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  • Hello everybody, this is me Meera, your trainer for the day and today I will be talking about

  • a solution, solution to improve your English language skills. Let me ask you a quick question,

  • apart from watching this video, what else do you do to get one step better in English?

  • You might think, why this question? Well that is because I know you want to become more

  • fluent and with these five exercises every day, you will get that better and better in

  • English. SO we need to see to it that we are training our four core skills, 'Reading',

  • 'Writing', 'Speaking' and 'Listening'. All we will do is fixed 30 minutes of our day

  • and practice. Yes! You can do it. Probably in intervals or breaks that's fair.

  • So let us begin, '1 table spoon of word'. How do we usually start our day? We wake up

  • and look at our phones, right? All you need to do is download any app which will give

  • you 'word of the day' everyday, a new day, every day. I will mention few app in the description

  • box below so that tomorrow when you wake up, you will find a new word in your phone and

  • it's meanings as well. They will also give you examples of how to use the word in a sentence,

  • so make sure you understand if the word is a noun, adjective, verb, etc. What is the

  • plural of it? How to use it in different tenses? For example, today I learnt the word, 'Carefree'.

  • It is pronounced as 'carefree'. It is an adjective that means I can use it to define someone's

  • nature or feeling. Its meaning is having no worries. I saw an example of how it is used

  • in a sentence, "She has a carefree attitude." Similar words which go with these were, 'Easy

  • going', 'Happy go lucky' and few opposites, such as 'Worried', 'Serious'. Well by now

  • I have really understood the word well. It actually took me 3 minutes to read all of

  • this and in 3 minutes I have learnt a new word. But I need to make sure I will use it

  • today itself and for that I have to write it down somewhere.

  • That's right, the next one is, 'Notes to self'. All those who are new or good with English,

  • all of use tend to forget new words. I'm a very forgetful person that way so I make sure

  • that I make a note of it in my phone and I have been following this practice since many

  • years now. Today I have a diary which I used to use in say 2009 and I have written so many

  • words, sentences which I use in my daily conversations now. It is because of those notes and diaries,

  • I'm able to see my journey from zero in English to being confident in the language. I'm going

  • to add one important tip here, always learn new sentences and not just words. Just learning

  • the word, 'carefree' doesn't help me use it. So I would make sure I write one sentence

  • as well. Watch one episode, video, song, do not make this process boring, explore, Listening

  • to English radio station, watch series on Netflix, Amazon, YouTube like you are watching

  • right now. Watch a movie, listen to songs, download audio stories they are very interesting.

  • All those are available online with English subtitles. You can easily do this while eating

  • breakfast, while sitting in the car, waiting for someone or preparing for an interview.

  • Whenever you don't understand anything or any word, make sure you pause, search for

  • the meaning rewind and play again. This time you will focus on the pronunciation. observe

  • how they used it in a sentence, by this you will be improving your listening skills and

  • let me tell you something, out of all the many exercises I did to improve my language

  • skills, listening carefully was very, very essential. So what I used to do was, I used

  • to watch 'Friends' with my elder sisters and I couldn't understand anything but body language,

  • hand gestures, slowly in few years I had started understanding few sentences, just the way

  • small kids learn languages, by listening to their family members or friends, right? Movies,

  • series, songs really help in this journey. We humans start relating words with body language

  • and then we also remember new words with their sound. That is why listening and observing

  • becomes so very important. So make it fun, keep it alive.

  • Our next exercise is, 'Talking to yourself'. You heard me right. I encourage this process

  • a lot, because I have tried and tested it. Has it ever happened to you that you are just

  • alone and thinking about something in your native language or mother tongue? Suddenly

  • someone asks you a question in English and your response to that is, 'um, 'huh' o' what?

  • Or you cannot put your sentences together that is because you are not habitual to think

  • in English. Let me explain better. When you are very emotional, angry or happy which language

  • do you think in? If your answer here is anything apart from English language, then that is

  • the reason we are not so fluent in English. Remember that you can get better in any language

  • only when you start to think in that language. Best exercise without feeling shy, talk to

  • yourself. Use the word that you've learnt today. This will help you to train your mind

  • and nobody will judge you, right? Feel free to exercise this, believe me it will make

  • you super-duper confident.

  • This is the final stage of the exercises, you have learnt a new word in the morning,

  • then you have made a note of it. Listened to some nice English music, watched a movie

  • or an episode, then you practiced the word and sentence in your mind, in your thoughts,

  • now you need to be carefree and use it in reality. Talk to someone. Give yourself time

  • to think before you start speaking. Keep the speed of your speech slow and most importantly,

  • just be cool, wonderful! Now that you have spoken, you will do three things, 'Be open

  • to get corrected by someone' and 'Learn from your mistakes', 'pat your back and treat yourself'

  • and the last one, 'Repeat all the exercises the next day'

  • Above five exercises will make sure that you enjoy this process and your four core skills

  • of 'reading writing speaking and listening become strong each day. Well with this I end

  • my session for today. Do write to me in the comment section below and tell me what you've

  • learnt today. I will meet you very soon with a fresh topic until then, keep practicing,

  • keep learning keep smiling, this is me Meera signing off for the day, bye.

Hello everybody, this is me Meera, your trainer for the day and today I will be talking about

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Click the word to look it up Click the word to find further inforamtion about it


如何用正確的方法學習英語?按照我的30分鐘5步計劃|練習英語流利度的技巧。 (How to learn English the right way? Follow my 30 min 5 step plan | Tips to Practice English fluency.)

  • 9 0
    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary