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Hi there, my name is Richard McMunn from the Interview Training Company,
and in this video tutorial, I am going to teach you how to pass a director interview.
Now, it does not matter what type of company you are applying to become a director for,
or which industry it is within, this tutorial will make a huge difference to your preparation.
So, please do stick around and watch it from beginning to end because I'm going to give
you some brilliant questions and top-scoring answers to prepare for. Now, before I get
into those tips and the interview, questions and answers, a very warm welcome to this tutorial.
My name is Richard McMunn. I am a company director myself. I am also a former fire officer
and I've been helping people to pass their interviews for about 20 years now. Please
do SUBSCRIBE by clicking the red button below the video. That way, you won't miss out on
any of the weekly training videos I'm uploading. And I would also very much appreciate it if
you gave the video a LIKE, that always motivates me to create more content for you. Thank you
very much. Now, it's really, really important that we make sure you demonstrate the following
skills and attributes during your director interview. You have to be able to achieve
the organization's mission, their vision and their objectives. And you also have to agree
with the organization's shareholders and owners the future financial targets for the company
you're applying to join. Also, you would need to meet with the senior management team on
a periodic and regular basis to make sure all company targets are on track to be achieved.
So, you will be the person who would facilitate all of that and to make sure everyone is working
towards that all important mission, vision and the objectives. You'd also need to, at
times, conduct a business SWOT analysis, which is basically the strengths of the business,
the weaknesses, the opportunities that are there that are present to you, and also the
threats. So it's your job to, you know, to look ahead to make sure that the business
is prepared as their director. You’ll also, more often than not be required to hire employees
and senior management team members respond to organizational threats, as I've just mentioned,
and ensuring the brand reputation is protected and then being responsible for the financial
performance of the company. So, as you know, the role of a director comes with a huge amount
of responsibility. Now, in the interview questions and answers that are coming right now, I have
made sure that I've embedded all of those skills and attributes within the answers to
give you the best possible chance of passing. So, let's get straight into the director interview
questions and answers. Please do take notes as I progress, or if you want to wait, I will
tell you at some stage where you can download my full set of 20 director interview questions
and high scoring answers. Here we go. Question number one. Tell me about yourself and why
you want to become a director for our company? So, pretty much guaranteed to be the first
question during your director interview. Here's my high scoring answer. “I am someone who
takes the responsibilities of my work very seriously. Being a naturally decisive and
inspirational leader, I believe the role of Director for your company is one I will excel
in. The competencies and skills I possess include the ability to create a solid vision
that everyone understands and adheres to, an ability to get the most out of everyone,
the desire to create long-term relationships with stakeholders and important clients, and
also the understanding that I need to perform consistently to a very high standard to ensure
your organization grows, thrives and that it also meets its financial targets. I am
a passionate and results-driven person who wants to become a Director for your company
because I want to be the person who is responsible for achieving success. My work is very important
to me, and having researched your company in detail, I feel the skills, qualities and
competencies I possess are a perfect match for the position.” That's a great answer!
It’s solid and it's in detail, which it needs to be for this particular role. You
know, you're applying for a high level, extremely serious and senior director level position
within a company. And therefore you have to give them all of the competencies and skills
that you have that will enable you to succeed in the role. Let's move on to Question 2.
So how can you succeed in our company when the previous directors have failed? So this
is a pretty common question and it's designed to assess what you would do differently to
other people to make the company a success. Here we go: “First and foremost, I do not
underestimate the challenge that lies ahead. However, I believe the way to succeed in the
position of Director is based on three core elements. The first element is ensuring you
have a clear vision of where you need to be, how you intend to get there and by what timeframe.
Having a vision that is based on clarity and action will always get you where you need
to be. The second element is being a strong and decisive decision-maker who is not afraid
to make difficult and sometimes unpopular decisions that are entirely focused on benefitting
the organization. Decisions are not about individuals, but they about your business
and where we all want to be. Finally, you need to be an inspirational leader who motivates
everyone within the organization to drive fearlessly towards the company objectives.
I will ensure all of those three elements are at the core of everything we do, and that
is why I believe I will succeed in this role as your Director.” Now, what I like about
that answer is you are focusing on three specific things that you know why you will succeed.
