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- How do you feel about your career right now?
Are you experiencing burnout?
Remember the fire you once had
in the beginning of your career?
You cannot wait to get up to go to work,
to roll up your sleeves, to get things done,
to create, to produce, to innovate.
That fire you once had, it's gone.
And now you show up at work.
You're not so sure why you're even there.
And you wonder, and you ponder
and you ask yourself, "Is this what I want to be doing
the next two, three, five, 10 years?
What's the purpose of my life?
Where am I going?"
That void, that emptiness
and you're not so sure where that comes from.
And you're not sure how to even fill that void
but you know something is not working
and something has to change.
You're thinking, should you change your career?
But it's scary, isn't it?
What am I supposed to do?
What if I go into a different industry,
what if that doesn't work?
Wouldn't it be safe to just stay doing what I do
but I don't like what I do.
I want to do something else, I want to pursue a new career,
I want a different environment,
I want to work for a different company
so how do you change career when you're lost?
Now I don't know you, I don't know your situation, and
I don't know your background.
So all I can do is just share
a little bit about my experience,
what I have gone through in my career as an entrepreneur,
some of the things that I've done
and some of the things that I've learned
and hopefully that will serve you.
Number one, get crystal clear.
I believe most people don't get what they want in life
it's because they don't know what they want in life.
Your success in life is largely determined
by how clear you are with your vision.
So what is your ideal lifestyle?
What is it that you want to accomplish?
Maybe let's say you want to travel the world,
you want to see and you want to experience new things.
Well, maybe working in an office
and stuck in the same cubicle,
that's not what you want to do,
that's not where you want to be.
On the other hand,
maybe you want to work with a lot of people,
you want to connect.
Then working behind a computer, silo, on your own,
being very lonely, that may not be your thing either right?
So get crystal clear.
What is your ideal lifestyle?
What kind of house do you want to live in?
What kind of car do you want to drive?
Where do you want to travel?
What kind of lifestyle you want to provide for your family?
How much money you want to make? Income is important.
Lifestyle is important, but income is important as well.
Let's say you are making $60000 a year
and your goal is to make $100,000 a year.
You want to get to that six figure income level.
Well, if you're very honest,
you can ask yourself and comment below.
What are the chances of you getting to that 100K from 60K
doing what you're doing right now?
Be very, very honest.
So if what you're doing right now,
it doesn't matter how hard you work,
is not gonna get you there
then maybe it's time to consider a career change.
To think about a different alternative,
because if you want to go west,
that's where you want to go and you're running east,
it doesn't matter how hard you work, that's not gonna help.
Career tip number two, understand this.
That indecision is a decision.
Maybe the people around you in your life are telling you
you should be happy with what you have,
you should be content.
Like why are you taking unnecessary risk?
Why you want to change?
See human beings, we are creatures of habits.
We don't like to change.
The problem is, most people in life,
they're playing not to lose instead of playing to win.
So comment below, are you playing not to lose
or are you playing to win?
If you are playing to win, it involves taking some risk.
It involves stepping outside your comfort zone,
doing something you've never done before.
Because here's what I believe in.
You think about our lifespan.
Let's say our average lifespan is 65 years.
Maybe it's 80 years, maybe it's 90 years, doesn't matter.
Let's say we have 65 years on this planet earth.
Well first of all, the first 18 years of your life,
you're learning how to walk, how to talk,
you're living under your parents' roof.
You don't make a lot of decisions on your own.
You're going to school, you're learning a language,
you're learning how to be an adult
going from a baby, to a kid, to a kid, to a teenager,
from a teenager to an adult, the first 18 years.
Now that's gone.
One third of your life is spent on sleeping.
We need to sleep, so one third of that is gone.
Now one third of your life is wasted on entertainment,
commute and a lot of different things and day to day.
Laundry, and watching a movie, watching TV.
Wasting time on social media.
That's one third, it's gone.
