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  • Hey earth angels, Melanie Beckler here.

  • And in this video we're going to dive in deep into the top five things you need

  • to know about the profound energy of the full moon lunar eclipse happening on

  • January 10th at 11:21 AM Pacific standard time.

  • And be sure to watch until the end of the video because number five is so

  • powerful.

  • And then after that we will draw a card with additional guidance and inspiration

  • and wisdom from spirit and from the angelic realm.

  • So diving right in with number one,

  • this full Moon Eclipse is creating a profound surge of transformational energy

  • to usher forward changes and shifts in life.

  • So this is unfolding on both a personal and a global scale.

  • Major transformations are unfolding in the area of home and family dynamics and

  • emotional patterns and government and large corporations and institutions.

  • What is no longer in alignment is being revealed.

  • And many things are starting to crumble,

  • shift and change as there are power struggles and opportunities to grow,

  • to shift and to change.

  • So what you need to know about this is that this energetic influence,

  • the surge of energy of the full moon eclipse has a six month window.

  • So for the next six months,

  • this transformation in a very big way is going to be unfolding.

  • The angels want you to remember that you chose to be here,

  • that this is a part of the great awakening that you are here to experience and

  • to co-create. And so in the face of change and challenge,

  • the lower ego mind wants to react and worry and fear,

  • and so you have an opportunity to recognize these patterns as they arise and

  • choose to shift.

  • She was to stay grounded and centered in love because love truly is the

  • vibrational force that will guide you through.

  • You can't control everything that's happening around you.

  • You can't control every change that's going to unfold.

  • You can focus your sights on your highest intention and you can choose to

  • respond with love and harmonize with the energy of the moment in order to ride

  • the waves of change and ride the waves of light to come into more of your divine

  • truth and embodiment of the higher divine being that you authentically are and

  • leads right into the second key thing you need to know about this full moon

  • lunar eclipse energy. And that is,

  • it's a powerful time of heart chakra activation.

  • And so the way the heart center is activated is two fold.

  • On one hand there's the required deconstruction,

  • there's the required crumbling of the walls you've placed around your heart

  • walls are created each time you're wounded and you say never again,

  • I'm going to put up this wall so others can't hurt me in that way.

  • But that wall actually blocks you then from experiencing the higher light of

  • spirit and the expanded States of love and openness that the heart chakra

  • empowers you to tune into.

  • And so deconstruction as the walls, crack,

  • love and light are able to stream in and stream through.

  • Of course the walls crumbling and the emotional traumas and wounds and fears and

  • insecurities being revealed is not an easy energetic influence.

  • Shadow work never is,

  • but when you face what's been buried,

  • when you face the trauma that's been suppressed and you allow yourself to

  • release that over to the angels and into the light,

  • you are then able to construct your heart awakening to the next level.

  • You're able to build up your Heartlight and activate the subtle sense organ that

  • empowers you to feel in the higher realms of spirit that empowers you to

  • cocreate with love expanded possibilities for your life.

  • So if you want to proactively tune into this influence of heart chakra

  • activation and awakening,

  • I have a couple of videos here on this YouTube channel that I'll link to in the

  • description below.

  • One is a heart chakra opening meditation where you go within an activate that

  • heart light and the other is a practical practice and process for heart chakra

  • opening. So know that this is an energetic influence.

  • Now along with it,

  • there may be emotions rising to the surface.

  • Those old fears and scary stories you've lived through that are coming up again

  • in some way as a memory, as a new experience in your life,

  • cycling around, carrying that old lesson.

  • Remember that you are now at a new level and remember your truth,

  • that you are a divine light being in physical form.

  • And you can choose to respond to what ever arises from this place of mastery of

  • love and mastery of your highest light.

  • So keep returning to love.

  • Stay grounded and present and aware because when you accept and allow what comes

  • up to be, rather than judging it and pushing it down,

  • you are able to integrate the lessons, release the challenging aspects,

  • and tune into a greater mastery of love in your own life with your heart chakras

  • shining so bright, which actually then triggers.

  • So there's a heart centered activation that Heartlight flows up into your

  • throat, in your mind's eye,

  • activating your clairvoyant and clairaudient capabilities,

  • and that Heartlight flows down. Cleansing your solar plexus,

  • your sacral, your root, empowering you to act in alignment with love,

  • to authentically connect with others,

  • and to choose love as that stable foundation to build upon the next level of

  • your most vibrant life.

  • This heart Tucker opening definitely ties in to the third key thing you need to

  • know about this full moon lunar eclipse energy in that this is a time of big

  • revelations of truth,

  • so both on a global as well as an individual and a very personal scale.

  • What needs to be revealed now comes to light.

  • This could be things that have been pushed down and buried or it could be new

  • ahas and realizations about the next steps that are required to bring about the

  • most positive change and transformation in your life.

  • To support yourself and making the most of this revelation of truth energy.

