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  • Hi everyone, my name is Hridhaan and I welcome you with a very big heart on Let's Talk. Very

  • important question, “Do you like interacting with people?” Well if you do then let me

  • tell you today's lesson is for you because in today's lesson we're going to be talking

  • about everyday English phrases that you can use as you interact with people day in and

  • day out, so what are we waiting for let's get started

  • The first phrase in the list

  • that we have is, “age before beauty”. Well everybody knows what is age and what

  • is beauty, but if we put them together withbefore’, what does it mean? It means

  • to give preference to an older person. That means if there are two people, one person

  • is beautiful and the other person is a little old but with brains and more experience of

  • life, and if somebody has to choose amongst these two, people the person would go for

  • an old one who has got experience of life that is the situation wherein we use this

  • phrase, ‘age before beauty’. Let's see how we can use it in the form of an example

  • here, “She handed over the piece of cake to him saying age before beauty.” So there

  • was a cake and it was a, let's say a birthday party or let's say the celebration of a new

  • organization and the cake cutting ceremony happened, and the person actually offered

  • the cake to not the one who was beautiful but to the one who had more experience and

  • so the person said, ‘age before beauty’, that means I give preference to one's knowledge

  • and experience of life rather than the beauty. Let us move on to the next phrase, the next

  • one isAcid test”. You must have heard about acid rain and what is an acid, it is

  • a chemical of a sort, but what isan acid test’? It means a critical experiment, “What

  • is a critical experiment?” Critical is important that tells us the reality of something, for

  • example if you're interacting with somebody, you can say, it was a critical experiment,

  • it was an acid testit was an acid test. For example, “The acid test of an artist

  • is whether he remains calm or not when he or she receives criticism.” that means,

  • the real test of an artist is, an important test of an artist's personality is when somebody

  • criticizes that person and that person in that situation has to show how calm he or

  • she is and that is when you actually prove the acid test of being a real artist. You

  • can use the situation not just for artists, this phrase but for any kind of situation

  • for any kind of person whenever it is a critical important test of one's reality. Let's see

  • the next one, “I don't buy it”. What is I don't buy it? I don't buy doesn't mean I

  • don't want to purchase it, it means, to disagree. So if you disagree with somebody on something

  • you can just simply say, “I don't buy it, I'm afraid.” I don't buy it. For example,

  • my father says that his latest schemes will make millions, but I don't buy it. So

  • probably let's say, the father is a multimillionaire or maybe a politician and the son says I disagree

  • with him, I don't buy him because I see some flaws and it might as well. So whenever you

  • have to disagree with somebody on something, you can say, ‘I don't buy it’. The next

  • one isappeal to”. Appeal is more like a legal term but a lot of people use it in

  • our daily lives when they interact with each other and it basically means to make a request,

  • to make a polite, a formal request and if you're a bit of a drama queen, you can say,

  • “I appeal to you, I appeal to you please do that…” It basically has an example

  • here which will tell us the clarity of it, “the government appealed to the crowd to

  • make a silent protestthat means the government, there was something bad that was going on

  • and the people were protesting and the government came out in response to that andappealed

  • to’, it is a bit of a formal example, let's say, let's take a casual example, “the students

  • appealed to the teacher to give them an extra break for the day.” The students appealed

  • to the teacher to give them an extra break for the day. ‘Appeal tois to make a

  • request polite, formal request. Have you ever appealed to somebody or appeal to somebody

  • recently if you have done, so please do let me know in the comment section below by writing

  • an example and using the phraseappeal to’. Let us now move to the next phrase,

  • the next one iscome across”. How can we use come across in the form ofin an

  • interaction basically with people, it basically means that someone or something that comes

  • to you by chance. So that happenedthat wasn't planned, that just happened to you

  • on a snap and what is it, how can we use that in an example? “She came across one of her

  • childhood toys.” That means she accidentally found, by chance one of her childhood toys

  • while cleaning the storeroom. Such a beautiful situation, I'm sure it must have happened

  • to a lot of you as well. So when something happens to you by chance, that's when you

  • use the phrase in the form of interactionscame across’. For example you went to

  • Starbucks for a coffee and you actually ran into your friend you can say, “I came across

  • my friend from my school.” Let's say from my A levels, I came across at my friend today

  • at Starbucks, that's how you can usecame across’. Let us now move to the next phrase

  • use for interactions, “don't joke with me”. Now if you see here, I have put an exclamation.

  • How can we use that and what does it mean? It basically means to ask someone to realize

  • the seriousness of the matter. So somebody is being really casual and it's not being

  • really serious about an important matter and you're saying to that person with an exclamation

  • and a strong voice, ‘don't joke with me’, that means to please focus on what we are

  • talking about. For example, “don't joke with me please, I need his address right away!”

  • One important thing that I'd like to address here is the pronunciation ofaddress

  • do we put the stress on the first part or the second part? Is it address or is it address?

