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(guard gasps)
(comms turn on)
(turns off)
(door buzzes)
SHREDDER This is a distraction.
We should be securing the cloud seeder.
- After your failure, I've put another agent on that task.
The next phase of my plan is here.
- Whatever you two are scheming, I'd appreciate being left out of it.
- Not me! I'm in.
Ra's al Ghul means Batman, and I'm dying for a rematch!
- You try my patience, Ra's al Ghul.
The Foot has no need for these...
- Your constant questioning of the plan tries my patience.
- So we're even.
- Hush, my sweet. Don't let the mean old men bother you.
- Yoo hoo! Hey!
Over here!
I'll just take a second. It's veeeery important.
- Speak.
- You gotta come closer!
(Shredder growls)
- Hmm. Uh huh. That's it.
Just wanted to make sure my makeup wasn't smudging.
Thanks, metal head!
- I hate Gotham.
- Then you're in luck, because the man who'll help us destroy this city... right behind this door.
- That should be everything.
Can you handle all that? It's a lot of pizza.
- Young lady, I assure you.
There's no amount of greasy cheese-bread that could surpass my abilities.
- You're the boss, weird butler.
- I offer to cook a gourmet meal, but they want pizza.
(wheels rattling)
- Cowabungaaaaaaa!
- Oh no.
- Ooh, pizza.
- Impressive form.
Your father taught you well.
- Thanks!
- So, this League of Assassins seems just like your standard evil ninja deal.
- Hah! Hardly.
Despite their name, the League would be better understood as a death cult
worshipping Ra's al Ghul.
The demon's head.
- Okay, fine.
Creepy evil ninjas then.
He wants to use the league to tear down cities like Gotham
and rebuild them in his image.
- Yeah, Ra's obviously has plans for the mutagen your Shredder brought into the city.
- Ooze. We call it Ooze
- Really?
Ugh, I do not like that word.
Ooze. Bleurgh, gross.
- Right. Shredder gives Ghouley the Ooze, they build some kind of gizmo
and in return, let me get this straight,
Shredder gets... a pit?
The Lazarus Pit.
It's how Ra's al Ghul has survived for centuries.
It's magic grants immortality to any who bathe in it.
- An immortal Shredder?
That would...
- As much as the words 'immortal Shredder' freak me out,
I think Batgirl and I have solved one of our problems.
- Yep.
With the info Donnie— I can call you that, right?
- By all means.
- Cool. —that Donnie had on his T-phone, I've whipper up a retro-mutagen.
- Anti-Ooze.
- We're not going to call it that.
...that will reverse the effects of the...