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  • - It's so cold in the car.

  • (car engine starting)

  • Come on, heater, blast me.

  • It's cold air!

  • Ooh, please get warm.

  • I know I live in LA, but geez,

  • I really, really can't take the cold.

  • It's like my least favorite thing.

  • We're going to Pilates.

  • (light music)

  • Okay. - No worries.

  • - It's all or nothing. - They're animals.

  • - Well done. - Okay, 15 seconds left.

  • - What a great feeling.

  • Finished my workout.

  • My legs feel like jello.

  • I am starving.

  • I'm gonna make some lunch,

  • and thank God for my HelloFresh delivery.

  • It arrived today, and I'm stoked.

  • I also wanna give a big thank you

  • to HelloFresh for sponsoring this video.

  • They have been amazing partners.

  • I have been using HelloFresh for a solid year now

  • and I absolutely love it because one,

  • it's freaking delicious.

  • I have yet to have a bad meal with HelloFresh.

  • They have more five-star recipes

  • than any other meal kit out there.

  • Number two, I love how flexible they are.

  • Me and Ben both bop around a lot

  • and we travel, and our schedules

  • can be really, really intense.

  • I love the fact that I can change the delivery days

  • when I need to and skip a week if I'm not in town.

  • And third, HelloFresh really helps with my decision fatigue

  • because I make so many choices,

  • so many damn choices every single day,

  • that by the time it's like meal time

  • I'm like I don't even know what I wanna eat.

  • So it's nice that HelloFresh just already has

  • these pre-portioned ingredients.

  • I don't need to prep.

  • It's all in this bag.

  • So it's just actually less food waste

  • and I can save a lot on time.

  • Each recipe can take up to like 20 to 30 minutes.

  • So really, really quick.

  • I am going to be making this for lunch today.

  • This is the frijoles fresca bowls.

  • Mmm. (light music)

  • I using literally the smallest pan of all time.

  • This looks so fricking good.

  • I'm so excited to dig in.

  • Mmm!

  • So HelloFresh is now from 5.66 per serving

  • and if you have been on the fence of trying HelloFresh

  • now is the time.

  • They have a New Year's sale.

  • You can go on

  • enter the code CLOTHES10 and you get 10 free meals

  • including free shipping.

  • Like, if that's not the deal of the century,

  • I don't know what is.

  • Definitely go check it out.

  • I will leave a link in my description box.

  • Weylie just came over and she gave me a bag of oranges

  • plucked from her tree.

  • - Home grown organic oranges from my backyard.

  • (laughs)

  • What we're supposed to be doing is journaling.

  • So I brought over my supplies.

  • But, you know, the girl talk session

  • had to squeeze in there.

  • So we've been talking for like two hours. (laughs)

  • - [Jenn] That's true.

  • We have gotten nothing done.

  • - We got nothing done.

  • But we're starting now.

  • I'm editing and then we're journaling.

  • You're setting up your life for the year.

  • I wish we could've recorded them running around the--

  • - [Jenn] I know, they were having a freaking marathon.

  • - Oh, sorry. - Are they starting again?

  • No.

  • I'm gonna have a bite of one of these oranges.

  • Oranges are my favorite fruit actually.

  • Wow.

  • - Yeah? - Hmm.

  • - Good? - Mm-hmm.

  • - Sweet? - They're sweet, wow!

  • (light music)

  • Good morning, it is Sunday.

  • I am currently getting ready to go

  • to the Rose Bowl Flea Market.

  • They have the best vintage,

  • and that's where I found my vintage Pink Floyd tank.

  • I found my first acid wash, vintage denim shorts

  • 10 years ago when it was so difficult to find.

  • A lot of the stuff that I got at the Rose Bowl

  • I still keep to this day.

  • But this time I'm going with Ben,

  • and we're gonna start looking for stuff for the house.

  • I definitely wanna look for a decorative tray

  • and then we're just gonna peruse and see what's there.