  • Now for example I am addressing this example to you which has somebody's address in it

  • that means when it is a verb the stress is on the second part, when it is a noun that

  • means somebody's homes name, number, etc. the stresses on the first part, at the moment

  • I'm addressing this example and what is your addresscoming back to the same, don't

  • joke with me as an exclamation to be used when somebody is not serious about something.

  • I hope you've understood this let us now move to the next phrase used for interactions,

  • fact to the matter”. Fact of the matter means the truth of something. Truth something

  • that is not a lie, something that is the fact. Let's see in an example, “the fact of the

  • matter is that you were wrong when you were arguing with your parents”. So what does

  • that mean? The truth is everybody uses this this very common collocation, ‘the truth

  • very common vocabulary but today you have been given a weapon of another word for the

  • same, another collocation phrase for the same, ‘fact of the matter’. So if you want to

  • say “‘the truth is’, I didn't want to join you for coffee.” You can saythe

  • fact of the matter is that I didn't want to join you for coffee.” Sotruth is

  • equivalent tothe fact of the matter’. This was about fact of the matter. Let's move

  • to the next one, “for the time being”. Now it hastimeand it hasbeing

  • with it, with these two words as well, it means for a limited time, only for a limited

  • period, only for a limited time. Something that you do or something that somebody has

  • done to you or any duration that is for a limited time is referred to asfor the

  • time beingand there are so many things that we do for a limited time or something

  • that is there for a limited duration and in such a situation you can use this phrasefor

  • the time being’, one more time, ‘for the time being’. Example time, “For the time

  • being you can have my laptop.” I'm not giving you my laptop forever but for the time being,

  • that means but for that limited duration you can use my laptop. This was about for the

  • time being. Time for the next phrase on the list, the next one is, “allow for”. Now

  • don't misunderstand it, it has nothing to do withpermission’. Whenallow

  • as a word is used in conjunction with the prepositionforhere, it has a different

  • meaning altogether and it means, to give a careful thought about something, ‘careful

  • thought’, ‘allow formeans a careful thought. Allow means permission, ‘allow

  • formeans give a careful thought about something. For example, “allowing for her

  • old age…” that means considering, considering her old age, “…she was given a seat by

  • a young woman.” Let's say this old woman was traveling on a metro and she was really

  • tired, there was another young woman who was seated and she saw that this woman is standing,

  • and she offered her seat to her considering, ‘allowing for’, considering, giving a

  • careful thought about her age that she needs it more than the young lady does. So in such

  • a situation you can useallow for’. So I have given you a very interesting weapon

  • today to talk about considering something, a careful thought, so don't say I'm considering

  • about etc. etc. say, “I'm allowing for the fact that…” whatever the situation is.

  • Let's now move to the next one, “grist for the mill”. What is grist for the mill? It

  • means, using something to get some profit from it so there's something that you're using

  • and it can be anything and why you're using that? So that you get some profit out of it,

  • what do you get? Some profit out of it. For example, “You can't throw your notebooks

  • like this, every page is very important, it can be a crisp for the mill.” That means

  • it can be used to get some profit, probably the person wants to, let's say, resell the

  • book to anybody who wants it. So in such a situation it can be a ‘grist for the mill’.

  • So do not throw the book so casually like that. This was forgrist for the mill’,

  • let's move to the next phrase in the listit serves you right”. It serves you right

  • can be used as part of a sentence or can as also be used as an exclamation. ‘Serves

  • you right’, ‘servemeans you go to a restaurant and somebody serves, the waiter

  • serves food to you and in this situation actually God serves food to us not food directly, it

  • basically means the result of the actions that we do. Good actions are served with good

  • results, bad actions are served with bad results. It meansjustice happened because the person

  • got what they deserved.” So whatever the person did the result, that is the justice

  • will be in accordance to that, will be accordingly, will be in accordance to the actions that

  • the person did. For example, “He ranked first in the country for the entrance exam,

  • it serves him right for the hard work he had done for it.” A very positive example I

  • must say, because the person did a lot of hard work for the job, for getting a seat

  • on the entrance test, all India let's say entrance test, the person actually was served

  • right, was justified with the result for a situation like that. That means the person

  • was given the seat and was justified with the acts that he’s done for. So today we

  • looked at some very interesting phrases to talk about interactions. Basically when you're

  • interacting with people how you can use the normal phrases that we use in a more interesting,

  • fluent and profound manner. Thank you very much for being with me on this video, if you

  • liked the video please press the like button and do subscribe to the channel. Thank you

  • very much and have a great day ahead.

Hi everyone, my name is Hridhaan and I welcome you with a very big heart on Let's Talk. Very

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聰明的英語短語,有效的公共演講|通過Hridhaan提高你的英語流利度。 (Smart English Phrases For Effective Public Speaking | Increase Your English Fluency With Hridhaan)

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    林宜悉 posted on 2021/01/14
Video vocabulary