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- Now if you follow my work, you know I'm not a big fan
of a lot of the traditional sales methods, right?
From time to time there's one or two techniques
that I like that I keep on my tool belt.
And today I want to share one of those with you,
and that is the 3F methods.
So let me give you a little bit of context.
Let's say you're talking to a prospect,
and you are getting resistance, right?
They're giving you objections.
Just like, almost like martial art,
they're throwing a lot of punches at you.
No, no, no, no, no!
Why they're not taking action today, right?
And they're giving you a lot of objections.
So instead of fighting force with force, right?
Instead of, they give you resistance
and you fight with force, what you want to do is
kinda do a little bit of redirection.
And the way you do that is
through what I call a 3F method.
And that is, feel, felt, found.
Feel, felt, found.
Now very, very simple.
So what you wanna do, is first of all,
whenever you get resistance and they give you an objection,
first, you need to have empathy.
Don't fight, don't argue, say, "You know what?
"I understand how you feel," right?
"I understand how you feel."
Felt, "Others felt the same way," you explain.
And then, "Here's what I found."
Feel, felt, found.
Now, what you don't wanna do is
you don't wanna do it like a robot, right?
When you get an objection,
"Oh yeah, I know exactly how you feel,
"and others, customers, felt the same way.
"And what I found is this is simply not true."
That's not what I'm talking about, it is a formula.
So during the feel phase you might say something like,
"I understand your concern.
"If I were in your shoes,
"I would have similar concern as well."
Or you might say something like,
"I could see where you're coming from, I understand."
You see, so you don't necessary have
to use the feel word, right?
But it's a step, step one, empathy.
Step two, felt.
Now it could be, you felt the same way,
or other customers share the same concern.
And here's the conclusion, what they have found,
or what I found is this.
So let me quickly demonstrate.
Let's do an example where,
let's say I'm talking to a friend, right?
I'm trying to persuade them, and I would say something like,
let's say I want to convince them of taking vitamins.
Very simple idea, and I would say, say,
"No, you don't get it, I never take vitamins.
"I never believe in these things.
"Hey man, you know what?
"I understand, I totally get it, right?
"I used to believe in the same thing.
"I don't take vitamins, I don't need vitamins.
"I get enough nutrition just from the day-to-day food.
"And what I realize is there are actually many types
"of vitamins, and when you take the right vitamin,
"as such as this brand, right?
"When I take it, what I found is every morning
"when I take it, I actually have more energy
"throughout the day, right?
"That I'm more focused, I'm more productive,
"then my mind is more clear.
"And I get sick less just by taking these couple vitamins."
You see how that works?
Feel, felt, found, let me give you another example.
Let's say you offer digital marketing services
to, let's say, traditional business owner.
That they don't know much
about digital marketing or social media.
They're still doing very old-school type marketing.
Let's say you want to close them
on your digital marketing services,
and they say to you, "No, I don't believe
"in this social media, Facebook things,
"and all these things, I don't understand how it works.
"I don't think they even work," right?
"I don't think they work."
"Hey, Mr. Business Owner, I know exactly
"where you're coming from.
"If I was in your shoes, I will watch every single dollar
"that I spend on marketing.
"'Cause in a small business
"every single dollar counts, right?
"What I found from other business owners is,
"at first they didn't quite understand
"how this whole thing works,
"but haven't you had experience
"where sometimes people find you on the internet?
"And then they come into your store,
"and they visit your business,
"and you ask them, 'How did you find us?'
"'Like, oh it's through the internet.'"
But if you are already getting customers by accident,
imagine what you could do if you actually intentionally
come up with a plan and most strategically
have your website optimized, right?
Being able to run certain ads on Facebook,
or on Google, to bring you more customers.
So that every single customer that comes in,
it's not an expense for you, it is an investment.
So you spend a dollar, you get $3 back.
Does that make sense?
Feel, felt, found.
Now, you don't hear exactly the word of feel, felt, found,
but would see the formula, by not fighting,
not resisting the prospect, yes, right?
The resistance coming, you redirect,
and you go boom, boom, boom.
So that's the 3F methods, feel, felt, found.
Now if you want more in-depth training
from me on closing and on sales,
I have created a four-part training series,
a four-day training series, absolutely free.
(image whooshes)
- On ACC, I just shared a video yesterday with my HDC shirt,
and also my certificate that came in,
and also shared my first boom,
and also shared that I got a contract signed yesterday
for $14,000 and I was gonna make
about 1,700 bucks.
Like 1,200 bucks with like a $500 bonus.
Cool thing is, this morning,
I just got another one signed
for $14,000 and I'm gonna get another $1,700 next week.
So that's about, that's like 3,400 bucks
in a week, not too shabby.
And that's like more than I made in a month at my old job,
and I wouldn't have this opportunity
if it wasn't for a friend of mine seeing me
and helping me get this opportunity at this job,
and I wouldn't been possible
if I didn't get the training from HTC.
- Yeah baby, 'cause another influencer today.
The third one I closed so far.
$7,500 packages
closing at 20%
with a 500 pound setup fee.
- All you need to do is click the link here,
in the description, or somewhere here, and get the training.
You can get access to it right now.
And I'll go much more in-depth,
and you'll also hear examples of role plays.
What some of these closing scenarios,
some of these closing calls actually sound like.
So got ahead, click the link right now.