  • By the way, I've been loving to watch

  • everyone's best products of 2019.

  • And I'm still like on the hunt for a good primer.

  • So I'm trying out Milk's Hydro Grip Primer

  • and another primer I got is the Cover FX gripping primer

  • and this one was recommended by Tati.

  • Her recommendations are always on point,

  • so I'm pretty sure I'm gonna like this.

  • So yeah, today we're gonna try out

  • the Milk Hydro Grip Primer.

  • For first impressions, it's like very tacky,

  • it's like you put it on and you're like, okay,

  • I feel like my face is ready for some application.

  • One of you guys recommended

  • the Laura Mercier-Tinted Moisturizer with SPF 30.

  • So that's what we're gonna try today.

  • Well, it's kind of a natural look

  • but not like to do natural.

  • I still want my face to be covered.

  • I wonder if this is the correct amount to put on.

  • I feel like I'm putting on a lot.

  • It's definitely watery,

  • and I feel like because I'm using a beauty blender,

  • a lot of the product's being thinned out.

  • It's definitely getting rid of that redness

  • but it's not like spackle, you know what I mean?

  • A couple of tips for the Rose Bowl Flea Market,

  • definitely get there as early as you can.

  • You can get there at six a.m, I think.

  • But then it's just really expensive to get in.

  • I think it's like $30 to get in

  • and that's if you really, really are itching

  • to get the best things.

  • But there's a lot of things there.

  • There's no need to have

  • a scarcity mentality for the Rose Bowl Flea Market.

  • I think getting there like nine, 9:30 should be good.

  • We've got some blush, highlighter, brows, mascara

  • and just the gloss.

  • Do I want a lip color?

  • Okay, all good.

  • This will go.

  • Ah, it smells so good.

  • It smells like hard candy.

  • Like a peach hard candy.

  • Okay I'm good, I'm good, okay.

  • (light music)

  • - We're ready.

  • It's a lovely day.

  • - It is really a lovely day.

  • And we stopped by Weylie's and she let us borrow this cart.

  • This is exactly what you need.

  • - Right, lovely.

  • - We've got all our knickknacks in here.

  • - Knickknacks.

  • - It's like essentially like those carts that--

  • - Old people have.

  • - Yeah, old, exactly.

  • - They're great.

  • (light music)

  • - We've retrieved the ticket.

  • We've been here for like a good hour and a half.

  • - About an hour maybe.

  • - Yeah, have not gotten anything.

  • - Well, we've got lemonade and pretzel.

  • Maybe once we buy something,

  • we'll, you know, get the flow going.

  • - Mm-hmm.

  • - Some great stuff,

  • but it's just hard when we kind of want, we don't--

  • - Specific things.

  • - Specific things. - Mmhmm.

  • (light music)

  • (speaking in Koream)

  • (speaking in Korean) Everything's red. (laughs)

  • (speaking in Korean)

  • (light music)

  • I'm back home.

  • We've got some lights set up in the back.

  • I am gonna be filming a video tomorrow with my friend Pony.

  • She is in LA and I'm so excited.

  • If you guys don't know who Pony is,

  • you guys are severely missing out.

  • I'm pretty sure the majority of you guys do.

  • But she does incredible makeup videos here on YouTube.

  • She's very skilled and she is awesome.

  • If I'm gonna be honest, I'm a little bit nervous

  • because I'm gonna be speaking Korean for that entire video.

  • Just a warning,

  • I have a very like thick accent with my Korean.

  • It's like a thick American accent when I speak Korean.

  • But one of my 30 before 30 goals

  • is to really, really improve my Korean.

  • I have reached out to a couple of tutors

  • to teach me Korean better,

  • and it's gonna happen at some point.

  • I just need to schedule it in.

  • It was also really nice to see my parents

  • because, I mean, they're my parents and I love 'em

  • and it was nice to get to spend some time with them.