So if you think about it, whatever is left,
you have maybe 10, 12, 13 years that you could invest in
to create the life that you want.
Now that's assuming if you don't make any mistakes.
If you actually make any mistakes,
meaning maybe you've lost some money in business
or whatever that you want to do,
even just to pay off the student loan
that you've accumulated, that takes a few years.
You've got this much time to create your ideal life.
So for you, you've got this much time
to create your ideal life.
That's not a lot of time.
So by not making a decision to make a career change,
you are making a decision
because your indecision is a decision.
You have chosen, you have decided to stay at the same spot
and not do anything about it
and the time gets shorter, and shorter, and shorter.
You see in life, we all suffer from two forms of pain.
Either the pain of regret or the pain of discipline.
Well the problem is the pain of discipline weighs ounces
and the pain of regret weighs tons.
You've got to pick one of these two.
Which one?
Indecision is a decision.
Tip number three for career change
and that is who you work for is infinitely more important
than what company you work for.
You see, you want to pick someone, a leader, a visionary,
a CEO that you trust, that you look up to,
that you respect, that you can learn from.
It's very, very critical.
You see most people,
they think that while I want to work for
a big name company with the best benefits
and vacation pay, and all that stuff,
that's not the most important.
It's way more beneficial for your long term career
when you can pick a leader that will teach you,
that will coach you, that will nurture you,
that will give you skillsets,
that will give you opportunities
because those opportunities
or whatever knowledge that you gain, you take it with you.
No one can take that away.
Imagine if you have the opportunity to go back
and work for Bill Gates and Jack Ma, and Steve Jobs.
What would that be like?
Finding that visionary, which is very, very rare,
very, very rare.
Sometimes when you work a for big company, a big name,
a lot of those structures are already built.
There are not a lot of opportunities left
but most people they suffer from shortsighted thinking.
All they think about, well how much am I getting paid?
All this.
What's my hourly rate?
What's gonna be my vacation pay?
All these things, here's the secret.
Pick a high growth company with a world class visionary.
If you could do that,
there would be so many opportunities for you,
for growth, for promotions, also for leadership positions.
When you pick a world class,
a hyper growth company that's like this,
with a world class visionary, a true leader
who sees where he wants to be
and is getting it, and is going there,
that person, if you work within that organization,
that's what you want to do
and you will learn so much more.
It doesn't matter in the future
whatever that you want to pursue.
That experience will be invaluable.
Tip number four, which is the most important tip of all
and that is skills over degree.
Most people, they think that in order to have more success
they need to go back to school
and get a second degree or get an MBA,
even though the first degree didn't get what they want.
They're not experiencing the success that they want
in the first place.
When is more the solution of not enough?
That's not the point.
You need to think about okay,
maybe it's not just a degree, that piece of paper.
Skills are more important.
Nowadays, companies are looking for skills.
They hire skills, not just that piece of paper, that degree.
That know that is not enough, that is a lot of time.
Just because you have a degree
doesn't mean you have common sense
and it doesn't mean you have skills.
See, degree only means that you know something.
You passed these exams.
You have done these courses, that's all it means.
Skills on the other hand, means not just you know something,
it means you can do something,
meaning that you have the ability, the capabilities
to produce a certain result.
Depends on what kind of skillsets do you have.
And skills are transferable.
It's not limited to just one industry and one company.
So whatever skills that you have developed,
you can transfer it to other industries if you want to
and companies are always willing to pay a premium for that.
And that gives you true peace of mind,
that gives you true security, does that make sense?
If you're thinking of a career change
and you're not so sure,
what is the ideal skill for you to pursue
that you should focus on and master
based on your personality, based on your personal strength?
I've created a special test for you.
You can take it, it takes less than five minutes,
you can click the link here
and it will tell you exactly which path you should take.
And what are some of the things
that you should consider before you make that move?
So go ahead, take the test right now
and I think you'll be shocked
and you'll be pleasantly surprised by the results.