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  • You've just entered my office and

  • These clips are from the podcast where should we begin?

  • I'm Esther Perel, and I am a couples therapist

  • For the past 35 years I've been helping couples and people navigate the challenges of

  • relationships and

  • Until not too long ago. There was no such a thing as a couples therapist

  • Basically you got together with somebody you married, and that was it you were stuck for life

  • If you didn't like it well you could concern yourself with an early death

  • It was till death do us apart

  • Not as we have it today as till love dies

  • Never before has the survival of the family dependent on the happiness of the couple and

  • This has made the couple such a central unit

  • also

  • The unit of relationships that is probably undergoing the most changes in a very short amount of time

  • Never have we invested more in love and

  • never have we divorced or broken up more in the name of love I

  • Imagine a world in which we can experience

  • our

  • relationships with a sense of vitality and aliveness and vibrancy

  • Because I live with one perennial truth

  • the quality of your relationships is what determines the quality of your life and

  • The bonds and the connections that we make with other people that we established with them

  • Gives us a greater sense of meaning of happiness of well-being than any other

  • human experience

  • So let me ask you just for a moment

  • How many of you are in a relationship at this moment a romantic relationship, let's put it like that

  • And how many of you would like to be in a relationship

  • And now I would like some more light on the house for the next question

  • How many of you would like to be out of the relationship that you're in at least sometimes

  • You can leave the lights on at this moment

  • So we we can actually really relate to each other to

  • Do here what we're talking about

  • Relationships at this moment are undergoing such a massive shift

  • The norms are literally changing under our feet, and we have to make up the rulebook as we go

  • You know for a long time

  • Our relationships were pretty simple because they were dictated by rules

  • Religion had clear strictures, and it had structure and it had incentives and it had

  • prohibitions and

  • Social hierarchy was also very clear and it told us

  • how parents had to talk to the kids how children had to

  • Respond to adults her husband's had to talk to their wives and how wives didn't have to answer their husbands

  • Things were clear

  • All the decisions were made for us the big decisions

  • Who was going to be the breadwinner?

  • Who was going to wake up at night to feed the baby? Who has the right to demand for sex?

  • What you did is what you father did and at this moment we

  • have unraveled this system, and we have created a world of options and choices and

  • unprecedented freedom

  • But as a result we have to negotiate everything. It's all up for grabs

  • It's no longer clear who's gonna be the breadwinner in fact whose career is gonna

  • Take priority at this time who's gonna wake up tomorrow morning to feed the baby

  • Who's responsible for anything sure initiating sex next time who's going to plan the date?

  • What gender should I be dating how many people should I be dating at the same time?

  • Should I tell them about the others?

  • Am I ready to have children do I even want to have children should I move east should I move West?

  • Where am I going to go on vacation next

  • Am I in mind my needs, but getting met in this relationship?

  • Am I happy am I happy enough?

  • All these big decisions that have burdened the selfs like never before we have to figure it all out and

  • because of that

  • Conversations have become the heart of relationships

  • We have to talk about stuff that we've never talked about that

  • We don't know how to talk about that we don't have the vocabulary to talk about and most of the time

  • We've even never said it to ourselves

  • Are we up for the right people

  • So I want to unpack this conundrum with you

  • and

  • The way I think is this I'm imagining you sitting there saying so what is she going to tell me?

  • What are we going to do?

  • You know and I'm gonna tell you right up front so that you can relax in your anticipation

  • I do not have three easy steps for what you need to do

  • And I don't feel bad about it

  • because as you may have heard I have an accent which means that I'm not from here and

  • one of the things that non Americans sometimes say is that for some reason Americans think that every problem needs to have a solution and

  • I don't have a solution because many of these things are not a problem that we have to solve

  • but these are paradoxes that we need to manage.

  • For me to understand the confusions and the pains that we are experiencing in our relationships at this point

  • Demands that I kind of put it in context. How did we get there? What has happened?

  • What have been the big social and cultural shifts that are directly entering our sheets at this moment?