  • And just the Bonus Jonas, I was able to practice my Korean.

  • I feel like my whole day was just spent at the flea market.

  • I got so much stuff, but not home goods.

  • We went in with like a vision.

  • We're like, we're gonna get catch-alls,

  • we're gonna get decorative knick-knacks.

  • Nothing spoke to either of us.

  • But once I got to the clothing section of the flea market,

  • I was like, I'm at home.

  • It all makes sense.

  • And because I'm addicted to buying clothes, okay?

  • Like sue me.

  • It is what it is.

  • And this is all like sustainable, It's vintage,

  • it's supporting local businesses.

  • You know, we're stimulating the economy.

  • I'm just trying to justify all my purchases.

  • But I will show you guys in another clip,

  • but tonight gonna be editing.

  • (speaking in foreign language) (laughing)

  • - Okay, okay.

  • - (speaking in foreign language) One, two, one, two, three.

  • (speaking in foreign language)

  • Almost like literally thought (speaking in foreign language)

  • was like made in America.

  • But that makes no sense.

  • - We're going to eat some (speaking in foreign language).

  • - It's like spam pumpkin.

  • (speaking in foreign language)

  • - Oh, my God, should I just put it like this?

  • - Yeah, absolutely.

  • Wow. - Wow.

  • - Wow. (speaking in foreign language)

  • - Oh, okay.

  • (speaking in foreign language)

  • - Each one, a personal one. (speaking in foreign language).

  • (laughs)

  • - Wow, wow, you'll get the--

  • - Final touch. - Final decor.

  • - Wow.

  • (speaking in foreign language).

  • I just got off the call with my Korean tutor.

  • I found one on

  • I'm taking this seriously.

  • I had the option of getting a five-week class

  • or a 10-week class.

  • And I went for five just

  • to see how me and this teacher work out.

  • I think it's gonna go pretty well.

  • I'm excited.

  • Filming with Pony yesterday was so much fun.

  • Honestly, I didn't realize how fast time was going

  • because the filming the Get Ready With Me video

  • took a good like, it two hours and 30 minutes.

  • And then we filmed the mukbang,

  • which I think took like another hour.

  • And my Korean side is literally so rusty.

  • I feel like there's like cobwebs on there.

  • It needs to be fine-tuned.

  • So I think, if anything,

  • those video clips will be like a good piece of evidence

  • of how my Korean was before.

  • We'll see what it looks like in five weeks

  • and then 10 weeks.

  • And I wanna be really adamant about this.

  • I really, really want to speak better Korean

  • because I just would like

  • to have even like deeper relationship with my parents

  • and also my grandparents.

  • I feel like my pronunciation and my grammar structure

  • can be hella improved.

  • I have two furry bucket hats now.

  • These are from MeMine.

  • This is very like early 2000s, and I am living for it.

  • I've been on a fricking roll.

  • One thing that I'm very proud

  • of is I've been meditating every day.

  • I hit a 15-day streak on Calm.

  • I wanna see how long I can go,

  • but I don't want to have

  • that competitive nature get into my head

  • because I've told this story before,

  • but I used to use Headspace.

  • They also have badges and streaks.

  • However, they only reward you

  • from like the first seven days.

  • And then it's the first 30 days,

  • from 30 days, it goes directly to 90.

  • And so, somewhere in between, like my 60 days,

  • I missed one session and I just lost it.

  • That was like two years ago.

  • That was 2017.

  • And so, I had to take a break from meditation apps

  • because I was using it incorrectly.

  • Because what kind of person gets upset

  • about missing a meditation streak?

  • Clearly I was using it wrong.

  • So even though I have a 15-day streak on the Calm app,

  • eventually, there's gonna be a day

  • where I just can't meditate.

  • And when I break the streak, I'm not gonna be like, ah,

  • like flipping over the table.

  • So I'm just trying to be like,

  • it's about being consistent but not obsessive.

