woopsie

  • Poopsie

  • This is a big one

  • James Charles going down to 16 million subscribers

  • And the Internet could not be more thrilled

  • "Congrats on 15 mil, been here since 16"

  • [laughs]

  • James Charles losing


  • 1.4 million subscribers!

  • Breaking records in losing subscribers

  • faster than anyone has ever gained subscribers

  • So what happened?

  • Well...

  • YouTuber "Tati, Tati, Tati"?

  • Made a video called "Bye Sister"

  • A clever play on words

  • [whispers] Because James Charles's slogan is "Hi Sisters"

  • And she called it "Bye Sister?"

  • [Crazy giggling]

  • The tea!

  • Glug glug glug glug glug

  • Now this video is 43 minutes long,

  • so I did the favour of watching it for you. You are welcome!

  • Jesus Christ

  • Can you not make it anymore less concise?

  • 43 minutes? You expect everyone...

  • Now people know James Charles already, he's pretty...

  • I think most people in the beauty community kind ofYes, they're really big but

  • in the beauty community, but James Charles is just one of those figures that kinda...

  • People know about him at least

  • And I think that's why this just got so massive

  • So what did she say? Well...

  • She starts off by showing how they've been friends for a long time,

  • and she's been supporting James Charles for a long time

  • "James is here to-- uhh, do my Bridal makeup

  • which is what I am wearing right nooow."

  • "Ehhm I just wanted to congratulate you on almost a million on Instagram. I want to say huge

  • congratulations to James Charles, if you have not checked his channel out on Youtube..."

  • Alright we get it

  • She talks about why this video happened

  • in beginning like why she's calling out James Charles. But it's very confusing

  • unless you know what happened, you're not going to understand anything of it

  • "I'm gonna share a lot of it with you, because I feel at this point that I have to,

  • because Gabriel Zamora decided to... " What does that mean?! I don't understand!

  • Oh God do I have to watch... How many videos do I have to watch?

  • "I love him, and I am there for this kid through and through."

  • So she's been supporting James for a long time

  • Then she talks about how fame has changed James Charles

  • "Fame, power and a fat bank account will change almost anyone.

  • And if you don't have people that will tell you to your face that you're doing the wrong things, you will change."

  • And then she finished off by completely disassociating herself from James Charles

  • It feels like she feels responsible for creating this monster that is James Charles

  • And it makes sense to disassociate with that

  • "I don't want to be friends with you, I don't want to be associated with you,

  • and I need to say that very publicly so that this chapter can just be closed. "

  • She explains some examples of how she helped James Charles with contracts

  • and her husband helping him and all this sort of thing

  • "Um, he didn't have money for the flight or hotel, so I paid for that happily.

  • But you're family, how can I help you?

  • My husband would spend hours on the phone looking over contracts, getting him in a better position

  • So we helped him get into a style haul

  • back when basically no one wanted to work with him because of his Ebola scandal."

  • And then finally with I think the most hard-hitting thing is about

  • how James Charles kind of used his fame and power to get straight people into getting with him?

  • That's sort of his kink it seems like. Okay. Alright. And she calls out what's problematic about that.

  • "Literally made me want to vomit. Oh my god, you tried to trick a straight man into thinking he's gay, yet again!

  • And somehow, you're the victim.

  • You know, it's really disgusting to manipulate someone's sexuality

  • especially when they are still, you know, emerging into adulthood

  • and don't quite have everything figured out.

  • You are using your fame, your power, your money, to play wit h people's emotions.

  • You're threatening to ruin them, you're threatening to embarrass them."

  • [Plays drums on the table] That's basically the gist of the video.

  • James Charles, not a good person. I think there's plenty of reason to dislike him

  • I mean, we've seen so many strange things about him

  • As soon as anyone says anything about James Charles, you'll get this tweet saying:

  • "This is not funny, delete this immediately or my lawyer will be in contact."

  • Okay...

  • Full disclaimer: I'm not excusing his behavior. I don't think it's right

  • But with this massive amount of backlash,

  • he's facing the biggest sub drop that anyone's ever faced on YouTube

  • Look at all the controversies that have happened on Youtube

  • Is this really like... that comparable?

  • It seems to me like a lot of people respect this 'Tati' figure, at least in the beauty community

  • And James Charles is already this controversial figure that people aren't really sure about

  • So for her to make this big stance of disassociating herself from James Charles,

  • it seems that a lot of people are just latching on to that, just to shit on James Charles

  • Which I get; it's funny

  • It's like everyone is like: [mocking] "HAHA unsubscribe! HAHA!!!"