  • So allow me to take you on a quick tour in history

  • For a long time as social animals we lived in tribes. We lived in villages

  • We lived in communities and in those villages

  • we were told what to do and things were clear in return for allegiance and for obedience I

  • Would get a sense of belonging I would get a sense of continuity. I would get a sense of identity I

  • Got a lot of certainty. I got very little freedom, but I was never alone and

  • We moved to the cities and in our urban lives

  • we are for the first time so much more free, but also so much more alone and

  • For the first time we are turning to our romantic partners

  • To help us with that aloneness to help us transcend that existential aloneness

  • We still want all the same things that traditional marriage was about we want family life some of us we want

  • Companionship we want economic support we want social status

  • but now I want you also to be my best friend and my

  • Trusted confidant and my passionate lover to boot and all for the long haul and the long haul keeps getting longer

  • What we have created in a romantic ambition is one person to give us once an entire village used to provide

  • As I have sometimes said you don't solve this problem with Victoria's Secrets

  • And since there is no victor secret. We all know where the responsibility has lied

  • This shift from

  • The collective life where we had belonging

  • But very little freedom to where we have a lot of freedom, but everywhere we talk about relationships today

  • We hear about the fact that we no longer have a deep sense of

  • anchoring and belonging in rootedness like we used to have and that we are facing a modern massive epidemic of

  • Loneliness which in America today has become the number one public health crisis

  • more than obesity

  • A few other major changes took place in the old model when marriage was primarily an economic Enterprise

  • Intimacy had to do with sharing the life together you milked the cows you water the land. You'd raise the children

  • It was about economy

  • but today when I talk about intimacy I talk about it as into me see and

  • What I bring to you is not my dowry. It's not my

  • commercial assets I bring to you my inner life I

  • Bring to you my wishes my feelings my aspirations my anxieties and when I talk to you

  • I want you to look at me. No this (typing)

  • I want contact. I want connection. I want you to make me feel that I matter. I want you to reflect and

  • validate me and I want to transcend this life of growing atomization.

  • I also want you to

  • Help me or to help together actually

  • Achieve what is probably one of the most amazing

  • challenges of

  • Relationships today, this is where we want to bring under one roof

  • contradictory ideals and contradictory needs on the one hand our need for

  • security for rootedness for belonging for Anker for predictability for safety and on the other end our

  • Need for adventure and novelty and change and mystery every living organism

  • straddles this

  • polarity between change and stability

  • every person every relationship every company and

  • Thriving relationships are the ones who know how to reconcile these two fundamental sets of human needs

  • If you think for a moment all of you

  • Have grown up needing both

  • Security safety and adventure exploration

  • And some of you may have come of your childhood

  • needing more protection and

  • some of you may have come out of your childhood needing more space and autonomy and

  • If you think about how that enters into your relationships

  • You will notice that very often

  • in a couple

  • there is one person who is more in touch with the fear of losing the other and

  • One person who is more in touch with the fear of losing themselves

  • One person more afraid of abandonment and one person more afraid of suffocation

  • Reconciling security and adventure

  • reconciling love and desire in one relationship has become one of the great challenges

  • We today when we look for that person with whom we want to have everything we call that person the soulmate

  • Have you heard of the soulmate?

  • How many of you think that you're looking for a soulmate or have found a soulmate or are living with your soulmate?

  • You know the thing that really interested me about the soulmate is that

  • It's called the one the one and only all of that

  • But the soulmate was an interesting concept because for most of history the soulmate meant God

  • not another human being and

  • In our secularized society in the West we have basically taken romantic love

  • to replace the role of religion many times we look to our partners to give us transcendence and

  • meaning and

  • ecstasy and wholeness all these things that we used to look for in the perfect world of the divine and

  • Not only do we bring this zeal for the soulmate?

  • But the way we are looking for this soulmate is mired in a romantic consumption economy

  • I am going to look for the one and only

  • Through that thing where I have a thousand people at my fingertips

  • What does it mean to look for the one and only in the swiping culture in the village you have two choices?

  • Later you had six choices

  • Now you have a thousand choices

  • Do you know what it means to meet the one?