Next question. How would you implement change within our business? So implementing change
in any kind of organization is a tough thing. Not everybody can do it, but you have to be
able to follow a specific process of change and then be flexible in that approach based
on the needs of the organization. So here's my answer to this question how I would implement
change in any organization? “There are a number of specific steps I would follow to
implement change within your business. These are defining the change required and aligning
it to the strategic aims of the company. I would then determine who the change would
impact and how we would need to support them during the change process. I would then create
a solid plan for achieving the change desired and who would be responsible for meeting the
specific milestones of the change process, and by which timeframe. I would then determine
a communication strategy that would outline how the change would be communicated throughout
the different stages of the process. Finally, once the change had been achieved, I would
measure the success of the process and determine what had been learned along the way, so we
could all continually improve and develop collectively as an organization.” And that
shows you know what to do in respect of change. And that process would work in any organization.
As I said at the beginning, you'd have to be flexible in your approach to the plan,
but that is how I would respond that question. Now I've got two more director interview questions
to go through, so please do stick around because they're tough questions. I've got some great
answers for them, but if you want my full set of 20 DIRECTOR INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND
HIGH SCORING ANSWERS, click the link in the top right hand corner of the video and it
will take you through to my website, where you can download the full set and start
studying in preparation for your director interview. Next question: what are your three
greatest competencies and strengths that will enable you to succeed in this role? Here's
my answer to this question. “The three greatest competencies I possess that I feel will make
a significant impact on your organization are leadership, management and finance. I
can lead the toughest of teams and individuals and inspire them to achieve the company goals.
I would do this by using strong interpersonal skills that make people feel valued whilst
utilizing their strengths and abilities. In respect of management, I would manage the
goals and strategic aims of the organization be delegating effectively to make sure every
manger within the company meets his or her objectives that would have been set during
the appraisal process. Strong leadership and management must come from the top and be disseminated,
not diluted, throughout the different tiers of management. In respect of the financial
competencies I possess, this has to be one of the most important aspects of company directorship.
The organization must not only continually strive to achieve its financial targets, but
also maintain healthy cashflow and profitability. This would be achieved by taking a responsible
approach to the company finances that is based on pre-planning, clarity of vision and also
preparing for every situation, threat or change and the organization is prone to.” So another
great answer. And I like that you'll give them three specific ones which are really
important as a director: leadership management and also finance. Next question, how would
you handle a situation where someone in your team has made an error that had a significant
negative impact on the organization? So, this is in some ways is not a trick question, but
it's assessing one thing, whether you take responsibility. So let me just repeat that.
How would you handle a situation where someone in the team or organization has made an error
that had a significant negative impact on the organization? The majority of people would
say, well, I would make sure that they were held accountable, that I would implement,
if necessary, discipline procedures. That's not the way to answer this. This is your responsibility
as a director. You are effectively to blame for this. So, here's my answer to this question.
“To be honest, if this type of situation occurs, it is entirely my responsibility.
As the company Director, I am responsible for everything that happens. In terms of how
I would handle the situation, I would conduct an investigation to determine what must be
done immediately to put things right and to also ascertain why the situation occurred.
I would then take steps to ensure the situation did not happen again, including any training
that should be conducted and also any changes to the management processes that would need
to be made. As I say, I would take responsibility for the situation and bear the fallout of
what had happened.” So, that's how I would respond to that because as the director is
stops with you. You know, something goes wrong through the management process, it's your
responsibility. And so that's a great answer. You are taking responsibility. So if you want
to download my full set of 20 DIRECTOR INTERVIEW QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS, click the link below
the video or go to my website, and you can get a full set of top-scoring
20 director interview questions and answers. I hope you enjoyed that. If you’ve got any
questions, stick them in the comments section below. I've also put my description
as well in the video description, so you can connect with me on LinkedIn if you want to.
But as I say, I recommend you get the copy of those full 20 DIRECTOR INTERVIEW QUESTIONS
and they'll put you ahead of the competition. Thank you very much for watching and I wish
you all the best for becoming a company director. Thank you.