  • Because there are a couple things about this that genuinely bothered me when I saw it

  • Why was this video actually being made? What caused her to get so upset?

  • It's not really clear in the video, at least unless you understand what had happened

  • I looked into it, and the whole thing makes even less sense!

  • At least, you know, for an outsider, I could still misunderstand things about it,

  • but this is what caused the controversy, this Instagram post:

  • "To Sugar Bear Hair, I met their team at weekend one at Coachella

  • and they really helped me and my friends out with sister security, because it was CRAZY!

  • You guys probably already know about their iconic hair vitamins

  • But they just came out with brand new vegan sleep vitamins

  • And first of all, it's so bomb,

  • but most importantly, I've been dealing with a lot of anxiety recently,

  • and it always comes late at night when I'm laying in bed thinking

  • Which is not fun or fresh

  • So I've been taking these 30 minutes before bed and they've been really really helping

  • So if you guys want to check 'em out, you can swipe up."

  • James Charles is dealing with existential dread, just take some sleep vitamins

  • Okay, that's it! That's what caused this whole thing

  • And that is what caused Tati to go on Instagram and post this big rant about how upset she was

  • "When you do so much for people in your life and... they not only don't return the favour,

  • but they just... don't even see you...?"

  • So why was this a big deal for Tati?

  • Well, Tati has her own brand of vitamins, which are health and beauty vitamins

  • So for him to not promote his friend's vitamin product and promote some other product

  • Apparently, she felt very betrayed by this

  • [crying voice] "I'm just so upset... "

  • The product that James promoted was for sleeping.

  • "—with brand new vegan sleep vitamins, and first of all, it's so bomb."

  • Tati's product is for health and beauty. Yes, the company does do those type as well,

  • but he specifically held up the bottle of sleep pills

  • And that's what he talked aboutto sleep

  • So after Tati made this post on Instagram,

  • James Charles deleted the post [false] and apologized, said:

  • "I want to publicly apologize to my close friend Tati.

  • She's been like a mother, and blah.. blah.. blah.. support, and this weekend I did an instagram story for vitamins...

  • 'Cause they helped me with security at Coachella

  • I did not accept any money

  • Tati has a vitamin brand which I take daily. I did not think aboutthe competition, which was a major oversight

  • I've supported Tati both online and off like she's done to me

  • I'm devastated that I hurt someone that I truly love and have endless respect for

  • So he deleted the post, didn't take any money, and apologized

  • Maybe I'm naïve? Seems to me like this was an oversight.

  • From a creator's perspective, I've done this too

  • A brand does you a favour and you just be like "alright fine" on InstaChat

  • We're cool now. It's kind of like a throwaway thing

  • It doesn't seem impossible that this was just a mistake

  • You know, it seems like the kind of thing where they could just call each other and resolve this

  • But according to Tati:

  • "I want to share with you guys really quickly why I'm being so public about this

  • 'cause I know the first thing a lot of people will say is, "Hey, why didn't you pick up the phone?

  • Why didn't you message him back? Like you guys should handle this privately... " "

  • Right! Why not? I don't get it! I really don't get it

  • Let's hear the motivation to why she decided to make this video to destroy James Charles' career:

  • "I was planning on hopping in my car and, you know, sitting down with him,

  • but... I changed my mind very, very quickly."

  • She was planning to talk to James, but she changed her mind... why?

  • "When I found out that he had been giving his side to drama channels

  • He had been in contact with plenty of them

  • I immediately knew that this was all about damage control, and had little to do with his care for me

  • because I just don't..."

  • So basically, she didn't resolve this privately with James Charles,

  • because she found out that he's been talking to drama channels

  • Something that she admits that she's done as well. She said she talked to...

  • "I have spoken with two drama channels that reached out,

  • and one of them is 'Here for the Tea' the other is 'Tea Spill,' um they're... "

  • So she's spoken to drama channels as well, and this is the reason why she didn't want to talk to James

  • Well, if you go to one of the drama channels that she mentions

  • [Both] "Tea Spill"

  • They post that James Charles said this:

  • [reads DM]

  • [Tati] "I immediately knew that this was all about damage control, and had little to do with his care for me

  • because I just don't..."

  • She was mad that he talked to drama channels because she thought he was gonna expose her

  • This is what he said!

  • I really don't get it

  • I'm not here to defend James Charles, I just don't think what Tati did is that justified

  • She says how fame changed James Charles and that she's been this mentor figure for him

  • "Fame, power and a fat bank account will change almost anyone"

  • She says she tried to be that person for him

  • But I think it's worth noting here that Tati is 37 years old

  • James Charles is still a teenager

  • Yes, he's 19. Yes, that doesn't excuse his behaviour,

  • but for a mother "figure" to just completely drag this kid

  • There's no oneno one has a problem with this?