  • The one means that this is the one that's going to cure you of your case of FOMO

  • When I find you I no longer think I could do better

  • Phenomenal you know

  • For you my beloved I will delete my apps

  • Is the new ritual of commitment

  • And all these decisions by the way, you know that we have to make is it time to delete my apps and we study

  • Enough at this point. You know

  • If your parents didn't know any of this, but your grandparents. They would be turning around in their graves

  • you know

  • We have very few guidelines and a lot of options and all these options are giving us quite a bit of uncertainty

  • And quite a bit of self doubt as well

  • How do I know?

  • How do I know that I have found the one is a question that people ask me all the time?

  • When we talk about sex

  • Which is really an enormous series of changes that have taken place in relationships

  • First of all there are three primary sexual revolutions the advent of contraception

  • Without which women could never experience sexuality without women and men could never experience the freedom of

  • separating sex from reproduction

  • the women's movement

  • Which took on the abuses of power and the gay movement which introduced the concept of sexual identity?

  • For most of history sexuality was seen as a part of our biology

  • Today we have socialized it it is a part of who we are of our identity of how I see myself of how I

  • Express myself. It is a sovereign piece of my eye of who I am and for that matter it has become a fundamental human right

  • We no longer just have sex for reproduction neither is it in long-term relationships or in

  • Relationships that are with some some length

  • And it is no longer just a woman's marital duty today

  • sexuality especially after two kids if you have two or three which is the average Western thing, it's

  • basically for pleasure and connection no other motive

  • So it better be good

  • Because in order to want sex it needs to be sex that is worth wanting

  • This is really a major shift to have sexuality that is based only on my wanting

  • Which is the definition of desire is to own the wanting

  • And hopefully I want you and you want me and it happens to be at the same time

  • Tell other conditions to fulfill

  • But we have taken this now

  • Recently to yet another level a very very important and promising level

  • Because we are taking on for the first time

  • Again, maybe not for the first time, but again one of the oldest power dynamics

  • Related to sex and power

  • Where men have historically

  • leveraged their social power

  • in order to gain access to

  • sexual favors and

  • Women have leveraged their youth their beauty their sexuality which often was the only power they had

  • in order to access

  • Social power that was otherwise denied to her

  • This

  • examination of this power structure is

  • concurrently under intense scrutiny

  • And it is also giving us a unique opportunity to finally open up the narrow

  • boxes in which masculinity femininity

  • male and female have been locked up for way too long for

  • The last 40 years

  • We have done in the West and everywhere else a little bit of the beginning work, but very

  • significant work to help women

  • Find their power in their voice

  • But we have often left men stuck in a complete

  • definitional void of manhood

  • Patriarchy doesn't just hurt women

  • it hurts us all and

  • To take four year old boys and stop touching them less than we touch our daughters and begin this

  • Systematic dismantle ment of their emotional lives so that we can make the making of modern

  • masculinity highly performance-based

  • rooted in self-reliance and autonomy and

  • fearlessness and competition

  • All kinds of things that have actually made men way more vulnerable

  • Less likely to live long and not always the best partners

  • If we are going to work towards true equality

  • We will match our intense efforts in helping women find power and voice

  • With our intense efforts to help men be able to share their heart and their vulnerability

  • and in such

  • We will give people

  • People human beings the opportunity to be more whole

  • rather than defined in this very narrow binary gender constructs

  • so

  • for that when paradigm changes happen

  • Things are difficult. It gets messy. It gets confusing there are misunderstandings

  • There are judgments and more than ever we need

  • conversation and we need nuanced

  • conversations and

  • As it happens often we therapists get to hear these conversations in our offices

  • But we don't get to share them with the world

  • because generally, this is a room of which nobody ever enters except the people themselves the couple and

  • So with the podcast I wanted to create a space

  • Where you can hear the conversations that maybe you will want to have at some point?

  • People who talk about things that they've never said to each other and rarely to themselves you see fake news isn't just for politics

  • It also applies

  • acutely to the purity of instagram lives

  • where we craft and filter these perfect fictitious stories and

  • Nobody really knows what truly goes on in the lives of other couples

  • and

  • everybody comes into my office and

  • You may be asking yourselves am I the only one that experiences this

  • And I am here to tell you

  • No, you're not

  • In fact it is set up in such a way that when we deal with

  • imperfections with pains with longings with yearnings with frustrations

  • Instead of knowing that they are part of a collective yearning or a social ill we privatize the problem

  • And we make it our own

  • The podcast was a way to recreate a virtual village

  • Where you we get to know what goes on in the lives of others?