  • I forgot to do a couple of graphic notes

  • for my favorite books video that's coming out.

  • I'm doing another one.

  • I think by the time you're watching this,

  • it's already up, so please go watch it.

  • I did my top 10 favorite books I've read last year.

  • (light music)

  • So this is my baja taco salad.

  • And here's Ashley.

  • - Hi. (laughs)

  • The real snack.

  • - [Jenn] She's leaving for New York.

  • - I know, I'm so glad I got to see Jenn before I left.

  • We see each other about every like four months.

  • - Yeah. - We're doing our best here.

  • - That's true. (light music)

  • I am back from my lunch with Ashley.

  • We went to Jewel which is one of my favorite spots.

  • We just wanted to get lunch before she moved to New York.

  • She is so inspiring.

  • Just her hustle, her creativity, her intellect.

  • She's like the whole package.

  • I also wanted to give you guys an update

  • about all the things that I got at the Rose Bowl Flea Market

  • because I never got around to it.

  • So we're gonna do that right now before I forget.

  • I'm actually wearing one of the pieces right now.

  • This is a Velvet Underground crew neck.

  • I will always have a fascination with the late '60s,

  • especially during the Andy Warhol factory days.

  • The Velvet Underground was one

  • of the bands that would always play there.

  • And I got this for $10!

  • So this is my next item.

  • It's this almost like speckled acid-washed hoodie from Nike.

  • I decided on this yellow one because it's like warm

  • but also cool tone.

  • There's gray speckled bits in it.

  • So I love the fact that I can

  • mix and match different silver and gold jewelry with this.

  • It's just a really like flexible but comfortable piece

  • that I can wear to a kickback,

  • to the grocery store, to seeing my parents,

  • all types of events.

  • I love big T-shirts, I love big tees.

  • I feel like Micky is iconic.

  • He will always be in style

  • and I especially love the colorway.

  • It's in this like lovely grey stone wash

  • and it's super comfortable.

  • I love that it goes over my butt,

  • so I can wear it with like biker shorts.

  • I can just wear it like this.

  • I could wear it around the house.

  • So this next purchase is actually Ben's.

  • This is the only thing he got

  • and I think I'm gonna steal it from him.

  • It's like a figure skater.

  • This is completely illegible to me.

  • I don't know what it says,

  • but I love how large the graphic is.

  • Like, it goes all the way across the chest

  • and I just feel like it's a super flattering shape.

  • And also the silhouette,

  • it's got like a nice drop shoulder.

  • Also covers the butt.

  • I also like the colorway.

  • It's like red, white, and blue.

  • It's kind of like patriotic

  • but not too much in your face because there's like literally

  • a figure skater on here.

  • I feel like my graphic T collection is just

  • like continuing to grow and grow,

  • and I'm not mad about that.

  • So this next item is definitely

  • the most expensive item by far.

  • This was a $100,

  • and it's because it's like a jacket first of all

  • and it's suede.

  • It's got this crazy fringe everywhere.

  • It's definitely your statement jacket.

  • I saw it and I was like Coachella.

  • And I've always wanted like

  • a very substantial, vintage kind of like cowboyesque jacket,

  • and it's like, I swear to God,

  • this is like made for like children

  • because like I can barely go like this.

  • Like, I mean, I feel like I'm gonna burst open from it,

  • but I know, I think it'll stretch out eventually with wear.

  • I also love that it has pockets here.

  • It's got like a really, really deep pocket in here

  • and it has two pockets in here.

  • So if I do decide to wear this jacket out,

  • I don't need a purse

  • because my phone, my wallet will fit here.

  • And then maybe like a lip gloss in the other,

  • and I'm good to go.

  • Sensing a theme here.

  • Just another baggy shirt.

  • But this one has no graphic.

  • This is a navy, tie dye long sleeve.

  • I love the neckline on here.