  • It's a good time to ask yourself what in the past needs to be cleansed,

  • released, and let go of what patterns, habits, addictions,

  • perspectives, limiting emotional beliefs, family traumas or dynamics?

  • Are you repeating,

  • copying and pasting from the past into your present?

  • Despite the fact that they no longer serve by becoming aware of these things and

  • then consciously choosing and having the willpower to shift.

  • This is a powerful time to finally let them go,

  • so pay attention to what is revealed,

  • what rises up from your past that's coming up for one reason and one reason

  • only. Now that is to release that,

  • to clear it out and to let it go.

  • The second question you're going to want to ask yourself in conjunction with

  • this,

  • realizing your higher truth is what have you learned from your past lessons that

  • you do want to bring with you into the future?

  • What skills and strengths and lessons have you learned?

  • What wisdom and knowledge have you cultivated that can now support you in

  • accomplishing a higher level of your mission and purpose and really living with

  • more joy and abundance, love, and fulfillment in your life?

  • Both of these questions can then be supported. Now by getting clear.

  • What are your primary intentions now?

  • What is your primary goal and desire for 2020 and even looking further out for

  • this next decade of your life? What do you want to create?

  • Get clear about that intention because that can then guide and inspire your

  • everyday choices and actions. You're then able to ask,

  • is this serving me and what I truly value and in wanting to create and if not,

  • let it go. Learn from it.

  • Learn from reflecting on that past experience and now begin to step forward to

  • take that next step to create positive change in your life.

  • There truly is no going back.

  • You can't rewind your life experience and dive back into an older chapter,

  • so learn from the past and let it go to step into the new,

  • the new pages of your book of destiny,

  • your book of what's written about your life that you can still write and

  • co-create with spirit through staying centered with love,

  • aligning with the truth of the divine.

  • I am the divine light being you authentically are and letting that strength and

  • wisdom and power and love reconnect with you,

  • realign with you and flow through.

  • The fourth key thing that you need to know about this full moon lunar eclipse is

  • that one of the key themes is a call to harmonize your life and stand in your

  • mastery.

  • So it's time to empower yourself through strength and love to ask yourself,

  • what are you now inspired by? What? How could you be more creative?

  • How can you be of service in the world, in your community,

  • in the lives of those closest to you?

  • How can you more fully embrace joy and follow your bliss?

  • Harmonizing your life is very much about choosing to stand in your mastery,

  • to learn from the past, in order to empower your present,

  • to choose to act in integrity with what you truly value and with who you know

  • you truly are.

  • This is the opposite side of the coin of the lower patterns that come up of

  • wanting to react defensively or selfishly or from fear or from heavy emotional

  • patterns.

  • If those lower aspects of this energy dynamic are coming up,

  • remember that in the face of whatever rises,

  • you can choose to shift, to step back, to observe,

  • to accept what is.

  • Because with that acceptance that what is is,

  • it doesn't mean you have to like it.

  • It just means that you accept that that is the situation.

  • You're not in denial about what is happening in the world around you.

  • By accepting it, you're then able to ask yourself, how can I respond?

  • And when you ask that question,

  • one of the amazing things is that you'll often get the guidance that you can

  • respond with love. You can respond by taking this empowered action.

  • You can respond by being the change you wish to see in the world by taking that

  • next action step in the present moment to harmonize your energy with what is in

  • a way that you're able to nurture yourself,

  • to empower your energy, to claim your power and light,

  • and then use that. Use your power,

  • fill up your cup so you can then overflow,

  • love and light and blessings out into the world, into your community,

  • into your family,

  • the lives of your friends to benefit the greater realm of all.

  • So again, remember that yes,

  • there are big challenges facing humanity now and big challenges happening on a

  • global and individual scale.

  • But you chose to be here now because these challenges provide opportunities for

  • you to grow, for you to awaken to a new level,

  • for you to embody the truth of your divine light being in physical form in your

  • life. Okay,

  • that leads us to the fifth key thing you need to know about this full moon lunar

  • eclipse energy.

  • And that is an increased opportunity to access divine light and guidance amidst

  • density and challenge. So this is huge.

  • This is allowing what is to be and recognizing on some level,

  • even if it's at a little higher level of your higher self,

  • highest truth and highest light,

  • but recognizing that what's happening in the worlds now and what's happening in

  • your life is the perfect stage.

  • The stage is set for humanity and for you as an individual to awaken further

  • within times of challenge,

  • within times of darkness and times of density,

  • some of the biggest opportunities for awakening and for soul development and for

  • growth up here. And so when you feel challenged,

  • when you're feeling way down,

  • when life feels like the exact opposite of grace and ease,

  • I want you to remember that all you have to do is find that thread of light

  • leading to the divine because we live in a time now where divine light,

  • divine guidance,

  • higher angelic beings ascended masters,

  • the light of the divine in the light of truth is more accessible now than ever

  • before and accessible in a way that you're able to consciously understand it as

  • well as a theoretically feel it and even see it clairvoyantly through opening

  • your third eye. Check out my meditation for that.