  • You know the village you could hear every fight and every fuck

  • The walls were porous it was simple

  • but

  • Now you have friends they come to tell you that they're breaking up, and you didn't see it coming

  • Miscarriages, and you didn't know about them affairs, and you certainly didn't know about them

  • It's like nobody knows. What is really going on in the lives of another couple and that isolation

  • That loneliness doesn't help us. It's actually quite damaging

  • So I want you to look under your seat every one of you you will find a blindfold I

  • Ask that you put the blindfolds on

  • So you can put everything else down and put on the blindfold

  • Please don't cheat

  • Because we are going to listen together

  • You see when you

  • Limit one sense like sight it often

  • Activates the other senses and the first one that it activates is actually listening

  • listening is the first sense that any

  • baby

  • Experiences in utero it is the recognition of the mother's voice it is our first most primal connective sense

  • When we listen deeply to other people we reach into their humanity we also get to see

  • Ourselves, and we certainly get to understand otherness

  • difference

  • Let's listen together

  • Intensely, and if you get uncomfortable if you feel the vulnerability of having your sight limited just breathe

  • and

  • Accept it notice it

  • The couple I want you to listen to to meet they have been together for about ten years

  • They've just gone through a major crisis. They have two children

  • They are wondering when Trust is broken

  • Can it be brought back

  • They are in the midst of this conversation for the first time understanding that the legacies

  • That they bring are not only the ones of their families

  • But also the large also scripts that they so beautifully internalized both of them

  • clip number two

  • Can we play?

  • I had a very hard time shedding that person who was invulnerable

  • Who can take on everything

  • Who can trust

  • You know grin and bear it

  • Did your father hit you? -yes?

  • Yes, i was abused.

  • And is that where you learn to grin and bear and say I will never show you that you hurt me?

  • Yes

  • It drove me

  • That's what it did I said, I'll show you I'll show you I'll show you I'll show you what?

  • that no one can hurt me I

  • Never show of vulnurability again because vulnerable people get stepped on and I don't want to be a victim anymore

  • She's ever seen you like this not until recently very few times. I would say

  • It was new to me. How real that pain is for you?

  • What am I?

  • Early thirties I was like eight nine years old and you know I was saying my minute can Republic and we were playing basketball

  • Got a little heated

  • You didn't really want to fight, but you had to show that you're tough and that like yeah

  • I I want to fight be really in your back you mind. I really don't want to fight. You're really hoping that

  • Some adults will come and say now now boys you know

  • It wasn't my case

  • My case it was come here. Go kick his ass, and I'm gonna put bets on

  • So picture this two eight nine year old boys

  • Going at each other in a circle and the adults

  • were

  • saying "come on, go, go, go kick his ass. Now punch him in the face."

  • That's the kind of environment

  • That's the kind did you get beat up? Yeah? I don't ask you

  • Go bad never told my parents at all I was ever thought because your dad said if you get your butt kicked

  • If you get your hands come home. Oh, okay, I rise on top of that

  • But it also makes me appreciate

  • so much, how you

  • Didn't teach your boys this no and you

  • together

  • You let your boys cry

  • Right we in our parenting, but a lot of that I got from you

  • you helped me a lot I

  • Always said you were but all because Union yeah, we're a very aggressive very

  • But a lot of our our

  • family and friends and just social circles a

  • lot of people have that mindset of

  • The reason I turned out the way, I did and the reason I'm such an upstanding

  • Good human being is because I've got my butt kicked when I was a kid and look at kids today. They have no respect

  • You can take off the blindfolds, and if you want you can keep them for tonight

  • So it blows my mind that I get to hear these conversations and nobody else does

  • Because I know

  • That when we listen

  • deeply to

  • The experiences of other people we often actually find ourselves standing in front of our own mirror

  • and we can see ourselves and

  • We can also get inspiration for the courageous conversations that we need to be having

  • So, what did you hear just take a moment where did it take you?

