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  • Who is the most famous person in your phone?

  • I'm gonna sayrgen Klopp.

  • Can you ring him?

  • He's coming, huh?

  • Another question, guys?

  • Oh, yeah, yeah. Do you pick your nose?

  • No.

  • Why are you smiling?

  • - How are you? - Good.

  • Come on, little man. You OK?

  • Yeah.

  • - How are you? - Good.

  • - I like your hair, man. - Thanks.

  • Just relax yourself.

  • You're here with me now, you have to relax.

  • You guys nervous?

  • BOTH: Yeah. - Don't be, don't be.

  • I'm a bit disappointed.

  • In what?

  • Because I was expecting Mo Salah instead of you.

  • doesn't matter anymore.

  • OK.

  • How does it feel like to be the world's best defender?

  • Well...

  • that's everyone's opinion.

  • So if you think that, I'm very happy that you say that.

  • But some other people think that other players are the best defender in the world.

  • No - you.

  • Yeah, but it's all about opinions, so it's good that people are talking about it,

  • but you don't need to think about it too much.

  • Is there anything you're not good at?

  • Answering questions.

  • No, there are plenty of things I'm not good at.

  • Running.

  • - Running? - Yeah.

  • Like, very long running.

  • The easiest thing.

  • How happy were you when you won the Champions League?

  • I was very happy. Were you very happy as well for us?

  • - Yeah. - Were you happy as well for us?

  • - No. - You support Everton?

  • - Yeah. - Tough, isn't it?

  • Must be very tough though.

  • Yes?

  • You don't need to lift your finger, I'm not the teacher.

  • Why are you so good?

  • Do you think I'm good?

  • You don't think I'm good?

  • Gimme power.

  • Do you care what other people think about you?

  • No, not at all.

  • You never should, because everyone in this world can have an opinion on you these days,

  • and you should not care, especially from people that you don't care about.

  • So remember that, yeah?

  • Never let anything affect you.

  • Another question, guys?

  • Oh, yeah, yeah. Do you pick your nose?

  • No. Do you?

  • - No. - Good.

  • I like that.

  • You do, isn't it?

  • You sure?!

  • You do, look at you!

  • Are you ticklish?

  • - I can be. - Where?

  • I'm not telling you.

  • - Why? - Because you might tickle me.

  • I'll bet you are ticklish.

  • No, I'm not ticklish.

  • I'm faster than he is.

  • Do you think so?

  • Whose hair is better - mine or yours?

  • Yours.

  • Thanks.

  • You want to keep it long forever?

  • Yeah.

  • Have you ever been scared of anything?

  • Yes. I'm not a big fan of bugs, I'm not a big fan of spiders...snakes.

  • Are you?

  • Have you got Ultimate Team?

  • - I do. - What is it?

  • I can only say my Liverpool players, and I took Alisson, I took myself,

  • Trent Alexander-Arnold...

  • ..Wijnaldum...

  • - I have him. - ..and Salah.

  • I have Keita too.

  • I have Salah, Alexander-Arnold then you.

  • Ooh. Nice. Liverpool is very good in FIFA, huh?

  • I think they're gonna be even better this year.

  • What is your favourite thing about your job?

  • Exactly the same probably as what your favourite thing is about playing football.

  • I thought you would say, erm, busting people up.

  • Me.

  • Go on.

  • Who smells the most in the team?

  • Whoa. To be fair, in our dressing room it smells pretty good actually.

  • They have a lot of good fragrances going on, a lot of nice perfumes.

  • So I don't know, I can't answer that, to be fair.

  • Who is the most famous person in your phone?

  • Whoa.

  • I'm gonna sayrgen Klopp, the manager.

  • Can you ring him?

  • Nah, I'm not gonna ring him now. You want me to ring him?

  • You guys think I'm making a joke, huh?

  • He's coming, yeah? If he picks up.

  • If he thinks about me, maybe he's got an appearance.

  • I don't think he wants to speak to me.

  • Shall we keep the phone here just in case he calls back in two minutes?

  • Oh, let me think.

  • No.

  • Wait - do you like Liverpool or Holland better?

  • As a country, as a...?

  • Liverpool or Holland?

  • I like both.

  • You've got to choose one.

  • I can't. I'm from Holland, so I love Holland.

  • But I play for Liverpool and I love Liverpool too.

  • OK.

  • What's your favourite food to eat?

  • I like pasta. Yeah.

  • - I like it. - You like pasta as well?

  • Is it your favourite food as well or have you got something else? Pizza?

  • - No. - Are you sure?

  • I know a lot of people like pizza, but I'm not one of those.

  • No? What do you eat then?

  • - Salad. - Really?!

  • - I like salad. - Really?!

  • Nice, what kind of salad?

  • Like, carrots, and...

  • - Spinach? - Spinach.

  • Lovely. Broccoli as well, you like broccoli?

  • - Yeah. - Wow, you're a very healthy little fella, yeah?

  • How do you spend all your money?

  • I don't spend my money, I just save it.

  • The thing is, when we stop playing football, then we have no job anymore.

  • You need to save a lot of money for after you stop playing football.

  • Otherwise, you stop playing football, and you don't have money coming in,

  • you're gonna have a problem.

  • So keep that in mind, all right?

  • OK.

  • Were you good at football when you were seven?

  • I was all right, I was not the best player in the team.

  • What team did you play for?

  • A team called Willem II.

  • You probably won't know them, but it's in Holland,

  • and I enjoyed every bit of it.

  • I think for you guys as well, the message should be, just enjoy...and have fun.

  • You have one more question in that head of yours, huh?

  • - No. - No?

  • - No. - All right.

  • You got more questions, Evertonian?

  • - No. - No?

  • Guys, nice to meet you.

  • - Take care. - Thank you.

  • Good luck.

  • It's gonna be a tough year for you again.

  • Unlucky, the manager didn't call back.

  • But when he calls back, I will tell him you guys asked for him, yeah?

  • - Good luck at school. - Thank you.

  • And you never know, in the future we might see each other again.

  • Yeah.

  • - Bye. - Take care, guys.

  • Good luck at school.

  • Who's the best player in this team then?

  • ALL: Me!

  • Have a look at the camera, guys.

  • Come on, poses.

  • Like this!

Who is the most famous person in your phone?

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