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Hello guys, so what's up? What's cooking? What's the deal with your new watch? And what
do you say? Do you know what all these phrases mean? Maybe you know what we mean by “what's
up” but then there are many more phrases that you can create out of the word “what”.
Such a simple word but it can help you talk in many different ways. So watch this complete
lesson with me in order to learn 10 amazing conversational phrases with the word “what”.
My name is Michelle and you're watching me on Let's Talk. Subscribe to our channel, watch
the complete video and you can also watch some more videos. Okay so let's get started
with the first question that we have today, the first question is so “what's the catch?”.
Well what do you think this means? Are we really talking about a physical catch? No
we're not talking about a physical catch here, we're talking about a trap, oh yes! The word
catch means trap here. Like what's the trap, okay? So just imagine if your friend wants
to sell his amazing car which has a really good condition for just two thousand dollars
you’d be like okay, what's the catch? so you doubt the fact that your friend wants
maybe some favor in return from you or he's trying to lay a trap for you, okay? Possibly
the car is faulty, it's got some problem and that's why he just wants to sell it off. Okay
in such a situation you can always say what's the catch? So that's how you can use this
phrase. Now let's look at the next one, the next one is “what's the drill? Okay now
what is a drill in general? Have you seen a drilling machine? It makes a funny sound
and it's quite persistent. It goes on drilling for some time. So in this question the word
drill means procedure, oh yes! What's the procedure? But you know saying procedure is
so boring, so let's make it more fun and instead say, what's the drill? Now let's say that
you want to order a new computer for your company so you ask your friend, your colleague
“hey I want to order a new computer for our company what's the drill?” What's the
procedure? So use this question in order to make your boring question very interesting.
Let's look at the next one, “what do you say?” Oh! What did I just say? Well I only
said the same phrase in a more natural manner. So instead of saying, what do you say? You
can say, “What do you say”, okay? Which would look more like, “whadayasay”. So
think of that as one word, don't think of it as four words. Now try and say this, “what
do you say?” Well that sounds so much more natural and cooler. Okay now coming to the
meaning, what does it really mean? “What do you say?” What do you mean by this? So
let's say that you're planning a trip and you want your friends opinion if they want
to join you, so you could say that hey I'm going shopping on Saturday and then I'm hitting
the beach on Sunday, I'd love you to join me, what do you say? Okay so that's another
way of asking someone's opinion. Alright, much cooler actually. The next one we have
is “what goes around comes around”. Think of a circle, a circle has no end. Anything
which is at this point, will come back to it, alright? So this is how people describe
life sometimes, more like karma, I don't know if, I don't really much believe in karma but
people often say that how you do to others is what you get in return sometime later in
your life. So if you do bad to somebody it happens to you as well and if you do good
to someone that also comes back to you. So if you're in a situation where your friend
is let's say, you know making fun of you and is really irritating you maybe in a funny
way you could tell them, “hey what goes around comes around I'll come back with the
revenge.” So that's the way it is used, what goes around comes around. As in whatever
you do, will happen to you in the future as some people believe. Okay the next one we
have is, “what do I owe you? Aha! So again I said the same phrase but something like
this so instead of saying what I said whada, right. So I would say this whenever you say
what do, whenever you have what do, it becomes whatda, yes with a “da” sound. So let's
see how we'll say this okay now look at this as one question, “whadaiowya”.
What do I owe you? Which means “how much do I need to pay you?” Okay but this is
a much more informal way of saying this. So let's say you go to the bar and you've had
like two or three drinks and you're telling the bartender like, “how much do I need
to pay you?” So instead of saying that you could tell the bartender “what do I owe
you?” okay? So that's another way of saying ‘how much do I need to pay you’, again
a cooler and a more interesting way. The next one we have is, “What's eating him?” Definitely
you don't have a shark eating anybody but here we are talking about someone who looks
very upset or angry. So if you see a person who's suddenly upset or angry and you want
to inquire, inquire about them like why is this person so angry or why is this person
so sad. You might say, “hey, what's eating him?” Like why is he so irritated or why
is he so frustrated? So what's eating him is used for a frustrated person or an angry
looking upset person. Alright with that we move to the next one, “what are you getting
at? or “what are you driving at?” So oftentimes it happens that when we are talking to people,
they happen to talk about everything except the most important part and you're not able
to understand like what are they really trying to say? What is the conclusion, what is the
meaning? So basically you go like, “what do you really want to say?” So to say the
same thing instead of saying what do you really want to say, you could say, “what are you
getting at?” or “what you driving at? So what's the main point of your conversation?
Alright now the last, the next one we have is, “what's done is done”. Okay this is
used about past incidences so if you know that someone is talking about their past and
they are regretting like, “oh, I wish I had gone to that place on that day, but I'm
so sad I couldn't just go there and now the sale has finished.” So for that person because
they are regretting you could say, “hey buddy, what's done is done.” Which means
it cannot be changed anymore, great! It cannot be changed, great! The next one is, “what's
with”. Okay so this one is used when you're talking about someone like maybe when you're
talking about a person, okay when you think that they are again looking sort of strange,
acting strange you could say what's with him or her like what happened to them. But you
can also use “what's with” to talk about an object. Like let's say you're in your office
and you want to use the copy machine but you know that it got broken a few days back so
you ask your colleague, “hey what's with the copy machine, like is it working anymore?
So you can use it with objects. The next one is “what's the deal with”. Okay so what's
the deal with it's very similar to what's with. But here you're using it to find out
the status of something like is it working anymore or what's up, what's the progress?
So if you want to say what's the progress? Instead of saying that you could say, “what's
the deal with… blah-blah-blah.” So this is used for progress, to check the progress
or the status of something. So if you want to check the progress or status of a project,
a common project that you were doing with your classmate, you could be like, “hey
what's the deal with the school project?” Like what's the progress, are you doing anything
about it? Okay now I have already told you ten questions that you can make with “what”
but I have a bonus for you in the end because you stayed so far. So for that I have the
last one, “what's cooking”. So this is usually used to ask someone, what's up? So
now that we already have an app called WhatsApp we can start and use newer phrases to ask
“what's up”. So instead of saying, “how are you, what's up?” you could say, “So,
what's cooking?” like what's happening. So another way of saying what's up or what's
happening is “what's cooking”. Okay so you could ask your friend hey what's cooking
and he'd be like you know nothing much just doing my English homework. But you can also
use this between two people you know if you see two people and they appear quite romantic
to you and you think that maybe they're seeing each other but they haven't told you could
say, “hey what's cooking between you and John?” So that's another way of asking,
“so what's up between you both, re you guys dating or seeing each other?” Okay now when
that we are here at the end of the lesson and today you have learned some awesome phrases
that you can make and use with the word “what”, so “what” can do much more than what you
thought so far. So thank you so much for staying tuned with me come back for more lessons this
is Michelle, see you very soon. Till then enjoy and keep learning English, bye-bye.