  • And just notice it I

  • Want you to reflect for a moment on some of these questions

  • How do you show up in your relationships and

  • How often do you avoid showing up with emojis

  • What are some of the things that you do to disconnect from others

  • When's the last time that you read a book or

  • Who did a workshop or for that matter came to a talk like this one?

  • In order to learn to become a better partner or a better lover

  • Is there someone that

  • You would need to call at this moment

  • To whom you owe some apology?

  • Or to whom you simply are checking in. How are you?

  • We are at survey and you are all creatives and innovators

  • many of you are part of the architecture that is aiming to redesign just about every part of our lives, but

  • Recently when I went to one of these big tech conferences they did a series of moonshots

  • the future of food the future of fashion the future of transportation of Education of cybersecurity

  • You name it 10

  • None of them on the future of relationships

  • How can that be it's almost irresponsible?

  • Especially when we know that the quality of our relationships is what determines

  • the quality of our lives I

  • Want you to bring relationships to the heart of your

  • Occupations and preoccupations to bring it back to have its centrality

  • Acknowledged so that loneliness isn't just something that hides in plain sight

  • And in this week that you are here

  • When you see somebody standing alone talk to strangers

  • Touch them ask them look at them just check in with them

  • And if you're here because somebody made it possible for you to be here

  • We eat from work or from home

  • Call them

  • Call them and thank them for making it possible for you to be here because they're Manning the home front of the front whichever

  • Don't just say. I'm sorry

  • For not being there because if you're sorry for not being there. It's more about how important you are

  • You get that

  • But if you actually say, thank you and you show appreciation

  • For what they do that allows you to do what you do

  • Then you enter into the fundamental understanding that relationships are complex systems that are made up of

  • interdependent parts

  • You can be here because somebody is there

  • and

  • In the course of this week

  • Maybe one time instead of sending a text

  • Call and

  • maybe one time when you go, and you have a meal with somebody you leave your phone in your pocket and

  • Don't just walk with it to the bathroom

  • To do all the things now you get what I'm saying

  • Relationships people they are your story

  • Write well and edit often. Thank you

  • So

  • This is only part one

  • Can we get some light in the house and?

  • Let's talk together

  • so

  • Let's talk ask questions

  • When your question is no longer a question I will tell you

  • But I think that this is just the beginning of a tableau just itching of the landscape and now we can begin to

  • cook

  • So they are mixing the aisles

  • You're going to need to get up and come to the mics so that

  • We can all hear you and just let's go

  • Yes

  • Where are you?

  • Yeah, right in the middle it's okay. I will see you there. I know yes

  • So I was recently in a conversation with my friends, and I work in a corporation and a lot of feminists

  • Etc etc and we had a conversation about men missing from the conversation

  • And I heard them say we need to stop talking about men. You know. It's we need to focus on women right now

  • It's just a cop-out and I love your talk about how do we bring men into this conversation in relationship?

  • So what would be your advice when you're having those conversations in you you hear a lot of?

  • What I would say is this it's one line

  • And it's not a line that is new for me

  • I've been saying it for quite a while the lives of women will not change until

  • the men come along

  • The lives of women will not change until the men get the opportunity to also examine and define and change their lives

  • in many ways I

  • Sometimes think that the 20th century was the century where the women made all these massive

  • Changes and the 21st century will be the changes of that man will make

  • partly in adapt to the changes that the women have done I

  • Don't think that you get to be safe by excluding

  • You need moments when you are alone, but you need plenty of new conversations

  • nuanced conversations

  • uncomfortable conversations that tolerate ambiguity and deal with the profound ambivalence that some of us have

  • Over the status quo. Thank you so much

  • Yes

  • Hey Esther, thanks for being here today. I think you're such a rockstar you would tell this to my mother. She's

  • Nothing like you

  • I actually have a personal question. I was wondering if in one

  • Of your relative roles as a mother or a wife or a woman or whichever you have ever

  • Suffered from shall I say loss of identity

  • No a beautiful question. Yes continue your sentence. Sorry if so, then how have you dealt with it? Yeah?