  • The key here is to remember that you're always directly linked to the divine.

  • And so in joyful times of celebration and in times of big challenge,

  • find the thread of light,

  • find the crack and opening that the light is flooding in through and follow that

  • thread up. What in the divine inspires you?

  • What do you feel connected to?

  • So if there are certain archangels you feel connected to,

  • that may be your thread of light.

  • If there are ascended masters like Jesus or Mother Mary or Maitrea that you feel

  • heart connection to,

  • that could be your thread of light or if you get inspired by seeing the divine

  • in nature or in the warmth and candle light or the warmth of your own inner

  • heart chakra awakening and tuning into your own divine I am core.

  • The key is find the thread of light and follow it to choose to allow the higher

  • light of the divine to fill you the higher downloads of divine love and wisdom

  • and guidance that is available to you right here and now and that is encouraging

  • you to grow so you can step into the truth of your Dharma,

  • the truth of your purpose,

  • because you as a divine spiritual being in physical form as a soul.

  • You are here in this present point in time. By no mistake,

  • you are here for a reason, a purpose. You have a soul mission.

  • You have a divine destiny and the light of your open heart,

  • the love of spirit,

  • the light of the divine that you're able to connect with the core of light.

  • At the core of you tuning into that, tuning into the pure potentiality,

  • accessed in the present moment, within the void,

  • within the still calm and peace.

  • When you go within that holds so many answers to the questions you have that

  • holds profound guidance to what is your very next step.

  • How you can harmonize with the energies that are happening now in your life,

  • in the world,

  • to use this intense eclipse energy to level up in terms of your vibration.

  • Yes,

  • but even more powerfully in terms of being of service in the world in a way that

  • you love and enjoy.

  • You are here because you're a divine light being a light worker and you're able

  • to be the change and to positive change in the world by just shining your light.

  • That's powerful light work in and of itself. Just doing your personal work,

  • cleansing out the old toxic patterns and beliefs and insecurities to stay in

  • presence and stay in love. But then from that state,

  • it naturally opens up that the highest path before you is a path of giving,

  • of being, of service,

  • of sharing this light and wellbeing that you cultivate with the world.

  • And when we all do this incredible transformation at the highest level is able

  • to unfold. So let's draw a card.

  • Now I have the Oracle of the angels here and we're just going to ask spirit and

  • the angels.

  • What else do we need to know about this full moon eclipse energy?

  • And our card is I am beautiful and this is card number 37 which added together

  • comes to a nine and nine to me is the last number of a cycle.

  • It's when you've learned your lessons and you're now ready to claim your

  • mastery, your mastery that you are I am.

  • You are a divine being.

  • You are beautiful and you're able to fill up your light,

  • overflow blessings into the world.

  • This is about focusing on the blessings to find the silver linings.

  • In the moment.

  • And it's also about setting your sights on your goal.

  • This is a really powerful time.

  • We're still in this introduction to 2020 so if you haven't yet gotten clear

  • about your intentions and your vision,

  • your goals for this new year,

  • now is the time to get clear about that because it really is so powerful to

  • focus on what you truly desire.

  • Because when you set that intention and then begin taking steps along that path,

  • spirit can then steer you in further, guide you.

  • So focus on what does your most beautiful,

  • vibrant life look like to you.

  • How can you more fully shine the true beauty of your divine nature?

  • It's time to get clear about that, to choose that path, to embody it,

  • and to remember that while I may, may,

  • I may have made this full moon eclipse energy sound a little bit intense and it

  • definitely is an intense energy,

  • but it's nothing to be scared of because all is well and things are as they

  • should be and the earth is ascending along with us.

  • And so light codes and beautiful frequencies and the incredible light of spirit

  • is shining in from above. It's rising up from within the earth.

  • It's emerging from within your awakened heart center,

  • so it's truly streaming in from all around and you can choose to sync with this

  • current of beauty, of love, of grace,

  • the beauty way of living in truth and integrity and authenticity,

  • embodying the divine truth of who you are,

  • discovering what that means more and more,

  • and integrating it into your actions,

  • into your thoughts, into your feelings,

  • to live in beauty,

  • live in alignment with the truth of your divine I am nature and your inner

  • brilliant and radiant core of light.

  • One final note is that I do have a powerful full moon ritual for using full moon

  • energy to manifest blessings in your life.

  • If you've not already got that free full moon ritual,

  • I will put a link here and in the description below so you can check that out as

  • well. As always, any light you see me reflects the light in you.

  • Keep shining and know that this energy is calling forth that light that's ready

  • to emerge. More and more, more vibrantly, more radiantly,

  • more higher vibrational frequency than ever before.

  • Shining the light of your divine truth in the most beautiful way in your life.

  • On that note, I'll see you in the next video. Bye for now.

  • [inaudible].

Hey earth angels, Melanie Beckler here.

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關於1月10日的滿月月食,你必須知道的5件事! (5 Things You MUST Know About The FULL MOON Eclipse Jan 10th!)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
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