  • It's like kind of like a mock neck,

  • but it's not like constricting.

  • It's like nice, and open, and breathable.

  • I think this is like one of my favorite purchases.

  • It's this beautiful, Kelly Green cardigan.

  • It's got like an emblem here.

  • I recently saw Pleasantville on a plane.

  • This whole vibe reminded me of that.

  • It's like if Pleasantville

  • and Slytherin came out with a cardigan, it would be this.

  • I also got these acid washed denim jeans,

  • like, I've never seen like this colorway before

  • where it's like almost like a yellow tint.

  • Imagine me wearing this with this,

  • like how cool would that look?

  • I also got these grey denim jeans.

  • They're also slightly like acid washed

  • and they're high-waisted.

  • That was my Rose Bowl Flea Market haul.

  • I highly recommend you guys go check it out.

  • It happens every second Sunday of the month.

  • Tonight, I am going to Weylie's launch party

  • for her collab with Physicians Formula.

  • I'm so excited for her and so proud of her.

  • It's my first event that allows dogs.

  • So we're gonna bring Little Triple

  • and she's gonna make some new friends and run around.

  • So I am excited.

  • It's going to be good, man.

  • As long as I am safely in your arms

  • It don't really matter where we stand, ♪

  • Don't care

  • ♪ 'Cause babe

  • This place makes me sad

  • - The ketchup.

  • - Oh, the chippie.

  • ♪ 'Cause babe

  • This place makes me sad, ♪

  • - Growing and I wanted the palette to be...

  • ♪ 'Cause babe, ♪

  • This place makes me sad

  • (car horn honks)

  • - I'm gonna get my hair done today.

  • Gonna get the usual.

  • I'm gonna get a haircut.

  • My hair is like obscenely long right now.

  • It's just a little bit too long.

  • I wanna be able to wear my wigs again.

  • I think I'm just gonna take like maybe three inches off.

  • (light music)

  • They're pretty long now, they grew out a lot.

  • (light music)

  • That is all my hair.

  • Who is she?

  • We went short!

  • - So short.

  • - So as you can see, I cut my hair

  • definitely shorter than what I was originally going

  • for at that moment.

  • But, you know, I've been wanting

  • to cut my hair short since like 2018.

  • It was like after I got married, I grew up my hair long

  • and I was like, oh, Anna, I'm gonna cut it short

  • for our honeymoon.

  • Then the honeymoon happened

  • and then like all of 2019 happened and I was like,

  • I'm gonna cut my hair in the summer.

  • Like it just kept on getting postponed.

  • Now that we're in 2020, I was like, you know what,

  • I'm like tired of this long hair.

  • I just feel like it symbolically holds a lot of baggage,

  • especially from last year.

  • So I just decided to snip it and I feel so free.

  • My hair has never been healthier.

  • Like, you know when you just get a fresh cut

  • and the edges feel like, the only word I can think

  • of is like buoyant,

  • but it almost like bounces back because it's so healthy.

  • I feel really fresh and it's definitely a big change for me

  • and I'm like really excited.

  • I feel like my long hair, I almost kind of used it as like

  • a kind of like a safety blanket in a sense.

  • I don't know.

  • I just didn't wanna be attached to it any more.

  • And I feel like with this short hair

  • you could see my outfits better.

  • It's just like a fresh, fun look that I can try.

  • And the thing with hair is it will grow back,

  • so it's not a big deal.

  • I also wanted to cut it shorter so I can wear more

  • of my wigs again because my hair was getting so long

  • that the back of my wigs were just too large.

  • So now that it's nice and short, I can, you know,

  • have the freedom to wear any type of like wig that I want,

  • which is really cool.

  • But Anna did such a great job with the cut, the color.

  • She did the usual,

  • the highlights, the low lights, the re-moist, and now a cut.

  • And I absolutely love it.

  • (speaking in foreign language).

- It's so cold in the car.

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