  • I

  • Think that this question that you asked is actually one of the fundamental challenges

  • in relationship

  • How do you maintain connection and?

  • separateness at the same time

  • How do you experience togetherNess and individuality at the same time? How do you stay connected to yourself?

  • You need your sensations your body your pleasure your whatever. It is and at the same time are close to somebody else

  • Whenever I this is totally personal I in 35 years with Jack with the same partner

  • I have two sons 21 and 24 and when I felt like that sentence

  • that would come up in me was I'm not made for this I

  • Would literally leave for a week

  • Thank you so much. I thought was very good

  • It made it very clear that I'm not merely so needed and that important and everybody seems to do quite well when I'm not around

  • So that is very good for the grandiosity

  • And then the second part was I went to meet people friends that gave me back

  • They are the parts of myself that were not the ones that live at home

  • We need community we need our relationships to exist within a larger social

  • context that has been always very very clear to me and

  • The nice thing is that generally I think I've never worried otherwise my husband would say to me. Have a great time

  • so he was not unhappy about it I

  • Howdy I really loved your insight into how there are all these different dynamics

  • that are sub layering on how everything now is the negotiation and a conversation and

  • Just this past week with my own therapist we talked about how she actually really likes ultimatums as a way to

  • Move things forward yes

  • Negotiation so I'd love your perspective

  • You have an ultimatum that you need to put on somebody who is not making a decision that you would like him or her to

  • make maybe

  • I

  • Will use this hypothetically

  • He is here

  • So that changes the whole thing, I just went from an individual session to a couple session

  • The ultimatum is not to the other person

  • The ultimatum is it's not even an ultimatum. You need to know what you can live with how much uncertainty how much

  • You know there's a term. I sometimes used to describe what happens in relationships these days. It's called stable ambiguity

  • Stable ambiguity is that we are together?

  • Just enough so that I don't have to feel alone, but not too much so that I don't have to feel committed

  • Any of you know what I'm talking about

  • You need to know how much of that stable ambiguity

  • You know too afraid to be alone not mature enough to really delve deep and it's for you. You don't say to the other person

  • April March the summer Christmas my exam my promotion

  • You know all these ultimatums

  • You just simply at one point you decide I don't want this this this the and I don't want it for a multitude of reasons

  • It makes me you know it makes me doubt myself

  • It makes me doubt your connection to me. I would like this project to start and

  • You decide you don't put yourself in a position where you make the other person decide and you wait

  • Helplessly till they let you know what they want, which they don't know what they want

  • Hello, sir hi. Hello, ma'am I'm a huge fan of yours. I've watched both your TED Talks multiple times question. Yes, I do

  • I mean I like to hear it. You know it's a waste of time. I can tell you more about anyone

  • So the first I guess one. I guess two questions, so one is now you get one one question

  • There's a long line behind you okay, lovely so this is the question it's a hard one, but we're gonna go there

  • So I'm black as you can tell and I've noticed within especially black Millennials a lot of my white friends in college a lot of

  • Them are mostly getting married my black friend to see they're not happening or it's happening later

  • And I don't know if this is something you've studied or if you read any literature on it

  • But I think that our history as a community in this country

  • affects my generations ability to get out of that stable and the beauty that you talk about

  • So I don't know if there's resources things you've read about that or just

  • General tips for how people in my generation to get away from that stable

  • Ambiguity and to move forward and to get rid of whatever fears or things are great. What a beautiful question. Thank you first of all

  • So I

  • Think that one of the things that needs to happen is you having this conversation first of all with multiple other men

  • Of all colors for that matter, but maybe first with your own and your own is a broad group

  • You know your own is just a buffer. That's a whole other conversation, but

  • You know I think you know what I'm saying so that's the first thing is that?

  • What you will realize is that it's not you know is there something wrong with me that I want to be doing this everybody else

  • seems to be perfectly content with that and you know and

  • There I won't tell you know there into the optimization and I would like something else

  • That's the first thing the second thing is you open the conversation?