  • Over something that could be resolved in private?

  • I had p... I have plenty of Youtubers being unfair to me, publicly, that has been humiliating

  • but either we talk it out in private, or I just stop being friends with them

  • It's not that difficult

  • I can't imagine just making a video publicly dragging someone instead of talking to them

  • Ignoring their calls and just being like, "I'm gonna drag this person online instead"

  • It feels very manipulative, this whole thing

  • Maybe you don't agree with me on that, but I have a few more points to prove that

  • And it's how she talks about her brand

  • If you ask peoplewhat did James Charles do?

  • People will say, "Oh, he tried to manipulate people about their sexuality."

  • That was the big drama, right?

  • But then what has that to do with Tatiana's brand?

  • "Good enough on its own, and we're selling like hotcakes.

  • Like I don't need to at this point. As we grow, maybe I will.

  • But that's not where my spend is, like, I don't —

  • I not gonna put $100,000 into an Instagram post for someone to jam a pill in their mouth and smile

  • that probably isn't taking it...

  • Uhm, I'd rather put that $100,000 into research,

  • and creating a really dope product that people really love and that's why they come back for more."

  • "My product is selling like hotcakes,

  • I just care about spending money to make my product as good as possible."

  • These are... she's... this is mad

  • "Go with my intuition and to like really, really try to do the right thing and to be a good person

  • and I know I'm a role model, and that matters to me. That has gravity to me."

  • "People see me as a good person and I know I'm a role model"

  • It feels a lot like James Charles bad, me very good

  • Very good. My brand good, James Charles' bad

  • "And I want to make a difference,

  • and let me also share that when I do reach the level of success that I hope to with Halo,

  • I'm gonna make a lot of positive changes.

  • They have huge plans for what I want to do to give back, and I have a... [Felix laughs]

  • She wants to do good with this brand.

  • Oh, she has plans for huge changes to do, a lot of good... then just do it.

  • Saying you're gonna do good things means nothing, okay? It's just another thing

  • It just feels weird to me how everyone absolutely love her

  • Look at how many people like this video! It feels very manipulative.

  • She's putting herself on a pedestal, while she clearly was completely fine not outing this behavior

  • about James Charles essentially using people's sexuality

  • And as long as James Charles would have instead promoted her vitamins, she would have been fine with it!

  • She would not have made this video, she would have been "good boy, James Charles, thank you very much"

  • All these issues arise just because it was an opportunity for her to do that.

  • And I do have a big problem with that.

  • "And to be a good person and I know I'm a role model, and that matters to me."

  • And the fact that a lot of people are celebrating this as something positive

  • because yes, it's fun to drag someone online

  • It's very troubling to me how this sort of behaviour gets rewarded online. This is 24 million views

  • For me to be the only one thinking this way, it feels a bit weird to me

  • That's why I feel like I have to bring my opinion on this from a Youtuber perspective

  • James Charles has not been secret about liking straight guys, it's something that he's been spelling out for years!

  • "Attractive straight boys will be the death of me."

  • [Ryland] "You have an issue with straight boys" [James] "I do"

  • [Ryland] "You need to work it out" [James] "I'm working on it, girl"

  • [Ryland] "You have to able to find a masculine gay guy"

  • [James] I mean there a million of them, but there is no challenge in that

  • [Ryland] That's never gonna end in a relationship

  • [James] Well not with that attitude it won't

  • [Shane] "If anything, you are just looking in the wrong places"

  • [Shane] "Like maybe stop looking at the straight guys"

  • So people were fine with this until it became a big deal

  • Until... it's like, oh okay. NOW everyone stopped following James Charles

  • Like all these people in the community that are also so controversial have all unfollowed him

  • I feel like there has to be something else, right?

  • There has to be something else that James Charles has done that I don't know about that hasn't surfaced yet

  • because otherwise this just doesn't make sense to me

  • I'm not saying that I think he is innocent,

  • I just say they both exposed themselves, in my opinion

  • So again, according to Tati, this whole thing started because

  • Tati thinks that he went through this elaborate stunt at Coachella about security

  • to make a promo for this vitamin brand on Instagram

  • And everyone's going, [mocking] "YAAAY TEAAAAAA!"

  • F*cking cringe... so pathetic, all of you.

  • That's just my opinion. I'm Poppy Poopy Pope. Goodbye.

  • [Pew News music plays]

ProJared did an oopsie!

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詹姆斯-查爾斯被取消 (James Charles is cancelled)

  • 1 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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