  • This is where you use the tools and you say you know in our community

  • We have an issue

  • This in our community you have an issue

  • We are not meeting

  • Many of the women of color do not go to with men of color

  • We have discrepancies of education and this and that we have a long list of what black men should represent

  • And it is not what I want to be and body else out there, and you make this become something that is

  • echoed

  • communion and from that place

  • I think at some point you will realize

  • My experience in Italy when somebody wants something else is that there are plenty of other people who want that same thing?

  • But they don't know each other

  • You know sometimes in my office

  • I think I should take this one and mix them with that when I do this

  • you know I feel like I'm dying to change my practice into a

  • dating service on occasion

  • You know because I've sat with men that tell me that story, and I'm thinking but this one you know

  • I wish they maybe I can schedule them at the same time so they can live in the waiting room. You know something like that

  • But I think the first thing you do with something like this is you take it out of its hidden

  • secret

  • Shameful unacknowledged place you normalize it because what you want is a beautiful thing

  • And it shouldn't have to be the exception

  • Oh, we have good 11 minutes people have never had so much fat

  • You talked a lot about loneliness

  • And how people aren't really don't know what's going on in other couples mm-hmm. Do you agree?

  • Yeah, and I also feel like there's also this issue with

  • Community like what community because like I come have community people that I was with before I met my girlfriend

  • She has her community of people and so I wonder what your thoughts are on how a couple really should really start

  • Establishing a community and finding people who you can connect with and how whether that should be coming from the groups that the individuals have

  • Whether you should still

  • So you know one thing that you will notice if you put in Google friendships between men and women and the American Google is

  • That the first whatever 30 articles all tell you it's impossible

  • This is weird just so you know this is not true

  • This is a cultural script. You know. This is a cultural script in a society

  • Where sex is always deeply uncomfortable and where as a culture we are at the same time completely obsessed and embarrassed by it?

  • So that's why there is this notion that you can't be because they may be an attraction, and if there is an attraction

  • What are you going to do with it? You know you could lose it as if people can't just you know

  • but that

  • keep their hands in I

  • Think that you have friends that come with you each of you bring people

  • colleagues

  • mentors

  • Other people that you meet at events like this that are not in your inner circle

  • But they are acquaintances with whom you share certain things

  • You want a village a big village actually you want friends that are together and friends that you have alone?

  • Because the friends that you have alone often help you be together

  • You know I call my bitch about my partner, and then they say yeah mine too, and then I think where am I going?

  • It's just as bad there

  • You know marriage is marriage. It's like you know all

  • Right think the other part. That's it shit. I have it actually so good

  • You know he lets me be you know for the life of me

  • I couldn't have somebody who wants so many things and criticizes me all the time. I loved it space

  • It's like you need to step outside of your own narrow dyadic frame to get perspective and with that perspective

  • Comes the things you want to change and the things you want to keep and I can't emphasize it enough

  • You know in this country

  • This is just one example. I had of this and then we could do an entire top on it when people need help

  • Especially when it's a family stuff. You know first. They look for an option to pay

  • Then if really they can't find someone then they may go and ask a friend with utter reluctance that it would impose on them

  • Who doesn't like to be helpful?

  • Who doesn't feel more connected and more important in the lives of others because other people need you this is warped

  • so for that

  • Connection to take place and all the other community thing. It's about really acknowledging that we are profoundly

  • Interdependent people nobody goes at it alone, and if they do they don't do it well

  • Hi

  • Can you lower the mic a tiny bit to you some yeah

  • What is your opinion about and resolve the childhood trauma our relationships?

  • What is my opinion about unresolved trauma in childhood

  • I'm gonna answer you

  • Differently because otherwise I'd need to know more about it in order to make an answer that says something

  • But I will answer you more personally

  • Because I am a child of Holocaust survivors

  • So I had to leave know the question that you're talking about

  • My two parents were both in concentration camps for five years each

  • And they both were the only people that survived from their entire family

  • so I would kind of say that trauma came with mother's milk and

  • literally I kind of it absorbed it with osmosis and

  • Then many other things and the thing that I want you to understand is that every time you think

  • PTSD you also have to think post-traumatic growth

  • We are resilient people

  • We we know to suffer and we know to

  • Sometimes take that very suffering and turn it into our resources and into our strengths

  • But sometimes when people had experienced massive trauma they can land in two places

  • some people didn't die and

  • Some people come back to life

  • some people end up surviving and some people just

  • manage also to thrive and

  • what I hope for you is whatever you experience that you can take that life force that is in you and

  • give yourself the permission to both cry and yearn and mourn and all of that on whatever it is that happened and

  • Give yourself the permission to experience full joy and connection. Thank you

  • Yes, hi I'm part of a group that designs for long distance relationships

  • And so the core question we have is how do we create and maintain?

  • intimacy and support

  • When you can't physically be what's all right great

  • I've done a bunch of articles about this

  • Actually, you know I think that one of the things that is very interesting is to really understand the difference between

  • Intimacy and surveillance

  • Do you know what I'm saying you seem to know

  • as

  • In where were you today? What did you do? Where did you eat?

  • Did you finish your meal was it good was it well cooked you know it's like

  • Who cares and what does it tell us you know I think in a very interesting way

  • That you want to use the distance one of the beautiful things is that we know that?

  • Desire is rooted in absence and in longing as well as it is in heaving

  • So I think that the way you work on the distance is you you instead of trying to minimize it you actually

  • Completely make it front and center, and you want you connect every few days

  • But when you do you do it meaningfully you write you write letters the first time is nice and the sky

  • But there is something about writing letters that is by the way

  • Apropos the previous question when you write a letter you are at the same time with yourself and with the other person

  • We've lost that you know it's very different from a text

  • It's also nice texting

  • but there is something about going internally and

  • Inviting the other person to accompany you there for a while that is much more interesting than how is management ink doing

  • Thank you. I

  • Mean do you have questions that I could answer?

  • Every one of them for we built an hour talk, but yes

  • hi, I have a question um I'm in graduate school, and I'm graduating in May to become a therapist and

  • the entire curriculum, no one has ever talked about sex therapy and I

  • really love to hear your perspective on monogamy and long-term relationships when infidelity is so common and

  • Having those that paradox of wanting adventure and

  • wanting stability and

  • basically how you heandle that

  • Just wrote a whole book about this. It's called the state of affairs

  • And it really you know it looks at the number of things around monogamy

  • you know the interesting thing about monogamy by the way is that monogamy used to be one person for life and

  • To do today monogamy is one person at a time

  • So people tell me very often. You know I am monogamous in all my relationships

  • Plural it makes perfect

  • sense you know monogamy had nothing to do with love it was basically an economic imposition on women and

  • Today it has everything to do with love and people used to cheat because relationships marriages were not meant to provide

  • passion and love and today people cheat sometimes because the marriage or the relationship

  • They're in doesn't give them the love and the passion that they wanted or that it promised

  • so

  • I

  • Think that as a whole I would simply say this

  • Infidelity has always existed it has existence since marriage was invented

  • It's very complex, and we can't reduce these

  • multi-layered human experiences into good and bad

  • victim and perpetrators and black and white and

  • Anything I will do in working about relationships all of your relationships

  • Is to help bring back?

  • complexity nuance and less judgment and more reflection

  • So the rest you will find in the book

  • But also by the way the podcast has quite a few episodes on that and I don't know if I mentioned it

  • But today Friday March 9 is when season 2 goes on iTunes

  • Thank you

  • For all of you to enjoy

  • Yes, hi

  • So do you believe that every human being has the same capacity for emotion?

  • Do we all feel with the same potential or do we all have different minimums and maximums?

  • The latter the latter we are latter we we all have the same we all pretty much share the six basic emotions

  • But the way we experience them the way we narrate them and the room we make for them is very diverse

  • People I am very very sorry I see that the doors have opened and

  • So I have literally a few seconds to say sorry for the questions

  • I will not answer, and thank you for all of you for being here

  • I'm here for two more talks one with bumble and one with Vox and one with redo

  • so if you want to hear more we can continue to be in conversation and

  • Where should we begin?

You've just entered my office and

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埃斯特-佩雷爾|現代愛情與關係|2018年SXSW大會。 (Esther Perel | Modern Love and Relationships | SXSW 2018)

  • 7 4
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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